Great News in Senate!


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
We now know which GOP Senators are RINOs:

In Wednesday's Obamacare repeal vote, Republican Sens. Susan Collins of Maine; Shelley Moore of West Virginia; John McCain of Arizona; Rob Portman of Ohio; Lamar Alexander of Tennessee; Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Dean Heller of Nevada voted in opposition. (Too bad only Heller is up for reelection.)

Drain the Swamp!
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We now know which GOP Senators are RINOs:

In Wednesday's Obamacare repeal vote, Republican Sens. Susan Collins of Maine; Shelley Moore of West Virginia; John McCain of Arizona; Rob Portman of Ohio; Lamar Alexander of Tennessee; Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Dean Heller of Nevada voted in opposition. (Too bad only Heller is up for reelection.)

Drain the Swamp!
Start with Susan Collins of Maine. She is first on this list with good reason. There isn't a bigger traitor in the bunch than her. Not a single one of these people should ever get a vote from the American people again. EVER!
We now know which GOP Senators are RINOs:

In Wednesday's Obamacare repeal vote, Republican Sens. Susan Collins of Maine; Shelley Moore of West Virginia; John McCain of Arizona; Rob Portman of Ohio; Lamar Alexander of Tennessee; Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Dean Heller of Nevada voted in opposition. (Too bad only Heller is up for reelection.)

Drain the Swamp!
Start with Susan Collins of Maine. She is first on this list with good reason. There isn't a bigger traitor in the bunch than her. Not a single one of these people should ever get a vote from the American people again. EVER!
Most republican seats would be safe even if they went around kicking toddlers but some congressmen know that next election their opposition is going to run ads of smiling grannies, cute toddlers, family men and women (some in uniform) who died because their insurance got voted away by congress. Why anyone wants to run against that is beyond me.
great news ... now do something about it pipsqueeks.
We now know which GOP Senators are RINOs:

In Wednesday's Obamacare repeal vote, Republican Sens. Susan Collins of Maine; Shelley Moore of West Virginia; John McCain of Arizona; Rob Portman of Ohio; Lamar Alexander of Tennessee; Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Dean Heller of Nevada voted in opposition. (Too bad only Heller is up for reelection.)

Drain the Swamp!

Trump will have a massive rally in every one of those states, just watch.

Hopefully they'll wise up and dump those RINOs
We now know which GOP Senators are RINOs:

In Wednesday's Obamacare repeal vote, Republican Sens. Susan Collins of Maine; Shelley Moore of West Virginia; John McCain of Arizona; Rob Portman of Ohio; Lamar Alexander of Tennessee; Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Dean Heller of Nevada voted in opposition. (Too bad only Heller is up for reelection.)

Drain the Swamp!

Trump will have a massive rally in every one of those states, just watch.

Hopefully they'll wise up and dump those RINOs
He can do that but tweeting the names of the seven traitors and informing the American people about why they should never vote for them again should be done immediately.
We now know which GOP Senators are RINOs:

In Wednesday's Obamacare repeal vote, Republican Sens. Susan Collins of Maine; Shelley Moore of West Virginia; John McCain of Arizona; Rob Portman of Ohio; Lamar Alexander of Tennessee; Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Dean Heller of Nevada voted in opposition. (Too bad only Heller is up for reelection.)

Drain the Swamp!

Trump will have a massive rally in every one of those states, just watch.

Hopefully they'll wise up and dump those RINOs
He can do that but tweeting the names of the seven traitors and informing the American people about why they should never vote for them again should be done immediately.

Good point. I wouldn't want to get on that New Yorker's bad side. :laugh:
We now know which GOP Senators are RINOs:

In Wednesday's Obamacare repeal vote, Republican Sens. Susan Collins of Maine; Shelley Moore of West Virginia; John McCain of Arizona; Rob Portman of Ohio; Lamar Alexander of Tennessee; Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Dean Heller of Nevada voted in opposition. (Too bad only Heller is up for reelection.)

Drain the Swamp!

Trump will have a massive rally in every one of those states, just watch.

Hopefully they'll wise up and dump those RINOs
The suggestion last night was to do local radio gigs in those cities. I love it fk them!
what kind of name is "Moo-Cow-Ski?
Polish. Her father was Governor Frank Murkowski. Her father appointed her to his own Senate Seat in 2002 (unexpired) when he had to vacate it to become Governor. The voters called it nepotism which led to her Governor father being stripped of his power to directly appoint replacement Senators - in this case his own daughter. She's a career politician. Just as crooked as her father was. She should be branded for the traitor she is and never get another vote again from the American people.

New Alaska Governor Gives Daughter His Seat in Senate

As you can see from the article she was a strong supporter of abortion (NOT PRO LIFE) and identified as not a true conservative. She's been a RINO all along. Article is from in 2002.
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We now know which GOP Senators are RINOs:

In Wednesday's Obamacare repeal vote, Republican Sens. Susan Collins of Maine; Shelley Moore of West Virginia; John McCain of Arizona; Rob Portman of Ohio; Lamar Alexander of Tennessee; Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Dean Heller of Nevada voted in opposition. (Too bad only Heller is up for reelection.)

Drain the Swamp!

Trump will have a massive rally in every one of those states, just watch.

Hopefully they'll wise up and dump those RINOs
The suggestion last night was to do local radio gigs in those cities. I love it fk them!

Seeing as how the conservative confidence is very high these days, and lots of money is going into it, I'm sure there are quite a few organizations getting out the message.

This is fine with me, because what we're witnessing is the death of the "progressive" movement in America. Not only in this country, but all over the world. People are starting to wake up and realize the ultimate results of socialism and liberalism.
We now know which GOP Senators are RINOs:

In Wednesday's Obamacare repeal vote, Republican Sens. Susan Collins of Maine; Shelley Moore of West Virginia; John McCain of Arizona; Rob Portman of Ohio; Lamar Alexander of Tennessee; Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Dean Heller of Nevada voted in opposition. (Too bad only Heller is up for reelection.)

Drain the Swamp!

Trump will have a massive rally in every one of those states, just watch.

Hopefully they'll wise up and dump those RINOs
He can do that but tweeting the names of the seven traitors and informing the American people about why they should never vote for them again should be done immediately.

Really? Traitors? Did you ever consider that maybe they are looking out for the best interests of the people who elected them, and not blindly following Trump? Trump doesn't appoint Senators, they are elected by the people of their state. Apparently, Trump STILL doesn't understand this.
We now know which GOP Senators are RINOs:

In Wednesday's Obamacare repeal vote, Republican Sens. Susan Collins of Maine; Shelley Moore of West Virginia; John McCain of Arizona; Rob Portman of Ohio; Lamar Alexander of Tennessee; Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Dean Heller of Nevada voted in opposition. (Too bad only Heller is up for reelection.)

Drain the Swamp!

Trump will have a massive rally in every one of those states, just watch.

Hopefully they'll wise up and dump those RINOs
He can do that but tweeting the names of the seven traitors and informing the American people about why they should never vote for them again should be done immediately.

Really? Traitors? Did you ever consider that maybe they are looking out for the best interests of the people who elected them, and not blindly following Trump? Trump doesn't appoint Senators, they are elected by the people of their state. Apparently, Trump STILL doesn't understand this.

Didn't most of them run on a platform of "repealing Obamacare"?

They need to to put out or eff off.

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