In attendance at the Russian Anti-Trump Rallies


Diamond Member
May 15, 2017
that were designed to get Trump in office, btw - we've had some interesting developments and attendees.

Michael Moore was at one.
Kremlin Tool: Michael Moore Participated In Russia-Sponsored Anti-Trump Rally

and CNN and other news outlets were there in force saying how hot and heavy the people are against trump - at this Russian sponsored Anti-Trump Rally designed to get him in office.

so it's funny as hell to me the liberals are insistent that Russia was working with Trump to get him in office while the Russians run both anti-Trump memes online and sponsor rallys against him.
that were designed to get Trump in office, btw - we've had some interesting developments and attendees.

Michael Moore was at one.
Kremlin Tool: Michael Moore Participated In Russia-Sponsored Anti-Trump Rally

and CNN and other news outlets were there in force saying how hot and heavy the people are against trump - at this Russian sponsored Anti-Trump Rally designed to get him in office.

so it's funny as hell to me the liberals are insistent that Russia was working with Trump to get him in office while the Russians run both anti-Trump memes online and sponsor rallys against him.

This is not election meddling, it's sharing a positive election influence.
that were designed to get Trump in office, btw - we've had some interesting developments and attendees.

Michael Moore was at one.
Kremlin Tool: Michael Moore Participated In Russia-Sponsored Anti-Trump Rally

and CNN and other news outlets were there in force saying how hot and heavy the people are against trump - at this Russian sponsored Anti-Trump Rally designed to get him in office.

so it's funny as hell to me the liberals are insistent that Russia was working with Trump to get him in office while the Russians run both anti-Trump memes online and sponsor rallys against him.

This is not election meddling, it's sharing a positive election influence.

i just think it's funny as hell that the left can be so adamant that russia and trump colluded to get him elected, but the facebook memes are anti trump (the ones i saw) and they sponsored anti-trump rallys.

near as i can tell they're just stirring shit up and trolling.
Our right to keep and bare arms cannot be taken away even if the 2nd amendment were repealed. Natural, inalienable rights cannot be taken away. The 2nd amendment does not grant us this right, we already have this right at birth.

There are many inalienable rights the U.S. Constitution does not specifically list, this one was so important that it was mentioned.
Our right to keep and bare arms cannot be taken away even if the 2nd amendment were repealed. Natural, inalienable rights cannot be taken away. The 2nd amendment does not grant us this right, we already have this right at birth.

There are many inalienable rights the U.S. Constitution does not specifically list, this one was so important that it was mentioned.
pretty sure wrong thread. :)
Our right to keep and bare arms cannot be taken away even if the 2nd amendment were repealed. Natural, inalienable rights cannot be taken away. The 2nd amendment does not grant us this right, we already have this right at birth.

There are many inalienable rights the U.S. Constitution does not specifically list, this one was so important that it was mentioned.
pretty sure wrong thread. :)

Meh, it will trigger libs from 3 threads away.
Our right to keep and bare arms cannot be taken away even if the 2nd amendment were repealed. Natural, inalienable rights cannot be taken away. The 2nd amendment does not grant us this right, we already have this right at birth.

There are many inalienable rights the U.S. Constitution does not specifically list, this one was so important that it was mentioned.
pretty sure wrong thread. :)

Meh, it will trigger libs from 3 threads away.
bwahahahahahahahaha - can't argue that.
It’s not even disputed by anybody that Russia interfered in favor of Trump and to the detriment of Clinton.
then tell me how the anti-trump rallies were in his favor, please.
In his favor? The election sabotage was over by then. The Russians had gotten their guy in.
seriously? this is an anti-trump rally during the elections and you're content with saying whatever the hell you feel like saying in order to still "be right" despite the real evidence.

you're eating that russian shit sammich right up and they thank you for it. the ONLY thing they were out to do is cause chaos. congrats on letting them.
It’s not even disputed by anybody that Russia interfered in favor of Trump and to the detriment of Clinton.
then tell me how the anti-trump rallies were in his favor, please.
In his favor? The election sabotage was over by then. The Russians had gotten their guy in.
seriously? this is an anti-trump rally during the elections and you're content with saying whatever the hell you feel like saying in order to still "be right" despite the real evidence.

you're eating that russian shit sammich right up and they thank you for it. the ONLY thing they were out to do is cause chaos. congrats on letting them.
You seem to think a rally calling for Trump to step down because he badly lost the popular vote happened “during the elections.”
that were designed to get Trump in office, btw - we've had some interesting developments and attendees.

Michael Moore was at one.
Kremlin Tool: Michael Moore Participated In Russia-Sponsored Anti-Trump Rally

and CNN and other news outlets were there in force saying how hot and heavy the people are against trump - at this Russian sponsored Anti-Trump Rally designed to get him in office.

so it's funny as hell to me the liberals are insistent that Russia was working with Trump to get him in office while the Russians run both anti-Trump memes online and sponsor rallys against him.
It's funny as hell to me that you are insistent on forwarding the "us vs. them" mentality that you KNOW was the Russian's primary goal. It's all going straight over your head, isn't it?
that were designed to get Trump in office, btw - we've had some interesting developments and attendees.

