Im in hunters heaven

I smile every time I eat deer meat because of all the stories I hear about slaughter houses. Ignorance of the facts is no excuse. If you are ignorant to the lives of cows in slaughter mills, you need to educate yourself. Because it is one of the reasons I deer hunt. That deer lives free and happy till the day a bullet or arrow goes through its heart. Yes I hate the idea of wounding a deer. And when I walk up and see it isn't dead yet, it breaks my heart. I almost cry. My brother prays over the animal and thanks it for the food it is going to provide. Do you do that with the cow meat you buy at the store?

I swear to god I'm not a die hard gun nut or hunting nut. I only started hunting a few years ago. Deer meat made me sick. It smelled. Now I'm use to it and its better than beef.

And yes, we get our kicks off the hunt. No question it makes you feel alive to kill something. Like our ancestors did. Makes me feel like a man. No. A manly man.

Yes, if you eat meat and you are a pussy about killing, it makes you a big time hypocrite. And if you don't eat meat, well good for you. I do. And what I do is a lot more humane than going to the store and eating a cow that lived a shitty life. Shoulder to shoulder with it's mother who is also going to get slaughtered right in front of you.

I already explained the meat eating scenario, so don't try to bullshit me, BOY! You want a feel like a manly man ? If you did, you could take me on, one on one, in a physical fight. And we could see then how manly you are, when my steel-tipped combat boot breaks your leg, and you go down hard. I'm not threatening you, it's just a hypothetical for you to think about, alongside your "manly" trip of shooting an innocent, defenseless animal. Point is, how manly would you be against someone who is NOT defenseless, and who could break your bones, in seconds ?

Wow, I thought you were a little unhinged before but that is way over the edge. Does everything in your world have to revolve around your combat experience? It seems to be constant reference in and around just about all your conversations. Have you ever been diagnosed with PTSD? Maybe you should get checked out.
I don't like to tease an old soldier but damn man get a hold of yourself.

Im glad it's not just me and everyone hates me for picking on the vet.

That old soldier may have seen things we haven't. So let's be grateful for him and keep in mind that the enemy is outside of the camp, guys. Not inside. He's one of ours! There is an hour coming on America that many do not see coming. When America is going to be hit hard by the enemy. I know it is coming and in that day we'll be thanking God for our soldiers who are here at home.

Save that religio-apocalyptic bullshit for some other cowboy. I see the Indians outside the tent too. Only I truly see them as my brothers even if they're not as white as that phony jesus you claim to worship.
I smile every time I eat deer meat because of all the stories I hear about slaughter houses. Ignorance of the facts is no excuse. If you are ignorant to the lives of cows in slaughter mills, you need to educate yourself. Because it is one of the reasons I deer hunt. That deer lives free and happy till the day a bullet or arrow goes through its heart. Yes I hate the idea of wounding a deer. And when I walk up and see it isn't dead yet, it breaks my heart. I almost cry. My brother prays over the animal and thanks it for the food it is going to provide. Do you do that with the cow meat you buy at the store?

I swear to god I'm not a die hard gun nut or hunting nut. I only started hunting a few years ago. Deer meat made me sick. It smelled. Now I'm use to it and its better than beef.

And yes, we get our kicks off the hunt. No question it makes you feel alive to kill something. Like our ancestors did. Makes me feel like a man. No. A manly man.

Yes, if you eat meat and you are a pussy about killing, it makes you a big time hypocrite. And if you don't eat meat, well good for you. I do. And what I do is a lot more humane than going to the store and eating a cow that lived a shitty life. Shoulder to shoulder with it's mother who is also going to get slaughtered right in front of you.

I already explained the meat eating scenario, so don't try to bullshit me, BOY! You want a feel like a manly man ? If you did, you could take me on, one on one, in a physical fight. And we could see then how manly you are, when my steel-tipped combat boot breaks your leg, and you go down hard. I'm not threatening you, it's just a hypothetical for you to think about, alongside your "manly" trip of shooting an innocent, defenseless animal. Point is, how manly would you be against someone who is NOT defenseless, and who could break your bones, in seconds ?

