CDZ Illegal things that should be legal

Maryland Patriot

Gold Member
Jun 10, 2015
Curious if an adult discussion can be had on this.
I will start
Drugs, there are currently some drugs that are classified as illegal that in my opinion should be legal providing they are regulated. Regulation (like alcohol) would insure a safer product while increasing tax revenue
Prostitution. Again, if regulated by the health department It would be a safer situation between two consenting adults with no harm to anyone.

Fell free to discuss these that I started with or bring up some other instances of illegal practices.
Prostitution--sure; drugs, nope except maybe weed.

My list:

Raising chickens in my back yard

Having a bee hive in my back yard

Swearing in public

Making porn in my state--it is legal to possess but illegal to make which makes no sense.
I'd like to see marriage expanded. I think any number of consenting adults should be allowed to marry. If there is medical reason to worry about incest then it should be regulated. Otherwise anything is allowed.
Curious if an adult discussion can be had on this.
I will start
Drugs, there are currently some drugs that are classified as illegal that in my opinion should be legal providing they are regulated. Regulation (like alcohol) would insure a safer product while increasing tax revenue
Prostitution. Again, if regulated by the health department It would be a safer situation between two consenting adults with no harm to anyone.

Fell free to discuss these that I started with or bring up some other instances of illegal practices.
Drugs? Okay, but not addictive ones. We're just beginning to persuade doctors not to over prescribe them legally. Opiates destroy lives.
Prostitution. Absolutely. I have never understood why it is illegal. Has it always been?
Prostitution--sure; drugs, nope except maybe weed.

My list:

Raising chickens in my back yard

Having a bee hive in my back yard

Swearing in public

Making porn in my state--it is legal to possess but illegal to make which makes no sense.
You can't make adult porn? Where do you live?
I'd like to see marriage expanded. I think any number of consenting adults should be allowed to marry. If there is medical reason to worry about incest then it should be regulated. Otherwise anything is allowed.

I would rather see marriage eliminated as far as government benefits goes. Get them out of the marriage-pushing business altogether.
Curious if an adult discussion can be had on this.
I will start
Drugs, there are currently some drugs that are classified as illegal that in my opinion should be legal providing they are regulated. Regulation (like alcohol) would insure a safer product while increasing tax revenue
Prostitution. Again, if regulated by the health department It would be a safer situation between two consenting adults with no harm to anyone.

Fell free to discuss these that I started with or bring up some other instances of illegal practices.

Pot should be legal and regulated like smokes and beer... It make no sense to have something illegal when I can go out and buy booze and smokes which will kill me quicker and let be really honest booze destroys homes too!

Prostitution should be legal like in Nevada and regulated that way. Women and Men should be require to have Health Screening every thirty days and pulled off the market during the testing...

As for other narcotics it depends and would have to be for extreme medical conditions like cancer or aids...
I believe all people should have the freedom to choose, however, when a persons freedom of choice imposes hardships or interferes with another's freedoms and enjoyment of property then one must draw the line.

Prostitution demeans the status of women to nothing more then a brief sexual experience. How does this serve to empower women? How will society address illegal prostitution? Young girls that run away are often easy targets for exploitation and have no other options available. Upon reaching the age of 18 they can move to Nevada, join a brothel, that's only if they survive to the age of 18. How long and will they remain marketable within that system, what skill sets will they have to lead productive lives at the end of their illustrious carrier on their back?

Drugs, great, smoke all the weed, snort cocaine, shoot up all the heroin you want, just don't rip off innocent people to feed your habit, get behind the wheel, or report to work with a buzz, innocent lives are on the line. Same with alcohol. What right does one have to impose their life choices on others? Most importantly who is to assume financial responsibility and why should society be burdened with cleaning up the mess as a result of one exercising their freedom to choose is the question that needs to be addressed.
Prostitution demeans the status of women to nothing more then a brief sexual experience.

So when I eat out at the local restaurant, does that mean I demean the status of the women that work there to nothing more than a brief culinary experience?
Prostitution is the really dumb one. If you hire a woman and pay her to make a movie having sex with you, that's legal. Otherwise , she can't sell her body.

