If you were an election worker verifying signatures, would you be politically biased?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
First of all... Which party do most Americans think is in favor of the following actions:
1) College loan forgiveness
2) riding fossil fuels
3) illegal immigration

More importantly though, which party according to Americans have the American citizen's best interest at heart?
The reason for asking is which election worker if had a partisan position, (and supposedly most of the 1 million election workers are bipartisan) would most likely in
reviewing these signatures and having an average of 5 seconds to decide, would accept the ballot signature as valid?
This web site: How do election workers match signatures? (2020) shows what a signature verification process consists of:
Signature matching methods
Election workers may analyze the following aspects of a voter's handwriting in order to compare and verify signatures:
In Arizona the County Recorder verified 206,648 early ballot affidavit signatures, which results in an average of 4.6 seconds per signature.
to this web site:https://www.maricopa.gov/DocumentCenter/View/75204/Recorder-BOS-AG-Response-with-Exhibits-5-3-22
Now tell me if you were a Democrat election worker and the following signatures were to be verified AND you knew from the local news a Democrat was leading by a very large number or a Republican was leading by a very large number... would you for especially time sake approve the following ballot signature matches the on record signature?
Screen Shot 2023-07-22 at 10.22.23 AM.png

The Republican National Committee on Sept. 9 sent a letter to the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office, slamming the county for hiring 857 Democrats to work the polls on Aug. 2 but only 712 Republicans.

Election officials confront a new problem: Whether they can trust their own poll workers
Several incidents in Michigan have raised wider fears about whether poll workers could use their position to sow doubt in the 2022 midterms
So what is the topic of this gish gallop? College loans forgiveness, fossil fuel support, border security, partisanship, cursive reading ability and comprehension, pool workers, what?
The Republican National Committee on Sept. 9 sent a letter to the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office, slamming the county for hiring 857 Democrats to work the polls on Aug. 2 but only 712 Republicans.

What a bunch of whiners
That is only 55 percent
. would you for especially time sake approve the following ballot signature matches the on record signature?

I would accept the signature as valid.
Only the first letters od first and last name are different
The rest is spot on

I would not accept this as a signature

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Signature "verification" on election ballots by is a joke. The first step of the "process" is to separate the signed envelope from the freaking ballot! Then you have Totally subjective judgements by untrained volunteers trying to work fast.
I would accept the signature as valid.
Only the first letters od first and last name are different
The rest is spot on
They were written by the same person but there was a deliberate attempt to make them different.
Dysfunctional and extremist politics at work again.
Signature "verification" on election ballots by is a joke. The first step of the "process" is to separate the signed envelope from the freaking ballot! Then you have Totally subjective judgements by untrained volunteers trying to work fast.
The signature is verified before the ballot is accepted
Signature "verification" on election ballots by is a joke. The first step of the "process" is to separate the signed envelope from the freaking ballot! Then you have Totally subjective judgements by untrained volunteers trying to work fast.
That does remove political bias by signature inspectors, since they don't know who the signer voted for.
What a bunch of whiners
That is only 55 percent
Popular vote Biden 1,672,143 Trump 1,661,686 total difference:10,457.

In Arizona in 2016 total rejected ballots - 31,000 of the 2,413,568 votes or 1.24% rejected
History of rejected Arizona ballots creates further election uncertainty
In 2020 31,000 rejected out of 3,333,829 votes or 0.82% rejected.
So please explain how:
Even though there were 920,261 MORE votes in 2020 cast or 38.1% , there was 34% fewer rejected votes?
So there were more mail in ballots REQUIRING SIGNATURE VERIFICATION in AZ in 2020 election AND nearly a million more votes...BUT
34% FEWER rejected ballots? Something doesn't make sense.
Logic would say, if you have more voters in 2020 than 2016 there should be as many rejected ballots if NOT more than in 2016... but that's not true!
The more ballots cast in AZ in 2020 meant fewer absentee vote rejected.
And remember... Trump lost by 10,457 votes.
If the same percentage rejected (1.24%) in 2016 was applied to 2020 , there would have been 41,438 fewer votes.
In summary,
... explain how with nearly 1 million more votes in 2020 and 0.82% rejected,
in 2016, and 1 million FEWER votes, there was 1.24% rejected?
First of all... Which party do most Americans think is in favor of the following actions:
1) College loan forgiveness
2) riding fossil fuels
3) illegal immigration