Wow, I thought you were a little unhinged before but that is way over the edge. Does everything in your world have to revolve around your combat experience? It seems to be constant reference in and around just about all your conversations. Have you ever been diagnosed with PTSD? Maybe you should get checked out.
I don't like to tease an old soldier but damn man get a hold of yourself.

Im glad it's not just me and everyone hates me for picking on the vet.

That old soldier may have seen things we haven't. So let's be grateful for him and keep in mind that the enemy is outside of the camp, guys. Not inside. He's one of ours! There is an hour coming on America that many do not see coming. When America is going to be hit hard by the enemy. I know it is coming and in that day we'll be thanking God for our soldiers who are here at home.

If the shit hits the fan I'm screwed. I have a little 22 poker darringer 5 shot handgun. It won't do squat. Then I have a crossbow. One you have to crank. Then I have a one shot 410 small caliber shotgun my grandfather left me.

I'm going to get another gun and because you can hunt all season with a muzzle loader and it goes farther than a shotgun, I got to get another 1 shot gun! I could never be a mass shooter with my pathetic arcenal. Lol
We raise cattle and treat them like pampered house pets. Not one has ever been slaughtered on my land. My bull is over 1500 lbs. now and he'll die of old age (he's still young and not full grown yet). I'm deeply attached to him. He's a beauty! We've had another rancher ask us to go get one with a broken leg and my husband helped butcher it and took the beef home. One red angus is 750 - 800 lbs of beef. That is a lot of beef. My husband put up beef from last year - a smaller cow he slaughtered that I gave away so much meat - I couldn't even tell you how much I gave away. If we had a neighbor drop by I just filled up a couple of grocery bags full from the freezer and gave it to them. We've got three freezers in our kitchen (I have a big kitchen). Personally? I do like venison! My husband loves to hunt deer. He just isn't allowed to do it here at home.

I have a girlfriend who owns a very large ranch down the road and she buys her meat at Walmart and sends her cattle to market. She cannot deal with the idea of slaughtering them. I told her that as her beef is prime beef she should do at least one cow because Walmart beef is nowhere near as good. But I won't let mine be slaughtered so I reckon I should not have said anything.
When I go to our metropark it has a farm and I can't help scratch the cows pigs sheep and goats like I'm sure no one ever scratch them. They lean into it and can't believe I'm giving them such a wonderful scratching. Do you do that to your cows? Id have a hard time killing a cow I knew too.
If the shit hits the fan I'm screwed. I have a little 22 poker darringer 5 shot handgun. It won't do squat. Then I have a crossbow. One you have to crank. Then I have a one shot 410 small caliber shotgun my grandfather left me.

I'm going to get another gun and because you can hunt all season with a muzzle loader and it goes farther than a shotgun, I got to get another 1 shot gun! I could never be a mass shooter with my pathetic arcenal. Lol
Your problem isn't which gun. It's which toy. And you're playing with the wrong ones. You should go to a pawn shop and trade all your guns, your bow, and whatever the hell else you have, and pick up a nice GUITAR. Learn how to play it (its easy), and then you'll really have something cool. Guns are only good for killing people who attack you and raghead jihadists. After you get a little advanced on the guitar you can hook up with other musicians and play some really cool music together.

You'll be OK. You just fell into the wrong sideline, that;s all.

Take my advice. Goodbye gun. Hello guitar. But if you really have to shoot. Shoot ISIS.
If the shit hits the fan I'm screwed. I have a little 22 poker darringer 5 shot handgun. It won't do squat. Then I have a crossbow. One you have to crank. Then I have a one shot 410 small caliber shotgun my grandfather left me.

I'm going to get another gun and because you can hunt all season with a muzzle loader and it goes farther than a shotgun, I got to get another 1 shot gun! I could never be a mass shooter with my pathetic arcenal. Lol
Your problem isn't which gun. It's which toy. And you're playing with the wrong ones. You should go to a pawn shop and trade all your guns, your bow, and whatever the hell else you have, and pick up a nice GUITAR. Learn how to play it (its easy), and then you'll really have something cool. Guns are only good for killing people who attack you and raghead jihadists. After you get a little advanced on the guitar you can hook up with other musicians and play some really cool music together.