I believe all people should have the freedom to choose, however, when a persons freedom of choice imposes hardships or interferes with another's freedoms and enjoyment of property then one must draw the line.

Prostitution demeans the status of women to nothing more then a brief sexual experience. How does this serve to empower women? How will society address illegal prostitution? Young girls that run away are often easy targets for exploitation and have no other options available. Upon reaching the age of 18 they can move to Nevada, join a brothel, that's only if they survive to the age of 18. How long and will they remain marketable within that system, what skill sets will they have to lead productive lives at the end of their illustrious carrier on their back?

Drugs, great, smoke all the weed, snort cocaine, shoot up all the heroin you want, just don't rip off innocent people to feed your habit, get behind the wheel, or report to work with a buzz, innocent lives are on the line. Same with alcohol. What right does one have to impose their life choices on others? Most importantly who is to assume financial responsibility and why should society be burdened with cleaning up the mess as a result of one exercising their freedom to choose is the question that needs to be addressed.

Even if true, so what? If a woman chooses to "demean" herself, that is HER business, not yours.
Curious if an adult discussion can be had on this.
I will start
Drugs, there are currently some drugs that are classified as illegal that in my opinion should be legal providing they are regulated. Regulation (like alcohol) would insure a safer product while increasing tax revenue
Prostitution. Again, if regulated by the health department It would be a safer situation between two consenting adults with no harm to anyone.

Fell free to discuss these that I started with or bring up some other instances of illegal practices.
Drugs? Okay, but not addictive ones. We're just beginning to persuade doctors not to over prescribe them legally. Opiates destroy lives.
Prostitution. Absolutely. I have never understood why it is illegal. Has it always been?
So does automobiles and we don't ban them. Problem with drugs are them being illegal and fueling a multi billion dollar crime ring. Also, if you use alcohol prohibition as a consideration, alcohol related crimes, deaths and usage went down. Or so ive read. I wasn't alive then lol..
Not always. i don't understand why people would want to ban the most natural thing on earth simply because money is involved.
Our Big Brother is a bastard orphan. Not our family.
I'd like to see marriage expanded. I think any number of consenting adults should be allowed to marry. If there is medical reason to worry about incest then it should be regulated. Otherwise anything is allowed.

I would rather see marriage eliminated as far as government benefits goes. Get them out of the marriage-pushing business altogether.
You can call it anything you want but it conveys legal privileges so there must be something binding. If you want to say only a religion can marry and the state can only sanction a civil union that's fine so long as the marriage has no legal aspects.
Curious if an adult discussion can be had on this.
I will start
Drugs, there are currently some drugs that are classified as illegal that in my opinion should be legal providing they are regulated. Regulation (like alcohol) would insure a safer product while increasing tax revenue
Prostitution. Again, if regulated by the health department It would be a safer situation between two consenting adults with no harm to anyone.

Fell free to discuss these that I started with or bring up some other instances of illegal practices.
Drugs? Okay, but not addictive ones. We're just beginning to persuade doctors not to over prescribe them legally. Opiates destroy lives.
Prostitution. Absolutely. I have never understood why it is illegal. Has it always been?

Those, especially, should be legalized. If they're legal, they can be controlled. The opiate epidemic now is out of control primarily because patients are cut off by their doctor when they're hooked and go to the street. If we make clinics open to those trying to rid themselves of addiction without dying from withdrawals (which would necessitate decriminalization), we could effectively cure the addiction problem.

Prison. Doesn't. Work. See what Portugal and Switzerland have done.
I believe all people should have the freedom to choose, however, when a persons freedom of choice imposes hardships or interferes with another's freedoms and enjoyment of property then one must draw the line.

Prostitution demeans the status of women to nothing more then a brief sexual experience. How does this serve to empower women? How will society address illegal prostitution? Young girls that run away are often easy targets for exploitation and have no other options available. Upon reaching the age of 18 they can move to Nevada, join a brothel, that's only if they survive to the age of 18. How long and will they remain marketable within that system, what skill sets will they have to lead productive lives at the end of their illustrious carrier on their back?

