Illegal immig. Cost outweighs contributions by billions.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

The cost of processing temporary legalization and temporary work permits, running back ground checks far outweighs arrests and deportations and contributions by trillions. Yet we cannot find the money to arrest and deport. There is not reason for detaining someone who cannot prove their status in the country is legal. Deport them immediately and let them spend their time and money proving their immigration status . We "detain" Americans in prisons for decades while they prove their innocence. One recent man spent 30 year “detained” in prison until he proved his innocent. How much did “detaining” him for 30 years cost the tax payers? If we don’t have money to arrest, detain and deport Illegal Aliens, it’s because we don’t want to, but we can find the money to process legalization, run back ground checks, provide education, healthcare, welfare, provide costly tax credits, fight Latino gangs and crime and incarcerations, and putting up fences on the border and chasing them across the deserts. Something is serious wrong with this picture and it is spelled G-o-v-e-r-n-m-e-n-t.
Cost in California alone is $10.5 billion. Arizona alone is $2.6 billion. $200 billion in suppressed wages.
Did I mention the cost of employee theif? I can get anything from meat, cloths to small appliances,etc from the trunk of a car at the Mexican Grocery store. Already put in my christmas shopping list.
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There is no way that illegal immigrants don't cost more than they contribute. No way in the WORLD no matter how the figures are played with.
Obama loves this shit ,take out the white man with the great brown out,he played you stupid fucks like a skin flute , and believe me stupid fucks will follow him right off a cliff.......




The cost of processing temporary legalization and temporary work permits, running back ground checks far outweighs arrests and deportations and contributions by trillions. Yet we cannot find the money to arrest and deport. There is not reason for detaining someone who cannot prove their status in the country is legal. Deport them immediately and let them spend their time and money proving their immigration status . We "detain" Americans in prisons for decades while they prove their innocence. One recent man spent 30 year “detained” in prison until he proved his innocent. How much did “detaining” him for 30 years cost the tax payers? If we don’t have money to arrest, detain and deport Illegal Aliens, it’s because we don’t want to, but we can find the money to process legalization, run back ground checks, provide education, healthcare, welfare, provide costly tax credits, fight Latino gangs and crime and incarcerations, and putting up fences on the border and chasing them across the deserts. Something is serious wrong with this picture and it is spelled G-o-v-e-r-n-m-e-n-t.

Can you hear yourself when you speak? Deport them without due process? That's a great idea until you forget your passport and they deport you. How upset would you be if a single US Citizen was wrongfully deported without due process?

It's easy for us with White skin to say things like this because we aren't constantly harassed because of our race. I'm in favor of border control, but not at the expense of a single citizen losing his or her rights.

Let's not be morons.
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