Ilhan Omar: It Is Not Enough to Condemn Trump’s Racism

There is no doubt Trump is a blowhard and a liar. However, saying go back to your home country is not racist. That’s like saying any criticism of people of color is racist.

I consider IQ2 a racist. Am I a racist for stating such an opinion, merely because he is black?
I agree with most of what you said.

I don't believe IM2 is racist.

I think when he posts something valid or worth discussing, he gets a bunch of dismissive responses without any real attempt at discussion. He responds in-kind.


He's a racist. Make no mistake.
Read the OP and tell she me what she has said that is unamerican.
It's time to stop listening to Trumps lies.

Ilhan Omar: It Is Not Enough to Condemn Trump’s Racism

By Ilhan Omar
July 25, 2019

Throughout history, demagogues have used state power to target minority communities and political enemies, often culminating in state violence. Today, we face that threat in our own country, where the president of the United States is using the influence of our highest office to mount racist attacks on communities across the land. In recent weeks, he has lashed out unprompted against four freshman Democrats in the House of Representatives: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, and me, from Minnesota.

Last week, as President Trump watched the crowd at one of his rallies chant “Send her back,” aimed at me and my family, I was reminded of times when such fearmongering was allowed to flourish. I also couldn’t help but remember the horrors of civil war in Somalia that my family and I escaped, the America we expected to find and the one we actually experienced.

The president’s rally will be a defining moment in American history. It reminds us of the grave stakes of the coming presidential election: that this fight is not merely about policy ideas; it is a fight for the soul of our nation. The ideals at the heart of our founding — equal protection under the law, pluralism, religious liberty — are under attack, and it is up to all of us to defend them.

Having survived civil war in my home country as a child, I cherish these values. In Somalia’s capital, Mogadishu, I saw grade-school children as young as me holding assault rifles in the streets. I spent four years in a refugee camp in Kenya, where there was no formal schooling or even running water. But my family and I persevered, fortified by our deep solidarity with one another, the compassion of others and the hope of a better life in the United States.

The America we arrived in was different from the one my grandfather had hoped to find. The land of opportunity he imagined was in fact full of challenges. People identified me in ways that were foreign to me: immigrant, black. I learned that these identities carried stigmas, and I experienced prejudice as a visibly Muslim woman.

But the beauty of this country is not that our democracy is perfect. It’s that embedded in our Constitution and democratic institutions are the tools to make it better. It was in the diverse community of Minneapolis — the very community that welcomed me home with open arms after Mr. Trump’s attacks against me last week — where I learned the true value of democracy. I started attending political caucuses with my grandfather, who cherished democracy as only someone who has experienced its absence could. I soon recognized that the only way to ensure that everyone in my community had a voice was by participating in the democratic process.

Opinion | Ilhan Omar: It Is Not Enough to Condemn Trump’s Racism

Uh huh.

She invokes children with rifles. Not by mistake, of course.

We see her, and don't think we don't.
Rep Omar’s comments were not unamerican. Freedom of speech is as American as one can get. If we cannot support the right to speech we do not like, than the first amendment becomes nullified.
It's good to hear her explain a little bit about where she comes from and what her convictions are.
It sounds to me as if maybe only one or two people on this thread even read the OP. Say her name and it's like flipping a switch--all the angry, stereotypical rants come forth over and over.
This was an attempt to explain herself. I doubt if anyone who needs to hear it will listen.
Most are not going to listen because a prepared statement to make yourself look better does not cover up the other dozen statements she has made that is deplorable.

So she is able to release a few paragraphs that are coherent and not hateful. Trump has managed the same thing. Does he get a pass from you?

There is a reason that Omar has a 9% approval rating and it is not because of rabid republicans. Even hard core democrats and the democratic base cant stand Omar.

Seems her approval rating is higher than 9 percent in her district. Trump gets no pass because he doubles and triple down on his comments. Maybe we start looking at what the government in Israel is doing instead of Trumps lies. Because there are Jews that agree with Omar.