Drugs, great, smoke all the weed, snort cocaine, shoot up all the heroin you want, just don't rip off innocent people to feed your habit, get behind the wheel, or report to work with a buzz, innocent lives are on the line. Same with alcohol. What right does one have to impose their life choices on others? Most importantly who is to assume financial responsibility and why should society be burdened with cleaning up the mess as a result of one exercising their freedom to choose is the question that needs to be addressed.

This is exactly an argument for legalization. When women get caught up in prostitution, and then are exploited or trafficked, they feel they cannot go to police due to their own culpability. It silences them.
Curious if an adult discussion can be had on this.
I will start
Drugs, there are currently some drugs that are classified as illegal that in my opinion should be legal providing they are regulated. Regulation (like alcohol) would insure a safer product while increasing tax revenue
Prostitution. Again, if regulated by the health department It would be a safer situation between two consenting adults with no harm to anyone.

Fell free to discuss these that I started with or bring up some other instances of illegal practices.

The first thing that comes to mind for me as goes an item or practice for which a nation may use attempt to use legislation as a, or one of, means to modify citizens behavior so it conforms to one or more expectations is that the goal itself must be evaluated and clearly defined before endeavoring to enact statutes. The questions I ask are:
  • What precisely is the goal?
  • Is it achievable to any degree?
    • If yes, what are the upper and lower limits of its potential fruition?
    • If no, discard or modify the goal.
  • What is the degree to which the goal must be accomplished in order to deem the statute a success?
  • What factors besides the statute affect one's ability to accurately observe and measure the statute's success?
    • Can they be overcome/accounted for efficiently?
      • If no, is that a good enough reason to discard or modify the goal?
  • Given the answers to the above questions, and that the goal hasn't been scrapped, what must be done to achieve the goal?
    • Can those actions be performed for an acceptable sum (time & money)?
      • If no, discard or modify the goal.
  • Will the majority of citizens abide by the statute(s) enacted and actions undertaken to achieve the goal?
    • If no, discard or modify the goal.
After answering the questions, then I'd decide whether to pursue achieving the goal, be it the original one or the modified one.

As go the two things you've identified -- the behavior of prostitution (and related acts) and presumably the availability of various substances, drugs -- the goals I'd set are:
  • Minimizing the incidence of adults participating unsafely (deliberately or accidentally) in the delivery or purchase of sex services.
  • Minimize the availability of and access to drugs to minors.
Neither strikes me as a thing that can be prevented or eliminated in and of itself, so I wouldn't bother to try. Water flows, bees sting, sh*t happens, and some, perhaps many, people will want, seek out and pay for sex and drugs, and other people are quite able and willing to provide those things.

To the extent that it's adults purchasing/buying either and being able to do so safely, I have nothing to say about their doing so. Adults can be assumed to be responsible for knowing and fully understanding or bothering to understand/learn the intrinsic risks of using drugs and providing or procuring the services of a sex worker prior to availing themselves of either. That's just one of the burdens of being an mature adult, so too is the burden of refraining from using either if one knows one is not well informed about the risks of doing so. I'm of a different mind regarding minors.

Lest one think that my position on the matters noted is one whereby I feel drug use/sale and sex services, again both providing and purchasing them, should be encouraged, let me be clear. I do not encourage one's being involved with either of them. There's a huge distinction between a thing being available and it's provision/use being encouraged. Numerous are the things I think should be freely available, but far fewer among them are they which I'd encourage one to buy, sell, or use.
Cocaine~ any one over the age of 40 should be able to pick up a gram at Walgreens before heading out to the local bar


Leaded gas

Driving with out car insurance if your car is older then 20 years.

Driving with out a seat belt, legal if you are over the age of 40 years old

Drinking an open beer while driving is legal as long as you are not drunk, should be legal as long as you are over the age of 40 years old.

Riding a motorcycle with out a helmet should be legal if over the age of 40.

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