If You Could Be A Moderator In Final Debates,What Would You Ask Bernie Sanders?

i bet if some asked Bernie "How Much is a Trillion", he would have no idea,all he knows is that we need to tax the rich,,,thats it.
"So Mr. Sanders, you're talking about greatly increasing taxes on some Americans. Why is it you believe they won't pass all those, or any other increased costs on?"
Senator, would you agree Rexx Taylor is in need of more remediation than your education proposal can provide? Is there a clause covering unamusing spammers who don't respond to other people's posts and who can't count to 100? Thank you.

Sorry you were confused... here's the question in response to your post, again:

Is it a better one than the current "education proposal" the sitting Chimp you selected (twice) has failed miserably at, in addition to fucking-up everything else in this country?

Will Bernie's education proposal be better than that one, skidmark?

Again, you seem to be addressing some other poster. This is the last time I'll attempt to help you correct your mistake.
Mr Sanders, on a scale of one to ten, in regards to a womans sexual appearance,,,what would u give Hillary?

Was a young Hillary ugly ? Don't think so.

I'd ask this.

"Bernie, you have said that America should look to Denmark as example our country should follow. You've also said that we should increase taxes on the rich. However, Denmark also has one of the highest tax rates on the middle class in the world. Many have said that you can't pay for all your promises just by raising taxes on the rich. Do you support raising taxes on the middle class to as high as Denmark?"
No body would want me to be a moderator, every question I would ask would be centered on Article 1, Section 8 of the US Constitution. All those deer in the headlights looks politicians would give wouldn't make very good TV.
Seriously, pin him down and ask him to explain in detail how he proposes to pay for his promises. This BS of taxing the uber rich won't pay for it. Then ask him how he plans to reduce the deficit and watch for the infamous deer in headlight look
If you bothered to read his website he has his positions and explanation of how to pay for the stuff there.

He would open Medicare to everyone and then they would pay Medicare premiums like I do and with everyone paying Medicare premiums there would be plenty of money because that system is not based on making a profit and doesn't have multi-million executives running it. There are no million dollar bonuses for tricky language to get out of paying. And no BILLION dollar profits which makes the money go much further.

As for free college he wants a tax on each Wall Street financial transaction. Like $1 per trade. There are literally billions of trades each day. Would not be a tremendous burden on stock holders / traders. They are playing with thousands of dollar or more on each trade. $1 would not even be noticed but would produce tremendous amounts to finance the free educations.

BTW For Porfit Insurance companies could still sell Medicare supplement policies as they do now but not Medicare Advantage. But they would not be out of business entirely ( unfortunately ).

You do realize that insurance companies are socialist in their very nature. With a profit added on top for organizing and collecting and paying out to those policy holders who had medical issues.

Billions of trades on the NYSE? I thought is was between 6-7 million a day.

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