I'm Not American but in my heart i am.

"If you plant Islam on your soil, don't be surprised if you grow Sharia Law."
Right-wing Christians should welcome Sharia Law.

With a few minor tweaks that Islamic dogma could pass for the Christian conservatives' convoluted reinterpretations of their preferred Holy Books. Their views of scripture are every bit as unreasonable and oppressive as the Sharia Law they condemn. In some ways, more so.

In what ways more so please?
That, depends on the Christian conservative who is reinterpreting Holy Scripture at the moment.

Christian conservatives' application of Biblical teachings are flexible and selective.

This is much the same as the RWNJs' reinterpretation of constitutional law, limited as it is, but always selectively applied.

The impeached president trump's corruption is an excellent example. His actions, if done by President Biden while in office, will bring immediate demands from the RWNJs that he be impeached.

But, unlike the RWNJs, if Biden pulls one tenth the bullsh!t of the impeached president trump, the people who voted for him will be demanding his ouster.


Fill me in on specific corruption by Trump. Him being a spy for Putin?
And i watch the election and i'm not blind and i saw the fraud in live on CNN ++++ Conservative i am, so if the election was a fair one i would have said ; Well we lost and i would have accept it the result because being a conservative that mean not being a bad loser and accept with proud the defeat but this was not the case.
You are not American so give it a rest.
Not sure where you're from but USmb doesn't stand for ForeignerMessageBoard
Americans eat ketchup on everything. Like...everything. It's weird.
Hot dogs and eggs. Literally nothing else.
On hot dogs i also need mustard and hot relish. On eggs I also need traditional horseradish (not that pasty sauce shit)
My second wife put the shit on her steaks ffs.

Other than that ketchup can fuck off.
Everyone, calm down.
Who died and left you in charge? She seemed pretty sincere to me- but, authoritarians, like you, feel like they know everything there is to know about everything there is to know anything about and in reality don't know shit from shinola-
When do you ever see a non American love our country more than this???.....Lol.I'm going to cry.

She should get a yearly 6 month free stay at Del Cornado in San Diego for that.

Then you have this Eldeer shit face making a total fuck wad of himself. LOL
Half the problems in our nation are because of foreigners or foreign influence.

Seriously they all need to BUT THE FUCK OUT of our politics. The waters are already muddy beyond belief
"If you plant Islam on your soil, don't be surprised if you grow Sharia Law."
Right-wing Christians should welcome Sharia Law.

With a few minor tweaks that Islamic dogma could pass for the Christian conservatives' convoluted reinterpretations of their preferred Holy Books. Their views of scripture are every bit as unreasonable and oppressive as the Sharia Law they condemn. In some ways, more so.

In what ways more so please?
That, depends on the Christian conservative who is reinterpreting Holy Scripture at the moment.

Christian conservatives' application of Biblical teachings are flexible and selective.

This is much the same as the RWNJs' reinterpretation of constitutional law, limited as it is, but always selectively applied.

The impeached president trump's corruption is an excellent example. His actions, if done by President Biden while in office, will bring immediate demands from the RWNJs that he be impeached.

But, unlike the RWNJs, if Biden pulls one tenth the bullsh!t of the impeached president trump, the people who voted for him will be demanding his ouster.


Fill me in on specific corruption by Trump. Him being a spy for Putin?
Your response more than proves my point.

To you RWNJs, his many ethical transgressions went unnoticed, so, spelling out his many crimes would be a waste of my time.

Your decades of RWNJ denial of all things factual blind you to reality.

Everyone, calm down.
Who died and left you in charge? She seemed pretty sincere to me- but, authoritarians, like you, feel like they know everything there is to know about everything there is to know anything about and in reality don't know shit from shinola-
When do you ever see a non American love our country more than this???.....Lol.I'm going to cry.

She should get a yearly 6 month free stay at Del Cornado in San Diego for that.

