I'm beginning to really HATE the people lined up against Trump. Is that wrong???


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
It seems that everyone, EVERYONE, in the establishment is lined up against Trump, and that includes both Democrats and Republicans, the media (including FOX News), the billionaires who really pull the strings, the deep state (CIA, NSA, FBI), the State Department, the bureaucracy at all the agencies, the courts, the universities, Hollywood, etc.

The only people behind Trump are the ordinary folks who voted for him, as proven at the BSA Jamboree and the Youngstown rally.

And I'm beginning to feel HATE because of Trump can't overcome all this opposition, we Americans will have lost our last, best chance of getting our country back.
No, it isn't wrong. It means you have a level head on your shoulders, the ability to think, and concern not just for yourself but for your children's future and the future of this country.

They have earned your scorn and hatred. Don't hold back.
It seems that everyone, EVERYONE, in the establishment is lined up against Trump, and that includes both Democrats and Republicans, the media (including FOX News), the billionaires who really pull the strings, the deep state (CIA, NSA, FBI), the State Department, the bureaucracy at all the agencies, the courts, the universities, Hollywood, etc.

The only people behind Trump are the ordinary folks who voted for him, as proven at the BSA Jamboree and the Youngstown rally.

And I'm beginning to feel HATE because of Trump can't overcome all this opposition, we Americans will have lost our last, best chance of getting our country back.

Your feelings are the only possible reasonable response to their vile behavior.

At this point, I'm even angry at the conservatives who are undermining Trump at every point.
Being so religiously against President Trump is a mockery aimed straight at their hate of all religions except Islamic Terrorism (yes, a subset of Islam,it is true, but still in the sense that Baptists are a sub-set off Christianity).

But there IS a pattern:

The establishment obviously wants to push us into war with Russia. I have no idea why they want to do that, but this new sanctions bill proves it.
The establishment obviously wants to push us into war with Russia. I have no idea why they want to do that, but this new sanctions bill proves it.

It is possible that they are so fucking stupid that they think that RUssia is a defeated power that can be safely pushed around, without risk.

The end result would be the same, of course.
And I'm beginning to feel HATE...
My guess is that you've been conditioned to look at things in a very binary, black & white, us vs. them way.

You're not obligated to hate those who dare to disagree with you. Hate is something you choose to do.

There will always be people who disagree with you. That's just a part of life we all have to accept.
It seems that everyone, EVERYONE, in the establishment is lined up against Trump, and that includes both Democrats and Republicans, the media (including FOX News), the billionaires who really pull the strings, the deep state (CIA, NSA, FBI), the State Department, the bureaucracy at all the agencies, the courts, the universities, Hollywood, etc.

The only people behind Trump are the ordinary folks who voted for him, as proven at the BSA Jamboree and the Youngstown rally.

And I'm beginning to feel HATE because of Trump can't overcome all this opposition, we Americans will have lost our last, best chance of getting our country back.
Only the blind, unstable and truly deranged still support this insecure, thin skinned whiny little bitch.
He's an embarrassment to humanity.
What pleases me is that there are a lot more of us than there are of you.
Your experiment of hate, racism and incompetence is losing support faster than DT is losing his sanity.
And I'm beginning to feel HATE...
My guess is that you've been conditioned to look at things in a very binary, black & white, us vs. them way.

You're not obligated to hate those who dare to disagree with you. Hate is something you choose to do.

There will always be people who disagree with you. That's just a part of life we all have to accept.
That's not true. I am beginning to hate my fellow conservatives, people I used to agree with. I now see them as part of the problem, a "phony opposition" who have been playing us, pretending to be on our side to provide cover for the elitists who are screwing us over with an aggressive agenda of destroying our culture, unlimited immigration, and outsourcing. Now I see my fellow conservatives as collaborators, like the Vichey regime of occupied France. The last REAL conservative was Ronald Reagan. After that, the conservative movement has been worthless, and now I think, deliberately so.
It seems that everyone, EVERYONE, in the establishment is lined up against Trump, and that includes both Democrats and Republicans, the media (including FOX News), the billionaires who really pull the strings, the deep state (CIA, NSA, FBI), the State Department, the bureaucracy at all the agencies, the courts, the universities, Hollywood, etc.

The only people behind Trump are the ordinary folks who voted for him, as proven at the BSA Jamboree and the Youngstown rally.

And I'm beginning to feel HATE because of Trump can't overcome all this opposition, we Americans will have lost our last, best chance of getting our country back.
Sounds like you're starting to accept and understand the will of the voters.

I honestly can't understand how any American could be against anything he's talked about.
It seems that everyone, EVERYONE, in the establishment is lined up against Trump, and that includes both Democrats and Republicans, the media (including FOX News), the billionaires who really pull the strings, the deep state (CIA, NSA, FBI), the State Department, the bureaucracy at all the agencies, the courts, the universities, Hollywood, etc.

The only people behind Trump are the ordinary folks who voted for him, as proven at the BSA Jamboree and the Youngstown rally.

And I'm beginning to feel HATE because of Trump can't overcome all this opposition, we Americans will have lost our last, best chance of getting our country back.

Since you pretty much do nothing but announce everyone you hate.....what is the surprise here?
The stains want to destroy this country at all costs. They know nothing but what the media feeds them, they are the most intolerant group that has ever been, and they want to Impeach the president and he hasn't broken any law. Lunatics!
It's not just George Soros, it's all the billionaires lined up to buy the politicians and media personalities, and Hollywood types as well. Look at all the money they've poured into buying up all the scientists to back global warming. You can't trust anyone any more, because they're all bought and paid for by the billionaires who want to grow big government, because it's easier that way to control us, and strangle us, and knock us out of the workforce.

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