Illuminati/New World Order ???

Actually, we are all ruled by cats. Notice how they have humans very well trained. It's not a coinkydink.
eots, tell me what you know about the Denver Airport.

They also spy on us through our computer screens and mobile phones too. And don't forget the fillings in teeth. They can hear everything you say through those.
They also spy on us through our computer screens and mobile phones too. And don't forget the fillings in teeth. They can hear everything you say through those.

YES ..IF NSA desires they can indeed spy on your computer..your mobile why do you mix these facts with nonsense lke teeth filings ???

Cuz they can read your fillings like a radio station.
they also spy on us through our computer screens and mobile phones too. And don't forget the fillings in teeth. They can hear everything you say through those.

yes ..if NSA desires they can indeed spy on your computer..your mobile why do you mix these facts with nonsense like teeth filings ???

CZ they can read your fillings like a radio station.

well that is a bizarre belief you have
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A little reading that one might consider while trying to deduce if there really is a New World Order. Hint, was there an Old World Order?

The New Environmental Eugenics: Al Gore's Green Genocide by Rob Ainsworth

Just a few lines from the article. "Generation Investment Management vultures",and the "The First Global Revolution" written in 1991 by "the anti-human Club of Rome" .

"(BP, Lehman Brothers, DuPont, GE, et al.), World Resources Institute (WRI), Environmental Defense (ED), Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) Who is running the WRI, the NRDC and ED? Bankers, hadge-fund managers, big-oil,----the list goes on. But it goes even deeper than this, for the biggest student movements, such as Focus the Nation, Step It Up, and Stop Global Warming Now movement, are financed, organized, and deployed by hard-core synarchist Felix Rohatyn. These unwitting young people, organized by New Age fascist freak-show Bill McKibben and his Middlebury College cronies, are designed to be the Jacobin shocktroops which tear apart the special order with their lunatic demands of "pandas, not people!"

The New World Order is a little chaos where ever it is needed at the moment as the rich struggle to keep the herd in check.
A quick note for anyone reading about the Club of Rome. The first thought that came to mind while reading this page was the vision of Daniel.

Club of Rome - Committee of 300 subversive body

This group was organized in 1968 by the Morgenthau Group for the purpose of accelerating the plans to have the New World Order in place by the year 2000. The Club of Rome developed a plan to divide the world into ten regions or kingdoms.

In 1976, the United States Association of the Club of Rome (USACOR) was formed for the purpose of shutting down the U.S. economy gradually.

"apollo House" lagerhausstrasse 9 - Google Search
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I'm no stranger to the "conspiracy theories". My own opinion? Somewhere around the top .1% of the globe are just plain filthy rich and have gotten together to protect their interests.

Most are just interested in protecting their wealth and could care less about a "New World Order" or anybody else for that matter. There are a few within them though who absolutely hate other human beings and believe that "the masses" should be the slaves of the elites. They are very quite, and they don't have a lot of power but I believe they are there.

When it comes to this top 0.1%, your best bet is just to watch and not trust a damn thing "they" say or do.

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