As an Israeli American, I agree with Ilhan Omar much more than the US politicians weaponising antisemitism

While freshman Minnesota Congresswoman Omar’s alleged antisemitism has been dominating the headlines in the US in recent weeks, in Israel, the controversies have barely been reported on in Hebrew media, and you’d be hard-pressed to find many Israelis who even know who she is. Yet much of the attacks and condemnations she is facing originate in talking points and policies created by the Israeli right, specifically under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over the last decade.

Omar has made repeated claims in recent weeks – some not too carefully crafted — that Israel (a country that holds millions of Palestinians under violent occupation) has outsized influence on American foreign policy and that its lobbyists use money to maintain that support.

Since Sunday, she has been defending herself against a barrage of attacks from both Democrats and Republicans for one sentence – arguably one word — she said at an event last week: "I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says it is OK for people to push for allegiance to a foreign country." This has been slammed as a charge of dual loyalty (though she did not specify Jews directly in her comments), an antisemitic trope.

As this has been going on, Omar has been facing death threats and Islamophobic attacks herself, including a poster last week at a Republican Party event which likened her to 9/11 terrorists.

Omar is one of only two Muslim women ever elected to Congress, along with Rep. Rashida Tlaib from Michigan, and they are both the first members of Congress to openly support the Palestinian call for boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel. This has made them the targets of an incomparable onslaught of scrutiny and attacks.

The Israeli government has invested millions of dollars in its campaign to combat BDS around the world, and has worked hard (and largely succeeded) to equate BDS – a non-violent tactic to secure Palestinian rights — with antisemitism, arguing that it denies Israel the right to exist. As an Israeli and a Jew, I do not challenge Israel’s right to exist, but I do challenge its right to exist as the Jewish supremacist, undemocratic, violent state that it is. That does not make me an antisemite, and neither does solidarity with the call for BDS.

Yet this talking point has been fully adopted in Washington. When you look at the anti-BDS legislation that has already swept half of the US and further efforts on a federal level to penalise American businesses which so much as favour a boycott of Israel, it’s no wonder Omar is being attacked. It’s practically a given she would be. A Muslim congresswoman supporting a boycott of Israel is unprecedented in Washington. She is challenging decades-long unconditional American support for Israel while many American legislators are demanding loyalty oaths that enable Israel to continue doing as it pleases – with total impunity.

As an Israeli American, I agree with Ilhan Omar much more than the US politicians weaponising antisemitism
There is no doubt Trump is a blowhard and a liar. However, saying go back to your home country is not racist. That’s like saying any criticism of people of color is racist.

I consider IQ2 a racist. Am I a racist for stating such an opinion, merely because he is black?
I agree with most of what you said.

I don't believe IM2 is racist.

I think when he posts something valid or worth discussing, he gets a bunch of dismissive responses without any real attempt at discussion. He responds in-kind.


He's a racist. Make no mistake.

You just made one. You can't post an example of my racism and you lied about me wanting to start a race war. You aren't very smart you don't understand much of what I say. So it's simple for you to holler how I am a racist based upon false equivalences you right wing extremists faking as being conservative have made in order to not take responsibility for continuing white racism.

I believe Bootney is a real and legit conservative and we have had great and mutually respectful conversations even as we may have differing philosophies. And he is white. So how can that be if I am a racist?

And I can say the same thing about a number of whites here. So you are mistaken and your mistakes are of no concern to me.
Read the OP and tell she me what she has said that is unamerican.
It's time to stop listening to Trumps lies.

Ilhan Omar: It Is Not Enough to Condemn Trump’s Racism

By Ilhan Omar
July 25, 2019

Throughout history, demagogues have used state power to target minority communities and political enemies, often culminating in state violence. Today, we face that threat in our own country, where the president of the United States is using the influence of our highest office to mount racist attacks on communities across the land. In recent weeks, he has lashed out unprompted against four freshman Democrats in the House of Representatives: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, and me, from Minnesota.

Last week, as President Trump watched the crowd at one of his rallies chant “Send her back,” aimed at me and my family, I was reminded of times when such fearmongering was allowed to flourish. I also couldn’t help but remember the horrors of civil war in Somalia that my family and I escaped, the America we expected to find and the one we actually experienced.

The president’s rally will be a defining moment in American history. It reminds us of the grave stakes of the coming presidential election: that this fight is not merely about policy ideas; it is a fight for the soul of our nation. The ideals at the heart of our founding — equal protection under the law, pluralism, religious liberty — are under attack, and it is up to all of us to defend them.