Michael Moore was at one.
Kremlin Tool: Michael Moore Participated In Russia-Sponsored Anti-Trump Rally

and CNN and other news outlets were there in force saying how hot and heavy the people are against trump - at this Russian sponsored Anti-Trump Rally designed to get him in office.

so it's funny as hell to me the liberals are insistent that Russia was working with Trump to get him in office while the Russians run both anti-Trump memes online and sponsor rallys against him.
It's funny as hell to me that you are insistent on forwarding the "us vs. them" mentality that you KNOW was the Russian's primary goal. It's all going straight over your head, isn't it?
their primary goal was to get trump in office? great. i hear that time and again and then i look at what they're doing or have done.

anti-trump rallies. can you please explain to me how this is helping trump?

now - facebook ads. 0.004% of their traffic and very limited funds.
Analysis | The Facebook ads Russians showed to different groups

i count 15 "russian" ads in there and only 1 is about trump.

i'm 100% open to the possibility and please show me how they stacked the deck in trumps favor. show me the ads they ran and their reach and i promise i'll listen and open my mind up as much as i possibly can. all i want is the truth in what happened. near as i can tell now they've been trolling us for awhile now to do nothing more than pitt one extreme group against the other.

trump was very useful in this because of his divide he does to people on his very own.

maybe they did want trump in office - i'm ok with the evidence showing that if they did. but what evidence are we using? show me the ads and their efforts in a manner in which i can see tangible results from and i'll believe you and the entire theory. promise.

but from what i'm seeing anti-trump rallies and 7% of your ads being about trump, and not even all FOR trump, simply doesn't add up as a campaign to get someone elected in any manner i've ever seen before.

i have no doubt i linger on the "us vs. them" because that's how we've lived for far too long and i'm trying to get past that, oldlady, i am. so just explain to me how anti-trump rallies helps get him elected.

we'll start from there and i'll open my mind up as much as humanly possible.
Anything anti-American, you can count on Michael Moore to slither out from under his rock to be there. That...that thing is so fat, every time he goes to the beach the tide comes in.
that were designed to get Trump in office, btw - we've had some interesting developments and attendees.

Michael Moore was at one.
Kremlin Tool: Michael Moore Participated In Russia-Sponsored Anti-Trump Rally

and CNN and other news outlets were there in force saying how hot and heavy the people are against trump - at this Russian sponsored Anti-Trump Rally designed to get him in office.

so it's funny as hell to me the liberals are insistent that Russia was working with Trump to get him in office while the Russians run both anti-Trump memes online and sponsor rallys against him.

You will notice all of the anti-Trump rallies and FB stuff came after the election intended to further divide the country, not stop Trump from taking office

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that were designed to get Trump in office, btw - we've had some interesting developments and attendees.

Michael Moore was at one.
Kremlin Tool: Michael Moore Participated In Russia-Sponsored Anti-Trump Rally

and CNN and other news outlets were there in force saying how hot and heavy the people are against trump - at this Russian sponsored Anti-Trump Rally designed to get him in office.

so it's funny as hell to me the liberals are insistent that Russia was working with Trump to get him in office while the Russians run both anti-Trump memes online and sponsor rallys against him.
It's funny as hell to me that you are insistent on forwarding the "us vs. them" mentality that you KNOW was the Russian's primary goal. It's all going straight over your head, isn't it?
their primary goal was to get trump in office? great. i hear that time and again and then i look at what they're doing or have done.

anti-trump rallies. can you please explain to me how this is helping trump?

now - facebook ads. 0.004% of their traffic and very limited funds.
Analysis | The Facebook ads Russians showed to different groups

i count 15 "russian" ads in there and only 1 is about trump.

i'm 100% open to the possibility and please show me how they stacked the deck in trumps favor. show me the ads they ran and their reach and i promise i'll listen and open my mind up as much as i possibly can. all i want is the truth in what happened. near as i can tell now they've been trolling us for awhile now to do nothing more than pitt one extreme group against the other.

trump was very useful in this because of his divide he does to people on his very own.

maybe they did want trump in office - i'm ok with the evidence showing that if they did. but what evidence are we using? show me the ads and their efforts in a manner in which i can see tangible results from and i'll believe you and the entire theory. promise.

but from what i'm seeing anti-trump rallies and 7% of your ads being about trump, and not even all FOR trump, simply doesn't add up as a campaign to get someone elected in any manner i've ever seen before.

i have no doubt i linger on the "us vs. them" because that's how we've lived for far too long and i'm trying to get past that, oldlady, i am. so just explain to me how anti-trump rallies helps get him elected.

we'll start from there and i'll open my mind up as much as humanly possible.
i have no doubt i linger on the "us vs. them" because that's how we've lived for far too long and i'm trying to get past that, oldlady, i am. so just explain to me how anti-trump rallies helps get him elected.
They had two (2) goals. Enhancing the divisions between Americans was one. The other was getting Trump elected.
TWO goals.
that were designed to get Trump in office, btw - we've had some interesting developments and attendees.

