Illegal Immigration Is Not a Religious Issue


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Why are the vast majority of Middle East “refugees” single Muslim males of fighting age? Where are the thousands of Christian families displaced from their homes and threatened with genocide?

The indignant agitators, funded by wealthy interests, care little about the neglected Christians of the Middle East.

In 2016 there was a 675 percent increase in the number of Syrian refugees over the previous year, but while 10 percent of the Syrian population is Christian, only one-half of one percent of the Syrian Christians were granted asylum. It is thankworthy that our changed government now wants to redress that. The logic of that policy must not be shouted down by those who screech rather than reason.

Read more @ Illegal Immigration Is Not a Religious Issue
Why are the vast majority of Middle East “refugees” single Muslim males of fighting age? Where are the thousands of Christian families displaced from their homes and threatened with genocide?

Why do you believe that they are? Oh right- you like posting BS crap from the internet.
Fiorina says 'vast majority' of Syrian refugees are able bodied young men

The United Nations keeps track of more than 4 million registered Syrian refugees, with an online database that includes specific demographic data.

Let’s start by leaving out the other qualifiers — young and able-bodied — and look at whether the "vast majority" of refugees are men. We need not split hairs on what constitutes a "vast majority" here, since the gender breakdown is pretty evenly split; in hard numbers, the majority of refugees is actually female.

Further, to look at only the male refugees – which amount to 49.7 percent of the total – less than half of that population is age 18 or older. Men ages 18 to 59 comprise about 22 percent of all Syrian refugees.

Contrary to Fiorina’s statement, most refugees overall are children age 17 or younger.
Why are the vast majority of Middle East “refugees” single Muslim males of fighting age? Where are the thousands of Christian families displaced from their homes and threatened with genocide?

The indignant agitators, funded by wealthy interests, care little about the neglected Christians of the Middle East.

In 2016 there was a 675 percent increase in the number of Syrian refugees over the previous year, but while 10 percent of the Syrian population is Christian, only one-half of one percent of the Syrian Christians were granted asylum. It is thankworthy that our changed government now wants to redress that. The logic of that policy must not be shouted down by those who screech rather than reason.

Read more @ Illegal Immigration Is Not a Religious Issue
Christians can't even register at the refugee camps as they are raped and murdered.
Why are the vast majority of Middle East “refugees” single Muslim males of fighting age? Where are the thousands of Christian families displaced from their homes and threatened with genocide?

The indignant agitators, funded by wealthy interests, care little about the neglected Christians of the Middle East.

In 2016 there was a 675 percent increase in the number of Syrian refugees over the previous year, but while 10 percent of the Syrian population is Christian, only one-half of one percent of the Syrian Christians were granted asylum. It is thankworthy that our changed government now wants to redress that. The logic of that policy must not be shouted down by those who screech rather than reason.

Read more @ Illegal Immigration Is Not a Religious Issue
Christians can't even register at the refugee camps as they are raped and murdered.

U.S. admits record number of Muslim refugees in 2016

Almost the same number of Christian (37,521) as Muslim refugees were admitted in fiscal 2016, which ended Sept. 30. A slightly lower share of 2016’s refugees were Christian (44%) than Muslim, the first time that has happened since fiscal 2006, when a large number of Somali refugees entered the U.S.

Overall, a far larger total number of Christian refugees than Muslim refugees have entered the U.S. since fiscal 2002. During the past 15 years, the U.S. has admitted 399,677 Christian refugees and 279,339 Muslim refugees, meaning that 46% of all refugees who have entered the U.S. during this time have been Christian while 32% have been Muslim.
I wonder why the Left insist on calling Trumps temporary moratorium on travel from the 7 countries where there are many terrorists and vetting is impossible - a Muslim ban - even though there is no such ban on the 80% of Muslims who come from the other 43 Muslim majority countries, but they don't refer to his plan to eject illegal Mexicans - who tend to be mostly Catholic - anti- Christian? It would make about as much sense.
I wonder why the Left insist on calling Trumps temporary moratorium on travel from the 7 countries where there are many terrorists and vetting is impossible - a Muslim ban - even though there is no such ban on the 80% of Muslims who come from the other 43 Muslim majority countries, but they don't refer to his plan to eject illegal Mexicans - who tend to be mostly Catholic - anti- Christian? It would make about as much sense.

Well since the temporary ban is a ban on people from 7 Muslim majority countries- and includes everyone- except non- Muslims and since Trump ran promising to ban Muslims- calling it a ban on Muslims is perhaps to broad- it is a ban on Muslims from those countries.

And no- vetting is not impossible from those countries.
Why are the vast majority of Middle East “refugees” single Muslim males of fighting age? Where are the thousands of Christian families displaced from their homes and threatened with genocide?

The indignant agitators, funded by wealthy interests, care little about the neglected Christians of the Middle East.

In 2016 there was a 675 percent increase in the number of Syrian refugees over the previous year, but while 10 percent of the Syrian population is Christian, only one-half of one percent of the Syrian Christians were granted asylum. It is thankworthy that our changed government now wants to redress that. The logic of that policy must not be shouted down by those who screech rather than reason.

Read more @ Illegal Immigration Is Not a Religious Issue

There is a bit of deception in your claim. The reasons there are fewer Syrian Christians taken as refugees is complicated. It's true that fewer Syrian Christians register at the camps. Part of it is they fear persecution and violence from Muslims there but they also have other avenues as refugees.

The Christian community was allied closely with the assad regime, one reason why they are especially persecuted by groups against Assad. Assad played groups off against each other to maintain control. Syrian Christians also can find safety in regime controlled territory. Many have also fled to Lebanon where they've maintained close ties with the Christian community there and are welcomed as valued migrants.

Compare that with the other large group of refugees emerging from this crisis, Iraqis. The number of Iraqi Christians we've taken in is large, 3 times that of their percent population in Iraq. They don't have the other avenues that the Syrians do.

We should be taking refugees based on need not religion. If Assad wins, there will be mass killings of those ethnic groups allied against him. There has already been.

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