Im not the 99%; But I AM THE 47%; Thanks Romney, confirmed my Dem vote for 2012

Go shit on a police cruiser, bucko,

and get back to me, when you can afford yourself.

This must be that class warfare I've been hearing so much about.

You are the one that identifies with police cruiser shitters!
You are the one that appears to be a TAKER and NOT a maker!

And ROMNEY is 100% correct... He is writing you off because YOU like Obama are TAKERS!

And you you don't seem to comprehend that simple Aesop fable about :
Killing The Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs is among the best known of Aesop's Fables (Perry 87) and use of the phrase has become idiomatic of an unprofitable action motivated by greed.

You and other "Redistributors" have NO IDEA obviously as to HOW the real world works!

YOU kill off incentives to make a profit, you kill off innovations. Medicine advancements! You kill off civilization and then where will you be???

Aesop's other fable, the one about the ant and the grasshopper is perfect illustration of liberal mentality, personified by President Obama.
Well, looks like my gut instinct was right. Local politicians started throwing cops and firemen under the bus in 2010 on the wave of the tea party drunkenness. Now, Mitt Romney flat out says he doesn't give a shit about....oh....around 150,000,000 Americans.

I wasn't part of the "99%" movement.

But I am part of the 47%. I was part of it when I was a cop. I'm part of it now in my new (and far safer) job. LOTS of military members are part of the 47%. And teachers. And firemen. And stay at home moms. And nurses. And daycare workers. And pet shelter workers. And tradesmen....carpenters, electricians, steel workers, construction know, the unsung contributors that keep America humming.

Yep. I thank Mitt Romney:clap2:

Why? Voting Democrat in 2012 was a hard choice. I made it almost purely on the anti-cop, anti-firemen trend many local GOP'ers have shifted to. But now....Romney reflected the self-satisfied, pure arrogance that many of the extreme right show now. Absolute selfishness.

And as a Christian, and an American who has lived his whole life as part of the 47%, I find that attitude disgusting.

And I salute Mitt Romney. Thats all we ever asked for out of a politician. It took some staffer at the ballroom of the $50,000-a-plate dinner to secretly record it for it to come out......but we got HONESTY. Thats all.

We know where he stands now, and where his supporters stand. Vote accordingly.

President Obama....if he wins, and I'll have voted for, you have to do better in the 2nd term. We have major problems, and you're the lesser of two evils.

Good thinking. It's the mindless hatefullness that has pushed me away from the newGOPers. It's the voting against one's own best interests and doing it proudly like that sacrifice is worth supporting haters.

Now if you want to see Obama succeed what you might do is support a dem in a race that will take a seat in congress. Help your own situation and that of all other good Americans by removing the Ryans and Cantors from office. You know what Romney will do if elected. If you want Obama to have a chance at helping America let's give him the power to do it.

You're better than this Huggy.. Vote for who you want but don't fucking lie about it. Your dumbo in office accused Mitt Romney of murdering a woman.. If that's not hate-filled rhetoric, I don't know what is.. Bill Maher is the nastiest liberal I know.. so don't act like liberals are above the shoot- out.
You know most of our military is among that 47%. And cops, teachers, firemen, nurses, construction workers, and the list goes on and on.

Stop patting yourself on the back.

you are flat out lying, I worked as a nurse for 40 years I fucking paid FEDERAL INCOME TAX and still do,, so why are cops, teachers and firemen exempt? cause they be union? Oh and my husband worked in construction and he paid FEDERAL INCOME TAX also.. so keep those lies a comin you stupid democrat.

:clap2: Good for you. You are an American heroe, and we all should bow down to you.

Cops, firemen, teachers are exempt because most of them dont make enough money to pay income tax. They can barely pay their power bills (Note: I'm NOT referring to the overbloated union ones in Chicago, Jersey, Cali, thats a different issue, and if lunatic right wingers could have a civil talk they'd see I'm consistent on that).

Oh, and "cause they be union"???? Glad you weren't my nurse.

I'm damn glad I wasn't your nurse too.oh and I'm betting cops firemen and teachers make about what a nurse does.unless they're union then they make double.
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The proud 47%ers, destroying our nation and damn proud of it. Give em another 4yrs, and the destruction should be complete. It's very sad.

