Illuminati/New World Order ???

I guess my question more specifically should have been, anyone believe the conspiracy that there are is a group of people only a few hundred large, that are secretly attempting to convert the entire earth to a one world currency and a one world government?

Sometimes it's easier to determine what to believe by understanding what some of the more "influential folks believe. For example, just 3 days ago former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown stated the following about a "New World Order" (transcript from official UK Iraq Inquiry website is linked below):

"Our position was to support action so that the will of the international community, that Saddam Hussein disclose and dispose of weapons, be reinforced, and at the back of my mind was this sense that, if the international community did not act here, then the international community would find it difficult to gain credibility for acting in other areas, and this new world order that we were trying to create was being put at risk. So I go back to what I say is the wider argument about defying the will of the international community."

So clearly there is a "we" who are trying to create some sort of New World Order that requires the credibility of the international community working together as one - at least in Gordon Browns mind. So either Gordan Brown is one of the leading conspiracy theorists who somehow manged to rise to the top of British power, or there is some kind of collective activity to unite world governments into one acting body. He basically stated that he supported the Iraq war so that if nothing else, by participating he would be setting the stage for future collective actions in pursuit of a world order agenda.

Here's the trancript to his testimony from last Friday. Go to page 64 and start at line 7:

I think probably the "new world order" Brown was talking about was (and is) the attempt to bring some sort of civilized mentality to the hot spots that continue to cause problems for OTHER countries that have to deal with their tyranical leaders and clean up the messes once they've attempted to gain power through violence. It's not the same "new world order" that speaks to world economies.
How many people think there is some truth to these type conspiracies?

Some truth?

Of course, there's SOME truth to the theory that conspiracies exist

That much is obvious since criminal conspiracies are uncovered all the time.

But as to some overarching conspiracy that is pulling every string and controlling every circumstance?

No, that's a silly notion on it's face.

The nature of humans doesn't allow a conspiracy that large and that long lasting to exist sub rosa.

Which is also the common sense reason why there was no covert conspiracy by the Bush Administration to carry out the attacks of 911. There would have had to have been many people involved in such an event and literally thousands involved in the coverup. One of them would have come forth with solid proof by now. The BA is only guilty of trying to minimize the abject failure of literally every one of our very expensive defense security mechanisms.

you make the wild assumption it would require thousands and that members of black ops willing turn themselves in even when there is no investigation or that one compelled to do so would even be believed or live to tell his tale
history shows your assumptions to be fallacy
One thing that definitely makes me doubt any sort of Illuminati/New World Order type group of almighty powerful people is why on earth would they allow all these videos to be uploaded online, and even a lot of Hollywood movies lately have been about such conspiracies.
One thing that definitely makes me doubt any sort of Illuminati/New World Order type group of almighty powerful people is why on earth would they allow all these videos to be uploaded online, and even a lot of Hollywood movies lately have been about such conspiracies.

the movies are propaganda so you will say what you just said...its called hidng in plain sight....eyes wide shut
One thing that definitely makes me doubt any sort of Illuminati/New World Order type group of almighty powerful people is why on earth would they allow all these videos to be uploaded online, and even a lot of Hollywood movies lately have been about such conspiracies.

the movies are propaganda so you will say what you just said...its called hidng in plain sight....eyes wide shut

Lol, I guess that's always possible, but if there really was a secret group controlling everything all the way to which mainstream Hollywood Blockbusters are put out there, don't you think it would be smarter to just not have the idea of a secret group of people out there all together, at all?
The Very Rich and The Very Powerful associate, intermarry, and do business with one another. They also like to see "friendly politicians" in positions of power - and use their resources and influence to further that outcome. It's not a conspiracy - it's just the way of the world.

Now, the real conspiracy is the cover up of the Body Snatcher Invasion. Many of the Very Rich and the Very Powerful have been replaced by Pod People.
The Very Rich and The Very Powerful associate, intermarry, and do business with one another. They also like to see "friendly politicians" in positions of power - and use their resources and influence to further that outcome. It's not a conspiracy - it's just the way of the world.

Now, the real conspiracy is the cover up of the Body Snatcher Invasion. Many of the Very Rich and the Very Powerful have been replaced by Pod People.

I definitely agree that people high up there, who are rich, have a special influence on what goes on around the world.

It would be naive to think that didn't exist actually.