Then you have this Eldeer shit face making a total fuck wad of himself. LOL
Half the problems in our nation are because of foreigners or foreign influence.

Seriously they all need to BUT THE FUCK OUT of our politics. The waters are already muddy beyond belief
Yeah but she loves our country and would want to live here. She is more American than half of Americans...lol

We should trade her for half the damned board and make out like bandits
"If you plant Islam on your soil, don't be surprised if you grow Sharia Law."
Right-wing Christians should welcome Sharia Law.

With a few minor tweaks that Islamic dogma could pass for the Christian conservatives' convoluted reinterpretations of their preferred Holy Books. Their views of scripture are every bit as unreasonable and oppressive as the Sharia Law they condemn. In some ways, more so.

In what ways more so please?
That, depends on the Christian conservative who is reinterpreting Holy Scripture at the moment.

Christian conservatives' application of Biblical teachings are flexible and selective.

This is much the same as the RWNJs' reinterpretation of constitutional law, limited as it is, but always selectively applied.

The impeached president trump's corruption is an excellent example. His actions, if done by President Biden while in office, will bring immediate demands from the RWNJs that he be impeached.

But, unlike the RWNJs, if Biden pulls one tenth the bullsh!t of the impeached president trump, the people who voted for him will be demanding his ouster.


Fill me in on specific corruption by Trump. Him being a spy for Putin?
Your response more than proves my point.

To you RWNJs, his many ethical transgressions went unnoticed, so, spelling out his many crimes would be a waste of my time.

Your decades of RWNJ denial of all things factual blind you to reality.

Did he spy on Bidens campaign and cook up a Russia hoax?Lol. You can't name one except orange man bad. Give it up. I'm not one of the 80 million Chinese Communist Americans though.
"If you plant Islam on your soil, don't be surprised if you grow Sharia Law."
Right-wing Christians should welcome Sharia Law.

With a few minor tweaks that Islamic dogma could pass for the Christian conservatives' convoluted reinterpretations of their preferred Holy Books. Their views of scripture are every bit as unreasonable and oppressive as the Sharia Law they condemn. In some ways, more so.


Yeah well as soon as I hear you condemn Islam every bit as much as Christianity, then I'll start taking you serious. Until then, FUCK OFF!
"If you plant Islam on your soil, don't be surprised if you grow Sharia Law."
Right-wing Christians should welcome Sharia Law.

With a few minor tweaks that Islamic dogma could pass for the Christian conservatives' convoluted reinterpretations of their preferred Holy Books. Their views of scripture are every bit as unreasonable and oppressive as the Sharia Law they condemn. In some ways, more so.


I'd take that over anything that the Democratic party is pushing.
Can you pinpoint exactly when CNN committed the election fraud?
Yes, you have it the link below

Hammer and Scorecard EVIDENCE: The Moment the Vote-Flipping Occurs on CNN
Can you pinpoint exactly when CNN committed the election fraud?
When counting the vote stop when Trump was a head for a start .
it was very strange I went to bed around 3.00 am French time and at that time Trump was well ahead and in the early morning again he was doing pretty good he had the Wisconsin , Michigan, Georgia, Penssylvania, North Carolina and To see after all his advance melt like snow in the sun for after that all the vote when for Biden.

Dalia, we've explained this to you before. Many times.

First, there was no time when the "counting stopped". That simply did not happen.

Second, yes there was a swing in the results, and that's because some states, including Wisconsin, including Pennsylvania, were ordered by their (Republican) legislatures to not count the mail-in votes until after election day ............ which meant that those votes, heavily Biden votes, HAD TO SIT ON THE SHELF GATHERING DUST FOR WEEKS.

When election day came and the walk-up votes were counted immediately, those votes leaned toward Rump. When that was done and they FINALLY got to count the mail-in ballots, of which there were many due to COVID concerns, THEN is when Rump lost his lead and Biden pulled ahead.