Michael Moore was at one.
Kremlin Tool: Michael Moore Participated In Russia-Sponsored Anti-Trump Rally

and CNN and other news outlets were there in force saying how hot and heavy the people are against trump - at this Russian sponsored Anti-Trump Rally designed to get him in office.

so it's funny as hell to me the liberals are insistent that Russia was working with Trump to get him in office while the Russians run both anti-Trump memes online and sponsor rallys against him.

You will notice all of the anti-Trump rallies and FB stuff came after the election intended to further divide the country, not stop Trump from taking office

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so the goal here would be to keep us at each others throats, correct? and this is what i've said the goal seems to be since what, 2012, or 2013 when the trollfarm started?

to me dividing us up has been their goal in as much as getting trump elected. however trump getting elected sure has divided us up in a manner we've never seen before. you don't do that this quickly. we've had years of divisive behavior among us and we're far too willing to dive right in and slam each other. myself included at times. (working on it)

so we have anti-trump rallies *after* the election. anti-trump memes *after* the election. pre-election was minimal traffic that i've seen and limited budgets to do so.

i understand and appreciate your point that a bulk of these came *after* the election but what was done beforehand that would actually sway peoples opinions the other way in a time most are getting MORE hard core about how they already felt?

i'm trying to trace a bigger picture and not do it to prove a point but to see a bigger picture. i'm not out to prove russia was trying to help trump, trump was involved, clinton bought illegal info, obama spied - i'm trying to look at actions and the goals common among such actions and having us at each others throats is very common in *everything* where "get trump elected" is common in "some".
that were designed to get Trump in office, btw - we've had some interesting developments and attendees.

Michael Moore was at one.
Kremlin Tool: Michael Moore Participated In Russia-Sponsored Anti-Trump Rally

and CNN and other news outlets were there in force saying how hot and heavy the people are against trump - at this Russian sponsored Anti-Trump Rally designed to get him in office.

so it's funny as hell to me the liberals are insistent that Russia was working with Trump to get him in office while the Russians run both anti-Trump memes online and sponsor rallys against him.
It's funny as hell to me that you are insistent on forwarding the "us vs. them" mentality that you KNOW was the Russian's primary goal. It's all going straight over your head, isn't it?
their primary goal was to get trump in office? great. i hear that time and again and then i look at what they're doing or have done.

anti-trump rallies. can you please explain to me how this is helping trump?

now - facebook ads. 0.004% of their traffic and very limited funds.
Analysis | The Facebook ads Russians showed to different groups

i count 15 "russian" ads in there and only 1 is about trump.

i'm 100% open to the possibility and please show me how they stacked the deck in trumps favor. show me the ads they ran and their reach and i promise i'll listen and open my mind up as much as i possibly can. all i want is the truth in what happened. near as i can tell now they've been trolling us for awhile now to do nothing more than pitt one extreme group against the other.

trump was very useful in this because of his divide he does to people on his very own.

maybe they did want trump in office - i'm ok with the evidence showing that if they did. but what evidence are we using? show me the ads and their efforts in a manner in which i can see tangible results from and i'll believe you and the entire theory. promise.

but from what i'm seeing anti-trump rallies and 7% of your ads being about trump, and not even all FOR trump, simply doesn't add up as a campaign to get someone elected in any manner i've ever seen before.

i have no doubt i linger on the "us vs. them" because that's how we've lived for far too long and i'm trying to get past that, oldlady, i am. so just explain to me how anti-trump rallies helps get him elected.

we'll start from there and i'll open my mind up as much as humanly possible.
i have no doubt i linger on the "us vs. them" because that's how we've lived for far too long and i'm trying to get past that, oldlady, i am. so just explain to me how anti-trump rallies helps get him elected.
They had two (2) goals. Enhancing the divisions between Americans was one. The other was getting Trump elected.
TWO goals.
main goal - enhancing our divisions. great. i agree there.
getting trump elected - what exactly was done that did this? the facebook ads? can you point me to these ads "pre-election"? websites with fake news? how do we verify fake these days when for the most part its news we don't like first, and fake somewhere down the line.

the trollfarm has been around 3-4 years before trump even ran so it would stand to reason their goal to start was jack with us and make us hate each other. look around, they've succeeded. and if this is their main goal, getting trump elected could have come along later but as soon as he was elected they went after him too. if they wanted him to be president i'd think they'd let it go.

if they want us at each others throats, they'd keep stoking that fire we're all too willing to let burn. our own news outlets are so anxious to slam trump they stoke those fires also WITH THE RUSSIANS.

i just find that ironic to the point of being too much a sign of our times in what we'll collectively allow the russians to do.

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