You know most of our military is among that 47%. And cops, teachers, firemen, nurses, construction workers, and the list goes on and on.

Stop patting yourself on the back.

you are flat out lying, I worked as a nurse for 40 years I fucking paid FEDERAL INCOME TAX and still do,, so why are cops, teachers and firemen exempt? cause they be union? Oh and my husband worked in construction and he paid FEDERAL INCOME TAX also.. so keep those lies a comin you stupid democrat.

Do you live a healthy lifestyle, no smoking or excessive drinking &/or drugs? I'm thinking nurses would take good care of themselves but there are some who smoke.
rw's like right-to-work $9/hr cops it would appear bucs90. No way to retire off of that. Fight the union-busting rw's :)
Well, looks like my gut instinct was right. Local politicians started throwing cops and firemen under the bus in 2010 on the wave of the tea party drunkenness. Now, Mitt Romney flat out says he doesn't give a shit about....oh....around 150,000,000 Americans.

I wasn't part of the "99%" movement.

But I am part of the 47%. I was part of it when I was a cop. I'm part of it now in my new (and far safer) job. LOTS of military members are part of the 47%. And teachers. And firemen. And stay at home moms. And nurses. And daycare workers. And pet shelter workers. And tradesmen....carpenters, electricians, steel workers, construction know, the unsung contributors that keep America humming.

Yep. I thank Mitt Romney:clap2:

Why? Voting Democrat in 2012 was a hard choice. I made it almost purely on the anti-cop, anti-firemen trend many local GOP'ers have shifted to. But now....Romney reflected the self-satisfied, pure arrogance that many of the extreme right show now. Absolute selfishness.

And as a Christian, and an American who has lived his whole life as part of the 47%, I find that attitude disgusting.

And I salute Mitt Romney. Thats all we ever asked for out of a politician. It took some staffer at the ballroom of the $50,000-a-plate dinner to secretly record it for it to come out......but we got HONESTY. Thats all.

We know where he stands now, and where his supporters stand. Vote accordingly.

President Obama....if he wins, and I'll have voted for, you have to do better in the 2nd term. We have major problems, and you're the lesser of two evils.

Good thinking. It's the mindless hatefullness that has pushed me away from the newGOPers. It's the voting against one's own best interests and doing it proudly like that sacrifice is worth supporting haters.

Now if you want to see Obama succeed what you might do is support a dem in a race that will take a seat in congress. Help your own situation and that of all other good Americans by removing the Ryans and Cantors from office. You know what Romney will do if elected. If you want Obama to have a chance at helping America let's give him the power to do it.

You're better than this Huggy.. Vote for who you want but don't fucking lie about it. Your dumbo in office accused Mitt Romney of murdering a woman.. If that's not hate-filled rhetoric, I don't know what is.. Bill Maher is the nastiest liberal I know.. so don't act like liberals are above the shoot- out.

I hate to break this to you but HUGGY is NOT better than that. That's exactly what he stands for. Nastiness.
Well, looks like my gut instinct was right. Local politicians started throwing cops and firemen under the bus in 2010 on the wave of the tea party drunkenness. Now, Mitt Romney flat out says he doesn't give a shit about....oh....around 150,000,000 Americans.

I wasn't part of the "99%" movement.

But I am part of the 47%. I was part of it when I was a cop. I'm part of it now in my new (and far safer) job. LOTS of military members are part of the 47%. And teachers. And firemen. And stay at home moms. And nurses. And daycare workers. And pet shelter workers. And tradesmen....carpenters, electricians, steel workers, construction know, the unsung contributors that keep America humming.

Yep. I thank Mitt Romney:clap2:

Why? Voting Democrat in 2012 was a hard choice. I made it almost purely on the anti-cop, anti-firemen trend many local GOP'ers have shifted to. But now....Romney reflected the self-satisfied, pure arrogance that many of the extreme right show now. Absolute selfishness.

And as a Christian, and an American who has lived his whole life as part of the 47%, I find that attitude disgusting.

And I salute Mitt Romney. Thats all we ever asked for out of a politician. It took some staffer at the ballroom of the $50,000-a-plate dinner to secretly record it for it to come out......but we got HONESTY. Thats all.

We know where he stands now, and where his supporters stand. Vote accordingly.

