In America???


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. "LOS ANGELES (AP) -- A Southern California filmmaker linked to an anti-Islamic movie inflaming protests across the Middle East was interviewed by federal probation officers at a Los Angeles sheriff's station but was not arrested or detained, authorities said early Saturday.

2. Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, 55, was interviewed at the station in his hometown of Cerritos, Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputy Don Walker said.

3. Federal officials have said they were investigating the activities of Nakoula, who has been convicted of financial crimes. If the probation department determines Nakoula violated terms of his release, a judge could send him back to prison.

4. Federal authorities have identified Nakoula, a self-described Coptic Christian, as the key figure behind "Innocence of Muslims," a film denigrating Islam and the Prophet Muhammad that ignited mob violence against U.S. embassies across the Middle East. A federal law enforcement official told The Associated Press on Thursday that authorities had connected Nakoula to a man using the pseudonym of Sam Bacile who claimed earlier to be writer and director of the film."
News from The Associated Press

Well....seems there is parallel universe here: America, and Obama's America.

Investigated for....what?

"....authorities had connected Nakoula to a man using the pseudonym of Sam Bacile who claimed earlier to be writer and director of the film."

And this is a crime???

Well..perhaps this; "Nakoula was also told he could not have any access to the Internet "without the prior approval of the probation officer."

Does anyone believe that this is the reason for the investigation?

Hard to say, as "Many records in case remain sealed,..."

"...the key figure behind "Innocence of Muslims," a film denigrating Islam and the Prophet Muhammad..."
Well...we can't have that, can we????

5. "He's clearly gotten the message," Henderson said. "I can't imagine him doing anything stupider than what he did here, but what's done is done." Ibid.

If stupidity is the crime du jure.....
....I see lots of folks ducking their heads.

The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution is part of the Bill of Rights. The amendment prohibits the making of any law ...abridging the freedom of speech,...

Oh, well.... while it lasted.
Did you mention the arrest for making Angel dust?

We have a drug dealing, convicted fraudster who the extreme right are masturbating themselves to death over because he effectively caused the deaths of US citizens in some political money grabbing scheme.

I hope they enjoy their stupidity.
If I understand it correctly the terms of his Probation were that he can't use the Internet for 5 years without permission from his Parole Officer.

Now if he made the film, that's fine. But if he used any one of his fake accounts to get on a Computer and upload the film, then he's busted.

But if he got someone else to do it he's probably ok.
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1. "LOS ANGELES (AP) -- A Southern California filmmaker linked to an anti-Islamic movie inflaming protests across the Middle East was interviewed by federal probation officers at a Los Angeles sheriff's station but was not arrested or detained, authorities said early Saturday.

2. Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, 55, was interviewed at the station in his hometown of Cerritos, Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputy Don Walker said.

3. Federal officials have said they were investigating the activities of Nakoula, who has been convicted of financial crimes. If the probation department determines Nakoula violated terms of his release, a judge could send him back to prison.

4. Federal authorities have identified Nakoula, a self-described Coptic Christian, as the key figure behind "Innocence of Muslims," a film denigrating Islam and the Prophet Muhammad that ignited mob violence against U.S. embassies across the Middle East. A federal law enforcement official told The Associated Press on Thursday that authorities had connected Nakoula to a man using the pseudonym of Sam Bacile who claimed earlier to be writer and director of the film."
News from The Associated Press

Well....seems there is parallel universe here: America, and Obama's America.

Investigated for....what?

"....authorities had connected Nakoula to a man using the pseudonym of Sam Bacile who claimed earlier to be writer and director of the film."

And this is a crime???

Well..perhaps this; "Nakoula was also told he could not have any access to the Internet "without the prior approval of the probation officer."

Does anyone believe that this is the reason for the investigation?

Hard to say, as "Many records in case remain sealed,..."

"...the key figure behind "Innocence of Muslims," a film denigrating Islam and the Prophet Muhammad..."
Well...we can't have that, can we????

5. "He's clearly gotten the message," Henderson said. "I can't imagine him doing anything stupider than what he did here, but what's done is done." Ibid.

