I'm From The Government And I'm Here To Help

Those words were used as an anchor for the Great Ronnie God in 1980. Those words are evil, they smack of "The Nanny State" that all Repuglicants cannot abide.

Mississippi Repuglicant Governor Haley "Bubba" Barbour, while as Chair of the RNC used the above statement more than time for any number forgettable reasons.

Now, as his State lays broken and beaten a series of killer Tornado's. And what Bubba do, does he tell the "Government" to take their FEMA Money and shove it? Does he the "Government" that the State of Mississippi does not want, need, desire, request or require any form "Government Assistance."?

NO, never happen. Bubba bellies up to the "Government Trough" and pleads of "Government" help.

Repuglican Bluster gives way to Repuglicant lies.

If "I'm from the government and I'm to help." was so nasty and evil before the twisters, then it shoud be as equally evil now.

No aide of any sort for Mississippi.

You sow what you reap.

What a fucking waste of brainpower. And how taxing it must have been to come up with this shit?
Liberals really are Fucking Retards. Last time I checked States did not maintain a Navy or an Army Corp (pronounced "Corpse") of Engineers.

Wow, States now have to BEG The federal government to do what its supposed to do as a matter of course.


Obama has the Gubbamint in health Care, calling people racists, checking in everyones pocket but you have to beg to get a response to the biggest national disaster since the Obama election.

What fucking retards!

BP are one of the TOP gas companies on the planet. They have a good track record and there is absolutely no reason to disparage them because of this spill. All you prove is that you are an unthinking hack who regurgitates left wing propaganda.

Amen to that.

Give them a chance to at least attempt to make things right before you condemn them. To my knowledge they have not said anything for or against making this right. My guess is that they are working hard with the government to minimize the damage as we speak. It simply is not public knowledge at this point as to what is going on.

If it turns out that they turn their back on the cleanup, then we have a right to bitch, but for the time being we can only hope they attempt to do the right thing.

I hope when you need a fireman or a policeman someday they are there wether you think you want them or not.

You see they are from the government also and they are there to help.

Pretending government can do nothing right is as stupid as pretending the private sector can do no wrong.

I think we have had a month full of lessons in that with dead minors and dead oil rig workers.

Ahh Ignorance from the left.. Classic.

The Left keeps confusing it all up, actually, it's the LWM who keeps saying shit like that, they make the Right out to be Anarchists, which in fact is the opposite..

Government is there to Protect us, to keep everything in order, to ensure that there are enough Police, Medics, and Firemen available and ready.

Government isn't here to Offer us "Safety Nets".

There's a huge difference between the two..

The Government Can't do anything right is a stupid remark, saying the Private sector can't do anything right either is also a stupid remark...

What does Dead Minors and Oil Rigs have to do with anything?
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