But of course my questions in this thread are regarding specifically how deep, and to what extent these people with money, and control go.
I don't believe is a big secret media outlets are essentially controlled by a handful of people and that these people attend CFR and bilderburg meetings

[ame=]YouTube - Edward Bernays and the Art of Public Manipulation[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - thanks for keeping secrets MSM love david rockefeller[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Dick Cheney ex-director of CFR talks to David Rockefeller[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Outfoxed - Part 1[/ame]
I definitely agree that people high up there, who are rich, have a special influence on what goes on around the world.

It would be naive to think that didn't exist actually.

But of course my questions in this thread are regarding specifically how deep, and to what extent these people with money, and control go.

One thing is pretty certain - the Bigger The Government, the more resources are at their disposal to exert control.
I definitely agree that people high up there, who are rich, have a special influence on what goes on around the world.

It would be naive to think that didn't exist actually.

But of course my questions in this thread are regarding specifically how deep, and to what extent these people with money, and control go.

One thing is pretty certain - the Bigger The Government, the more resources are at their disposal to exert control.

QFT, no doubt.

That is a huge reason why I do not understand liberals.

At all.
How many people think there is some truth to these type conspiracies?

Some truth?

Of course, there's SOME truth to the theory that conspiracies exist

That much is obvious since criminal conspiracies are uncovered all the time.

But as to some overarching conspiracy that is pulling every string and controlling every circumstance?

No, that's a silly notion on it's face.

The nature of humans doesn't allow a conspiracy that large and that long lasting to exist sub rosa.

Which is also the common sense reason why there was no covert conspiracy by the Bush Administration to carry out the attacks of 911. There would have had to have been many people involved in such an event and literally thousands involved in the coverup. One of them would have come forth with solid proof by now. The BA is only guilty of trying to minimize the abject failure of literally every one of our very expensive defense security mechanisms.

how do you form this baseless assumption that thousands would be required to be actively involved with a cover up ? or that murders freely turn themselves in ? where is bin laden??? does he keep his secrets...why has no one come forth in all these years over his with solid evidence of his condition or location ???
Some truth?

Of course, there's SOME truth to the theory that conspiracies exist

That much is obvious since criminal conspiracies are uncovered all the time.

But as to some overarching conspiracy that is pulling every string and controlling every circumstance?

No, that's a silly notion on it's face.

The nature of humans doesn't allow a conspiracy that large and that long lasting to exist sub rosa.

Which is also the common sense reason why there was no covert conspiracy by the Bush Administration to carry out the attacks of 911. There would have had to have been many people involved in such an event and literally thousands involved in the coverup. One of them would have come forth with solid proof by now. The BA is only guilty of trying to minimize the abject failure of literally every one of our very expensive defense security mechanisms.

how do you form this baseless assumption that thousands would be required to be actively involved with a cover up ? or that murders freely turn themselves in ? where is bin laden??? does he keep his secrets...why has no one come forth in all these years over his with solid evidence of his condition or location ???
its not baseless to those with sanity and common sense
of course, neither of those you posses
Some truth?

Of course, there's SOME truth to the theory that conspiracies exist

That much is obvious since criminal conspiracies are uncovered all the time.

But as to some overarching conspiracy that is pulling every string and controlling every circumstance?

No, that's a silly notion on it's face.

The nature of humans doesn't allow a conspiracy that large and that long lasting to exist sub rosa.

Which is also the common sense reason why there was no covert conspiracy by the Bush Administration to carry out the attacks of 911. There would have had to have been many people involved in such an event and literally thousands involved in the coverup. One of them would have come forth with solid proof by now. The BA is only guilty of trying to minimize the abject failure of literally every one of our very expensive defense security mechanisms.

how do you form this baseless assumption that thousands would be required to be actively involved with a cover up ? or that murders freely turn themselves in ? where is bin laden??? does he keep his secrets...why has no one come forth in all these years over his with solid evidence of his condition or location ???

A pictorial representation of the logic that lies behind your conspiracy delusions......


  • $carthorse.jpg
    51.1 KB · Views: 66
Some truth?

Of course, there's SOME truth to the theory that conspiracies exist

That much is obvious since criminal conspiracies are uncovered all the time.

But as to some overarching conspiracy that is pulling every string and controlling every circumstance?

No, that's a silly notion on it's face.

The nature of humans doesn't allow a conspiracy that large and that long lasting to exist sub rosa.