If stupidity is the crime du jure.....
....I see lots of folks ducking their heads.

The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution is part of the Bill of Rights. The amendment prohibits the making of any law ...abridging the freedom of speech,...

Oh, well.... while it lasted.

If they dont find anything they will make it up
Did you mention the arrest for making Angel dust?

We have a drug dealing, convicted fraudster who the extreme right are masturbating themselves to death over because he effectively caused the deaths of US citizens in some political money grabbing scheme.

I hope they enjoy their stupidity.

See??? They make shit up.
Did you mention the arrest for making Angel dust?

We have a drug dealing, convicted fraudster who the extreme right are masturbating themselves to death over because he effectively caused the deaths of US citizens in some political money grabbing scheme.

I hope they enjoy their stupidity.
Being arrested for use of drugs that the US Gov't ships in doesn't nullify your Constitutional Rights.
Either way the Feds aren't making new law nor censoring the moron. They did get him out from under the siege of his townhouse by the press, however.

What delicious irony that he wore something similar to a white hijab.

Regards from Rosie
gee now your defending this guy after he tricked the actors into being in a film that he later altered in such a way that the actors will now have to fear for their very lives until they die.

Your a real idiot pc
gee now your defending this guy after he tricked the actors into being in a film that he later altered in such a way that the actors will now have to fear for their very lives until they die.

Your a real idiot pc
How did he trick the actors? :confused:
1. "LOS ANGELES (AP) -- A Southern California filmmaker linked to an anti-Islamic movie inflaming protests across the Middle East was interviewed by federal probation officers at a Los Angeles sheriff's station but was not arrested or detained, authorities said early Saturday.

2. Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, 55, was interviewed at the station in his hometown of Cerritos, Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputy Don Walker said.

3. Federal officials have said they were investigating the activities of Nakoula, who has been convicted of financial crimes. If the probation department determines Nakoula violated terms of his release, a judge could send him back to prison.

4. Federal authorities have identified Nakoula, a self-described Coptic Christian, as the key figure behind "Innocence of Muslims," a film denigrating Islam and the Prophet Muhammad that ignited mob violence against U.S. embassies across the Middle East. A federal law enforcement official told The Associated Press on Thursday that authorities had connected Nakoula to a man using the pseudonym of Sam Bacile who claimed earlier to be writer and director of the film."
News from The Associated Press

Well....seems there is parallel universe here: America, and Obama's America.

Investigated for....what?

"....authorities had connected Nakoula to a man using the pseudonym of Sam Bacile who claimed earlier to be writer and director of the film."

And this is a crime???

Well..perhaps this; "Nakoula was also told he could not have any access to the Internet "without the prior approval of the probation officer."

Does anyone believe that this is the reason for the investigation?

Hard to say, as "Many records in case remain sealed,..."

"...the key figure behind "Innocence of Muslims," a film denigrating Islam and the Prophet Muhammad..."
Well...we can't have that, can we????

5. "He's clearly gotten the message," Henderson said. "I can't imagine him doing anything stupider than what he did here, but what's done is done." Ibid.

If stupidity is the crime du jure.....
....I see lots of folks ducking their heads.

The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution is part of the Bill of Rights. The amendment prohibits the making of any law ...abridging the freedom of speech,...

Oh, well.... while it lasted.

the terms of the guys parole forbade him to use a computer.
And yet the film is on Youtube?
gee now your defending this guy after he tricked the actors into being in a film that he later altered in such a way that the actors will now have to fear for their very lives until they die.

Your a real idiot pc
How did he trick the actors? :confused:

Those were actors???

Hey now don't lie to me I actually watched part of that pathetic film.
I don't see how anyone could stand to watch the entire thing.
What's the point in publicly identifying this guy? Maybe if we drag his body through the streets it'll satisfy the muslim nutjobs in the Middle East?
Did you mention the arrest for making Angel dust?

We have a drug dealing, convicted fraudster who the extreme right are masturbating themselves to death over because he effectively caused the deaths of US citizens in some political money grabbing scheme.

