Illinois Governor Election


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
I'm really kind of torn going into the home stretch on this one.

I will probably vote for Bruce Rauner. He's really kind of Romney without the screwball religion, the kind of heartless corporate douche that has ruined this country. But Illinois is so bad off, we probably need that kind of harsh medicine right now.

Pat Quinn is a good guy who never, ever should have been governor. He just doesn't have the leadership chops for it.
About the same number as the people that the GOP runs for governor here in Oregon. We Oregon voters just have the good sense to never elect them to that position. So it is just GOP Governor Candidates that go to prison here.
I'm really kind of torn going into the home stretch on this one.

I will probably vote for Bruce Rauner. He's really kind of Romney without the screwball religion, the kind of heartless corporate douche that has ruined this country. But Illinois is so bad off, we probably need that kind of harsh medicine right now.

Pat Quinn is a good guy who never, ever should have been governor. He just doesn't have the leadership chops for it.
And how has this country been ruined by "heartless corporate douches". :dunno:

Come here... :slap:
And how has this country been ruined by "heartless corporate douches". :dunno:

Come here... :slap:

You mean all the jobs moved overseas and the gutted middle class and cities like Gary and Detroit and Cleveland that were abandoned when big corporations had no more use for the people living there?

You're halfway talking me into voting for Quinn.

Both of these guys are pretty awful. Heartless Douche versus Ineffectual Wimp.

Either way, Mike Madigan will still be running things, I guess.
And how has this country been ruined by "heartless corporate douches". :dunno:

Come here... :slap:

You mean all the jobs moved overseas and the gutted middle class and cities like Gary and Detroit and Cleveland that were abandoned when big corporations had no more use for the people living there?

You're halfway talking me into voting for Quinn.

Both of these guys are pretty awful. Heartless Douche versus Ineffectual Wimp.

Either way, Mike Madigan will still be running things, I guess.
You'll vote for Quinn because it's you that is the douche. :slap:

Hillaryous Clinton said it best:

"Don't Let Anybody Tell You That It's Corporations and Businesses That Create Jobs!"

This state needs a Jim Edgar-style Republican, and that's Rauner.

And yes, Madigan is an insane mother scratcher, just like the rest of the Dumbocunts.
And how has this country been ruined by "heartless corporate douches". :dunno:

Come here... :slap:

You mean all the jobs moved overseas and the gutted middle class and cities like Gary and Detroit and Cleveland that were abandoned when big corporations had no more use for the people living there?

You're halfway talking me into voting for Quinn.

Both of these guys are pretty awful. Heartless Douche versus Ineffectual Wimp.

Either way, Mike Madigan will still be running things, I guess.
Those cities are gutted thanks to Democrat policies for generations.
"Don't Let Anybody Tell You That It's Corporations and Businesses That Create Jobs!"

This state needs a Jim Edgar-style Republican, and that's Rauner.

And yes, Madigan is an insane mother scratcher, just like the rest of the Dumbocunts.

Frankly, all the Conservatards used to say Jim Edgar was a RINO and they were happy to see him go.

Now he has the dubious distinction of "not going to jail" like that's an accomplishment.

If Rauner wins, he'll be a one-term governor before LIsa Madigan kicks his ass out. Which might be the best thing for the state, to get a shock treatment before putting someone more competent in.
Those cities are gutted thanks to Democrat policies for generations.

Yeah, so Democrat policies made the big companies move to China. Right.

And that short skirt made the rapist violate that lady.
While they did but that's besides the point.
If what you wrote were true then Pittsburg would be an equally blighted place. But because the city didnt try to screw its higher income residents and focused instead on attracting new business it's a pretty decent place, even without the steel mills.
While they did but that's besides the point.
If what you wrote were true then Pittsburg would be an equally blighted place. But because the city didnt try to screw its higher income residents and focused instead on attracting new business it's a pretty decent place, even without the steel mills.

that's debatable.
Translation: Duh.
No, Joe. It isnt debatable. Detroit and Gary went to shit because their local pols decided there was more advantage in class warfare than in trying to make things better for everyone. If they couldn't punish successful people, they'd punish unsuccessful ones. That's what happens. You cannot stick it to rich people without sticking it to everyone else as well.
Translation: Duh.
No, Joe. It isnt debatable. Detroit and Gary went to shit because their local pols decided there was more advantage in class warfare than in trying to make things better for everyone. If they couldn't punish successful people, they'd punish unsuccessful ones. That's what happens. You cannot stick it to rich people without sticking it to everyone else as well.

sure you can. FDR stuck it to the rich assholes and we had 40 years of unprecedented prosperity.

Until your boy Reagan fucked it up.
Translation: Duh.
No, Joe. It isnt debatable. Detroit and Gary went to shit because their local pols decided there was more advantage in class warfare than in trying to make things better for everyone. If they couldn't punish successful people, they'd punish unsuccessful ones. That's what happens. You cannot stick it to rich people without sticking it to everyone else as well.

sure you can. FDR stuck it to the rich assholes and we had 40 years of unprecedented prosperity.

