In 2016, Clear Choice, Or Clear Trauma?


Active Member
Nov 24, 2014
One outcome of and proof for ideological polarization is the way it has made stalwarts appear like centrists. In what world is Hillary Clinton — feminist heroine, author of Hillarycare, sworn enemy of the vast right-wing conspiracy — not progressive enough? In what parallel universe is Jeb Bush — a tax-slashing, school-voucher-supporting, pro-gun former Southern governor — some kind of moderate?

In 2016 clear choice or clear trauma - The Washington Post

If it is Clinton-Bush, I will stay out. We are not a monarchy.
Clinton is very much a centrist, and I don't know if this is really new- her husband was 20 years ago. It bothers me when people portray her as a progressive simply because she is female- she's the furthest right Democrat in a while who has looked like getting the nomination. Bush would've been a standard Republican 20 years ago, but that party has moved to the right.
Nate Silver wrote a great article about it. Although the fact that in the CNN poll released yesterday, Bush was 1st and Christie was 2nd would seem to mean the party seems more willing to embrace less hard-right candidates.
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