I hope they enjoy their stupidity.

1. "Well..perhaps this; "Nakoula was also told he could not have any access to the Internet "without the prior approval of the probation officer."

Does anyone believe that this is the reason for the investigation?"

My bad.....I should have said 'Anybody with a functioning brain."

2. "...because he effectively caused the deaths of US citizens..."

So, you are unable to use the following in your calculations, as to who is ultimately at fault:

a. A dolt in charge of American foreign policy who decided to make nice with homicidal psychopaths.

b. A dim-wit who watched one nation or another behave in a sociopolitical manner, yet failed to learn from same.

c. A fool of the same party that caused, facilitated Islamofascism in 1979.

d. A moron who ignored hardening the embassies and consulates in nations with no love for the United States, and which are undergoing upheavals.

e. A pretend commander in chief with a string of foreign policy failures....

But, in your wisdom, you've decided that this no-power dunce minor criminal is responsible for " the deaths of US citizens"....rather than the empty suit in charge??? that correct?

'Cause if it is....that would make you an even bigger fool.
gee now your defending this guy after he tricked the actors into being in a film that he later altered in such a way that the actors will now have to fear for their very lives until they die.

Your a real idiot pc

"...gee now your defending this guy..."

One more time!

"So, you are unable to use the following in your calculations, as to who is ultimately at fault:

a. A dolt in charge of American foreign policy who decided to make nice with homicidal psychopaths.

b. A dim-wit who watched one nation or another behave in a sociopolitical manner, yet failed to learn from same.

c. A fool of the same party that caused, facilitated Islamofascism in 1979.

d. A moron who ignored hardening the embassies and consulates in nations with no love for the United States, and which are undergoing upheavals.

e. A pretend commander in chief with a string of foreign policy failures...."
What's the point in publicly identifying this guy? Maybe if we drag his body through the streets it'll satisfy the muslim nutjobs in the Middle East?

Maybe we just need to be more sensitive to these Muslim extremists.....I mean we have to try to understand that it is just their way to express themselves by killing and rioting......They are not bad people ...They just cant help themselves that we Americans cause them to behead people and marry children.....:eusa_whistle:
why are you defending this piece of shit con man who is filled with religious hate?
Ever notice how Democrats seem to love using Gestapo tactics ???? More evidence that Democrats dont understand freedom.

Time and again I've seen the very same intention from the Liberal/Progressive/Democrats....

....and that is, in any way possible....

Stifle opposition speech!
Im telling you this right wing nutbar part of the republican party is going to go all Tim McVeigh on this country when Robmoney loses
Did you mention the arrest for making Angel dust?

We have a drug dealing, convicted fraudster who the extreme right are masturbating themselves to death over because he effectively caused the deaths of US citizens in some political money grabbing scheme.

I hope they enjoy their stupidity.

1. "Well..perhaps this; "Nakoula was also told he could not have any access to the Internet "without the prior approval of the probation officer."

Does anyone believe that this is the reason for the investigation?"

My bad.....I should have said 'Anybody with a functioning brain."

2. "...because he effectively caused the deaths of US citizens..."

So, you are unable to use the following in your calculations, as to who is ultimately at fault:

a. A dolt in charge of American foreign policy who decided to make nice with homicidal psychopaths.

b. A dim-wit who watched one nation or another behave in a sociopolitical manner, yet failed to learn from same.

c. A fool of the same party that caused, facilitated Islamofascism in 1979.

d. A moron who ignored hardening the embassies and consulates in nations with no love for the United States, and which are undergoing upheavals.

e. A pretend commander in chief with a string of foreign policy failures....

But, in your wisdom, you've decided that this no-power dunce minor criminal is responsible for " the deaths of US citizens"....rather than the empty suit in charge??? that correct?

'Cause if it is....that would make you an even bigger fool.

Or the previous administration who kept a murdering dictator in power ?
The problems are not much to do with one hate filled, crappy film making idiot, and a lot more to do with US foreign policy since WWII.

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