You'll be OK. You just fell into the wrong sideline, that;s all.

Take my advice. Goodbye gun. Hello guitar. But if you really have to shoot. Shoot ISIS.
I already play guitar. I have just as many guitars as I do guns.
Kind of hard to hunt with a guitar.
If the shit hits the fan I'm screwed. I have a little 22 poker darringer 5 shot handgun. It won't do squat. Then I have a crossbow. One you have to crank. Then I have a one shot 410 small caliber shotgun my grandfather left me.

I'm going to get another gun and because you can hunt all season with a muzzle loader and it goes farther than a shotgun, I got to get another 1 shot gun! I could never be a mass shooter with my pathetic arcenal. Lol
Your problem isn't which gun. It's which toy. And you're playing with the wrong ones. You should go to a pawn shop and trade all your guns, your bow, and whatever the hell else you have, and pick up a nice GUITAR. Learn how to play it (its easy), and then you'll really have something cool. Guns are only good for killing people who attack you and raghead jihadists. After you get a little advanced on the guitar you can hook up with other musicians and play some really cool music together.

You'll be OK. You just fell into the wrong sideline, that;s all.

Take my advice. Goodbye gun. Hello guitar. But if you really have to shoot. Shoot ISIS.
After Isis is gone will there be no need for guns? Isis has only been around for less than a decade. Guns been around for 1000
We just bought 65 acres up north Michigan. Bought a quad, put up 3 tree stands up now me my brother and father in law are doing an evening hunt.

Every fern blowing looks like a deer.scary up in this tree not I got a safety harness.

So happy. In paradise. Like a little piece of our childhood.

Stands and blinds are not hunting. It's sniping. Be a man, get out there and track, locate, and kill your prey.
My brother is sitting in a tree blind all of the sudden a ten point buck is looking, hearing and smelling at him. He made the mistake of moving and the thing ran off. Ran right by me screaming to all his bitches to bolt. I'm going back up this weekend with carrots apples and beats. It's going to be cold so I'm going to sit in this huge blind with 4 windows. It sits on top of 4 telephone polls and you climb a ladder and open the trap door. Im taking a outdoor recliner up into it and I'm going to sleep in it midnight to sun up. Hopefully when I wake up a buck it eating the bait.

We washed our camo clothes and bodies in special soap, deer piss, doe calls, bait and still got nothing. Lol

Reminds me of predator. We even put the trophy's on our walls.
If the shit hits the fan I'm screwed. I have a little 22 poker darringer 5 shot handgun. It won't do squat. Then I have a crossbow. One you have to crank. Then I have a one shot 410 small caliber shotgun my grandfather left me.

I'm going to get another gun and because you can hunt all season with a muzzle loader and it goes farther than a shotgun, I got to get another 1 shot gun! I could never be a mass shooter with my pathetic arcenal. Lol
Your problem isn't which gun. It's which toy. And you're playing with the wrong ones. You should go to a pawn shop and trade all your guns, your bow, and whatever the hell else you have, and pick up a nice GUITAR. Learn how to play it (its easy), and then you'll really have something cool. Guns are only good for killing people who attack you and raghead jihadists. After you get a little advanced on the guitar you can hook up with other musicians and play some really cool music together.

You'll be OK. You just fell into the wrong sideline, that;s all.

Take my advice. Goodbye gun. Hello guitar. But if you really have to shoot. Shoot ISIS.
That's funny because I learned guitar when I was 35. I was even in a band. We performed once. I wasn't very good. Too nervous. And I haven't played in a year. I need a new guitar.
We just bought 65 acres up north Michigan. Bought a quad, put up 3 tree stands up now me my brother and father in law are doing an evening hunt.

Every fern blowing looks like a deer.scary up in this tree not I got a safety harness.

So happy. In paradise. Like a little piece of our childhood.

