Deport Criminal Naturalized Aliens


Sep 23, 2010

Instead of deporting illegal aliens performing stoop labor how about deporting influential aliens who are here legally. I am pretty sure the FBI can find enough on this guy to deport him without the “patriotism” excuse that was cited as the justification for releasing Lucky Luciano from prison and shipping him out:


Billionaire George Soros

Soros has aided hundreds of left-wing groups since 2000 under the auspices of his Open Society Foundations promoting environmental activism, gun control, immigration groups, opposition to voter ID laws and anti-police groups like Black Lives Matter. In one year, Soros funding of at least $33 million helped persuade the public that Michael Brown was murdered by a police officer in the city of Ferguson, Missouri.

“The intense anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim rhetoric that has been fueled by the Republican primary is deeply offensive,” Soros said in the statement during the 2016 campaign. “There should be consequences for the outrageous statements and proposals that we’ve regularly heard from candidates (Donald) Trump and (Ted) Cruz.”​

If nothing else, CHARITY fraud should be enough to deport Soros. If promoting democracy with tax dollars is not a criminal activity Americans should demand a new definition of crime:

Soros’ personal fortune stands at about $24 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. Soros handed off day-to-day management of his hedge-fund business in the late 1980s to focus on his charitable pursuits, many of which seek to promote democracy around the world. The Open Society Foundations say they have spent some $13 billion over the past three decades.

Soros organizations have also donated between $1.5 million and $6 million to the Clinton Foundation.​

12 top Republicans backed by Soros in 2016
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 02/05/2017 @ 9:20 pm

12 top Republicans backed by Soros in 2016

As a matter of fact, deport every naturalized citizen who work, or ever worked, against this country from high places. Madeleine Albright and Zbigniew Brzezinski come to mind. I would throw out Henry Kissinger just to be non-partisan.

Indeed, only Americans born of both parents who were American born should be allowed to hold a government office or position at any level. This country is down by the head with American traitors in high places without adding naturalized aliens to the list.

Just to be on the safe side, I would prohibit immigrants from holding any tax dollar job, most especially jobs in higher education.

Instead of deporting illegal aliens performing stoop labor how about deporting influential aliens who are here legally. I am pretty sure the FBI can find enough on this guy to deport him without the “patriotism” excuse that was cited as the justification for releasing Lucky Luciano from prison and shipping him out:


Billionaire George Soros

Soros has aided hundreds of left-wing groups since 2000 under the auspices of his Open Society Foundations promoting environmental activism, gun control, immigration groups, opposition to voter ID laws and anti-police groups like Black Lives Matter. In one year, Soros funding of at least $33 million helped persuade the public that Michael Brown was murdered by a police officer in the city of Ferguson, Missouri.

“The intense anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim rhetoric that has been fueled by the Republican primary is deeply offensive,” Soros said in the statement during the 2016 campaign. “There should be consequences for the outrageous statements and proposals that we’ve regularly heard from candidates (Donald) Trump and (Ted) Cruz.”​

If nothing else, CHARITY fraud should be enough to deport Soros. If promoting democracy with tax dollars is not a criminal activity Americans should demand a new definition of crime:

Soros’ personal fortune stands at about $24 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. Soros handed off day-to-day management of his hedge-fund business in the late 1980s to focus on his charitable pursuits, many of which seek to promote democracy around the world. The Open Society Foundations say they have spent some $13 billion over the past three decades.

Soros organizations have also donated between $1.5 million and $6 million to the Clinton Foundation.​

12 top Republicans backed by Soros in 2016
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 02/05/2017 @ 9:20 pm

12 top Republicans backed by Soros in 2016

As a matter of fact, deport every naturalized citizen who work, or ever worked, against this country from high places. Madeleine Albright and Zbigniew Brzezinski come to mind. I would throw out Henry Kissinger just to be non-partisan.

Indeed, only Americans born of both parents who were American born should be allowed to hold a government office or position at any level. This country is down by the head with American traitors in high places without adding naturalized aliens to the list.