Which is also the common sense reason why there was no covert conspiracy by the Bush Administration to carry out the attacks of 911. There would have had to have been many people involved in such an event and literally thousands involved in the coverup. One of them would have come forth with solid proof by now. The BA is only guilty of trying to minimize the abject failure of literally every one of our very expensive defense security mechanisms.

you make the wild assumption it would require thousands and that members of black ops willing turn themselves in even when there is no investigation or that one compelled to do so would even be believed or live to tell his tale
history shows your assumptions to be fallacy

Uh no, what I'm saying is that there would have been clerical staff and other non-planners doing the perfunctory work who would have blown the whistle. The first rule of any CRIME, whether it be an act of home grown subversive activities or knocking off your mother-in-law is that you involve as few people as possible. For example, where would they have stashed all those bodies on the plane that hit the Pentagon if, in fact, it had really been a missile? SOMEBODY would have come forth with how they were chopped up into little pieces and planted in the garden area of the Pentagon before the firetrucks got there. :lol:
Some truth?

Of course, there's SOME truth to the theory that conspiracies exist

That much is obvious since criminal conspiracies are uncovered all the time.

But as to some overarching conspiracy that is pulling every string and controlling every circumstance?

No, that's a silly notion on it's face.

The nature of humans doesn't allow a conspiracy that large and that long lasting to exist sub rosa.

Which is also the common sense reason why there was no covert conspiracy by the Bush Administration to carry out the attacks of 911. There would have had to have been many people involved in such an event and literally thousands involved in the coverup. One of them would have come forth with solid proof by now. The BA is only guilty of trying to minimize the abject failure of literally every one of our very expensive defense security mechanisms.

how do you form this baseless assumption that thousands would be required to be actively involved with a cover up ? or that murders freely turn themselves in ? where is bin laden??? does he keep his secrets...why has no one come forth in all these years over his with solid evidence of his condition or location ???

I think bin Laden remains free simply because he keeps it simple. HE really doesn't do anything anymore. He has become merely a symbol of Islamic terrorism. I think it was you who said something to the effect "hidden right in front of you." Well if the attack of 911 was a covert activity inspired and brought about by the CIA, it would have been much more sophisticated, don't you think? They would have covered their tracks so that people like you wouldn't be posing all these conspiracy theories. Instead, the attacks were carried out by 19 ragtag Arab expatriots with boxcutters. Who would have suspected something so simple would have changed the face of the entire world?
Which is also the common sense reason why there was no covert conspiracy by the Bush Administration to carry out the attacks of 911. There would have had to have been many people involved in such an event and literally thousands involved in the coverup. One of them would have come forth with solid proof by now. The BA is only guilty of trying to minimize the abject failure of literally every one of our very expensive defense security mechanisms.

you make the wild assumption it would require thousands and that members of black ops willing turn themselves in even when there is no investigation or that one compelled to do so would even be believed or live to tell his tale
history shows your assumptions to be fallacy

Uh no, what I'm saying is that there would have been clerical staff and other non-planners doing the perfunctory work who would have blown the whistle. The first rule of any CRIME, whether it be an act of home grown subversive activities or knocking off your mother-in-law is that you involve as few people as possible. For example, where would they have stashed all those bodies on the plane that hit the Pentagon if, in fact, it had really been a missile? SOMEBODY would have come forth with how they were chopped up into little pieces and planted in the garden area of the Pentagon before the firetrucks got there. :lol:

clerical staff and non -planners ?? you have got to be kidding...
The 9/11 Whistleblowers

For the first time in one place, a comprehensive collection of interviews with and information on those who have spoken out on how the globalist cabal within the government was COMPLICIT in the 9/11 attacks.

Alex Jones Interviews Col. Donn de Grand-Pre
29 Feb 04

Col. Donn de Grand-Pre, U.S. Army (ret.). de Grand-Pre outlines how 9/11 was carried out by order of an inside group of Neo-Cons. de Grand-Pre knows personally the pilot who shot down Flight 93.
Alex Jones Interviews Andreas Von Buelow
8 Feb 04

Von Buelow is the former German Defense Minister and Minister of Technology. Von Buelow went public to say the US government carried out 9/11. His book is one of the bestsellers across Europe.

Alex interviews Attorney Stanley Hilton
11 March 03

who is suing George Bush for direct involvement in 9/11 on behalf of 400 families. Hilton has deposed top military officials and has documents clearly proving the government carried out the attack.
Alex Jones Interviews Stanley Hilton
12 Sept 04

Stanley Hilton is bringing a lawsuit against the US Government charging involvement in carrying out the 9/11 attacks. Hilton has deposed top military officials who assert that the government were complicit in the attack.CIA complicit on September 11?

An interview with Michael Springman exposes the CIA's links with 911. Springmann worked for the US government for 20 years with the foreign service and consulate.