Stands and blinds are not hunting. It's sniping. Be a man, get out there and track, locate, and kill your prey.
My brother is sitting in a tree blind all of the sudden a ten point buck is looking, hearing and smelling at him. He made the mistake of moving and the thing ran off. Ran right by me screaming to all his bitches to bolt. I'm going back up this weekend with carrots apples and beats. It's going to be cold so I'm going to sit in this huge blind with 4 windows. It sits on top of 4 telephone polls and you climb a ladder and open the trap door. Im taking a outdoor recliner up into it and I'm going to sleep in it midnight to sun up. Hopefully when I wake up a buck it eating the bait.

We washed our camo clothes and bodies in special soap, deer piss, doe calls, bait and still got nothing. Lol

Reminds me of predator. We even put the trophy's on our walls.

You sound like you're having a great time. Good!
Green peace or Sierra Club?
If the shit hits the fan I'm screwed. I have a little 22 poker darringer 5 shot handgun. It won't do squat. Then I have a crossbow. One you have to crank. Then I have a one shot 410 small caliber shotgun my grandfather left me.

I'm going to get another gun and because you can hunt all season with a muzzle loader and it goes farther than a shotgun, I got to get another 1 shot gun! I could never be a mass shooter with my pathetic arcenal. Lol
Your problem isn't which gun. It's which toy. And you're playing with the wrong ones. You should go to a pawn shop and trade all your guns, your bow, and whatever the hell else you have, and pick up a nice GUITAR. Learn how to play it (its easy), and then you'll really have something cool. Guns are only good for killing people who attack you and raghead jihadists. After you get a little advanced on the guitar you can hook up with other musicians and play some really cool music together.

You'll be OK. You just fell into the wrong sideline, that;s all.

Take my advice. Goodbye gun. Hello guitar. But if you really have to shoot. Shoot ISIS.
We just bought 65 acres up north Michigan. Bought a quad, put up 3 tree stands up now me my brother and father in law are doing an evening hunt.

Every fern blowing looks like a deer.scary up in this tree not I got a safety harness.

So happy. In paradise. Like a little piece of our childhood.

Stands and blinds are not hunting. It's sniping. Be a man, get out there and track, locate, and kill your prey.
My brother is sitting in a tree blind all of the sudden a ten point buck is looking, hearing and smelling at him. He made the mistake of moving and the thing ran off. Ran right by me screaming to all his bitches to bolt. I'm going back up this weekend with carrots apples and beats. It's going to be cold so I'm going to sit in this huge blind with 4 windows. It sits on top of 4 telephone polls and you climb a ladder and open the trap door. Im taking a outdoor recliner up into it and I'm going to sleep in it midnight to sun up. Hopefully when I wake up a buck it eating the bait.

We washed our camo clothes and bodies in special soap, deer piss, doe calls, bait and still got nothing. Lol

Reminds me of predator. We even put the trophy's on our walls.

You sound like you're having a great time. Good!
We have this deer blind out in the middle of the property. 4 windows a trap door sits on top of 4 telephone poles about 20 feet off the ground. I brought up this fold up outdoor chair that has a foot rest. Very comfortable and fits perfectly up here. This thing could fit 2 people. I put pumpkins apples carrots and beats on the edge of the woods. Got up here at 2am now wait 3 more hours for sun to come up. I brought food and water so I'm not going to leave this blind till about noon. I feel very safe in this thing. Extra clothes in case it gets colder. Wish me luck.
So this morning a decent size doe comes walking out of thin air so I took her. Now I have meat and still a buck tag.
And her fawns ? What happens to them ? They starve, so you can eat ? Don't respond unless you can tell me what you're going to do for the fawns.

And you can pass on the overpopulation rap too, unless you're morally OK with shooting people, to reduce our massive US overpopulation.

The fawns used to be taken in and raised by locals in the area and they would leave when grown and return with their families for a visit. It was a blessed sight to see until the Democrats made laws making it a felony to feed an abandoned fawn or take it in and nurture it to full age. The law is no one can feed them or rescue them. They must be left to die. Blame your own Democrat party for that law. It's a wicked thing to do but they already have turned murdering babies and selling their body parts into a business so we should not be shocked to learn they would do it to Bambi.


You've got this SO wrong.

As a wildlife rehabber, I am bound by federal law and I've run up against this as well. Unlike you, the very first thing I did was RESEARCH the REASON for this law.

