Immigration Expert: ‘A Wall Would Stop’ Caravan Crisis from Happening

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018

Deport ALL Illegals and ALL of their children!!!

NO Amnesty to any Illegals or their children!!!

END chain migration!!!

Cut off all Government aid to countries where these Illegals come from!!!

DACA is garbage!!!

Punish all Employers of Illegals!!!

Militarize the borders!!!

My immigration rant is now turned off!

Director of Policy Studies for the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) Jessica M. Vaughan was on the Fox News Channel (FNC) yesterday with Heather Childers to discuss updates on the migrant caravans making their way through parts of Central America and Mexico toward the U.S. border, suggesting that “a wall would stop” the caravan crisis from happening and further adding that “we need more barriers.”

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a wall of soldiers/Marines with shotguns/night sticks/tear gas/etc
..tear gas is some bad sh&t....
You know, they are still over 1,200 miles away from the border.

The average person can make 20 to 30 miles/day walking.

That means it will take them a month and a half to two months more before they get here.

So.........................why is Trump sending military to the border now?
The wall will be already has received long over due repairs and strengthening at its weak points frustrating the hell out of the drug cartels....
The wall will be already has received long over due repairs and strengthening at its weak points frustrating the hell out of the drug cartels....

Frustrating the cartels? Really? Guess you haven't heard about all the tunnels they have dug under the border then.
*Obligatory comment about waiting for the check from Mexico*

I hope this shit works on you....

All the money O'Reilly had to pay in lawsuits against women he assaulted could have funded thousands of Caravans
What does that get ya Blackfag?....infants....uneducated infants....damn our public schools....

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