THE SYSTEM WORKED EXACTLY AS THEY HAD SET IT UP TO WORK. Anyone who is acting "surprised" at the way the system was rigged to respond, is simply being DISHONEST.

There is NO FRAUD going on. It's a system dishonestly set up to LOOK LIKE a "sudden swing". State legislatures set that up, despite pleas to let them count votes as they came in --- and they refused. THERE is where the blame belongs.

Completely wrong.
And i watch the election and i'm not blind and i saw the fraud in live on CNN ++++ Conservative i am, so if the election was a fair one i would have said ; Well we lost and i would have accept it the result because being a conservative that mean not being a bad loser and accept with proud the defeat but this was not the case.
I'd gladly trade you for the 80 million Chinese American Communists in a heart beat.
But, you RWNJs spent the last five years swallowing every piece of bullsh!t the impeached president trump fed you.
Read my signature line idiot- and while you're at it, idiot, read my many posts questioning the so-called right wing- being stupid, in public, like you're doing, isn't the least bit flattering, idiot.
But, you RWNJs spent the last five years swallowing every piece of bullsh!t the impeached president trump fed you.
Read my signature line idiot- and while you're at it, idiot, read my many posts questioning the so-called right wing- being stupid, in public, like you're doing, isn't the least bit flattering, idiot.
Lol. Amazed how many people ASSume ones position when it is glaringly obvious in a sig with huge blue and red words. Guess a cartoon is the only way they could understand it.

This guy was telling me the many criminal things Trump has done. I said what exactly? He rants I'm RJNBRJNB with nary an answer. Lol.

What astounds me about liberals is the things they don't even know. 80% here think Trump is still a Russian Agent for Putin. Lol. Amazing people have the brain capacity to even breathe.
Can you pinpoint exactly when CNN committed the election fraud?
Yes, you have it the link below

Hammer and Scorecard EVIDENCE: The Moment the Vote-Flipping Occurs on CNN
Can you pinpoint exactly when CNN committed the election fraud?
When counting the vote stop when Trump was a head for a start .
it was very strange I went to bed around 3.00 am French time and at that time Trump was well ahead and in the early morning again he was doing pretty good he had the Wisconsin , Michigan, Georgia, Penssylvania, North Carolina and To see after all his advance melt like snow in the sun for after that all the vote when for Biden.

Dalia, we've explained this to you before. Many times.

First, there was no time when the "counting stopped". That simply did not happen.

Second, yes there was a swing in the results, and that's because some states, including Wisconsin, including Pennsylvania, were ordered by their (Republican) legislatures to not count the mail-in votes until after election day ............ which meant that those votes, heavily Biden votes, HAD TO SIT ON THE SHELF GATHERING DUST FOR WEEKS.

When election day came and the walk-up votes were counted immediately, those votes leaned toward Rump. When that was done and they FINALLY got to count the mail-in ballots, of which there were many due to COVID concerns, THEN is when Rump lost his lead and Biden pulled ahead.

THE SYSTEM WORKED EXACTLY AS THEY HAD SET IT UP TO WORK. Anyone who is acting "surprised" at the way the system was rigged to respond, is simply being DISHONEST.

There is NO FRAUD going on. It's a system dishonestly set up to LOOK LIKE a "sudden swing". State legislatures set that up, despite pleas to let them count votes as they came in --- and they refused. THERE is where the blame belongs.

Completely wrong.

Fuck you. Here's my link PROVING what I just said, flaming dickhead.