More importantly though, which party according to Americans have the American citizen's best interest at heart?
The reason for asking is which election worker if had a partisan position, (and supposedly most of the 1 million election workers are bipartisan) would most likely in
reviewing these signatures and having an average of 5 seconds to decide, would accept the ballot signature as valid?
This web site: How do election workers match signatures? (2020) shows what a signature verification process consists of:
Signature matching methods
Election workers may analyze the following aspects of a voter's handwriting in order to compare and verify signatures:
In Arizona the County Recorder verified 206,648 early ballot affidavit signatures, which results in an average of 4.6 seconds per signature.
to this web site:https://www.maricopa.gov/DocumentCenter/View/75204/Recorder-BOS-AG-Response-with-Exhibits-5-3-22
Now tell me if you were a Democrat election worker and the following signatures were to be verified AND you knew from the local news a Democrat was leading by a very large number or a Republican was leading by a very large number... would you for especially time sake approve the following ballot signature matches the on record signature?
View attachment 806891

The Republican National Committee on Sept. 9 sent a letter to the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office, slamming the county for hiring 857 Democrats to work the polls on Aug. 2 but only 712 Republicans.

Election officials confront a new problem: Whether they can trust their own poll workers
Several incidents in Michigan have raised wider fears about whether poll workers could use their position to sow doubt in the 2022 midterms
To answer your question in today's toxic environment that the democrats have abused hell no I would not. I would do just as they have done throw away as many democrat ballots as possible
Popular vote Biden 1,672,143 Trump 1,661,686 total difference:10,457.

In Arizona in 2016 total rejected ballots - 31,000 of the 2,413,568 votes or 1.24% rejected
History of rejected Arizona ballots creates further election uncertainty
In 2020 31,000 rejected out of 3,333,829 votes or 0.82% rejected.
So please explain how:
Even though there were 920,261 MORE votes in 2020 cast or 38.1% , there was 34% fewer rejected votes?
So there were more mail in ballots REQUIRING SIGNATURE VERIFICATION in AZ in 2020 election AND nearly a million more votes...BUT
34% FEWER rejected ballots? Something doesn't make sense.
Logic would say, if you have more voters in 2020 than 2016 there should be as many rejected ballots if NOT more than in 2016... but that's not true!
The more ballots cast in AZ in 2020 meant fewer absentee vote rejected.
And remember... Trump lost by 10,457 votes.
If the same percentage rejected (1.24%) in 2016 was applied to 2020 , there would have been 41,438 fewer votes.
In summary,
... explain how with nearly 1 million more votes in 2020 and 0.82% rejected,
in 2016, and 1 million FEWER votes, there was 1.24% rejected?
The signature is verified before the ballot is accepted
I've voted in the last 3 presidential elections via absentee and the process is:
1) I request an absentee ballot.
2) I receive a absentee ballot request form, WHICH I complete address, etc. AND MY signature!
3) I then receive the ballot which I complete.
4) I Sign the envelope that holds the ballot and put that envelope into another envelope provided and mail it.
5) The election worker compares the signature of the ballot request with the signature on the 2nd inside envelope that contains the ballot.
6) If the signatures don't match the ballot is NOT ACCEPTED and the process of "curing" ...
(States that do not have a ballot curing process do not count ballots with missing or mismatched signatures. )
And I'm verifying what you said.
BUT IT IS THE SIGNATURE verification at 4.6 seconds in AZ as I pointed out that has to be done again in 4.6 seconds!
NOW you tell me as a Democrat supporter and you were an election worker, and you saw that Biden was winning by a large margin or Trump was, would you care if the signatures matched because the odds are it wouldn't make a difference!
BUT as a Democrat supporter election worker and the election is close again the difference in AZ was 10,457 votes, what would you do?
First of all... Which party do most Americans think is in favor of the following actions:
1) College loan forgiveness
2) riding fossil fuels
3) illegal immigration

