In behalf of my black brother and sisters.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
I am begging you Obama don’t further displace them with 12 million Illegal Aliens in the workforce and education to compete with. They are already at the bottom and amnesty will push them further down and will destroy them.

Comprehensive Immigration Reform should be about nothing but enforcement with deportation and border security to keep out drugs that are also flooding our inner cities to our children. Where is your compassion for your own. We owe nothing to Mexico to take care of it’s people and anchor babies are not my problem so don’t make them my problem and they are not anchors for their parents who broke the law and entered the country illegally. Those American born children are also Mexican citizens and Mexico has some responsibility for them. Mexico is their home also and going home is not a punishment but an honor. I know because I cannot go home to Pinal Country Arizona because it is too dangerous to visit because of Illegal Aliens and drug related crime.

Just because one has evaded the law for 30 years don’t give the right to a pardon. There is no statutes of limitation of illegal immigration. Entering this country illegally is not a mistake it is a well calculated plan. It is way past time for anchor babies to know the home of their parents and be reunited with family.

Your daughters may well marry one of these young Black men who cannot find a job and cannot afford an education and have to compete for jobs with those in the country illegally and then you may understand how hard it is to make it when you are always pushed downward.

I lost my black brother because he lost his business to illegal aliens underbidding him on jobs. He lost everything he had built over the years and finally lost his life.
Native American Granny.
The Plight of Young, Black Men Is Worse Than You Think
On the day Barack Obama was inaugurated in 2009, Pettit said, “there was hope that perhaps the U.S. was becoming a post-racial society.” But it wasn’t true then, and it’s not true now. The gap between blacks and whites remains wide in employment, income, wealth, and health. And as Bloomberg’s David J. Lynch reported earlier this month: “The nation’s first African-American president hasn’t done much for African-Americans.”
There’s no question, though, that the plight of young, black men is even worse than the statistics generally show.

The Plight of Young, Black Men Is Worse Than You Think - Businessweek

Plight of Young Black Men: The Scars and the Crisis
Unique Burden of History
Why Young Black Men?
Uneven Playing Field
Depth of Leadership Crisis
Plan of Action Needed
Plight of Young Black Men: The Scars and the Crisis | Solidarity
The Plight of Young, Black Men Is Worse Than You Think
On the day Barack Obama was inaugurated in 2009, Pettit said, “there was hope that perhaps the U.S. was becoming a post-racial society.” But it wasn’t true then, and it’s not true now. The gap between blacks and whites remains wide in employment, income, wealth, and health. And as Bloomberg’s David J. Lynch reported earlier this month: “The nation’s first African-American president hasn’t done much for African-Americans.”
There’s no question, though, that the plight of young, black men is even worse than the statistics generally show.

The Plight of Young, Black Men Is Worse Than You Think - Businessweek

Plight of Young Black Men: The Scars and the Crisis
Unique Burden of History
Why Young Black Men?
Uneven Playing Field
Depth of Leadership Crisis
Plan of Action Needed
Plight of Young Black Men: The Scars and the Crisis | Solidarity

20 out of 25 threads on this page in here belong to you.....are we a little obsessed with Illegal Immigration?....geezus......
The Plight of Young, Black Men Is Worse Than You Think
On the day Barack Obama was inaugurated in 2009, Pettit said, “there was hope that perhaps the U.S. was becoming a post-racial society.” But it wasn’t true then, and it’s not true now. The gap between blacks and whites remains wide in employment, income, wealth, and health. And as Bloomberg’s David J. Lynch reported earlier this month: “The nation’s first African-American president hasn’t done much for African-Americans.”
There’s no question, though, that the plight of young, black men is even worse than the statistics generally show.

The Plight of Young, Black Men Is Worse Than You Think - Businessweek

Plight of Young Black Men: The Scars and the Crisis
Unique Burden of History
Why Young Black Men?
Uneven Playing Field
Depth of Leadership Crisis
Plan of Action Needed
Plight of Young Black Men: The Scars and the Crisis | Solidarity

20 out of 25 threads on this page in here belong to you.....are we a little obsessed with Illegal Immigration?....geezus......

If it has affected you and yours as it has mine, you would be a little more concerned. Illegal immigration affects every aspect of our lives unless you are stupid. A little obsessed is putting it mildly.

Why are you on the site?
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You voted for it. STFU

ASS HOLE, my vote for Obama was a vote against the idiot Romney. Who would go even further then Obama on illegal immigration. Not for illegal immigration. Use your fucking brain and give a thought.
Many black districts didn't cast a single vote for Romney, meaning either Black voted for economic suicide or the Dem Party committed voter fraud

There's no third choice
Of course liLOlcrazybitch is one of the worst racists on this forum. Dusty old hypocrite.

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