Illuminati Wife Tells All

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
From reading the comments on this video interview - it appears that this interview was done in the early 1990's. Meet Kay Griggs, wife of US Col. George Griggs.

This woman's knowledge of the politics of the Illuminati operating within our Government - assassination squads, military black ops, Seal Team Six, govt secrets, the US Govt and the Saudis, murder ops using Navy Seals and then blaming the Arabs, poisoning to death an Arab leader to bring another one they chose to power, scenes from behind certain wars, Beirut diary of her husband, JAG infiltrated court system - even inside the local civilian courts throughout America - all prove one thing. She must be telling the truth. Listen to all four videos and see what you think. Note that the interview was done most likely early 1990's so her discussion about Seal Team Six, Bill Clinton, Sarah McClendon, and her husbands job for the military are very interesting to say the least. This woman openly tells the man interviewing her that her life was threatened repeatedly if she talked so she decided to go forward with a tell all interview. It turns out that it was a good decision. As of this past year she was still reported to be alive.

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Sometimes I wonder why it is that the truth is finally coming out about just how dirty our government, our military, these secret societies that this woman exposes (including Skull and Bones) are. I believe it is possible that the LORD just wanted the people of America to know just how corrupt our government has become. For us to know just how long it has been going on!! What floored me is the ops they run and then blame on the Arabs. How they chose boys from other countries who are not even American citizens to become trained assassins for our Government - and how we are paying for this with our tax dollars - as she points out. Who knew? I was astonished by the amount of knowledge this woman had to share about what is really going on. Totally astonished!
I don't know what point you are trying to make. You need to listen to the interview to learn what it is about. The person who posted the video put up whatever they put up - pay attention to the content of what she is telling you. She was married to a very high level military man who gave her this information and she met many of the people he worked with and knew them. The interview is very informative.
I don't know what point you are trying to make. You need to listen to the interview to learn what it is about. The person who posted the video put up whatever they put up - pay attention to the content of what she is telling you. She was married to a very high level military man who gave her this information and she met many of the people he worked with and knew them. The interview is very informative.

Seven hours of conspiracy theories? No wonder you are brain washed. The human brain can only take so much crazy in one sitting before it turns to jelly.
I don't know what point you are trying to make. You need to listen to the interview to learn what it is about. The person who posted the video put up whatever they put up - pay attention to the content of what she is telling you. She was married to a very high level military man who gave her this information and she met many of the people he worked with and knew them. The interview is very informative.

Seven hours of conspiracy theories? No wonder you are brain washed. The human brain can only take so much crazy in one sitting before it turns to jelly.

How do you know it is a conspiracy theory if you didn't listen to her testimony? The truth - you don't.

Here is some wisdom - if you condemn a person's testimony before examination of the evidence you are assuring yourself eternal ignorance on the matter. I hardly believe your mind is so frail, so feeble and delicate that it cannot manage to listen to 3 or 4 videos without falling apart. Learning the truth about mass scale corruption inside our military, our government, our court system might enlighten you as to why our nation is in the state it is currently in. It would not be time wasted for you to learn a few important facts she shared - at the risk of her own life - I might add. But it's your choice, of course.
I don't know what point you are trying to make. You need to listen to the interview to learn what it is about. The person who posted the video put up whatever they put up - pay attention to the content of what she is telling you. She was married to a very high level military man who gave her this information and she met many of the people he worked with and knew them. The interview is very informative.

Seven hours of conspiracy theories? No wonder you are brain washed. The human brain can only take so much crazy in one sitting before it turns to jelly.

How do you know it is a conspiracy theory if you didn't listen to her testimony? The truth - you don't.

Here is some wisdom - if you condemn a person's testimony before examination of the evidence you are assuring yourself eternal ignorance on the matter. I hardly believe your mind is so frail, so feeble and delicate that it cannot manage to listen to 3 or 4 videos without falling apart. Learning the truth about mass scale corruption inside our military, our government, our court system might enlighten you as to why our nation is in the state it is currently in. It would not be time wasted for you to learn a few important facts she shared - at the risk of her own life - I might add. But it's your choice, of course.

Thread about the ILLUMINATI ? Of course it's crazy conspiracy theory crap. It always has been, and it always will be.
Why are you on this thread? Find another one but do not ridicule a person who put their life on the line to expose what goes on in our military and our government, Bulldog. That is totally unacceptable.
From reading the comments on this video interview - it appears that this interview was done in the early 1990's. Meet Kay Griggs, wife of US Col. George Griggs.

