I'm retired in 23 days - Strange feeling

I'll be a fresh 55 with a steady income. Nothing to write home about, but much more than I need for certain, plus what's left of the mortgage is cake.

The days have turned to hours, this is a very strange feeling. I've worked since I was 10 and work is my nature. That said, I've been stuck in an office and bureaucracy for decades. I never found it that rewarding, and chose not to pursue some carrots. Part I'm an idiot, part principle, and part they were too easy a taking and not "worth the squeeze". But I'm lucky, my body feels great and I still enjoy heavy labor.

I'll go out uneventful, no party etc. It's just my nature. I'm real popular with many, while some of the brass and "players" think I'm an asshole. I consider both angles a compliment.

I do have some projects lined up, primarily restoring a classic I've owned since forever. It's in the works, going to be very cool.

I retired at 55 and it lasted 8 months

It is like summer vacation at first but once the winter started, it was just boring

That is why retirement is best spent in warmer climates. Starting Sat., we're in in mid to lo 60's for most of the upcoming week here in Vegas, and that's great golf weather. Of course, there are plenty of other things also to do on a mid-60 sunny day.
The best part of retirement is nobody is breathing down you neck for a deadline. If you don't finish today, it'll get done tomorrow, or the next day.

That is how it was when I was retired. When I was working, I pushed to finish projects by the end of the weekend. When you are retired there is no timeline and many projects just sat

I finish things I feel are important to finish. I just don't beat myself up if something prevents that from happening.

Just be sure to keep those kids off your lawn
I'll be a fresh 55 with a steady income. Nothing to write home about, but much more than I need for certain, plus what's left of the mortgage is cake.

The days have turned to hours, this is a very strange feeling. I've worked since I was 10 and work is my nature. That said, I've been stuck in an office and bureaucracy for decades. I never found it that rewarding, and chose not to pursue some carrots. Part I'm an idiot, part principle, and part they were too easy a taking and not "worth the squeeze". But I'm lucky, my body feels great and I still enjoy heavy labor.

I'll go out uneventful, no party etc. It's just my nature. I'm real popular with many, while some of the brass and "players" think I'm an asshole. I consider both angles a compliment.

I do have some projects lined up, primarily restoring a classic I've owned since forever. It's in the works, going to be very cool.
So how is it 6 years later? I can't wait to retire in 2033. Seems like a long way off but it's only 11 years from now. I have a buddy who retired this year. He's 53. He's down in Florida right now. He will come back to his lake home in the spring. He had dinner in Key Largo last night. I'm jealous. I'm 51 and I'm going to retire at 62. I can't imagine having to work till I'm 67. Notice I didn't say 65? Full retirement isn't until 67 now for people my age. To save the program in the 80's Reagan fucked people like me and I was only 10 years old. Reagan fucked every Generation X child in the ass in the 80's and the boomers loved him. Mother fucker he was. Rot in hell Ronny.

Currently, the full benefit age is 66 years and 2 months for people born in 1955, and it will gradually rise to 67 for those born in 1960 or later. Early retirement benefits will continue to be available at age 62, but they will be reduced more.

I don't care what they are I'm retiring at 62. Unless I still love my job. I have a feeling the only reason I don't love working is because I have to work. The pressure. The stress. Once I have FU money, it'll be fun to work. Because it will be because I just love it and love the extra money. And it's easy. I can go anywhere and do my job. So if I want to work from florida from Jan 1 to Mar 1 I can. And I do want to do that. I should be doing that now. But I don't want to blow the money on a second home in Florida right now. If I do, I'll have to work more years. Know what I mean? So I should be living it up now, but i'm being frugal so I can live it up once I'm old enough I don't want to work anymore

My buddy made a good point. If you don't need the money, who cares how much it is? And if you have enough money, even if you don't hate your job, wouldn't you rather be doing something else? Like I'd love to walk my dog during the day but I can't because I work. Has to wait till 5pm. If I was retired, I could walk him in the morning, walk him in the afternoon. But then I'd be bored. But then I could also go up north for a month and go canoeing and back packing and camping and survivalist shit. Don't wait till you are older and won't want to do those things. So if you can, retire. Enjoy life. It's short.

The problem is, most people retire on a budget and don't do shit.
Find a bus charter company and work part time, do tours or whatever, it's a nice change of pace.
My buddy works at a golf course one day a week and in exchange he gets to go golf 18 holes another day of the week. All seniors/retirees do this for the free golf. He loves it. I would do this in a heartbeat. He also golfs in a league 1 day a week at another course. I would only golf free one day a week. That's enough.
My buddy works at a golf course one day a week and in exchange he gets to go golf 18 holes another day of the week. All seniors/retirees do this for the free golf. He loves it. I would do this in a heartbeat. He also golfs in a league 1 day a week at another course. I would only golf free one day a week. That's enough.
That is a great idea for those that love their golf. I'm not into golf that much but that is a good idea. I am looking at retiring and buying a motorhome and my wife live in that most of our time.
That is a great idea for those that love their golf. I'm not into golf that much but that is a good idea. I am looking at retiring and buying a motorhome and my wife live in that most of our time.
That's my dream. I'll have a camper I can hook to my F150. Probably should get a F250 if I'm going to be hauling things. Anyways, my dream is to have a RV where I keep it up north at my brothers property for storage. Live in Michigan March1-Jan1. Jan1-March1 drive the RV down to Florida and park it in a fun RV community overlooking the ocean. My brother and his wife will have a place somewhere in Florida. I don't need or want a second home. I'd rather have a RV. And a RV I can take all over America.

