I'm very sad today, the Establishment just hurt President Trumps re-election chances significantly


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Well, I think that's it. The Establishment outsmarted him with the latest spending Bill. He should have negotiated it himself, he needed to get at minimum the Wall, and maybe even the wall and DACA to be head and shoulders ahead. The Democrats they are clicking their heels by making this deal. Good for them as a party.

Now Trump has to throw Hail Mary's the rest of his term to have a shot, and it bothers me to see him in this position. China is going to win this because as I see it, there are too many people who lack the patriotism to see America succeed. I care little about Trumps language and undiplomatic way of dealing with things, I rooted for him, whether it was standing up to the UN, EU, China, Iran, N Korea. I don't have alot of confidence right now, and so many forgotten men and women will remain forgotten.

Here is how it will play out. The Dems will win the mid-terms, they will push for Impeachment, and probably fail, but, in the in-term they will simply push through big spending, socialists Bills which Trump won't sign. nothing will get done for his final two years and they will say "this guy isn't interested in governing".

They will send someone who can win the Rustbelt, most likely Biden, and Trump will be left behind because they will point to all his promises and what he got through. He can celebrate tax cuts and regulation reform, some courage standing up for U.S industries, MAYBE NAFTA, even that might require walking away, a renegotiation probably never gets finished, or is of less value.

I'm a logical guy, but also very passionate. I can tell you that America is in a tough place. I read it online, I see the stats, I see the economic harm being done by foreign enemies and even so-called allies. This Bill was exactly what Trump DIDN'T need, and everything the Democrats needed. With one fell swoop, they are back in the saddle. Amazing.

Well played Democrats. God Bless America. I believe in you and will pray accordingly that you Win.
Yes, I realize Trump signed it. As I said, the uphill climb he has now is massive, there are some of his strongest supporters who have stated on twitter "I'm sitting out voting until 2024" and the like. This Bill just reinforced the same old same old that everyone feared would happen eventually.

To all the men and women in the military who past and present have risked their lives for America and liberty, I am sickened that this is even a need that is open for negotiation. BOTH parties should support the military and then deal with the other issues. I just can't see much positive in this Bill.
Well, I think that's it. The Establishment outsmarted him with the latest spending Bill. He should have negotiated it himself, he needed to get at minimum the Wall, and maybe even the wall and DACA to be head and shoulders ahead. The Democrats they are clicking their heels by making this deal. Good for them as a party.

Now Trump has to throw Hail Mary's the rest of his term to have a shot, and it bothers me to see him in this position. China is going to win this because as I see it, there are too many people who lack the patriotism to see America succeed. I care little about Trumps language and undiplomatic way of dealing with things, I rooted for him, whether it was standing up to the UN, EU, China, Iran, N Korea. I don't have alot of confidence right now, and so many forgotten men and women will remain forgotten.

Here is how it will play out. The Dems will win the mid-terms, they will push for Impeachment, and probably fail, but, in the in-term they will simply push through big spending, socialists Bills which Trump won't sign. nothing will get done for his final two years and they will say "this guy isn't interested in governing".

They will send someone who can win the Rustbelt, most likely Biden, and Trump will be left behind because they will point to all his promises and what he got through. He can celebrate tax cuts and regulation reform, some courage standing up for U.S industries, MAYBE NAFTA, even that might require walking away, a renegotiation probably never gets finished, or is of less value.

I'm a logical guy, but also very passionate. I can tell you that America is in a tough place. I read it online, I see the stats, I see the economic harm being done by foreign enemies and even so-called allies. This Bill was exactly what Trump DIDN'T need, and everything the Democrats needed. With one fell swoop, they are back in the saddle. Amazing.

Well played Democrats. God Bless America. I believe in you and will pray accordingly that you Win.


I think you vastly overestimate Trump's negotiation skills.
Yeap...he screwed the pooch. Yesterday was John Bolton and today is no wall, well, less than 50 miles of wall, which is essentially, no wall. I have always said it, no wall, no vote from me.
Well, I think that's it. The Establishment outsmarted him with the latest spending Bill. He should have negotiated it himself, he needed to get at minimum the Wall, and maybe even the wall and DACA to be head and shoulders ahead. The Democrats they are clicking their heels by making this deal. Good for them as a party.

Now Trump has to throw Hail Mary's the rest of his term to have a shot, and it bothers me to see him in this position. China is going to win this because as I see it, there are too many people who lack the patriotism to see America succeed. I care little about Trumps language and undiplomatic way of dealing with things, I rooted for him, whether it was standing up to the UN, EU, China, Iran, N Korea. I don't have alot of confidence right now, and so many forgotten men and women will remain forgotten.

