If you see someone looking at their phone and their head explodes... this is why...


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
Zero jinxed the nobel peace prize when he went on set a record that will stand for milleniums by bombing 7..... count 'em.... 7 countries back to the Stone Age. He showed diversity by wiping out wedding parties AND funeral processions. That shitstain certainly hated brown people.
Mine sure does. I'm an old man. It's a tough climb.

I mean... OMG are the left giong to go bananas.... :lol:

No doubt every democrat in power is on the phone right now calling every person around the world they know demanding the kibosh put on this! Gotta kill any chance of Trump gertting this. Nancy would go totally APE if Trump got a Nobel prize after their failed impeachment right before getting reelected!

Her curlers would fly right off her head!


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