If you owned a business, who would you hire to run it: Obama or Romney?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
If you owned a business, say about 200 employees, with a lot of capital and stock and all that economic shit..........but you became ill, and needed someone to run the thing to keep it going so your kids and grandkids would benefit in the future from it, who would you hire to run that company: Barack Obama or Mitt Romney???

Simple question. Simple answer. Simple and obvious point.
If you owned a business, say about 200 employees, with a lot of capital and stock and all that economic shit..........but you became ill, and needed someone to run the thing to keep it going so your kids and grandkids would benefit in the future from it, who would you hire to run that company: Barack Obama or Mitt Romney???

Simple question. Simple answer. Simple and obvious point.



Unanswerable from the Left among us
Wasn't being a "businessman" touted as a plus for George W. Bush?

Simple question. Simple answer. Simple and obvious point.
I would hire somebody because I agree with them politically! Herp derp! Both of them would be able to run your shitty business if you have those standards.
If you owned a business, say about 200 employees, with a lot of capital and stock and all that economic shit..........but you became ill, and needed someone to run the thing to keep it going so your kids and grandkids would benefit in the future from it, who would you hire to run that company: Barack Obama or Mitt Romney???

Simple question. Simple answer. Simple and obvious point.

If the point is that the answer to this question should guide who we vote for for president, I think it's a very dubious point. Our government is not a business and I don't want it run "for profit".
Neither one. why do right wingers always seem to limit the options to this or that?

Well, we are about to give the reigns of the largest economy in the world to only ONE OF TWO people. And they are the two.
If you owned a business, say about 200 employees, with a lot of capital and stock and all that economic shit..........but you became ill, and needed someone to run the thing to keep it going so your kids and grandkids would benefit in the future from it, who would you hire to run that company: Barack Obama or Mitt Romney???

Simple question. Simple answer. Simple and obvious point.
Mission statement: Be productive and efficient beyond our means to guarantee future sustainability.

Now....who ya picking?
Romney. Obama has never run a business in his life. He knows only working for government and/or pushing an agenda. That is what he did as a community organizer and that is what he's doing now.

He'd run a company into the ground in no time because he has no sense when it comes to spending money wisely. He can't even pick a good company to invest in. Look at Solyndra and Obama rushed that loan through. I still wonder where the money went and suspect that it changed hands and ended up in some Democrat campaigns.
If you owned a business, say about 200 employees, with a lot of capital and stock and all that economic shit..........but you became ill, and needed someone to run the thing to keep it going so your kids and grandkids would benefit in the future from it, who would you hire to run that company: Barack Obama or Mitt Romney???

Simple question. Simple answer. Simple and obvious point.

Neither. Obama would run it into the ground, and Romney would sell it off to China.
Neither one. why do right wingers always seem to limit the options to this or that?

Well, we are about to give the reigns of the largest economy in the world to only ONE OF TWO people. And they are the two.

Yea a pity and a major indication of how screwed up we are.

Umm we also have a few hundred people in congress. Ever think about that?

I plan on either not voting or a stupid write in as a protest to the forked up 2 party system which offers no real options.
so as I said I would hire neither one of them.
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Romney. Obama has never run a business in his life. He knows only working for government and/or pushing an agenda. That is what he did as a community organizer and that is what he's doing now.

He'd run a company into the ground in no time because he has no sense when it comes to spending money wisely. He can't even pick a good company to invest in. Look at Solyndra and Obama rushed that loan through. I still wonder where the money went and suspect that it changed hands and ended up in some Democrat campaigns.

This is one of the reasons I was astonished that that Hillary idiot had the nerve to point out that Romney's wife never held a 'real job' before... it was kind of an ironic moment if ya think about it. She certainly didnt :lol:

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