Immigration - State Your Top 10


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
In a recent poll (USA Today/Suffolk University), 20 issues were mentioned, and voters asked which ones would influence their vote the most. Immigration came in as the # 1 most important. But I think that conservatives have a better understanding of this issue than liberals do. I think conservatives understand what liberals think, better than liberals understand what conservatives think.

In any case, It could help understanding for everyone if posters would state what they would consider to be the 10 ten words or phrases (2 word maximum please), that come to their mind when the issue of immigration is raised.

I will start this off with my top 10 words in Post # 2. Please just post your list first. Then, in later posts you could elaborate all you like.
1, Imperialism

2. invasion

3. occupation

4. remittances$$

5. crime

6. jobs

7. welfare

8. illegal voting

9. border security

10. birthright citizenship
1, Imperialism

2. invasion

3. occupation

4. remittances$$

5. crime

6. jobs

7. welfare

8. illegal voting

9. border security

10. birthright citizenship

1. Diversity
2. Cultural Replacement
3. Cultural Dissonance
4. Coerced Cohabitation
5. Enforced Assimilation
6. Automated, non-lethal, wall-mounted turret
7. Berlin Wall, gentler cut
8. Worldwide Cultural War
9. Nationalism
10. I.C.E.
1. Diversity
2. Cultural Replacement
3. Cultural Dissonance
4. Coerced Cohabitation
5. Enforced Assimilation
6. Automated, non-lethal, wall-mounted turret
7. Berlin Wall, gentler cut
8. Worldwide Cultural War
9. Nationalism
10. I.C.E.
Sounds like a puzzle of some sort. Good words though.
1, Imperialism

2. invasion

3. occupation

4. remittances$$

5. crime

6. jobs

7. welfare

8. illegal voting

9. border security

10. birthright citizenship

1. Diversity
2. Cultural Replacement
3. Cultural Dissonance
4. Coerced Cohabitation
5. Enforced Assimilation
6. Automated, non-lethal, wall-mounted turret
7. Berlin Wall, gentler cut
8. Worldwide Cultural War
9. Nationalism
10. I.C.E.

No. No puzzle or hidden message, just what comes to mind when thinking of the modern American immigration crisis/issue. And thanks for the thread, immigration is certainly a defining and dividing issue these days.

America is stronger for diversity, yet we must maintain and defend our cultural heritage and citizen rights over illegals'.

Does no one any good--including illegals--to have their cultures forced together in close quarters.

We need a wall. At first the idea reminded me of the horrific symbol of iron authoritarianism was the Berlin Wall. Now, we need it plus non-lethal, automated defenses. I used to think, 'what message would an American "great wall" send to the rest of the world'. Now, that message is overdue.

I thin we're in a global war of cultural replacement whether we want to acknowledge it or ignore it, it's happening, and together with Europe, and yes, even Russia, we need to take measures or be assimilated. Borg reference intended.

I also believe ICE is a good thing, not even a necessary evil or an "evil" at all. All the hype surrounding it is just that. We need specialized warriors to protect us from specialized enemies. That's it.
No. No puzzle or hidden message, just what comes to mind when thinking of the modern American immigration crisis/issue. And thanks for the thread, immigration is certainly a defining and dividing issue these days.

America is stronger for diversity, yet we must maintain and defend our cultural heritage and citizen rights over illegals'.

Does no one any good--including illegals--to have their cultures forced together in close quarters.

We need a wall. At first the idea reminded me of the horrific symbol of iron authoritarianism was the Berlin Wall. Now, we need it plus non-lethal, automated defenses. I used to think, 'what message would an American "great wall" send to the rest of the world'. Now, that message is overdue.

I thin we're in a global war of cultural replacement whether we want to acknowledge it or ignore it, it's happening, and together with Europe, and yes, even Russia, we need to take measures or be assimilated. Borg reference intended.

I also believe ICE is a good thing, not even a necessary evil or an "evil" at all. All the hype surrounding it is just that. We need specialized warriors to protect us from specialized enemies. That's it.
I agree 90%. Only disagreement is with what you said >> "America is stronger for diversity,"
and a wall , the WALL is certainly needed though i would prefer more traditional methods for repelling invasion .
diversity only messes things up . See the attempted murderers at the 'mohamad cartoon' show that was held in Texas a few years ago . See 'mexicans' protesting ' taco bell' advertisements a few years ago . Close down a 'burrito shop' in some big city because 'whites' are making burritos . And many other examples in the USA .
diversity only messes things up . See the attempted murderers at the 'mohamad cartoon' show that was held in Texas a few years ago . See 'mexicans' protesting ' taco bell' advertisements . C
Diversity turns a NATION into a mish-mash.

NATION - a historically developed community of people, with a territory, a system of economics, and a DISTINCTIVE LANGUAGE & CULTURE.
(Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th ed.)
see diversity as politicians and special groups divide the USA population up into groups of hispanics , gays , transgender , puerto ricans to pander and cater too . Its not any good for the USA .
Looks like the liberals are afraid to talk about immigration. They ought to be,

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