Here is how it will play out. The Dems will win the mid-terms, they will push for Impeachment, and probably fail, but, in the in-term they will simply push through big spending, socialists Bills which Trump won't sign. nothing will get done for his final two years and they will say "this guy isn't interested in governing".

They will send someone who can win the Rustbelt, most likely Biden, and Trump will be left behind because they will point to all his promises and what he got through. He can celebrate tax cuts and regulation reform, some courage standing up for U.S industries, MAYBE NAFTA, even that might require walking away, a renegotiation probably never gets finished, or is of less value.

I'm a logical guy, but also very passionate. I can tell you that America is in a tough place. I read it online, I see the stats, I see the economic harm being done by foreign enemies and even so-called allies. This Bill was exactly what Trump DIDN'T need, and everything the Democrats needed. With one fell swoop, they are back in the saddle. Amazing.

Well played Democrats. God Bless America. I believe in you and will pray accordingly that you Win.


I think you vastly overestimate Trump's negotiation skills.

I agree, and I think Trump has overestimated his negotiation skills, which seem to be limited to the use of brinkmanship.
Well, I think that's it. The Establishment outsmarted him with the latest spending Bill. He should have negotiated it himself, he needed to get at minimum the Wall, and maybe even the wall and DACA to be head and shoulders ahead. The Democrats they are clicking their heels by making this deal. Good for them as a party.

Now Trump has to throw Hail Mary's the rest of his term to have a shot, and it bothers me to see him in this position. China is going to win this because as I see it, there are too many people who lack the patriotism to see America succeed. I care little about Trumps language and undiplomatic way of dealing with things, I rooted for him, whether it was standing up to the UN, EU, China, Iran, N Korea. I don't have alot of confidence right now, and so many forgotten men and women will remain forgotten.

Here is how it will play out. The Dems will win the mid-terms, they will push for Impeachment, and probably fail, but, in the in-term they will simply push through big spending, socialists Bills which Trump won't sign. nothing will get done for his final two years and they will say "this guy isn't interested in governing".

They will send someone who can win the Rustbelt, most likely Biden, and Trump will be left behind because they will point to all his promises and what he got through. He can celebrate tax cuts and regulation reform, some courage standing up for U.S industries, MAYBE NAFTA, even that might require walking away, a renegotiation probably never gets finished, or is of less value.

I'm a logical guy, but also very passionate. I can tell you that America is in a tough place. I read it online, I see the stats, I see the economic harm being done by foreign enemies and even so-called allies. This Bill was exactly what Trump DIDN'T need, and everything the Democrats needed. With one fell swoop, they are back in the saddle. Amazing.

Well played Democrats. God Bless America. I believe in you and will pray accordingly that you Win.


I think you vastly overestimate Trump's negotiation skills.

he doesn't negotiate; he bullies

when bullying doesn't work, he runs
There are still 3 years to go.
Yes, I realize Trump signed it. As I said, the uphill climb he has now is massive, there are some of his strongest supporters who have stated on twitter "I'm sitting out voting until 2024" and the like. This Bill just reinforced the same old same old that everyone feared would happen eventually.

To all the men and women in the military who past and present have risked their lives for America and liberty, I am sickened that this is even a need that is open for negotiation. BOTH parties should support the military and then deal with the other issues. I just can't see much positive in this Bill.
Well, I think that's it. The Establishment outsmarted him with the latest spending Bill. He should have negotiated it himself, he needed to get at minimum the Wall, and maybe even the wall and DACA to be head and shoulders ahead. The Democrats they are clicking their heels by making this deal. Good for them as a party.

Now Trump has to throw Hail Mary's the rest of his term to have a shot, and it bothers me to see him in this position. China is going to win this because as I see it, there are too many people who lack the patriotism to see America succeed. I care little about Trumps language and undiplomatic way of dealing with things, I rooted for him, whether it was standing up to the UN, EU, China, Iran, N Korea. I don't have alot of confidence right now, and so many forgotten men and women will remain forgotten.

Here is how it will play out. The Dems will win the mid-terms, they will push for Impeachment, and probably fail, but, in the in-term they will simply push through big spending, socialists Bills which Trump won't sign. nothing will get done for his final two years and they will say "this guy isn't interested in governing".

They will send someone who can win the Rustbelt, most likely Biden, and Trump will be left behind because they will point to all his promises and what he got through. He can celebrate tax cuts and regulation reform, some courage standing up for U.S industries, MAYBE NAFTA, even that might require walking away, a renegotiation probably never gets finished, or is of less value.

