If you love animals, please watch this...


Diamond Member
Apr 9, 2010
I wasn't sure what forum to post this in, so if its in the wrong forum, please move it, mods. Thank you.

Just to warn you, there is some disturbing footage in this video. Most here will not like this, but I do think it needs to be seen, because it's the reality… Most of it is what goes on every day.

OMG!! I'm crying my eyes out now! I've been becoming vegetarian as much as I can. This kills my soul.
I can't watch it.
I just can't.

I must leave this thread.
I can't watch it.
I just can't.

I must leave this thread.
I could only get half way through it. I do eat meat, but only from locals who raise and kill their animals humanely. This video was barbaric.

I can't watch it.
I just can't.

I must leave this thread.
I could only get half way through it. I do eat meat, but only from locals who raise and kill their animals humanely. This video was barbaric.
I understand your position. Not long before I went vegan, I thought to myself, as long as I don't support factory farms, and get meat from local, humanely raised farms, then it will be OK. But as time went on I decided that that wouldn't work, for a couple reasons. One, if you buy something at the store that contains meat in it (or a restaurant), you don't really know where that meat came from… most likely it came from a factory farm, as the overwhelming majority of meat comes from factory farms.

The other thing was (and this is the big thing for me) I realized that there's no such thing as humane slaughter. The very word humane means showing compassion… And I realized that the compassionate thing to do would be to respect the animal's strong desire to live and enjoy life, just like anyone else. And to not cause unnecessary harm, simply because I like the taste of meat, or to follow tradition. So I stopped eating animal products, and completely changed my view on animals, and it was one of the best decisions I ever made in my life. My only regret is not doing it years sooner.
I ain't watching that.
I already know the world is full of fuckers
I can't watch it.
I just can't.

I must leave this thread.
I could only get half way through it. I do eat meat, but only from locals who raise and kill their animals humanely. This video was barbaric.
I understand your position. Not long before I went vegan, I thought to myself, as long as I don't support factory farms, and get meat from local, humanely raised farms, then it will be OK. But as time went on I decided that that wouldn't work, for a couple reasons. One, if you buy something at the store that contains meat in it (or a restaurant), you don't really know where that meat came from… most likely it came from a factory farm, as the overwhelming majority of meat comes from factory farms.

The other thing was (and this is the big thing for me) I realized that there's no such thing as humane slaughter. The very word humane means showing compassion… And I realized that the compassionate thing to do would be to respect the animal's strong desire to live and enjoy life, just like anyone else. And to not cause unnecessary harm, simply because I like the taste of meat, or to follow tradition. So I stopped eating animal products, and completely changed my view on animals, and it was one of the best decisions I ever made in my life. My only regret is not doing it years sooner.
When I go to a restaurant, I only order non meat dishes, mainly salads and veggies, I have a video on my FB page of a veggie hamburger that is supposed to taste like the real thing. I'll try it in the next few days. I can't stand tofu, so that is out for me, plus, I'm allergic to soy, so that's a double whammy.
Did you watch the video?
Why? why would I watch it?...to see how horribly some people treat animals?...to what end?...
Because if what you see goes against your conscience, then why would you support that with your dollars by continuing to eat bacon? BTW, did you know that pigs are as smart or even smarter than dogs? And they are very social, like dogs. If you wouldn't eat a dog… why eat an animal that is really not that different than a dog? Please watch this:

When I go to a restaurant, I only order non meat dishes, mainly salads and veggies, I have a video on my FB page of a veggie hamburger that is supposed to taste like the real thing. I'll try it in the next few days. I can't stand tofu, so that is out for me, plus, I'm allergic to soy, so that's a double whammy
Beyond burgers are actually pretty darn good...
Because if what you see goes against your conscience, then why would you support that with your dollars by continuing to eat bacon? BTW, did you know that pigs are as smart or even smarter than dogs? And they are very social, like dogs. If you wouldn't eat a dog… Why eat an animal that is really not that different than a dog? Please watch this:
Most people treat their livestock very well...its their bread and butter...I love this...find a video on line and make the case that the behavior in it is rampant....so bad that we need to check our conscience because some people mistreat animals....like it or not...people like the taste of pork and beef and chicken and eggs....that will never change...
I am like Kittymom, I have learned to eat less, mostly I use eggs for protein. Humans need at least one good source of protein daily. Americans way overeat protein. I drink almond milk.
My ancestors didn’t kill their way to the top of the food chain, so I could eat plants. My diet consists of nearly all fats, and protein; in that order. What the OP suggests by going vegan is nearly heretical. And not a thing I even remotely would consider...
Because if what you see goes against your conscience, then why would you support that with your dollars by continuing to eat bacon? BTW, did you know that pigs are as smart or even smarter than dogs? And they are very social, like dogs. If you wouldn't eat a dog… Why eat an animal that is really not that different than a dog? Please watch this:
Most people treat their livestock very well...its their bread and butter...I love this...find a video on line and make the case that the behavior in it is rampant....so bad that we need to check our conscience because some people mistreat animals....like it or not...people like the taste of pork and beef and chicken and eggs....that will never change...
That's just not the case though. Well over 90% of meat comes from factory farms. They are not treated well there, they are treated like commodities, because that is what they are in the minds of the people in those industries. And here's the reality... Even on the smaller, so called humane farms, many of the same practices take place. For example, taking a baby calf away from his mother, on either day one or day two of his life, which is cruel and extremely distressing for both the mother and the baby. This video does not show isolated cases of cruelty… With the exception of a couple shots, most of it is standard practice, things that go on every day.

As for what you said about people liking the taste of meat… that's true, but I disagree with your conclusion. Things are changing. In a big way. Tons of people are going vegan, not only for health reasons, but because it's horrible for the environment, and the truth can no longer be hidden (thanks to the Internet). I think if everyone saw the horrible reality, the majority of people would go vegan.
Because if what you see goes against your conscience, then why would you support that with your dollars by continuing to eat bacon? BTW, did you know that pigs are as smart or even smarter than dogs? And they are very social, like dogs. If you wouldn't eat a dog… Why eat an animal that is really not that different than a dog? Please watch this:
Most people treat their livestock very well...its their bread and butter...I love this...find a video on line and make the case that the behavior in it is rampant....so bad that we need to check our conscience because some people mistreat animals....like it or not...people like the taste of pork and beef and chicken and eggs....that will never change...
That's just not the case though. Well over 90% of meat comes from factory farms. They are not treated well there, they are treated like commodities, because that is what they are in the minds of the people in those industries. And here's the reality… Even on the smaller, so called humane farms, many of the same practices take place… For example, taking a baby calf away from his mother, on either day one or day two of his life... Which is cruel and extremely distressing for both the mother and the baby. This video does not show isolated cases of cruelty… With the exception of a couple shots, most of it is standard practice, things that go on every day.

As for what you said about people liking the taste of meat… that's true, but I disagree with your conclusion. Things are changing. In a big way. Tons of people are going vegan, not only for health reasons, but because it's horrible for the environment, and the truth can no longer be hidden (thanks to the Internet). I think if everyone saw the horrible reality, the majority of people would go vegan.
No. They wouldn’t. Predatory behavior, and eating animals was instrumental in our evolution. The vegan lifestyle is wholly unnatural to our creature, and has significant health risks of its own. Look at your teeth...
My ancestors didn’t kill their way to the top of the food chain, so I could eat plants. My diet consists of nearly all fats, and protein; in that order. What the OP suggests by going vegan is nearly heretical. And not a thing I even remotely would consider...
The bolded part is what I used to say. Almost word for word.

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