This woman's knowledge of the politics of the Illuminati operating within our Government - assassination squads, military black ops, Seal Team Six, govt secrets, the US Govt and the Saudis, murder ops using Navy Seals and then blaming the Arabs, poisoning to death an Arab leader to bring another one they chose to power, scenes from behind certain wars, Beirut diary of her husband, JAG infiltrated court system - even inside the local civilian courts throughout America - all prove one thing. She must be telling the truth. Listen to all four videos and see what you think. Note that the interview was done most likely early 1990's so her discussion about Seal Team Six, Bill Clinton, Sarah McClendon, and her husbands job for the military are very interesting to say the least. This woman openly tells the man interviewing her that her life was threatened repeatedly if she talked so she decided to go forward with a tell all interview. It turns out that it was a good decision. As of this past year she was still reported to be alive.

...wont spend time on videos but my opinion is that protesting against our government is better done by discussing things that all can see and know clearly and not by discussing "secret mysterious groups" secretly mysteriously controlling things...
Why are you on this thread? Find another one but do not ridicule a person who put their life on the line to expose what goes on in our military and our government, Bulldog. That is totally unacceptable.

I'm not sure you are in charge of what is acceptable. You keep putting goofy crap out, and I'll keep laughing at it.
From reading the comments on this video interview - it appears that this interview was done in the early 1990's. Meet Kay Griggs, wife of US Col. George Griggs.

This woman's knowledge of the politics of the Illuminati operating within our Government - assassination squads, military black ops, Seal Team Six, govt secrets, the US Govt and the Saudis, murder ops using Navy Seals and then blaming the Arabs, poisoning to death an Arab leader to bring another one they chose to power, scenes from behind certain wars, Beirut diary of her husband, JAG infiltrated court system - even inside the local civilian courts throughout America - all prove one thing. She must be telling the truth. Listen to all four videos and see what you think. Note that the interview was done most likely early 1990's so her discussion about Seal Team Six, Bill Clinton, Sarah McClendon, and her husbands job for the military are very interesting to say the least. This woman openly tells the man interviewing her that her life was threatened repeatedly if she talked so she decided to go forward with a tell all interview. It turns out that it was a good decision. As of this past year she was still reported to be alive.

...wont spend time on videos but my opinion is that protesting against our government is better done by discussing things that all can see and know clearly and not by discussing "secret mysterious groups" secretly mysteriously controlling things...

Well, unless you hear what she has to say you really do not know whether it is of value or not. I believe it is. Suit yourself though. I would suggest anyone, Jews, Muslims, American citizens, people in the Middle East, continent of Africa, Europe - all to listen to her testimony as it exposes exactly how our military operates and what they have been doing which is highly illegal ( not to mention deceptive and very destructive to other nations & their people)!
Why are you on this thread? Find another one but do not ridicule a person who put their life on the line to expose what goes on in our military and our government, Bulldog. That is totally unacceptable.

I'm not sure you are in charge of what is acceptable. You keep putting goofy crap out, and I'll keep laughing at it.

I never said I was in charge of what is acceptable. I said it is totally unacceptable as in morally despicable. This woman is a Christian - the wife of a high level military man who was an assassin for our govt, she has put her life on the line to expose what is going on and she deserves respect for that. If you are not interested? Move on. It's that simple. Do not provoke the LORD to anger. Your mockery of her is going to get you into something won't be able to get out of. Some wise advise for you. Quit now and move on.
Why are you on this thread? Find another one but do not ridicule a person who put their life on the line to expose what goes on in our military and our government, Bulldog. That is totally unacceptable.

I'm not sure you are in charge of what is acceptable. You keep putting goofy crap out, and I'll keep laughing at it.

I never said I was in charge of what is acceptable. I said it is totally unacceptable as in morally despicable. This woman is a Christian - the wife of a high level military man who was an assassin for our govt, she has put her life on the line to expose what is going on and she deserves respect for that. If you are not interested? Move on. It's that simple. Do not provoke the LORD to anger. Your mockery of her is going to get you into something won't be able to get out of. Some wise advise for you. Quit now and move on.

Sorry, but provoking a religious blowhard, and provoking the lord is two different things, unless you got some kind of promotion. If he was an assassin, then call the cops, or a movie producer. One of them might be interested in the tale, but to everybody that isn't a conspiracy nut, it's just more crazy. If you didn't try to portray yourself as an authority on all that crazy crap, you wouldn't be near as much fun to ridicule.
Well, unless you hear what she has to say you really do not know whether it is of value or not. I believe it is. Suit yourself though. I would suggest anyone, Jews, Muslims, American citizens, people in the Middle East, continent of Africa, Europe - all to listen to her testimony as it exposes exactly how our military operates and what they have been doing which is highly illegal ( not to mention deceptive and very destructive to other nations & their people)!

I hear what you're saying but I just think that discussing "secret mysterious" government isn't worth my time.

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