I'm not going to lie and I know it's horrible to say because ....it's a sin in my beliefs but

Actually, that goes against Matthew 5:48.

Of course that doesn't mean we can be perfect on our own. I think it means that the standard we our held to - the only standard that matters - is God's standard of perfection. And since no one can meet that standard through their own efforts, that's the whole point of the Gospel, that everyone needs Jesus.
I'll buy that Buttercup
Some of us had to learn that the hard way. But it is so, SO true.
I've been involved in a homeless ministry since just before winter, giving out clothes and other items. It's horrible how homelessness has exploded in recent years. People are so lost and drugs/alcohol for most have played a part in their despair or delusions. I had one half-naked dude on the creek side who told me that "Jesus was his dealer" (his dealer was an old scrawny dude not too far away by the creek.) Deluded.
We will be voting for recreational and all you can grow for yourself in Mizzouri.
Good luck. Your state is just one river bridge away.
I smoke whenever I visit a free man state.
I dont have a problem with people smoking weed.
I smoked up until I had no choice but to quit when I needed heavy duty pain meds for my hip.
It was actually easy to stop when given the choice of being in pain or quit smoking.
I gave up the pills to keep on smoking. I am getting a spinal pain blocker 7th of March, I went through the trial phase and it worked very well.

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