>> As Americans woke up Wednesday wondering who their next president would be, delayed vote counting in several states – particularly battlegrounds like Pennsylvania and Wisconsin – kept them from an answer.​
More than 65 million voters this year cast mail-in or absentee ballots. But the laws in seven states prevented election officials from counting many of them until Election Day. Votes that could have been tallied in advance sat in unopened envelopes until Tuesday morning.
... In Pennsylvania, where nearly 2.5 million ballots have been returned by mail, the count was expected to take days to complete. As of early Wednesday, about 1.4 million remained to be counted, and many of those from Democrat-friendly Philadelphia and its collar counties.​
In suburban Montgomery County, officials said they would be counting ballots around the clock. Even still, a statewide total may not be available until the end of the week.
Pennsylvania Democrats introduced bills this year into the Republican-controlled state Legislature to allow the early opening and verification of mail-in ballots. Despite initial bipartisan sup:Lport, the effort died after state Republicans demanded scaling back other voting provisions, such as the number of available drop boxes for mail-in ballots.​
... The experts said there was no reason for states to still stick with these outdated policies, except partisan politics. “There honestly is no valid reason,” McReynolds said. “All they’re doing is adding stress to an already stressful situation.” <<​

More, asshole?

Austin American Statesman:

>> It took all day and then some for Milwaukee election officials to count their mountain of absentee ballots in the 2020 presidential election​
And those 170,000 votes proved decisive. When the ballots were added to the state total about 3:30 a.m. Nov. 4, Wisconsin swung from a lead for President Donald Trump to a lead for former Vice President Joe Biden. A later canvass and recount confirmed Biden won the state by about 21,000 votes.​
But the swing and timing sparked an avalanche of misinformation, with Trump and an array of other Republicans claiming there was something nefarious about the late arrival of Milwaukee’s votes. Of course that’s ridiculous: We’ve noted in multiple False and Pants on Fire ratings that the absentee votes from Milwaukee, a Democratic stronghold, were long expected to heavily favor Biden and to come in late.​
... The controversy stems from limitations in state law on when election workers can process absentee votes — limitations that were unchanged despite the massive increase in this kind of voting amid the pandemic.​
... The National Conference of State Legislatures compiled details on how each state handled absentee ballots for the 2020 election.​
Their research showed many states limit counting of absentee votes to Election Day — about 30 in all.
But few go as far as Wisconsin in not allowing any ballot processing until that day. Only Alabama, Indiana, Mississippi, Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Wyoming require that ballots not be processed until Election Day. (Michigan requires smaller cities to wait until Election Day, while those with 25,000 or more people can start a day early.)​
The timelines vary among the other states, with some allowing ballots to be processed as soon as they are received, while others begin the process a set amount of time before Election Day.​
A New York Times breakdown of when states are allowed to begin "pre-processing" ballots — defined as verifying signatures, opening envelopes and flattening ballots to get them ready for tabulation — shortened that list further, showing only Alabama, Mississippi, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin limiting this to Election Day.​
We saw dramatically different vote reporting dynamics in states that allow this earlier ballot processing. In North Carolina, for example, where absentee votes can be processed five weeks before the election and counted two weeks before, an early lead for Biden turned into a Trump win as in-person votes were added to the tallies later in the day. <<​

List of states and when they allow counting of mail-in ballots -- Ballotpedia

LOOK IT UP, Asshole. :fu:
And i watch the election and i'm not blind and i saw the fraud in live on CNN ++++ Conservative i am, so if the election was a fair one i would have said ; Well we lost and i would have accept it the result because being a conservative that mean not being a bad loser and accept with proud the defeat but this was not the case.
You are not American so give it a rest.
Not sure where you're from but USmb doesn't stand for ForeignerMessageBoard
If it is the policy of the forum to not accept the foreigner it should be put in the rules of the messageboard then i will live.
Everyone, calm down.
Who died and left you in charge? She seemed pretty sincere to me- but, authoritarians, like you, feel like they know everything there is to know about everything there is to know anything about and in reality don't know shit from shinola-
When do you ever see a non American love our country more than this???.....Lol.I'm going to cry.

She should get a yearly 6 month free stay at Del Cornado in San Diego for that.

Then you have this Eldeer shit face making a total fuck wad of himself. LOL
Half the problems in our nation are because of foreigners or foreign influence.