You go boy!

I just cleaned up my flat bottom 2 seater coleman troll boat. OMG you won't believe it but one of my fantasies is to do a lot of river trips. I didn't realize where my brothers place is, there are 5 nice rivers to explore. I'm in fucking HEAVEN! Or I will be once spring comes.

Otsego County is home to the headwaters to five sprawling rivers: Sturgeon River, Pigeon River, AuSable River, Manistee River & Black River.

It's so funny this is my dream and my dream has been achievable this entire time. I didn't know all these rivers were so close to his place.

Otsego County is home to the headwaters to five sprawling rivers: Sturgeon River, Pigeon River, AuSable River, Manistee River & Black River.

It looks like this


All I need to do is buy 2 deep cell marine batteries. I probably only need 1 but it's good to have a backup. Then you don't have to worry about running out of battery. Most of these rivers are slow. So you can't just rely on the current. And the great thing about this boat is you can troll up the river half the day and coast back to your truck. Most people who canoe have to go with the current and get picked up. Or drop a 2nd car off. This boat we can go up stream as long as the current isn't strong. I know my motor is small and can't handle the Manistee.

Anyways, I love it how all the things I would do if I won the lotto, I can do now. Just on a smaller scale. And I don't have to wait till i retire to do these things. These rivers are 3.5 hours away.
I'll be a fresh 55 with a steady income. Nothing to write home about, but much more than I need for certain, plus what's left of the mortgage is cake.

The days have turned to hours, this is a very strange feeling. I've worked since I was 10 and work is my nature. That said, I've been stuck in an office and bureaucracy for decades. I never found it that rewarding, and chose not to pursue some carrots. Part I'm an idiot, part principle, and part they were too easy a taking and not "worth the squeeze". But I'm lucky, my body feels great and I still enjoy heavy labor.

I'll go out uneventful, no party etc. It's just my nature. I'm real popular with many, while some of the brass and "players" think I'm an asshole. I consider both angles a compliment.

I do have some projects lined up, primarily restoring a classic I've owned since forever. It's in the works, going to be very cool.
Retiring...can get expensive, best to stash some cash away.
Plan for the worst, hope for the best.
85 is 30 years away. The body doesn't get any better after 55, and medical is expensive.
Then, being financially secure, go forth and enjoy whatever makes you happy.

Maybe buy the T shirts advertised online;

"It's weird
being the
same age
as "Old People".
That's my dream. I'll have a camper I can hook to my F150. Probably should get a F250 if I'm going to be hauling things. Anyways, my dream is to have a RV where I keep it up north at my brothers property for storage. Live in Michigan March1-Jan1. Jan1-March1 drive the RV down to Florida and park it in a fun RV community overlooking the ocean. My brother and his wife will have a place somewhere in Florida. I don't need or want a second home. I'd rather have a RV. And a RV I can take all over America.

You go boy!

I just cleaned up my flat bottom 2 seater coleman troll boat. OMG you won't believe it but one of my fantasies is to do a lot of river trips. I didn't realize where my brothers place is, there are 5 nice rivers to explore. I'm in fucking HEAVEN! Or I will be once spring comes.

Otsego County is home to the headwaters to five sprawling rivers: Sturgeon River, Pigeon River, AuSable River, Manistee River & Black River.

It's so funny this is my dream and my dream has been achievable this entire time. I didn't know all these rivers were so close to his place.

Otsego County is home to the headwaters to five sprawling rivers: Sturgeon River, Pigeon River, AuSable River, Manistee River & Black River.

It looks like this

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All I need to do is buy 2 deep cell marine batteries. I probably only need 1 but it's good to have a backup. Then you don't have to worry about running out of battery. Most of these rivers are slow. So you can't just rely on the current. And the great thing about this boat is you can troll up the river half the day and coast back to your truck. Most people who canoe have to go with the current and get picked up. Or drop a 2nd car off. This boat we can go up stream as long as the current isn't strong. I know my motor is small and can't handle the Manistee.

Anyways, I love it how all the things I would do if I won the lotto, I can do now. Just on a smaller scale. And I don't have to wait till i retire to do these things. These rivers are 3.5 hours away.
My dad a folding boat that he had in the back of his pick up and he hauled a fifth wheel. He would start out leaving in September and head to Michigan and Indiana to visit relatives, Then they headed down to Florida in late October, they spent the rest of the winter meandering through Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada and California and then back to their place in April/May. They spent over 20 years traveling like that.