Having survived civil war in my home country as a child, I cherish these values. In Somalia’s capital, Mogadishu, I saw grade-school children as young as me holding assault rifles in the streets. I spent four years in a refugee camp in Kenya, where there was no formal schooling or even running water. But my family and I persevered, fortified by our deep solidarity with one another, the compassion of others and the hope of a better life in the United States.

The America we arrived in was different from the one my grandfather had hoped to find. The land of opportunity he imagined was in fact full of challenges. People identified me in ways that were foreign to me: immigrant, black. I learned that these identities carried stigmas, and I experienced prejudice as a visibly Muslim woman.

But the beauty of this country is not that our democracy is perfect. It’s that embedded in our Constitution and democratic institutions are the tools to make it better. It was in the diverse community of Minneapolis — the very community that welcomed me home with open arms after Mr. Trump’s attacks against me last week — where I learned the true value of democracy. I started attending political caucuses with my grandfather, who cherished democracy as only someone who has experienced its absence could. I soon recognized that the only way to ensure that everyone in my community had a voice was by participating in the democratic process.

Opinion | Ilhan Omar: It Is Not Enough to Condemn Trump’s Racism

Uh huh.

She invokes children with rifles. Not by mistake, of course.

We see her, and don't think we don't.

You are a blind woman in a dark closet looking for a black cat that's not there.
There is no doubt Trump is a blowhard and a liar. However, saying go back to your home country is not racist. That’s like saying any criticism of people of color is racist.

I consider IQ2 a racist. Am I a racist for stating such an opinion, merely because he is black?
I agree with most of what you said.

I don't believe IM2 is racist.

I think when he posts something valid or worth discussing, he gets a bunch of dismissive responses without any real attempt at discussion. He responds in-kind.


He's a racist. Make no mistake.

You just made one. You can't post an example of my racism and you lied about me wanting to start a race war. You aren't very smart you don't understand much of what I say. So it's simple for you to holler how I am a racist based upon false equivalences you right wing extremists faking as being conservative have made in order to not take responsibility for continuing white racism.

I believe Bootney is a real and legit conservative and we have had great and mutually respectful conversations even as we may have differing philosophies. And he is white. So how can that be if I am a racist?

And I can say the same thing about a number of whites here. So you are mistaken and your mistakes are of no concern to me.

Sure, the ones who agree with your politics. Anyone who does not agree with your politics, or just goes TOO FAR, is racist. Listen, we know.
And people just post shit about this woman without accurately citing them.

Did U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar Say ‘If Israel Is So Innocent, Then Why Do They Insist on Being Jews?’
A quote needn't make sense for some people to believe it's genuine.
David Emery
Published 9 May 2019

In early May 2019, social media users began sharing posts alleging that U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minnesota), one of the two Muslim women currently serving in the U.S. Congress, issued a tweet asking, “If Israel is so innocent, then why do they insist on being Jews?”

Many of the posts included disparaging remarks about Omar, accusing her of being “anti-Semitic” and “anti-American,” for example, and proclaiming that she should be “banned from Congress”:

@Speakerpelosi – why are U allowing Omar in Congress? She’s an hardcore Antisemite.@chuckschumer @HouseDemocrats @SenateDems @SenateGOP @HouseGOP

IIhan Omar: ‘If Israel Is So Innocent, Then Why Do They Insist On Being Jews?’ via @TheBabylonBee

Michelle Turner on Twitter

Why are you an Incestuous Anti-American, Anti-Semite Islamic twit? Because that’s what you are. Just like they are JEWS who are being attacked in THEIR LAND! –> Ilhan Omar: ‘If Israel Is So Innocent, Then Why Do They Insist On Being Jews? ‘

— OMJ3D molṑn labé ن ♞✟ (@jabob99) May 7, 2019

The majority of the posts on both Twitter and Facebook linked to an article on the Babylon Bee website, which originally published the piece containing the putative quote on 6 May 2019:

WASHINGTON, D.C. — When Israel responded with airstrikes to over 600 rockets fired at them from Gaza, many defended this as a justified act of defense. Representative Ilhan Omar lashed out against this view, saying on Twitter about Israel, “If they’re so innocent, why are they Jews?”