President Obama....if he wins, and I'll have voted for, you have to do better in the 2nd term. We have major problems, and you're the lesser of two evils.

Good thinking. It's the mindless hatefullness that has pushed me away from the newGOPers. It's the voting against one's own best interests and doing it proudly like that sacrifice is worth supporting haters.

Now if you want to see Obama succeed what you might do is support a dem in a race that will take a seat in congress. Help your own situation and that of all other good Americans by removing the Ryans and Cantors from office. You know what Romney will do if elected. If you want Obama to have a chance at helping America let's give him the power to do it.

That's what pushed you away from the GOP? Interesting, seeing that mindless hatefullness sums up the Left/Democrats perfectly. Maybe you should think things through a bit more? Your theories are deeply flawed.
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You know most of our military is among that 47%. And cops, teachers, firemen, nurses, construction workers, and the list goes on and on.

Stop patting yourself on the back.

you are flat out lying, I worked as a nurse for 40 years I fucking paid FEDERAL INCOME TAX and still do,, so why are cops, teachers and firemen exempt? cause they be union? Oh and my husband worked in construction and he paid FEDERAL INCOME TAX also.. so keep those lies a comin you stupid democrat.

Do you live a healthy lifestyle, no smoking or excessive drinking &/or drugs? I'm thinking nurses would take good care of themselves but there are some who smoke.

the presient smokes. and we gotta pay for his fucking healthcare.
No, the only thing I think I'm entitled to is all the money I was forced to pay into these systems so that morons like you can call me a moocher. Remember that SS and MEDICare are not choices the money is forced from you ..

So you only receive the equivalent of medicare coverage for what you paid in? Once you hit that dollar amount, you will no longer accept that Medicare coverage?

Go dive in to your foodstamps loser and stop nosing in to someone's personal income that's none of your fucking biznez..

PS- You can't buy a gallon of whiskey with your foodstamps.

Seems like you'd know from experience?
FYI Willow. You're part of that 47% as well. Not that you care about being hypocritical.

No you're wrong. I still pay FEderal Income Tax. Now tell me what it is I can do to get out of it?

But you get Medicare, right? You're one of the victims Romney referred to who thinks they're entitled.

I can't read Governor Romney's mind, but I am sure that when he referred to those he could never convince to vote for him, he meant the segment of population who - according to recent survey - gave 100% of their vote to President Obama.

I am sure he never meant seniors, who EARNED their Medicare and Social Security. Or the genuinely needy people who need a temporary hands up.
Well, looks like my gut instinct was right. Local politicians started throwing cops and firemen under the bus in 2010 on the wave of the tea party drunkenness. Now, Mitt Romney flat out says he doesn't give a shit about....oh....around 150,000,000 Americans.

I wasn't part of the "99%" movement.

But I am part of the 47%. I was part of it when I was a cop. I'm part of it now in my new (and far safer) job. LOTS of military members are part of the 47%. And teachers. And firemen. And stay at home moms. And nurses. And daycare workers. And pet shelter workers. And tradesmen....carpenters, electricians, steel workers, construction know, the unsung contributors that keep America humming.

Yep. I thank Mitt Romney:clap2:

Why? Voting Democrat in 2012 was a hard choice. I made it almost purely on the anti-cop, anti-firemen trend many local GOP'ers have shifted to. But now....Romney reflected the self-satisfied, pure arrogance that many of the extreme right show now. Absolute selfishness.

And as a Christian, and an American who has lived his whole life as part of the 47%, I find that attitude disgusting.

And I salute Mitt Romney. Thats all we ever asked for out of a politician. It took some staffer at the ballroom of the $50,000-a-plate dinner to secretly record it for it to come out......but we got HONESTY. Thats all.

We know where he stands now, and where his supporters stand. Vote accordingly.

President Obama....if he wins, and I'll have voted for, you have to do better in the 2nd term. We have major problems, and you're the lesser of two evils.