Seriously they all need to BUT THE FUCK OUT of our politics. The waters are already muddy beyond belief
Yeah but she loves our country and would want to live here. She is more American than half of Americans...lol

We should trade her for half the damned board and make out like bandits
"If you plant Islam on your soil, don't be surprised if you grow Sharia Law."
Right-wing Christians should welcome Sharia Law.

With a few minor tweaks that Islamic dogma could pass for the Christian conservatives' convoluted reinterpretations of their preferred Holy Books. Their views of scripture are every bit as unreasonable and oppressive as the Sharia Law they condemn. In some ways, more so.

In what ways more so please?
That, depends on the Christian conservative who is reinterpreting Holy Scripture at the moment.

Christian conservatives' application of Biblical teachings are flexible and selective.

This is much the same as the RWNJs' reinterpretation of constitutional law, limited as it is, but always selectively applied.

The impeached president trump's corruption is an excellent example. His actions, if done by President Biden while in office, will bring immediate demands from the RWNJs that he be impeached.

But, unlike the RWNJs, if Biden pulls one tenth the bullsh!t of the impeached president trump, the people who voted for him will be demanding his ouster.


Fill me in on specific corruption by Trump. Him being a spy for Putin?
Your response more than proves my point.

To you RWNJs, his many ethical transgressions went unnoticed, so, spelling out his many crimes would be a waste of my time.

Your decades of RWNJ denial of all things factual blind you to reality.

Did he spy on Bidens campaign and cook up a Russia hoax?Lol. You can't name one except orange man bad. Give it up. I'm not one of the 80 million Chinese Communist Americans though.

I'd gladly trade you for the 80 million Chinese American Communists in a heart beat.
And i watch the election and i'm not blind and i saw the fraud in live on CNN ++++ Conservative i am, so if the election was a fair one i would have said ; Well we lost and i would have accept it the result because being a conservative that mean not being a bad loser and accept with proud the defeat but this was not the case.
I'd gladly trade you for the 80 million Chinese American Communists in a heart beat.

It's a much lower number that that.
Kindly remember, Dalia, that Americans who want accurate reporting NEVER watch CNN.

Like other people, I have not watched one minute of CNN since 2017.

And you may have heard that CNN has frankly admitted that it will not be an especially harsh critic of President Biden's government.

I cannot recommend any American news source to you. Maybe you can find a European source that is reasonably accurate.

Happy New Year
"If you plant Islam on your soil, don't be surprised if you grow Sharia Law."
Right-wing Christians should welcome Sharia Law.

With a few minor tweaks that Islamic dogma could pass for the Christian conservatives' convoluted reinterpretations of their preferred Holy Books. Their views of scripture are every bit as unreasonable and oppressive as the Sharia Law they condemn. In some ways, more so.

In what ways more so please?
That, depends on the Christian conservative who is reinterpreting Holy Scripture at the moment.

Christian conservatives' application of Biblical teachings are flexible and selective.

This is much the same as the RWNJs' reinterpretation of constitutional law, limited as it is, but always selectively applied.

The impeached president trump's corruption is an excellent example. His actions, if done by President Biden while in office, will bring immediate demands from the RWNJs that he be impeached.

But, unlike the RWNJs, if Biden pulls one tenth the bullsh!t of the impeached president trump, the people who voted for him will be demanding his ouster.


Fill me in on specific corruption by Trump. Him being a spy for Putin?
Specifically, him asking the Ukrainian president to do him the favor of investigating the son of his political opponent in exchange for military aid.

Leveraging national security concerns for his own personal political benefit is the very definition of corruption.

Or threatening legal consequences or political repercussions for refusing to overturn a lawful election is also corruption.

Directly benefitting monetarily from forcing the secret service to book hotel space for protecting you.

Using your foundation as a source of income for legal fees for your campaign.

Etc. Etc.
Last edited:
check out this thread Dalia. the whole world knows this was the biggest vote fraud ever in mankind history. I have never seen a president that was loved by so many people around the world with passionate people sense JFK.


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