I'm a logical guy, but also very passionate. I can tell you that America is in a tough place. I read it online, I see the stats, I see the economic harm being done by foreign enemies and even so-called allies. This Bill was exactly what Trump DIDN'T need, and everything the Democrats needed. With one fell swoop, they are back in the saddle. Amazing.

Well played Democrats. God Bless America. I believe in you and will pray accordingly that you Win.

Patriotism? They're in the politics game for their own careers. Patriotism has never, ever been about doing what is good for the country. Patriotism has been about keeping the masses happy while the politicians continue to enrich themselves.

"Hey, soldier, my benefactor stands to earn $100 billion and I'm going to take a nice slice of that pie. All you have to do is run in there with a gun, and get yourself blown up to shit in some dry desert country.

We'll give you a medal if you do, and if you manage not to die, we'll even give you some inadequate healthcare for the legs you lost.

How about it? You'll make your country proud, and me rich, and my benefactor richer....

I'd do it, but you know, my toenail hurts so I can't. Thanks, love you."
Well, I think that's it. The Establishment outsmarted him with the latest spending Bill. He should have negotiated it himself, he needed to get at minimum the Wall, and maybe even the wall and DACA to be head and shoulders ahead. The Democrats they are clicking their heels by making this deal. Good for them as a party.

Now Trump has to throw Hail Mary's the rest of his term to have a shot, and it bothers me to see him in this position. China is going to win this because as I see it, there are too many people who lack the patriotism to see America succeed. I care little about Trumps language and undiplomatic way of dealing with things, I rooted for him, whether it was standing up to the UN, EU, China, Iran, N Korea. I don't have alot of confidence right now, and so many forgotten men and women will remain forgotten.

Here is how it will play out. The Dems will win the mid-terms, they will push for Impeachment, and probably fail, but, in the in-term they will simply push through big spending, socialists Bills which Trump won't sign. nothing will get done for his final two years and they will say "this guy isn't interested in governing".

They will send someone who can win the Rustbelt, most likely Biden, and Trump will be left behind because they will point to all his promises and what he got through. He can celebrate tax cuts and regulation reform, some courage standing up for U.S industries, MAYBE NAFTA, even that might require walking away, a renegotiation probably never gets finished, or is of less value.

I'm a logical guy, but also very passionate. I can tell you that America is in a tough place. I read it online, I see the stats, I see the economic harm being done by foreign enemies and even so-called allies. This Bill was exactly what Trump DIDN'T need, and everything the Democrats needed. With one fell swoop, they are back in the saddle. Amazing.

Well played Democrats. God Bless America. I believe in you and will pray accordingly that you Win.
There is a ton of legislation that needs to be done this year. This will give Trump some breathing room until the next budget is due. I'll bet he has something up his sleeve until then. Schumer and the rest of the Commie left had better step lightly the rest of the year.
There is a ton of legislation that needs to be done this year. This will give Trump some breathing room until the next budget is due. I'll bet he has something up his sleeve until then. Schumer and the rest of the Commie left had better step lightly the rest of the year.

the only thing he has up his sleeve is his arm, dude.

you've be conned, just like anyone else who made the mistake of doing business with this jackass
I didn't support Trump when he was running, and it had nothing to do with his policies. There are many of them I actually agree with. One of my arguments against Trump supporters was that he made a lot of promises anybody with a 3rd grade education in government knew he couldn't deliver on. It's like his supporters didn't understand that a President has to work with Congress, and he shit on 99% of them throughout his campaign. His supporters congratulated him on tax cuts. Big fucking whoop. He got the GOP to support him on something they've been fighting for for decades. Aside from that he hasn't accomplished shit.
I didn't support Trump when he was running, and it had nothing to do with his policies. There are many of them I actually agree with. One of my arguments against Trump supporters was that he made a lot of promises anybody with a 3rd grade education in government knew he couldn't deliver on. It's like his supporters didn't understand that a President has to work with Congress, and he shit on 99% of them throughout his campaign. His supporters congratulated him on tax cuts. Big fucking whoop. He got the GOP to support him on something they've been fighting for for decades. Aside from that he hasn't accomplished shit.

I wonder if this is the breaking point. It seems to be, for some of the Trumpers here.

I was reading the comments section on Breitbart today, and almost everybody is saying how they're not voting for him again, and the Democrats are winning big in November because of it. Maybe this really was the final straw for many. :dunno:
I wonder if this is the breaking point. It seems to be, for some of the Trumpers here.
Yeah it will cause them to go running to Hillary with their hair on fire.....lmao


But a lot of them will just stay home.

You're missing my point, though - I don't mean a "breaking point" in terms of Trump losing voters. I'm talking about whether this is the breaking point in which you guys will start realizing that nothing Trump promised you will ever come true.

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