Until your boy Reagan fucked it up.

World War II is the only reason why the USA had that prosperity
"Don't Let Anybody Tell You That It's Corporations and Businesses That Create Jobs!"

This state needs a Jim Edgar-style Republican, and that's Rauner.

And yes, Madigan is an insane mother scratcher, just like the rest of the Dumbocunts.

Frankly, all the Conservatards used to say Jim Edgar was a RINO and they were happy to see him go.

Now he has the dubious distinction of "not going to jail" like that's an accomplishment.

If Rauner wins, he'll be a one-term governor before LIsa Madigan kicks his ass out. Which might be the best thing for the state, to get a shock treatment before putting someone more competent in.
Don't EVER call me Frankly. :slap:
Translation: Duh.
No, Joe. It isnt debatable. Detroit and Gary went to shit because their local pols decided there was more advantage in class warfare than in trying to make things better for everyone. If they couldn't punish successful people, they'd punish unsuccessful ones. That's what happens. You cannot stick it to rich people without sticking it to everyone else as well.

sure you can. FDR stuck it to the rich assholes and we had 40 years of unprecedented prosperity.

Until your boy Reagan fucked it up.
Um, that's just a tad simplistic. Of course it may have taken you all morning to come up with it.
But just to review: FDR "stuck it" to rich assholes and we had the Great Depression. A decade of stagnation, unemployment, and poverty that Obozo seems to be trying to emulate.
WW2 and the destruction of foreign manufacturing accounted for much of the growth in the 1950s/60s.
Unions and regulations stymied innovation, as the Japs ate our industrial lunch in the 1970s.
Reagan rolled back some of the punitive taxes and regs and we had prosperity until GHW Bush compromised with Democrats in Congress and raused taxes.
Things were still OK because the dot com boom added millions of jobs that hadnt existed.
Clinton killed it with higher tax rates, leaving Bush with a recession and a war on terrorism.
Bush responded to both and we had years of low unemployment and moderate growth.
Then Dems took Congress, Bush bent over backwards to be nice to them and they fucked him.
The economy tumbled and Obama came in and instituted policies that have produced stagnation, povery, and dependence.
I'm really kind of torn going into the home stretch on this one.

I will probably vote for Bruce Rauner. He's really kind of Romney without the screwball religion, the kind of heartless corporate douche that has ruined this country. But Illinois is so bad off, we probably need that kind of harsh medicine right now.

Pat Quinn is a good guy who never, ever should have been governor. He just doesn't have the leadership chops for it.

Heartless corp douche? Um, he has spent millions of dollars supporting Charter Schools in Chicago. Those schools are 1000 fold better than the craptasitic public schools!

He did this for poor minority kids. He did this well before he decided to run for office.

Inside Bruce Rauner s charter schools - Chicago Sun-Times

Rauner gave $19 million to charity and many of them schools and liberal causes!
Inside Bruce Rauner s charter schools - Chicago Sun-Times

He came from nothing to be a very wealthy man! Why in god's name do you liberals hold his self made success against him?
Translation: Duh.
No, Joe. It isnt debatable. Detroit and Gary went to shit because their local pols decided there was more advantage in class warfare than in trying to make things better for everyone. If they couldn't punish successful people, they'd punish unsuccessful ones. That's what happens. You cannot stick it to rich people without sticking it to everyone else as well.

sure you can. FDR stuck it to the rich assholes and we had 40 years of unprecedented prosperity.

Until your boy Reagan fucked it up.
Um, that's just a tad simplistic. Of course it may have taken you all morning to come up with it.
But just to review: FDR "stuck it" to rich assholes and we had the Great Depression. A decade of stagnation, unemployment, and poverty that Obozo seems to be trying to emulate.
WW2 and the destruction of foreign manufacturing accounted for much of the growth in the 1950s/60s.
Unions and regulations stymied innovation, as the Japs ate our industrial lunch in the 1970s.
Reagan rolled back some of the punitive taxes and regs and we had prosperity until GHW Bush compromised with Democrats in Congress and raused taxes.
Things were still OK because the dot com boom added millions of jobs that hadnt existed.
Clinton killed it with higher tax rates, leaving Bush with a recession and a war on terrorism.
Bush responded to both and we had years of low unemployment and moderate growth.
Then Dems took Congress, Bush bent over backwards to be nice to them and they fucked him.
The economy tumbled and Obama came in and instituted policies that have produced stagnation, povery, and dependence.

Lol, you fricking idiot...

FDR came into office in 1933....WAY WAY after the depression started, none of his policies became fully enacted until 1934. You just come up with random sh!t all day long all over this forum, I have no idea why anyone takes you seriously.

Japan had a 55.8% labor organization rate in 1949...the US had an organization rate of around 25% throughout both the 1940's and 1950''re so full of crap I hope to god no one listens to you...

HW Bush raised income tax rates, Clinton didn't throughout both his terms
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