Omar pointed out how many in Israel continue in the extremely hostile act of being Jewish, provoking all of the people around them. “They want people to feel sorry for them,” Omar said, “but they’re just out there, every day, being Jews. It’s almost like they’re taunting everyone.”

Despite its attracting an outraged constituency of believers, however, the quote and the article from which it came are completely fictional. The Babylon Bee, which advertises itself as “Your Trusted Source for Christian News Satire,” publishes only satirical content aimed at a conservative Christian readership.

In this case, the website’s intent was to ridicule Omar’s reaction to escalating violence on the Gaza Strip (“The status quo of occupation and humanitarian crisis in Gaza is unsustainable,” she tweeted, emphasizing the plight of Palestinians) by attributing barely coherent anti-Semitic quotes to her. Earlier in the year, Omar was accused by members of both parties of using “anti-Semitic tropes” in criticizing Israel’s influence over U.S. politics. She has made no public statements resembling those in the Babylon Bee article, however.

Unfortunately, satire often isn’t recognizable as such in social media posts, which rarely carry the appropriate disclaimers, nor on blogs and websites (such as that repost articles from sites such as The Babylon Bee without alerting readers that they’re satirical in nature. Under such conditions, the distinction between satire and misinformation is effectively meaningless.

Did Rep. Omar Really Say This About Israel?
There is no doubt Trump is a blowhard and a liar. However, saying go back to your home country is not racist. That’s like saying any criticism of people of color is racist.

I consider IQ2 a racist. Am I a racist for stating such an opinion, merely because he is black?
I agree with most of what you said.

I don't believe IM2 is racist.

I think when he posts something valid or worth discussing, he gets a bunch of dismissive responses without any real attempt at discussion. He responds in-kind.


He's a racist. Make no mistake.

You just made one. You can't post an example of my racism and you lied about me wanting to start a race war. You aren't very smart you don't understand much of what I say. So it's simple for you to holler how I am a racist based upon false equivalences you right wing extremists faking as being conservative have made in order to not take responsibility for continuing white racism.

I believe Bootney is a real and legit conservative and we have had great and mutually respectful conversations even as we may have differing philosophies. And he is white. So how can that be if I am a racist?

And I can say the same thing about a number of whites here. So you are mistaken and your mistakes are of no concern to me.

Sure, the ones who agree with your politics. Anyone who does not agree with your politics, or just goes TOO FAR, is racist. Listen, we know.

You don't know anything. That's your problem. You have never experienced racism. I have. Not agreeing with my politics is not racism. But this is the excuse extremists use.
There is no doubt Trump is a blowhard and a liar. However, saying go back to your home country is not racist. That’s like saying any criticism of people of color is racist.

I consider IQ2 a racist. Am I a racist for stating such an opinion, merely because he is black?
I agree with most of what you said.

I don't believe IM2 is racist.

I think when he posts something valid or worth discussing, he gets a bunch of dismissive responses without any real attempt at discussion. He responds in-kind.


He's a racist. Make no mistake.

You just made one. You can't post an example of my racism and you lied about me wanting to start a race war. You aren't very smart you don't understand much of what I say. So it's simple for you to holler how I am a racist based upon false equivalences you right wing extremists faking as being conservative have made in order to not take responsibility for continuing white racism.

I believe Bootney is a real and legit conservative and we have had great and mutually respectful conversations even as we may have differing philosophies. And he is white. So how can that be if I am a racist?

And I can say the same thing about a number of whites here. So you are mistaken and your mistakes are of no concern to me.

Sure, the ones who agree with your politics. Anyone who does not agree with your politics, or just goes TOO FAR, is racist. Listen, we know.

You don't know anything. That's your problem. You have never experienced racism. I have. Not agreeing with my politics is not racism. But this is the excuse extremists use.

Sure so you just said it--"Not agreeing with my politics is not racism"....but then you went on to call me an "extremist" with yeah, I'm a racist IOW

Oh yeah, "white fragility". You do not intimidate me. So there.
IM2, you have experienced not racism, but rational thought. Most Blacks are violent and stupid. Did you prove folks you call racist otherwise?
I agree with most of what you said.