Just to be on the safe side, I would prohibit immigrants from holding any tax dollar job, most especially jobs in higher education.
It would be a good start for sure....
To TyroneSlothrop: Michael Filozof’s interesting piece says:

. . . today there are two separate and unrelated constitutions – a constitution of the Left, and a constitution of the Right.​

February 6, 2017
The United States Cannot Survive as Presently Constituted
By Michael Filozof

Articles: The United States Cannot Survive as Presently Constituted

I am not disputing Filozof’s take. I simply believe that constitutional amendments incrementally transformed the entire Constitution into:

Socialists/Communist laid out a blueprint for building a totalitarian government. The structure is paid for with the XVI Amendment. Perhaps that is why they fear going down the road to REPEAL that would set a precedent for repealing those amendments that transformed the Bill of Rights that protected Rights into a government bill of rights that takes Rights away from Americans.​

Time Mag Offers A Great Suggestion

My point: Everything the parasite class does to Americans is sanctioned by your Lady Justice:
If nothing else, CHARITY fraud should be enough to deport Soros.
I am pretty sure riots do not qualify for the definition of charity:

‘Refuse Fascism’ Group Behind Berkeley Riot Received $50k from George Soros
by Charlie Nash
5 Feb 2017

'Refuse Fascism' Group Behind Berkeley Riot Received $50k from George Soros - Breitbart

If any of Soros’ political activities are not registered charities he is NOT legally entitled to a tax deduction of any kind. As far as I know there is no tax deduction for contributing to political causes; so maybe the IRS and the Department of Justice should look for criminal activity in everything Soros funds.


Organizations Funded by George Soros and His Open Society Foundations - Discover the Networks

Any investigator worth his salt should be able to nail Soros through NPOs:

The decision to adopt a nonprofit legal structure is one that will often have taxation implications, particularly where the nonprofit seeks income tax exemption, charitable status and so on.

Nonprofit organization - Wikipedia

Incidentally, deporting Soros who became an American citizen in 1961 will not only keep him out of the U.S. it will put a serious crimp in his worldwide political activities as well as making it illegal for elected officials to accept “campaign contributions” from Soros —— A FOREIGNER.
Now that Jeff Sessions is the AG he should consider taking a serious look at tying Soros to violent “protests”:

Soros plans endless, orchestrated anti-deportation protests
Posted By Leo Hohmann On 02/09/2017 @ 8:10 pm

Soros plans endless, orchestrated anti-deportation protests

Did anybody point out that Mexico should NOT have sent them here in the first place:

Cesar Almanza Armas said the economy in both Mexico and the Valley will take a hit if mass deportations take place.​

Mexico Preparing for Uptick in Deportations
Posted: Feb 09, 2017 6:08 PM EST
Updated: Feb 09, 2017 6:08 PM EST

Mexico Preparing for Uptick in Deportations

I will bet that Mexico can make room for George Soros:
Incidentally, deporting Soros who became an American citizen in 1961 will not only keep him out of the U.S. it will put a serious crimp in his worldwide political activities

Indeed, only Americans born of both parents who were American born should be allowed to hold a government office or position at any level....
Just to be on the safe side, I would prohibit immigrants from holding any tax dollar job, most especially jobs in higher education.

You're not familiar with the United States of America, are you?

Instead of deporting illegal aliens performing stoop labor how about deporting influential aliens who are here legally. I am pretty sure the FBI can find enough on this guy to deport him without the “patriotism” excuse that was cited as the justification for releasing Lucky Luciano from prison and shipping him out:


Billionaire George Soros

Soros has aided hundreds of left-wing groups since 2000 under the auspices of his Open Society Foundations promoting environmental activism, gun control, immigration groups, opposition to voter ID laws and anti-police groups like Black Lives Matter. In one year, Soros funding of at least $33 million helped persuade the public that Michael Brown was murdered by a police officer in the city of Ferguson, Missouri.

“The intense anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim rhetoric that has been fueled by the Republican primary is deeply offensive,” Soros said in the statement during the 2016 campaign. “There should be consequences for the outrageous statements and proposals that we’ve regularly heard from candidates (Donald) Trump and (Ted) Cruz.”​

If nothing else, CHARITY fraud should be enough to deport Soros. If promoting democracy with tax dollars is not a criminal activity Americans should demand a new definition of crime:

Soros’ personal fortune stands at about $24 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. Soros handed off day-to-day management of his hedge-fund business in the late 1980s to focus on his charitable pursuits, many of which seek to promote democracy around the world. The Open Society Foundations say they have spent some $13 billion over the past three decades.