Talk about your posts that are nothing more than hot air! Like there was EVER a doubt that you were going to be voting Democrat, Bucs? That's laughable. You've just made it quite clear that what Romney said in that fundraiser is for the most part true. You're voting for YOUR self interest...not what's good for America. You're part of that "47%" Romney was speaking about...the people who care more about continuing to get THEIRS than what is good for the country. If you're a cop you've GOT your sweet public sector pension and benefits. You don't have a care in the world. But you lump yourself in with stay at home moms, daycare workers and pet shop workers? You have NOTHING in common with them except that you both receive money from the government that someone else was taxed to provide.
I will stop receiving medicare on the day it is no longer the law of the land. fact is I smile every time I use it. I think of you and how i'm gonna use it up before you can get to it.

So you'll continue to benefit even past the amount you contributed? Welcome to the 47% and "government dependency". :clap2:

Of course I will. You don't expect me to invest money without earning "interest" do you. You really think I'm stupid enough to have money forced out of my hand for 40 years and not be paid interest on it?

LOL. So now you aren't just entitled to your money, but you're entitled to other peoples money as well to support your medical needs even after your own contribution has long been spent. How "conservative" of you.
No you're wrong. I still pay FEderal Income Tax. Now tell me what it is I can do to get out of it?

But you get Medicare, right? You're one of the victims Romney referred to who thinks they're entitled.

I can't read Governor Romney's mind, but I am sure that when he referred to those he could never convince to vote for him, he meant the segment of population who - according to recent survey - gave 100% of their vote to President Obama.

I am sure he never meant seniors, who EARNED their Medicare and Social Security. Or the genuinely needy people who need a temporary hands up.

don't get lathered up, the liberals around here have never been known to give a Republican a fair shake, they are known for consistantly howling for R E S P E C T. :lol:
You know most of our military is among that 47%. And cops, teachers, firemen, nurses, construction workers, and the list goes on and on.

Stop patting yourself on the back.

you are flat out lying, I worked as a nurse for 40 years I fucking paid FEDERAL INCOME TAX and still do,, so why are cops, teachers and firemen exempt? cause they be union? Oh and my husband worked in construction and he paid FEDERAL INCOME TAX also.. so keep those lies a comin you stupid democrat.

:clap2: Good for you. You are an American heroe, and we all should bow down to you.

Cops, firemen, teachers are exempt because most of them dont make enough money to pay income tax. They can barely pay their power bills (Note: I'm NOT referring to the overbloated union ones in Chicago, Jersey, Cali, thats a different issue, and if lunatic right wingers could have a civil talk they'd see I'm consistent on that).

Oh, and "cause they be union"???? Glad you weren't my nurse.

Cops, firemen and teachers are among the highest paid people in our country. They don't make enough money to pay income tax? Where did you get that idea. The teachers in Chicago made an average of $76,000 a year, before they got their raise.

What public service workers don't pay is social security taxes. They are exempt. They pay into the public employees retirement system instead.
So you only receive the equivalent of medicare coverage for what you paid in? Once you hit that dollar amount, you will no longer accept that Medicare coverage?

Go dive in to your foodstamps loser and stop nosing in to someone's personal income that's none of your fucking biznez..

PS- You can't buy a gallon of whiskey with your foodstamps.

Seems like you'd know from experience?

I don't get food stamps.. .. How much is your monthly allowance?
Go dive in to your foodstamps loser and stop nosing in to someone's personal income that's none of your fucking biznez..

PS- You can't buy a gallon of whiskey with your foodstamps.

Seems like you'd know from experience?

I don't get food stamps.. .. How much is your monthly allowance?

Yet you knew that foodstamps can't buy whiskey. Perhaps your pimp told you that little nugget of info.
Hey! Bucs,, I like your list of 47%ers,, it marvelous,, but do tell now, what's gonna happen when the takers outnumber the givers? I'm old, I've paid taxes my entire life, still do,, How do the 47% of you manage to get out of it? I want to join you.

THAT is the problem with the new right wing attitude. You all have imagined two groups of "Takers" vs "Givers". Like the old black vs white of the 60's.

EVERYONE takes, and everyone gives. The amount of giving and taking varies. Some give far more, some take far more. Every single country club living right winger "takes" when they buy an alarm for their 1st, 2nd, 3rd home. Yep. Cops protect those gated communities. Fire depts respond to them. It's not "taking" much, especially if you aren't the victim of a crime or fire.