I don't believe IM2 is racist.

I think when he posts something valid or worth discussing, he gets a bunch of dismissive responses without any real attempt at discussion. He responds in-kind.


He's a racist. Make no mistake.

You just made one. You can't post an example of my racism and you lied about me wanting to start a race war. You aren't very smart you don't understand much of what I say. So it's simple for you to holler how I am a racist based upon false equivalences you right wing extremists faking as being conservative have made in order to not take responsibility for continuing white racism.

I believe Bootney is a real and legit conservative and we have had great and mutually respectful conversations even as we may have differing philosophies. And he is white. So how can that be if I am a racist?

And I can say the same thing about a number of whites here. So you are mistaken and your mistakes are of no concern to me.

Sure, the ones who agree with your politics. Anyone who does not agree with your politics, or just goes TOO FAR, is racist. Listen, we know.

You don't know anything. That's your problem. You have never experienced racism. I have. Not agreeing with my politics is not racism. But this is the excuse extremists use.

Sure so you just said it--"Not agreeing with my politics is not racism"....but then you went on to call me an "extremist" with yeah, I'm a racist IOW

Oh yeah, "white fragility". You do not intimidate me. So there.

You are a joke Sue. I could care less about trying to intimidate.

IM2, you have experienced not racism, but rational thought. Most Blacks are violent and stupid. Did you prove folks you call racist otherwise?

I don't ever see you attacking this Sue.
He's a racist. Make no mistake.

You just made one. You can't post an example of my racism and you lied about me wanting to start a race war. You aren't very smart you don't understand much of what I say. So it's simple for you to holler how I am a racist based upon false equivalences you right wing extremists faking as being conservative have made in order to not take responsibility for continuing white racism.

I believe Bootney is a real and legit conservative and we have had great and mutually respectful conversations even as we may have differing philosophies. And he is white. So how can that be if I am a racist?

And I can say the same thing about a number of whites here. So you are mistaken and your mistakes are of no concern to me.

Sure, the ones who agree with your politics. Anyone who does not agree with your politics, or just goes TOO FAR, is racist. Listen, we know.

You don't know anything. That's your problem. You have never experienced racism. I have. Not agreeing with my politics is not racism. But this is the excuse extremists use.

Sure so you just said it--"Not agreeing with my politics is not racism"....but then you went on to call me an "extremist" with yeah, I'm a racist IOW

Oh yeah, "white fragility". You do not intimidate me. So there.

You are a joke Sue. I could care less about trying to intimidate.

IM2, you have experienced not racism, but rational thought. Most Blacks are violent and stupid. Did you prove folks you call racist otherwise?

I don't ever see you attacking this Sue.

Snouter is an idiot. I just did before I read yours. You don't have to believe me; I don't lie.

You will have to explain all the veiled threats about what will happen after the election if Trump wins again.
Rep Omar’s comments were not unamerican. Freedom of speech is as American as one can get. If we cannot support the right to speech we do not like, than the first amendment becomes nullified.
I think saying all Dirty Jews must die is kinda Anti American.
It's more like Pro Nazi Germany though....

Google is banning the word "Christian" in some of their searches.

What are you going to do about that?

Simple. Use my freedom of speech to denounce what that person said. Anyone who makes vitriolic comments needs to be called out on them. It should not matter if it’s President Trump or Rep Omar. Neither is immune from being excoriated nor should they be.
Only she doesn't get called out on it. Her Party and The House under Nancy Pelosi's leadership encourages and Sanctions Antisemitism.

Bullshit. She made a public apology.
Sure she did, and she still flies The Swastika Flag over her Commie Compound, and still believes All Jews and Christians are Dirty Infidels who should be Beheaded.

Nice Lady.
Yeah, I can smell you. Smells like racism.

So "racism" is "common sense?" Who woulda thought! :p

SweetSue92, you are an uneducated, brainwashed, delusional idiot and really should be attending adult education classes to obtain your high school equivalency diploma rather than wasting yours and more importantly our time. :p
Yeah, I can smell you. Smells like racism.