Hint: it has nothing at all to do with Democrats and everything to do with hunters.

And, I cannot say just how sick I am of you bible thumpers and RWNJs saying that animals are worth more than humans. Disagree all you want but, IMO, human BABIES are worth more than non-human babies but for the millionth time, a baby of any species is not the same as a FETUS.
So this morning a decent size doe comes walking out of thin air so I took her. Now I have meat and still a buck tag.
And her fawns ? What happens to them ? They starve, so you can eat ? Don't respond unless you can tell me what you're going to do for the fawns.

And you can pass on the overpopulation rap too, unless you're morally OK with shooting people, to reduce our massive US overpopulation.

The fawns used to be taken in and raised by locals in the area and they would leave when grown and return with their families for a visit. It was a blessed sight to see until the Democrats made laws making it a felony to feed an abandoned fawn or take it in and nurture it to full age. The law is no one can feed them or rescue them. They must be left to die. Blame your own Democrat party for that law. It's a wicked thing to do but they already have turned murdering babies and selling their body parts into a business so we should not be shocked to learn they would do it to Bambi.
People were dropping mounds of food plots and the animals are nose to nose and got diseases and a lot died. Now you are suppose to spread it around.

Yea, I don't think this is a democrat thing. This is DNR conservation shit. I hunt with hard core Republicans and if Democrats were doing bad things I would have heard about it.

The deer should be able to survive on their own.

There are people who want to feed the bears too. Do you not understand the reasons that's not a good idea? How about raccoons?

But between you and me, I'd feed the fawn anyways. Shhh
We just bought 65 acres up north Michigan. Bought a quad, put up 3 tree stands up now me my brother and father in law are doing an evening hunt.

Every fern blowing looks like a deer.scary up in this tree not I got a safety harness.

So happy. In paradise. Like a little piece of our childhood.

Stands and blinds are not hunting. It's sniping. Be a man, get out there and track, locate, and kill your prey.
My brother is sitting in a tree blind all of the sudden a ten point buck is looking, hearing and smelling at him. He made the mistake of moving and the thing ran off. Ran right by me screaming to all his bitches to bolt. I'm going back up this weekend with carrots apples and beats. It's going to be cold so I'm going to sit in this huge blind with 4 windows. It sits on top of 4 telephone polls and you climb a ladder and open the trap door. Im taking a outdoor recliner up into it and I'm going to sleep in it midnight to sun up. Hopefully when I wake up a buck it eating the bait.

We washed our camo clothes and bodies in special soap, deer piss, doe calls, bait and still got nothing. Lol

Reminds me of predator. We even put the trophy's on our walls.

You sound like you're having a great time. Good!
I volunteered at a Christian church slash soup kitchen tonight. Nice people. Even the homeless ex cons ex druggies ex drunks were nice once we got to talking.
So this morning a decent size doe comes walking out of thin air so I took her. Now I have meat and still a buck tag.
And her fawns ? What happens to them ? They starve, so you can eat ? Don't respond unless you can tell me what you're going to do for the fawns.

And you can pass on the overpopulation rap too, unless you're morally OK with shooting people, to reduce our massive US overpopulation.
The fawns will be fine. Hunting season starts this Saturday. We planted winter wheat so the fawns will have food to get through the winter.

My only problem with shooting a big buck on Saturday is that he won't have time to put his seed in ten doe. I want his DNA to be passed on
I know most people think november 15 is opening day but today is for archery. I'm gonna get me a buck in about 4 hours.
Not a lot of hunters on usmb.

So I drive 4 hours each way to hunt private land and this state land is ten minutes from my home? The only problem is it's probably over hunted and someone could just walk up on me but hopefully they see my car and realize it's hunting season.

I think I'm doing this wrong a ranger might have told me I have to go 100 yards into the woods and I'm just laying on the trail next to this open field
We just bought 65 acres up north Michigan. Bought a quad, put up 3 tree stands up now me my brother and father in law are doing an evening hunt.

Every fern blowing looks like a deer.scary up in this tree not I got a safety harness.

So happy. In paradise. Like a little piece of our childhood.


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