For your boat batteries, you can get a nice little solar panels to keep them charged and charging while you are using the boat. My current trailer has a solar panels to keep the batteries charged and we have yet to charge them after dry camping. Just a thought.
My buddy works at a golf course one day a week and in exchange he gets to go golf 18 holes another day of the week. All seniors/retirees do this for the free golf. He loves it. I would do this in a heartbeat. He also golfs in a league 1 day a week at another course. I would only golf free one day a week. That's enough.
I know several guys at my local course who have been doing the work for golf thing. They work 3 days a week but I think they like the social aspect of it as much as the free golf and range balls. I'm almost 3 years retired and don't miss work one bit. I like to golf but I'm a musician and spend most of my time now writing music or collaborating with other musicians online.
I retired at 55 in 2003.

The first couple of years we traveled and did some of the fun things that we didn't have the time to do when I was working.

I spent one season being a Little League coach. I wanted to do it right. I coached while working but never had the time to do it right. With having the time I was able to do all the right things.

By 2006 I was getting bored and decided to work part time as an Engineering Consultant. Worked three or four days a week and actually made a ton of extra money.

After doing consulting for awhile my sons started turning out grandkids and that changed my priorities. I transitioned to the best job in the world; being a grandfather.
My dad a folding boat that he had in the back of his pick up and he hauled a fifth wheel. He would start out leaving in September and head to Michigan and Indiana to visit relatives, Then they headed down to Florida in late October, they spent the rest of the winter meandering through Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada and California and then back to their place in April/May. They spent over 20 years traveling like that.

For your boat batteries, you can get a nice little solar panels to keep them charged and charging while you are using the boat. My current trailer has a solar panels to keep the batteries charged and we have yet to charge them after dry camping. Just a thought.
Great idea for the batteries. On some of these rivers, battery won’t even be needed. They are so fast it’s a one way trip. My boat can only go up stream if it’s a slow current. Half of them are half are not. There’s about 6 rivers near us. I can’t wait.

Im going to organize a canoe, kayak, tube trip with family and friends On the sturgeon river. Fastest moving river in Michigan. Not white water but fun. I will probably let my brothers wife and her sister use my boat. It looks like this.

And I realize now if I hit the lotto I wouldn’t move to otsego county. I would just go up for trips just like I do now. The only difference is if I hit the lotto I could go on 2 week trips not just weekends. But then would I? Probably not.


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I'll be a fresh 55 with a steady income. Nothing to write home about, but much more than I need for certain, plus what's left of the mortgage is cake.

The days have turned to hours, this is a very strange feeling. I've worked since I was 10 and work is my nature. That said, I've been stuck in an office and bureaucracy for decades. I never found it that rewarding, and chose not to pursue some carrots. Part I'm an idiot, part principle, and part they were too easy a taking and not "worth the squeeze". But I'm lucky, my body feels great and I still enjoy heavy labor.

I'll go out uneventful, no party etc. It's just my nature. I'm real popular with many, while some of the brass and "players" think I'm an asshole. I consider both angles a compliment.

I do have some projects lined up, primarily restoring a classic I've owned since forever. It's in the works, going to be very cool.
Congrats! It took me a few months to truly adjust to the idea of never having to do that drive again to my engineering job. Everyone is different a lot of guys I know get antsy and get some sort of job. Others like me don't miss working one bit and have plenty of interests. Enjoy it you earned it.
Congrats! It took me a few months to truly adjust to the idea of never having to do that drive again to my engineering job. Everyone is different a lot of guys I know get antsy and get some sort of job. Others like me don't miss working one bit and have plenty of interests. Enjoy it you earned it.
I’m 51. If I knew I could stop working and never worry about money, I’d stop. Why not? You’re right. Find something fun to do. Life is short.

Im not there yet. Even if I was, I’d work more to build a cushion. Cost of living goes up. Healthcare costs. Association dues, taxes go up. We all jus had to pay $1400 for new docks. Boat storage maintenance and repairs, and insurance.

I want to be able to afford the plane trip to Greece. Not b on a budget.

I want to be able to live in Florida 2-4 months a year.

Maybe get a rv.

It’s not cheap. And it gets more expensive. Better have a nice nest egg or pension.

Its hard to see the paychecks stop coming in.
I’m 51. If I knew I could stop working and never worry about money, I’d stop. Why not? You’re right. Find something fun to do. Life is short.

Im not there yet. Even if I was, I’d work more to build a cushion. Cost of living goes up. Healthcare costs. Association dues, taxes go up. We all jus had to pay $1400 for new docks. Boat storage maintenance and repairs, and insurance.

I want to be able to afford the plane trip to Greece. Not b on a budget.

I want to be able to live in Florida 2-4 months a year.

Maybe get a rv.

It’s not cheap. And it gets more expensive. Better have a nice nest egg or pension.

Its hard to see the paychecks stop coming in.
The number one thing that helped us is eliminating debt including mortgages if possible. If you have no debt, then that makes it way easier to cover your bills and have money left over for fun stuff.

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