Soros organizations have also donated between $1.5 million and $6 million to the Clinton Foundation.​

12 top Republicans backed by Soros in 2016
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 02/05/2017 @ 9:20 pm

12 top Republicans backed by Soros in 2016

As a matter of fact, deport every naturalized citizen who work, or ever worked, against this country from high places. Madeleine Albright and Zbigniew Brzezinski come to mind. I would throw out Henry Kissinger just to be non-partisan.

Indeed, only Americans born of both parents who were American born should be allowed to hold a government office or position at any level. This country is down by the head with American traitors in high places without adding naturalized aliens to the list.

Just to be on the safe side, I would prohibit immigrants from holding any tax dollar job, most especially jobs in higher education.

If Americans can't produce it, Americans shouldn't have it. For example, working on an automobile assembly line is just as much "stoop labor." But Henry Ford started paying his workers well so they could afford to buy their product.

No on the delusional title of your thread, the ONLY way to be rid of the "bad" mexicans is to be rid of ALL of them!
If Americans can't produce it, Americans shouldn't have it. For example, working on an automobile assembly line is just as much "stoop labor." But Henry Ford started paying his workers well so they could afford to buy their product.
To brazen: Not exactly true. If Ford et al. were creating a customer base there would have ben no need for labor unions.
No on the delusional title of your thread, the ONLY way to be rid of the "bad" mexicans is to be rid of ALL of them!
To brazen: Either you are just naturally stupid or you are another America-hating sneak lumping legal immigrants together with ILLEGAL ALIENS. Every Mexican here illegally is a bad Mexican regardless of what the open-borders crowd preaches. Read this entire article to learn how to and —— why —— solve the illegal alien problem:

In 1954, Ike appointed retired Gen. Joseph "Jumpin' Joe" Swing, a former West Point classmate and veteran of the 101st Airborne, as the new INS commissioner.​

Influential politicians, including Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson (D) of Texas and Sen. Pat McCarran (D) of Nevada, favored open borders, and were dead set against strong border enforcement, Brownell said. But General Swing's close connections to the president shielded him – and the Border Patrol – from meddling by powerful political and corporate interests.


General Swing's fast-moving campaign soon secured America's borders – an accomplishment no other president has since equaled. Illegal migration had dropped 95 percent by the late 1950s.​

How Eisenhower solved illegal border crossings from Mexico
By John Dillin July 6, 2006

How Eisenhower solved illegal border crossings from Mexico

There Go Da Judge
If nothing else, CHARITY fraud should be enough to deport Soros.
If deporting George Soros proves to be too difficult he can be extradited. Extradition requires one simple step by Thailand’s government. Move his trading activities from an opinion to a criminal charge:

The Oxford Dictionary defines mutiny as "an open rebellion against the proper authorities." It is synonymous with "revolt and riot." For the last few decades George Soros and his Open Society Institute have organized and financed a seditious movement to destroy our Constitutional Republic and monetary system. Their mission appears to be to replace it with a One World borderless government under the jurisdiction of the United Nations.


Through his trading activities in Malaysia, he brought down that nation's currency and in Thailand he is viewed as an "economic war criminal."

February 16, 2017
A George Soros-Led Mutiny
By Shari Goodman

Articles: A George Soros-Led Mutiny
charge head tax on immigrants and be done with it. Citizenship has value. make sure you got compensated
charge head tax on immigrants and be done with it.
To grbb: Nice in theory. In real life:

1. They would get a thousand times more returned in welfare state programs than they pay in a one-time tax. And that is without considering the implications when elderly immigrants apply for Social Security benefits without ever paying a dime to SS.

2. Assuming illegal aliens paid the tax they would get legal status of some kind.

Citizenship has value. make sure you got compensated
To grbb: Indeed it does as immigrants proved by earning citizenship with work. That was before immigrants came with their hands out in addition arriving full of hatred for this country.