More importantly though, which party according to Americans have the American citizen's best interest at heart?
The reason for asking is which election worker if had a partisan position, (and supposedly most of the 1 million election workers are bipartisan) would most likely in
reviewing these signatures and having an average of 5 seconds to decide, would accept the ballot signature as valid?
This web site: How do election workers match signatures? (2020) shows what a signature verification process consists of:
Signature matching methods
Election workers may analyze the following aspects of a voter's handwriting in order to compare and verify signatures:
In Arizona the County Recorder verified 206,648 early ballot affidavit signatures, which results in an average of 4.6 seconds per signature.
to this web site:https://www.maricopa.gov/DocumentCenter/View/75204/Recorder-BOS-AG-Response-with-Exhibits-5-3-22
Now tell me if you were a Democrat election worker and the following signatures were to be verified AND you knew from the local news a Democrat was leading by a very large number or a Republican was leading by a very large number... would you for especially time sake approve the following ballot signature matches the on record signature?
View attachment 806891

The Republican National Committee on Sept. 9 sent a letter to the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office, slamming the county for hiring 857 Democrats to work the polls on Aug. 2 but only 712 Republicans.

Election officials confront a new problem: Whether they can trust their own poll workers
Several incidents in Michigan have raised wider fears about whether poll workers could use their position to sow doubt in the 2022 midterms
You do know that signatures are on the outside envelope, so no one knows if you vote Democratic or Republican, don't you?
You do know that signatures are on the outside envelope, so no one knows if you vote Democratic or Republican, don't you?
You certainly didn't read much less understand the first few points I made...
I also wrote: Now tell me if you were a Democrat election worker and the following signatures were to be verified AND you knew from the local news a Democrat was leading by a very large number or a Republican was leading by a very large number... would you for especially time sake approve the following ballot signature matches the on record signature?...
Where in the above did I assume the the Democrat election worker knew who the vote was for? Did I say anything like that? Now you are right I should have made it simpler to understand that I WAS describing just the signature issue... not who the vote was for.
My point though is two fold:
A) With the democrat election worker having choices i.e. accept or deny... it is clear that if Biden were winning by huge margin...and the signature was in question... reject! But if the election was in Trump's favor and the democrat election worker knew that... there was NO question regarding the signature, accept.
B) The second point you entirely missed was even clearer!
Again to keep it simpler I GUESS.
In summary,
... explain how with nearly 1 million more votes in 2020 but an 0.82% rejected, in 2016 election with 1 million FEWER votes, there was 1.24% rejected?
Doesn't that strike you as odd? Oh of course not because you voted for Hillary several times I'm sure and Biden also!
I actually did work as one many years ago, since it was in a different county I didn't have any bias one way or another. Travis Co TX is a mecca for dumbasses. I expected them to elect autistic moonbats regardless of party.
healthmyth does not understand statistical anomalies.
Popular vote Biden 1,672,143 Trump 1,661,686 total difference:10,457.

In Arizona in 2016 total rejected ballots - 31,000 of the 2,413,568 votes or 1.24% rejected
History of rejected Arizona ballots creates further election uncertainty
In 2020 31,000 rejected out of 3,333,829 votes or 0.82% rejected.
So please explain how:
Even though there were 920,261 MORE votes in 2020 cast or 38.1% , there was 34% fewer rejected votes?
So there were more mail in ballots REQUIRING SIGNATURE VERIFICATION in AZ in 2020 election AND nearly a million more votes...BUT
34% FEWER rejected ballots? Something doesn't make sense.
Logic would say, if you have more voters in 2020 than 2016 there should be as many rejected ballots if NOT more than in 2016... but that's not true!
The more ballots cast in AZ in 2020 meant fewer absentee vote rejected.
And remember... Trump lost by 10,457 votes.
If the same percentage rejected (1.24%) in 2016 was applied to 2020 , there would have been 41,438 fewer votes.
In summary,
... explain how with nearly 1 million more votes in 2020 and 0.82% rejected,
in 2016, and 1 million FEWER votes, there was 1.24% rejected?
You guys should just write your name on a 5 or 6 different sheets of paper and see how easily it is to pick out what's different. Yet you know that it is the same person signature. Better yet give it to your friend and ask him or her to determine if they are the same signatures from the same person.


Spot the fake one
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You guys should just write your name on a 5 or 6 different sheets of paper and see how easily it is to pick out what's different. Yet you know that it is the same person signature. Better yet give it to your friend and ask him or her to determine if they are the same signatures from the same person.

View attachment 825279View attachment 825280View attachment 825282

Spot the fake one
I can't because I am not an signature verification expert!
Plus Trump's signature is extremely well known! How many people could distinguish your signature?

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