So "racism" is "common sense?" Who woulda thought! :p

SweetSue92, you are an uneducated, brainwashed, delusional idiot and really should be attending adult education classes to obtain your high school equivalency diploma rather than wasting yours and more importantly our time. :p

Brainwashed--prove it
Delusional--prove it
idiot--prove it
Should be attending adult education courses--for what?
High school equivalency--why? I have a Bachelor's ++++
Read the OP and tell she me what she has said that is unamerican.
It's time to stop listening to Trumps lies.

Ilhan Omar: It Is Not Enough to Condemn Trump’s Racism

By Ilhan Omar
July 25, 2019

Throughout history, demagogues have used state power to target minority communities and political enemies, often culminating in state violence. Today, we face that threat in our own country, where the president of the United States is using the influence of our highest office to mount racist attacks on communities across the land. In recent weeks, he has lashed out unprompted against four freshman Democrats in the House of Representatives: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, and me, from Minnesota.

Last week, as President Trump watched the crowd at one of his rallies chant “Send her back,” aimed at me and my family, I was reminded of times when such fearmongering was allowed to flourish. I also couldn’t help but remember the horrors of civil war in Somalia that my family and I escaped, the America we expected to find and the one we actually experienced.

The president’s rally will be a defining moment in American history. It reminds us of the grave stakes of the coming presidential election: that this fight is not merely about policy ideas; it is a fight for the soul of our nation. The ideals at the heart of our founding — equal protection under the law, pluralism, religious liberty — are under attack, and it is up to all of us to defend them.

Having survived civil war in my home country as a child, I cherish these values. In Somalia’s capital, Mogadishu, I saw grade-school children as young as me holding assault rifles in the streets. I spent four years in a refugee camp in Kenya, where there was no formal schooling or even running water. But my family and I persevered, fortified by our deep solidarity with one another, the compassion of others and the hope of a better life in the United States.

The America we arrived in was different from the one my grandfather had hoped to find. The land of opportunity he imagined was in fact full of challenges. People identified me in ways that were foreign to me: immigrant, black. I learned that these identities carried stigmas, and I experienced prejudice as a visibly Muslim woman.

But the beauty of this country is not that our democracy is perfect. It’s that embedded in our Constitution and democratic institutions are the tools to make it better. It was in the diverse community of Minneapolis — the very community that welcomed me home with open arms after Mr. Trump’s attacks against me last week — where I learned the true value of democracy. I started attending political caucuses with my grandfather, who cherished democracy as only someone who has experienced its absence could. I soon recognized that the only way to ensure that everyone in my community had a voice was by participating in the democratic process.

Opinion | Ilhan Omar: It Is Not Enough to Condemn Trump’s Racism
When she made her 9-11 speech, she branded herself an anti-American forever. She referred to hijacking of commercial jets, killing all on board and thousands of people dying and thousands more dying of lung diseases years later as "SOME PEOPLE DID SOMETHING". She then went on to start whining about the REAL TRAGEDY which was poor American Muslims weren't treated nice. She has no business being part of our government and it is looking more and more like she has no legal basis living here. She is a more radical, female version of Obama. She knows if she smiles nice she can say anything she wants because she is a protected class.

regarding Ms Omar's outlandish claims of "oppression of muslims" since
"something happened" on 9-11-01 I would like to see her QUESTIONED
in detail-----citing her own claims, as was Mueller questioned, citing his written report.
Racism is an overused explanation used by shallow and unintelligent people to explain anything they disagree with. It's like copying the Cliff notes for a book report. Viva Trump. KAG
I think saying all Dirty Jews must die is kinda Anti American.
It's more like Pro Nazi Germany though....

Google is banning the word "Christian" in some of their searches.

What are you going to do about that?

Simple. Use my freedom of speech to denounce what that person said. Anyone who makes vitriolic comments needs to be called out on them. It should not matter if it’s President Trump or Rep Omar. Neither is immune from being excoriated nor should they be.
Only she doesn't get called out on it. Her Party and The House under Nancy Pelosi's leadership encourages and Sanctions Antisemitism.

Bullshit. She made a public apology.
Sure she did, and she still flies The Swastika Flag over her Commie Compound, and still believes All Jews and Christians are Dirty Infidels who should be Beheaded.

Nice Lady.