Personally, I would tie immigration to unemployment. The day unemployment rises above 4 percent I would shut down immigration until it falls back below 4 percent.​

Clocks, Cheese & Open Borders
I am pretty sure the FBI can find enough on this guy to deport him
If nothing else, CHARITY fraud should be enough to deport Soros.
Michael Savage:

named the ACLU, Council on American-Islamic Relations and the Southern Poverty Law Center as among the organizations that should be probed, calling billionaire activist George Soros the “head of the snake” that is funding many of the most subversive groups.​

Sabotage sounds promising. I will wager that Soros will take deportation before jail time on a sabotage conviction. Savage makes the case:

He said treason and sedition are difficult to prove, but he argued there’s a case for sabotage.​

Michael Savage: Congress must probe 'subversive' Soros groups
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 02/24/2017 @ 5:13 pm

Michael Savage: Congress must probe ‘subversive’ Soros groups

Who would have guessed that rigging town hall demonstrations would put the fear of God in Soros when compared to every thing else he did to this country? The man doth protest too much, methinks:

A spokesman for George Soros and his Open Society Foundation denied the billionaire was in any way tied to funding for protesters who’ve been raising ruckus at Republican town halls around the nation in recent weeks.

“There have been many false reports about George Soros and the Open Society Foundations funding protests in the wake of the U.S. presidential elections,” the statement from the foundation spokesman said. “There is no truth to these reports.”​

Soros denies funding anti-Trump town-hall protests
Posted By Cheryl Chumley On 02/24/2017 @ 11:46 am

Soros denies funding anti-Trump town-hall protests

You better believe that Soros suddenly opened his eyes to the bad news for him that Hillary Clinton’s defeat unleashed.
If nothing else, CHARITY fraud should be enough to deport Soros.
If deporting George Soros proves to be too difficult he can be extradited. Extradition requires one simple step by Thailand’s government. Move his trading activities from an opinion to a criminal charge:

The Oxford Dictionary defines mutiny as "an open rebellion against the proper authorities." It is synonymous with "revolt and riot." For the last few decades George Soros and his Open Society Institute have organized and financed a seditious movement to destroy our Constitutional Republic and monetary system. Their mission appears to be to replace it with a One World borderless government under the jurisdiction of the United Nations.


Through his trading activities in Malaysia, he brought down that nation's currency and in Thailand he is viewed as an "economic war criminal."

February 16, 2017
A George Soros-Led Mutiny
By Shari Goodman

Articles: A George Soros-Led Mutiny
George Soros is a US naturalized citizen. Although it is possible to strip a naturalize citizen of their citizenship, it is very difficult because because one of the four following criteria must be met.
  • Falsification of naturalization application
  • Refusal to Testify Before Congress
  • Joined a subversive group within 5 years of naturalization. No, the Democratic Party does not qualify.
  • Dishonorable Military Discharge.
  • Refusal to Testify Before Congress
  • Joined a subversive group within 5 years of naturalization.
To Flopper: Funding a subversive group meets the criterion. There is not a chance he will testify before Congress. That is why I am partial to a criminal charge.
maybe the IRS and the Department of Justice should look for criminal activity in everything Soros funds.
Sabotage sounds promising. I will wager that Soros will take deportation before jail time on a sabotage conviction.
  • Refusal to Testify Before Congress
  • Joined a subversive group within 5 years of naturalization.
To Flopper: Funding a subversive group meets the criterion. There is not a chance he will testify before Congress. That is why I am partial to a criminal charge.
maybe the IRS and the Department of Justice should look for criminal activity in everything Soros funds.
Sabotage sounds promising. I will wager that Soros will take deportation before jail time on a sabotage conviction.
The Democratic Party is not listed on the Attorney General's List of Subversive Organization, however Trump may change that. An American citizen can not be deported. His citizenship would have to be revoked and there are no legal grounds to do that regardless of criminal activity. He can be sent to jail, but not deported.
Did anybody point out that Mexico should NOT have sent them here in the first place:
Three percent getting in is 3% too much. I am not sure if Trump’s 3 percent means all immigrants or just Haitians?

But for the tens of thousands of Haitians in Brazil, Chile and elsewhere in South America who had been planning to journey north, the news was devastating. In a matter of weeks, the northward stream of people dried up.

It is one of the biggest among a plethora of success stories from the southwestern border, where illegal immigration appears to have nearly dried up in the two months since Mr. Trump took office.​

Haitians get word of Trump crackdown, slow flow to border by 97%
By Stephen Dinan
Sunday, April 16, 2017

Haitians at border down as Trump crackdown news spreads

After first being turned away illegal alien Haitian boat people were the first refugees granted asylum for economic reasons. United Nations economic refugees from the Middle East and Africa turned economic asylum into open-borders in Europe.

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