Mary Schiavo and Mike Springman
Unanswered Questions

Mary Schiavo, an attorney representing September 11 families against American and United Airlines, reminds us that simultaneous multiple-airplane hijackings were nothing new on September 11.
Judicial Watch News Conference with FBI Special Agent Robert Wright

C-SPAN coverage of the Judicial Watch press conference with FBI special agent Robert Wright, who claims the government knew more than it lets on about 9/11.

Michael Meacher
BBC World Service

former UK Government Minister speaks out about the standdown of NORAD on September 11th, PNAC and the pre-planned wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

US Intelligence recieved warnings of terrorist attacks from Randy Glass
Center for Cooperative Research - 01/30/04

A fascinating video relating to an important unheeded warning of the 9/11 attacks was shown on WPTV, an NBC TV station in Florida on October 7, 2002. This video has been overlooked and forgotten until now.
US Intelligence Agencies Duck - CIA analyst David MacMichael

Did US Intelligence agencies fail to act on solid prior warnings or was information blocked from above?

FBI AGENT ROBERT WRIGHT SAYS FBI AGENTS ASSIGNED TO INTELLIGENCE OPERATIONS CONTINUE TO PROTECT TERRORISTS FROM CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS AND PROSECUTIONS: Agents Lied To Federal Court for Wiretap Authority and Compromised Criminal Investigations of Terrorists. FBI Headquarters? International Terrorism Unit Acted as a ?Spectator? While Americans Died at the Hands of Terrorists.
Alex Jones Interview with respected lawyer David Schippers
10 Oct 01

The FBI has been, and still is, prohibiting their agents or local police from taking known terrorists into custody.

David Schippers tells Metcalf feds 'ignored' warnings of WTC attacks: According to Schippers, investigative reporter Jayna Davis has compelling evidence indicating the government knew in February 1995 about Middle Eastern terrorists operating in Oklahoma City, planning the bombing in that city, the demise of TWA Flight 800 and the World Trade Center attacks.

Whistleblower Complains of FBI Obstruction: A government watchdog and FBI counter-terrorism agent are accusing the agency of prohibiting him from conducting his probe into terror financing activities because he complained about obstruction by bureau superiors.
Another FBI Agent Blows the Whistle: Now there's another whistle blower telling a similar pre-9/11 tale. And so far, the FBI has gone to great lengths to silence him.
FBI agent: I was stymied in terror probe

A Chicago FBI agent charged Thursday that colleagues stymied his efforts to investigate the funding of Middle East terrorists in 1994 and 1995 to keep cushy surveillance assignments going and protect their jobs.
What The CIA Doesn't Want You To Know - Delmart Vreeland Interview: If all of its dark alleys were explored, the case of Delmart Edward Joseph 'Mike' Vreeland is one which is worthy of a book that would rival 'War and Peace.'
Lawyer representing Rocco Galati, who received death threats from intelligence agencies was the same lawyer who represented Mike Vreeland who received death threats from the same voice before being 'disappeared'
Alex Jones Interviews Ellen Mariani and Philip Berg 16 April 04

Mariani is suing the Bush White House over the Sept. 11th Attacks.

FBI 'was told to back off bin Laden family': United States special agents were told to back off the bin Laden family and the Saudi royals soon after George Bush became president.
Michael Meacher MP Discusses 9/11
2 July 2004
Meacher was Blair's Environment Minister until 2003. In September of last year, he wrote a lengthy piece in the Guardian, `This war on terrorism is bogus', which questioned the veracity of the official story of 9/11.
Alex Jones' Prison - 9/11 Whistleblowers

FBI Special Agent John O'Neill was the FBI's leading expert on Al Qaeda. ... Funding for FRONTLINE is provided through the support of PBS viewers.

frontline: the man who knew | PBS

OpEdNews - Article: Former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division Calls for Independent Review of World Trade Center Investigation

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report
I have smelled the New World Odor

It is very real
The 9/11 Whistleblowers

For the first time in one place, a comprehensive collection of interviews with and information on those who have spoken out on how the globalist cabal within the government was COMPLICIT in the 9/11 attacks.

Alex Jones Interviews Col. Donn de Grand-Pre
29 Feb 04

Col. Donn de Grand-Pre, U.S. Army (ret.). de Grand-Pre outlines how 9/11 was carried out by order of an inside group of Neo-Cons. de Grand-Pre knows personally the pilot who shot down Flight 93.
Alex Jones Interviews Andreas Von Buelow
8 Feb 04

Von Buelow is the former German Defense Minister and Minister of Technology. Von Buelow went public to say the US government carried out 9/11. His book is one of the bestsellers across Europe.