Ilhan Omar Apologizes for Statements Condemned as Anti-Semitic

Ilhan Omar Apologizes for Statements Condemned as Anti-Semitic

You are making things up.
And then backed right out of it.
Ilhan Omar: I Do Not Regret Israel Comment, But I Am Grateful To "Learn How My Words Make People Feel"

And then continued to double and triple down on it as well as she continues to make asinine remarks like this.

Rep Omar’s comments were not unamerican. Freedom of speech is as American as one can get. If we cannot support the right to speech we do not like, than the first amendment becomes nullified.
It's good to hear her explain a little bit about where she comes from and what her convictions are.
It sounds to me as if maybe only one or two people on this thread even read the OP. Say her name and it's like flipping a switch--all the angry, stereotypical rants come forth over and over.
This was an attempt to explain herself. I doubt if anyone who needs to hear it will listen.
Most are not going to listen because a prepared statement to make yourself look better does not cover up the other dozen statements she has made that is deplorable.

So she is able to release a few paragraphs that are coherent and not hateful. Trump has managed the same thing. Does he get a pass from you?

There is a reason that Omar has a 9% approval rating and it is not because of rabid republicans. Even hard core democrats and the democratic base cant stand Omar.

Seems her approval rating is higher than 9 percent in her district. Trump gets no pass because he doubles and triple down on his comments. Maybe we start looking at what the government in Israel is doing instead of Trumps lies. Because there are Jews that agree with Omar.

As an Israeli American, I agree with Ilhan Omar much more than the US politicians weaponising antisemitism

While freshman Minnesota Congresswoman Omar’s alleged antisemitism has been dominating the headlines in the US in recent weeks, in Israel, the controversies have barely been reported on in Hebrew media, and you’d be hard-pressed to find many Israelis who even know who she is. Yet much of the attacks and condemnations she is facing originate in talking points and policies created by the Israeli right, specifically under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over the last decade.

Omar has made repeated claims in recent weeks – some not too carefully crafted — that Israel (a country that holds millions of Palestinians under violent occupation) has outsized influence on American foreign policy and that its lobbyists use money to maintain that support.

Since Sunday, she has been defending herself against a barrage of attacks from both Democrats and Republicans for one sentence – arguably one word — she said at an event last week: "I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says it is OK for people to push for allegiance to a foreign country." This has been slammed as a charge of dual loyalty (though she did not specify Jews directly in her comments), an antisemitic trope.

As this has been going on, Omar has been facing death threats and Islamophobic attacks herself, including a poster last week at a Republican Party event which likened her to 9/11 terrorists.

Omar is one of only two Muslim women ever elected to Congress, along with Rep. Rashida Tlaib from Michigan, and they are both the first members of Congress to openly support the Palestinian call for boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel. This has made them the targets of an incomparable onslaught of scrutiny and attacks.

The Israeli government has invested millions of dollars in its campaign to combat BDS around the world, and has worked hard (and largely succeeded) to equate BDS – a non-violent tactic to secure Palestinian rights — with antisemitism, arguing that it denies Israel the right to exist. As an Israeli and a Jew, I do not challenge Israel’s right to exist, but I do challenge its right to exist as the Jewish supremacist, undemocratic, violent state that it is. That does not make me an antisemite, and neither does solidarity with the call for BDS.

Yet this talking point has been fully adopted in Washington. When you look at the anti-BDS legislation that has already swept half of the US and further efforts on a federal level to penalise American businesses which so much as favour a boycott of Israel, it’s no wonder Omar is being attacked. It’s practically a given she would be. A Muslim congresswoman supporting a boycott of Israel is unprecedented in Washington. She is challenging decades-long unconditional American support for Israel while many American legislators are demanding loyalty oaths that enable Israel to continue doing as it pleases – with total impunity.

As an Israeli American, I agree with Ilhan Omar much more than the US politicians weaponising antisemitism

Omar won her district before she exposed herself. Why do you think Trump has abandoned attacking the candidates and instead put Omar and AOC front and center? Because they are massively unpopular with ALL political stripes. By all means, continue to support her and put her front and center. It is by far the most damaging thing the democrats can do for themselves. Pelosi knows this and that is why she is trying to mitigate their exposure and influence.

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