If you are agaianst gay marriage, you're a BIGOT!


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
As if all the troubles our country is having are suddenly solved and the most important matter now is our president's stance in gay marriage. I personally don't care what a man likes to do with his his ass, and whether they should be allowed to legally marry or not. It's not even worth my time, I've know many gays and they seem to be just like straights, there's good and bad in them. But to suddenly make this issue center stage of what is happening to our country? This is obviously another head fake, a distraction and a diversion from the disastrous epic fail this president has been both domestically and internationally since he took office. And the media is doing a great job of assisting him.

It does however, highlight who this man is, and what his views generally are. As predicted before he got elected, he's a radical blame America socialist anti capitalist who's done nothing but divide the people of this country. And boy has he come through with flying colors. The sooner we vote this deceptive traitor out of office the better.
As if all the troubles our country is having are suddenly solved and the most important matter now is our president's stance in gay marriage. I personally don't care what a man likes to do with his his ass, and whether they should be allowed to legally marry or not. It's not even worth my time, I've know many gays and they seem to be just like straights, there's good and bad in them. But to suddenly make this issue center stage of what is happening to our country? This is obviously another head fake, a distraction and a diversion from the disastrous epic fail this president has been both domestically and internationally since he took office. And the media is doing a great job of assisting him.

It does however, highlight who this man is, and what his views generally are. As predicted before he got elected, he's a radical blame America socialist anti capitalist who's done nothing but divide the people of this country. And boy has he come through with flying colors. The sooner we vote this deceptive traitor out of office the better.

I know, it's almost as big of a deal as abortion, don't you think?
I have a disabled neighbor who is losing his home because he was out of work for a while. Even though he is disabled, he still has two part time jobs, but it's not enough to save his house.

Meanwhile, down the street is a Hispanic couple here illegally. This couple, like many others were arrested during a raid of a packing plant a few years ago, but then they were let go and not deported. Now, they live in a house and receive welfare benefits for their 7 children. They also get a big fat refund every year at tax time. There is a huge scam where illegal aliens get refunds, not just for their kids, but for as many kids as they list on the tax return. It was reported recently that illegal aliens are putting names on returns of kids who live in Mexico and may or may not exist. They average something like $12,000 each. Billions each year are going to these scammers.

But, don't expect Obama to even acknowledge that there is a problem, let alone do anything about it.

He is stirring up social issues, but doesn't want to talk about the economy, unemployment, inflation, record numbers of foreclosures, border security, Fast and Furious scandal, Solyndra scandal and a lot of other mysteries.
If you feel homosexuality or gay marriage is wrong, you are not a bigot and it's not homophobia.....it is an opinion.

However people who call other people names because they don't like their opinions are just plain asses.
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I'm against gay marriage. But then I am not the one bringing up the topic. I'd rather focus on the fiscal issues and Obama's horrible record.
As if all the troubles our country is having are suddenly solved and the most important matter now is our president's stance in gay marriage. I personally don't care what a man likes to do with his his ass, and whether they should be allowed to legally marry or not. It's not even worth my time, I've know many gays and they seem to be just like straights, there's good and bad in them. But to suddenly make this issue center stage of what is happening to our country? This is obviously another head fake, a distraction and a diversion from the disastrous epic fail this president has been both domestically and internationally since he took office. And the media is doing a great job of assisting him.

It does however, highlight who this man is, and what his views generally are. As predicted before he got elected, he's a radical blame America socialist anti capitalist who's done nothing but divide the people of this country. And boy has he come through with flying colors. The sooner we vote this deceptive traitor out of office the better.

I know, it's almost as big of a deal as abortion, don't you think?
Not really. Where do we draw the line? What if three men or women want to marry? How about those who love their pets? Why not legalize polygamy, aren't they deserving of the same rights if this is what they choose? Why not two minors who are willing? FYI I am pro choice but against the govt funding of it. It should not be illegal to have an abortion (with limitations such as late term), but the govt should not be involved in paying for people's mistakes.
As if all the troubles our country is having are suddenly solved and the most important matter now is our president's stance in gay marriage. I personally don't care what a man likes to do with his his ass, and whether they should be allowed to legally marry or not. It's not even worth my time, I've know many gays and they seem to be just like straights, there's good and bad in them. But to suddenly make this issue center stage of what is happening to our country? This is obviously another head fake, a distraction and a diversion from the disastrous epic fail this president has been both domestically and internationally since he took office. And the media is doing a great job of assisting him.

It does however, highlight who this man is, and what his views generally are. As predicted before he got elected, he's a radical blame America socialist anti capitalist who's done nothing but divide the people of this country. And boy has he come through with flying colors. The sooner we vote this deceptive traitor out of office the better.

I know, it's almost as big of a deal as abortion, don't you think?
Not really. Where do we draw the line? What if three men or women want to marry? How about those who love their pets? Why not legalize polygamy, aren't they deserving of the same rights if this is what they choose? Why not two minors who are willing? FYI I am pro choice but against the govt funding of it. It should not be illegal to have an abortion (with limitations such as late term), but the govt should not be involved in paying for people's mistakes.

