If you give a Marxist a dime...


Gold Member
Oct 24, 2016
...you still owe him the rest of your lifes wages for being weak enough to give him the dime. In 1918 4.4 million people filed income tax returns and we had no debt. Last year 150 million filed and yet we are trillions in debt. This chart shows the slow enslavement of Americans over the years.
As taxes go up the debt does as well. There is no end to the appetite of this ravenous creature called the Federal Government. These ARE inflation adjusted by the way.

debt per capita 2011-05-thumb-600x370-56188.png
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...you still owe him the rest of your lifes wages for being weak enough to give him the dime. In 1918 4.4 million people filed income tax returns and we had no debt. This year 150 million filed last year and yet we are trillions in debt. This chart shows the slow enslavement of Americans over the years.
As taxes go up the debt does as well. There is no end to the appetite of this ravenous creature called the Federal Government. These ARE inflation adjusted by the way.

View attachment 140964
/----/ The best thing to give a Marxist.
Republicans are the modern Marxists. They've gone so far right, they've come back around on the left, and they're now indistinguishable from Stalinists.

Democrats are now the true capitalists, the heirs of Adam Smith. Smith pointed out the necessity of progressive taxation and tight regulation of capitalism, lest it devolve into cronyism and monopolies. Under Republican policies, croneyism, monopolies and the gradual destruction of capitalism are what we've gotten.
Democrats are now the true capitalists, the heirs of Adam Smith.

War is Peace..freedom is slavery...ignorance is strength. Socialists are followers of Adam Smith and Conservatives follow Lenin.
Will you next say water is dry?
Republicans are the modern Marxists. They've gone so far right, they've come back around on the left, and they're now indistinguishable from Stalinists.

Democrats are now the true capitalists, the heirs of Adam Smith. Smith pointed out the necessity of progressive taxation and tight regulation of capitalism, lest it devolve into cronyism and monopolies. Under Republican policies, croneyism, monopolies and the gradual destruction of capitalism are what we've gotten.

You have never read Adam Smith. Why pretend?
Republicans are the modern Marxists. They've gone so far right, they've come back around on the left, and they're now indistinguishable from Stalinists.

Democrats are now the true capitalists, the heirs of Adam Smith. Smith pointed out the necessity of progressive taxation and tight regulation of capitalism, lest it devolve into cronyism and monopolies. Under Republican policies, croneyism, monopolies and the gradual destruction of capitalism are what we've gotten.

Well I do want to intern liberals in a gulag so its possible. :laugh:
Republicans are the modern Marxists. They've gone so far right, they've come back around on the left, and they're now indistinguishable from Stalinists.

Democrats are now the true capitalists, the heirs of Adam Smith. Smith pointed out the necessity of progressive taxation and tight regulation of capitalism, lest it devolve into cronyism and monopolies. Under Republican policies, croneyism, monopolies and the gradual destruction of capitalism are what we've gotten.

You have never read Adam Smith. Why pretend?
You've never read Marx. Why pretend?
Don't give Marxist a dime is the solution. And Marxists, are what many on the left unfortunately are. They apparently just do not care about all the failures of Marxism.
...you still owe him the rest of your lifes wages for being weak enough to give him the dime. In 1918 4.4 million people filed income tax returns and we had no debt. Last year 150 million filed and yet we are trillions in debt. This chart shows the slow enslavement of Americans over the years.
As taxes go up the debt does as well. There is no end to the appetite of this ravenous creature called the Federal Government. These ARE inflation adjusted by the way.

View attachment 140964

I think you should probably know what a Marxist is before you run your hack mouth.

just saying. and I'm pretty sure I pay way more taxes than you do.
...you still owe him the rest of your lifes wages for being weak enough to give him the dime. In 1918 4.4 million people filed income tax returns and we had no debt. Last year 150 million filed and yet we are trillions in debt. This chart shows the slow enslavement of Americans over the years.
As taxes go up the debt does as well. There is no end to the appetite of this ravenous creature called the Federal Government. These ARE inflation adjusted by the way.

View attachment 140964

I think you should probably know what a Marxist is before you run your hack mouth.

just saying. and I'm pretty sure I pay way more taxes than you do.

A leftist would not classify even Stalin himself as a Marxist.

"He wasn't a real Marxist, it isn't real communism!"

Who are these far-left drones kidding? 5-year old wouldn't fall for the BS.
Democrats are now the true capitalists, the heirs of Adam Smith.

War is Peace..freedom is slavery...ignorance is strength. Socialists are followers of Adam Smith and Conservatives follow Lenin.
Will you next say water is dry?
/----/ Next they will say a hot summer is proof of global warming but a cold winter is just weather.
Republicans are the modern Marxists. They've gone so far right, they've come back around on the left, and they're now indistinguishable from Stalinists.

Democrats are now the true capitalists, the heirs of Adam Smith. Smith pointed out the necessity of progressive taxation and tight regulation of capitalism, lest it devolve into cronyism and monopolies. Under Republican policies, croneyism, monopolies and the gradual destruction of capitalism are what we've gotten.
/----/ Next they will say a hot summer is proof of global warming but a cold winter is just weather.

Not a chance. We never use your side's propaganda tactics. We have the science on our side, so we don't have to use propaganda. All the science contradicts your kook cult claims, so propaganda is all you can use.

Every snowflake, every short spell of cool weather, the denier cultists scream it disproves global warming. Go into he Environment forum here, you'll see your cult uses such sleazy propaganda constantly. And obviously, we on the rational side never claim that some local weather proves anything.

jc456, of course, is one of the cult propagandists. His cult has ordered him to lie, and he hasn't got the balls or brains to go against cult dogma.

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