Illegal invasion overwhelms ICE, Forced to release 100k illegals in 3 Months


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Overwhelmed ICE Facilities Forced To Release 100,000 Illegal Aliens In Past Three Months

"ICE detainment centers have become so overwhelmed with illegal aliens that the agency has been forced to release over 100,000 migrant family members in the past three months."

The illegal invasion is so bad it has overwhelmed ICE's ability to enforce existing US Immigration law by detaining the massive number of criminal foreign invaders.

ICE has been forced to release 100,000 criminal illegal invaders into the US population in the last e months because the US Federal Govt / Democrats refuse to provide ICE with what it needs to enforce the law & detain illegals while refusing to act to secure the border and stop the massive flood of illegals into the US.

Despite all of this, Democrats continue to claim there is no crisis, there is no national emergency, there is no problem.
Send them all to San Francisco
Why? Nothing there worth saving anyway, just nuke it.

As far as not being able to contend with all the border jumpers? If ICE has to relocate to stop the invasion, I don't know why they just don't take the illegals down to the border with them and throw them out once they get there.

If it is an emergency, then they can just screw "due process." I really am at a loss as to why folks that aren't citizens have the right to a hearing before deportation.

Dumbest court ruling ever.
Staff the Immigration Courts with Immigration Judges and you could solve this 'back up' real quickly.
Overwhelmed ICE Facilities Forced To Release 100,000 Illegal Aliens In Past Three Months

"ICE detainment centers have become so overwhelmed with illegal aliens that the agency has been forced to release over 100,000 migrant family members in the past three months."

The illegal invasion is so bad it has overwhelmed ICE's ability to enforce existing US Immigration law by detaining the massive number of criminal foreign invaders.

ICE has been forced to release 100,000 criminal illegal invaders into the US population in the last e months because the US Federal Govt / Democrats refuse to provide ICE with what it needs to enforce the law & detain illegals while refusing to act to secure the border and stop the massive flood of illegals into the US.

Despite all of this, Democrats continue to claim there is no crisis, there is no national emergency, there is no problem.
Release them all in Caracas.
Overwhelmed ICE Facilities Forced To Release 100,000 Illegal Aliens In Past Three Months

"ICE detainment centers have become so overwhelmed with illegal aliens that the agency has been forced to release over 100,000 migrant family members in the past three months."

The illegal invasion is so bad it has overwhelmed ICE's ability to enforce existing US Immigration law by detaining the massive number of criminal foreign invaders.

ICE has been forced to release 100,000 criminal illegal invaders into the US population in the last e months because the US Federal Govt / Democrats refuse to provide ICE with what it needs to enforce the law & detain illegals while refusing to act to secure the border and stop the massive flood of illegals into the US.

Despite all of this, Democrats continue to claim there is no crisis, there is no national emergency, there is no problem.
Release them all in Caracas.

From an altitude of 600', amirite?
Staff the Immigration Courts with Immigration Judges and you could solve this 'back up' real quickly.

Only if they changed the rules to allow immediate decisions.

And even then, deputizing thousands of new federal judges, the liberals in the Senate would drag it out.

Chaos at the border is their dream
The key is the Wall, and if it were to be manned by a Night's Watch, few illegals would get by
Overwhelmed ICE Facilities Forced To Release 100,000 Illegal Aliens In Past Three Months

"ICE detainment centers have become so overwhelmed with illegal aliens that the agency has been forced to release over 100,000 migrant family members in the past three months."

The illegal invasion is so bad it has overwhelmed ICE's ability to enforce existing US Immigration law by detaining the massive number of criminal foreign invaders.

ICE has been forced to release 100,000 criminal illegal invaders into the US population in the last e months because the US Federal Govt / Democrats refuse to provide ICE with what it needs to enforce the law & detain illegals while refusing to act to secure the border and stop the massive flood of illegals into the US.

Despite all of this, Democrats continue to claim there is no crisis, there is no national emergency, there is no problem.
Release them all in Caracas.

From an altitude of 600', amirite?

Staff the Immigration Courts with Immigration Judges and you could solve this 'back up' real quickly.

Only if they changed the rules to allow immediate decisions.

And even then, deputizing thousands of new federal judges, the liberals in the Senate would drag it out.

Chaos at the border is their dream
the last time we had thousands of asylum seekers at the border, Immigration Judges from each State, offered to be sent to the Border to help.... but the Federal Govt never took them up on it.

Apparently, each State has federal Immigration Courts and Judges....

When we have an overload at the Border, we could use them there, and it would cost a lot less money than housing all of these people in jails or cages, waiting months at a time, for their day in Immigration court.
I think we really need to consider the option of this offer from the States...that could afford to loan us some judges...
I bet ya the immigration court judges in Maine are twiddling their thumbs, and not busy at all....
Obama had no problem separating families and locking them in 'cages'...

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