Alex interviews Attorney Stanley Hilton
11 March 03

who is suing George Bush for direct involvement in 9/11 on behalf of 400 families. Hilton has deposed top military officials and has documents clearly proving the government carried out the attack.
Alex Jones Interviews Stanley Hilton
12 Sept 04

Stanley Hilton is bringing a lawsuit against the US Government charging involvement in carrying out the 9/11 attacks. Hilton has deposed top military officials who assert that the government were complicit in the attack.CIA complicit on September 11?

An interview with Michael Springman exposes the CIA's links with 911. Springmann worked for the US government for 20 years with the foreign service and consulate.

Mary Schiavo and Mike Springman
Unanswered Questions

Mary Schiavo, an attorney representing September 11 families against American and United Airlines, reminds us that simultaneous multiple-airplane hijackings were nothing new on September 11.
Judicial Watch News Conference with FBI Special Agent Robert Wright

C-SPAN coverage of the Judicial Watch press conference with FBI special agent Robert Wright, who claims the government knew more than it lets on about 9/11.

Michael Meacher
BBC World Service

former UK Government Minister speaks out about the standdown of NORAD on September 11th, PNAC and the pre-planned wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

US Intelligence recieved warnings of terrorist attacks from Randy Glass
Center for Cooperative Research - 01/30/04

A fascinating video relating to an important unheeded warning of the 9/11 attacks was shown on WPTV, an NBC TV station in Florida on October 7, 2002. This video has been overlooked and forgotten until now.
US Intelligence Agencies Duck - CIA analyst David MacMichael

Did US Intelligence agencies fail to act on solid prior warnings or was information blocked from above?

FBI AGENT ROBERT WRIGHT SAYS FBI AGENTS ASSIGNED TO INTELLIGENCE OPERATIONS CONTINUE TO PROTECT TERRORISTS FROM CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS AND PROSECUTIONS: Agents Lied To Federal Court for Wiretap Authority and Compromised Criminal Investigations of Terrorists. FBI Headquarters? International Terrorism Unit Acted as a ?Spectator? While Americans Died at the Hands of Terrorists.
Alex Jones Interview with respected lawyer David Schippers
10 Oct 01

The FBI has been, and still is, prohibiting their agents or local police from taking known terrorists into custody.

David Schippers tells Metcalf feds 'ignored' warnings of WTC attacks: According to Schippers, investigative reporter Jayna Davis has compelling evidence indicating the government knew in February 1995 about Middle Eastern terrorists operating in Oklahoma City, planning the bombing in that city, the demise of TWA Flight 800 and the World Trade Center attacks.

Whistleblower Complains of FBI Obstruction: A government watchdog and FBI counter-terrorism agent are accusing the agency of prohibiting him from conducting his probe into terror financing activities because he complained about obstruction by bureau superiors.
Another FBI Agent Blows the Whistle: Now there's another whistle blower telling a similar pre-9/11 tale. And so far, the FBI has gone to great lengths to silence him.
FBI agent: I was stymied in terror probe

A Chicago FBI agent charged Thursday that colleagues stymied his efforts to investigate the funding of Middle East terrorists in 1994 and 1995 to keep cushy surveillance assignments going and protect their jobs.
What The CIA Doesn't Want You To Know - Delmart Vreeland Interview: If all of its dark alleys were explored, the case of Delmart Edward Joseph 'Mike' Vreeland is one which is worthy of a book that would rival 'War and Peace.'
Lawyer representing Rocco Galati, who received death threats from intelligence agencies was the same lawyer who represented Mike Vreeland who received death threats from the same voice before being 'disappeared'
Alex Jones Interviews Ellen Mariani and Philip Berg 16 April 04

Mariani is suing the Bush White House over the Sept. 11th Attacks.

FBI 'was told to back off bin Laden family': United States special agents were told to back off the bin Laden family and the Saudi royals soon after George Bush became president.
Michael Meacher MP Discusses 9/11
2 July 2004
Meacher was Blair's Environment Minister until 2003. In September of last year, he wrote a lengthy piece in the Guardian, `This war on terrorism is bogus', which questioned the veracity of the official story of 9/11.
Alex Jones' Prison - 9/11 Whistleblowers

FBI Special Agent John O'Neill was the FBI's leading expert on Al Qaeda. ... Funding for FRONTLINE is provided through the support of PBS viewers.

frontline: the man who knew | PBS

OpEdNews - Article: Former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division Calls for Independent Review of World Trade Center Investigation

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report
ROFLMAO yeah, not THAT is a reliable source, Alex Jones

Moon landing tapes got erased, NASA admits

he calls the moon landings a hoax

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