IG Report on Hillary and the FBI's & DOJ's Collaboration To Protect Her Ready To Drop


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
It’s Coming: DOJ Inspector General Has Finished His Report on
How the FBI Handled Hillary Clinton's Email Scandal

"Inspector General Michael Horowitz notified lawmakers in a Wednesday letter that the draft report was complete and being made available to the agencies and individuals examined in the probe.

The report is expected to blast former FBI director James B. Comey for various steps he took in the investigation, particularly his announcing in July — without telling his Justice Department bosses what he was about to say — that the FBI was recommending that Clinton not be charged, and for revealing to Congress just weeks before the presidential election that the bureau had resumed its work.

In April, Horowitz released a report slamming former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe for lying on multiple occasions under oath (known as PERJURY, a CRIME) in addition to inspector general and FBI investigators about the FBI's criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton, the FBI's investigation into the Clinton Foundation and more."

The Inspector General has now:
- Declared the FBI broke protocol, processes, and procedures in their roles in the protection of Hillary Clinton from indictment and in actions taken designed to spy on /take down the GOP Presidential nominee / President and his team.

- Declared the FBI broke the law by illegally and knowingly using a propaganda-filled, debunked report (one of 2 given to them by the Clinton Campaign) to acquire FISA warrants to spy on the GOP candidate and his team during the election...
-- Add in the fact that the evidence is being released now showing the FBI also planted a 'MOLE' in the Trump campaign. The FBI's using products given to them by Hillary's team to illegally spy on her GOP adversary AND the new revelation that the FBI had a mole inside spying for them....for Hillary...makes this scandal MUCH WORSE than Watergate because you have a scandal involving the Obama administration, as already proven by other evidence - DOJ (2 x US AGs), CIA, NIA, FBI, State Department, and the Hillary campaign.

Evidence shows and Comey admitted as much that he and US AG Lynch worked together tpo write Hillary's exoneration letter long before the investigation was over. Comey's own account during an interview of how Lynch 'DIRECTED' him to treat the scandal like a 'matter' instead of an investigation shows Lynch Obstructed justice.

As the report says, the IG has already outlined Deputy FBI Director McCabe's crimes and he even recommended him for indictment / criminal charges. Why Sessions / the DOJ has not gotten off their a$$es to perp-walk him already smacks of more cover-up and protecting the real criminals.

When you put all of the pieces of evidence that have come out together, put all of the IG's reports together, it paints a massive, criminal conspiracy at the highest levels within the Obama administration (again - DOJ, CIA, NIA, FBI, etc...) working with former 1st Lady / Sect of State Hillary to protect her from indictment for crimes she did commit and to sly on / frame / take down the GOP candidate - to never let him win and take him out if he did. This is potentially the biggest scandal in US history....

The next IG report could very well make it so depending on what it says.

Katie Pavlich - It’s Coming: DOJ Inspector General Has Finished His Report on How the FBI Handled Hillary Clinton's Email Scandal
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Here it comes....

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