EVERYONE gives. Even the poor lazy welfare queen. She takes a LOT. A whole lot. But "gives" by paying sales tax....even it if is on beer, cigs and lottery tickets. Now...dont get me wrong...that shit needs to be reformed.

But my point is, MOST people aren't among either of the above examples. Most are in the middle. Most give some, take some, and maybe a bit more or less than the rest of the middle.

And as for the income tax....that supports the federal govt. The military. The massive military that keeps the dollar high by maintaining American dominance in the world. Keeping our market valuable. The rich profit hugely off that stability. Thats a price they pay, and we ALL benefit from, because a great market means jobs for the 47%. And the people working those jobs help that company get bigger, richer, and the rich who own it benefit. It all works together. We all work together.

But any man who shits on that concept will never get my vote.

Are you fucking kidding me? In your eyes a welfare queen "gives" because part of the money that she "gets" she has to pay back to the government in taxes on beer, cigs and lottery tickets? You're not "giving" when the money you're using was "given" to you. That you think someone's just how idiotic you've become. Stay home this November,'ve shown yourself to be someone who isn't INTELLIGENT enough to deserve a vote!!!
Well, looks like my gut instinct was right. Local politicians started throwing cops and firemen under the bus in 2010 on the wave of the tea party drunkenness. Now, Mitt Romney flat out says he doesn't give a shit about....oh....around 150,000,000 Americans.

I wasn't part of the "99%" movement.

But I am part of the 47%. I was part of it when I was a cop. I'm part of it now in my new (and far safer) job. LOTS of military members are part of the 47%. And teachers. And firemen. And stay at home moms. And nurses. And daycare workers. And pet shelter workers. And tradesmen....carpenters, electricians, steel workers, construction know, the unsung contributors that keep America humming.

Yep. I thank Mitt Romney:clap2:

Why? Voting Democrat in 2012 was a hard choice. I made it almost purely on the anti-cop, anti-firemen trend many local GOP'ers have shifted to. But now....Romney reflected the self-satisfied, pure arrogance that many of the extreme right show now. Absolute selfishness.

And as a Christian, and an American who has lived his whole life as part of the 47%, I find that attitude disgusting.

And I salute Mitt Romney. Thats all we ever asked for out of a politician. It took some staffer at the ballroom of the $50,000-a-plate dinner to secretly record it for it to come out......but we got HONESTY. Thats all.

We know where he stands now, and where his supporters stand. Vote accordingly.

President Obama....if he wins, and I'll have voted for, you have to do better in the 2nd term. We have major problems, and you're the lesser of two evils.

Good thinking. It's the mindless hatefullness that has pushed me away from the newGOPers. It's the voting against one's own best interests and doing it proudly like that sacrifice is worth supporting haters.

Now if you want to see Obama succeed what you might do is support a dem in a race that will take a seat in congress. Help your own situation and that of all other good Americans by removing the Ryans and Cantors from office. You know what Romney will do if elected. If you want Obama to have a chance at helping America let's give him the power to do it.

You're better than this Huggy.. Vote for who you want but don't fucking lie about it. Your dumbo in office accused Mitt Romney of murdering a woman.. If that's not hate-filled rhetoric, I don't know what is.. Bill Maher is the nastiest liberal I know.. so don't act like liberals are above the shoot- out.

I wish I was "better than that". I have nothing against a party that supports big business. BUT... That isn't what we have now in the GOP. We have a party that supports a mindset of entitlement. We have a party of liars and cheats that game the system. We have a party of "me first" not "we first". We have a party that has put up on it's pedistal a man that has his fortune in offshore accounts to avoid paying taxes. Ya'know Mrs. Slinger.. When I was a kid Eisenhower would have thrown a Mitt Romney in prison for hiding his money like that. It was Illegal until the GOP changed the rules. When I was a kid It was considered highly immoral and just flat wrong to go into a community and force a buyout of a company that supported the life and livelyhood of those that worked there. Now the GOP says "atta boy" to the Romneys and fuck you to the good Americans that had their jobs sent overseas. The GOP spits on those good hard working Americans and applauds a Romney stealing their hard earned gauranteed pensions.

I wish we were all better than that.
We have a party that has put up on it's pedistal a man that has his fortune in offshore accounts to avoid paying taxes.

We also have many democrats in elected office who do the exact same thing.

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