Immigrants sent to Marthas Vineyard given false documents promising 8 months of cash support

This is the second paragraph of the link you posted.

"The Boston-headquartered Lawyers for Civil Rights, which is representing about 30 of the immigrants flown to Martha's Vineyard, shared links to photos of the brochure via Twitter. The group says the migrants received the brochure "at some point during their expulsion and relocation from Texas & Florida."

Then you came up with this...
Surely you noticed that it reads "critics".
So who were these critics?

The governors of Texas and Arizona have sent thousands of migrants on buses to New York, Chicago, and Washington, D.C., in recent months. But the latest surprise moves — which included two flights to Martha’s Vineyard Wednesday paid for by Florida — reached a new level of political theater that critics derided as inhumane.

There was TWO links in my post. You only bothered to read one. Granted the way this site posts links can make it somewhat confusing as it only highlights one BUT there was two links in my post.
They are illegal aliens. They aren’t “migrants”. They aren’t flying back south in the winter.

They are legal
They entered the US with permission. They requested refugee status and were allowed in while their case is being considered
Was that FUX or a reporter who made the claim?
You also have to remember FUX affiliates dont always reflect the main FUX news channel.

The governors of Texas and Arizona have sent thousands of migrants on buses to New York, Chicago, and Washington, D.C., in recent months. But the latest surprise moves — which included two flights to Martha’s Vineyard Wednesday paid for by Florida — reached a new level of political theater that critics derided as inhumane.
You do know that by "critics," the reporters mean their fellow TDS activists, right?

If desantis gave these people false documents...that amounts to fraud and possible kidnapping.

Gosh you morons will believe anything.
They are legal
They entered the US with permission. They requested refugee status and were allowed in while their case is being considered
Nothing personal RW but this is why it's often pointless to argue with Democrats. How do we debate one lie after another?

They have permission to stay but They didn't have permission to enter. They didn't ask for asylum until after they illegally came in. I believe that you know this.
Nothing personal RW but this is why it's often pointless to argue with Democrats. How do we debate one lie after another?

They have permission to stay but They didn't have permission to enter. They didn't ask for asylum until after they illegally came in. I believe that you know this.
You know
How do you argue with Conservative alternative facts?

They show up at the border asking for asylum
We do not have courts at the border to say yes or no
They are given phones so they can be contacted and must report their location until their case is decided

They are not illegal
Very Nice; Illegible are provided with all that while Biden advises the Military to go on food Stamps if they can’t feed their family
Read the article PLEASE. The immigrants were FALSELY offered these items by YOUR governor order to get them to go to Martha'a Vineyard. Oh are MAGA. You DON'T read.
Read the article PLEASE. The immigrants were FALSELY offered these items by YOUR governor order to get them to go to Martha'a Vineyard. Oh are MAGA. You DON'T read.
They don’t belong here in the first place. I wouldn’t mind going to Martha’s Vineyard. Forgot; you’re a Democrat
If desantis gave these people false documents

If Massachusetts really cared about these poor people of color, they would honor any promises made by De Santis. After all, it's the right thing to do.

If desantis gave these people false documents...that amounts to fraud and possible kidnapping.
They are not immigrants, they are illegals.

If desantis gave these people false documents...that amounts to fraud and possible kidnapping.
Why, because 8 months of support is less than Poopeypants is giving them?
It clearly amounts the racism, bigotry, and hate – rendering DeSantis unfit to hold public office and incapable of sound, responsible governance.
Why is that Clayton? Illegal people trafficing is a Dim initiative why not go to the Dim cities that support it?

‘The conceit of Abbott’s stunt is that his state is so overwhelmed with illegal immigrants he needs to send them to the place that is supposedly causing their arrival. DeSantis, not having a land border with Mexico, had no such pretext. Instead, he had to find migrants in Texas and, essentially, kidnap them for his own use.

To acquire the bait for his stunt, DeSantis apparently deployed staff into Texas to mislead the targets. “The migrants said a woman they identified as ‘Perla’ approached them outside the shelter and lured them into boarding the plane, saying they would be flown to Boston where they could get expedited work papers,” reports NPR.’

Uh oh lil Clayton needs a tissue....and a Midol....and a new maxipad.
desantis is a media whore...even more so than trump, the creator of the Big Lie. That was intended to destroy our democracy. The blind and cowardly MAGA repub party is doing everything they can to help him, including defending him when he stole and shared classified information. If a Dem had taken classified documents out of the WH when he lost re-election, he would be in jail right now.
jimmy and Desantis, sittin in a tree....

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