But you are okay with government paying welfare payments to support those kids, right? Just saying, in the end, abortion cuts down on unwanted children that become a burden to the system and taxpayers. I'm not using it as an argument supporting abortion but just pointing out the fact of the situation.

As for allowing gays to marry, your other examples really are not the same thing. Polygamy involves multiple people marrying or one person marrying more than one person. Gays are not asking for this. Gays are also not wanting or asking for the right to marry their pets. What they want, is the right to marry the one person they love, which happens to be someone of the same sex, and the reason they are of the same sex is because that is how they were made. The Church may not like it, but here is the fact; with some people, God fucked up. God made these people gay, so we ought to let them marry.

Now I know everyone of the religious nutjobs is going to tell me I'm full of shit, that gays choose their lifestyle. Bottom line is if you know many gay people, then you will know that they did not choose that lifestyle; it was chosen for them.

Bottom line about gay marriage is that I do not support gay marriage. I support the right of gay people to marry. The difference being that not everyone should be forced to marry a gay person.
If a person believes that a group of American citizens should not be afforded the same rights and privileges as all other citizens, then that person is a bigot. Plain and simple.

E-V-E-N-T-U-A-L-L-Y, even wingnuts will evolve...
I know, it's almost as big of a deal as abortion, don't you think?
Not really. Where do we draw the line? What if three men or women want to marry? How about those who love their pets? Why not legalize polygamy, aren't they deserving of the same rights if this is what they choose? Why not two minors who are willing? FYI I am pro choice but against the govt funding of it. It should not be illegal to have an abortion (with limitations such as late term), but the govt should not be involved in paying for people's mistakes.

But you are okay with government paying welfare payments to support those kids, right? Just saying, in the end, abortion cuts down on unwanted children that become a burden to the system and taxpayers. I'm not using it as an argument supporting abortion but just pointing out the fact of the situation.

As for allowing gays to marry, your other examples really are not the same thing. Polygamy involves multiple people marrying or one person marrying more than one person. Gays are not asking for this. Gays are also not wanting or asking for the right to marry their pets. What they want, is the right to marry the one person they love, which happens to be someone of the same sex, and the reason they are of the same sex is because that is how they were made. The Church may not like it, but here is the fact; with some people, God fucked up. God made these people gay, so we ought to let them marry.

Now I know everyone of the religious nutjobs is going to tell me I'm full of shit, that gays choose their lifestyle. Bottom line is if you know many gay people, then you will know that they did not choose that lifestyle; it was chosen for them.

Bottom line about gay marriage is that I do not support gay marriage. I support the right of gay people to marry. The difference being that not everyone should be forced to marry a gay person.
Polygamists want to marry the ones they love too, so do those who want to marry their pets, and those gays that love more than one person, etc. You see how your argument is filled with indefensible holes any good lawyer can exploit? Besides, the science in being gay is far from being conclusive. Some gays are born that way, while for some it is learned behavior, yet others suddenly realize they are gay after 30 years of being straight, and some even turn straight after being gay. Even more confusing, some are bisexuals who enjoy both sexes equally. Should we let a trio of bisexuals marry? There has not been a "gay gene" identified yet. Where does this insanity end after the genie is let out of the bottle? It's endless in my opinion.
If a person believes that a group of American citizens should not be afforded the same rights and privileges as all other citizens, then that person is a bigot. Plain and simple.

Every adult American citizen has the same right to contract a marriage, i.e. form a union with somebody from the opposite sex. All the rest is simply a hysterical fad of political correctness.
Not really. Where do we draw the line? What if three men or women want to marry? How about those who love their pets? Why not legalize polygamy, aren't they deserving of the same rights if this is what they choose? Why not two minors who are willing? FYI I am pro choice but against the govt funding of it. It should not be illegal to have an abortion (with limitations such as late term), but the govt should not be involved in paying for people's mistakes.

But you are okay with government paying welfare payments to support those kids, right? Just saying, in the end, abortion cuts down on unwanted children that become a burden to the system and taxpayers. I'm not using it as an argument supporting abortion but just pointing out the fact of the situation.

As for allowing gays to marry, your other examples really are not the same thing. Polygamy involves multiple people marrying or one person marrying more than one person. Gays are not asking for this. Gays are also not wanting or asking for the right to marry their pets. What they want, is the right to marry the one person they love, which happens to be someone of the same sex, and the reason they are of the same sex is because that is how they were made. The Church may not like it, but here is the fact; with some people, God fucked up. God made these people gay, so we ought to let them marry.

Now I know everyone of the religious nutjobs is going to tell me I'm full of shit, that gays choose their lifestyle. Bottom line is if you know many gay people, then you will know that they did not choose that lifestyle; it was chosen for them.

Bottom line about gay marriage is that I do not support gay marriage. I support the right of gay people to marry. The difference being that not everyone should be forced to marry a gay person.
Polygamists want to marry the ones they love too, so do those who want to marry their pets, and those gays that love more than one person, etc. You see how your argument is filled with indefensible holes any good lawyer can exploit? Besides, the science in being gay is far from being conclusive. Some gays are born that way, while for some it is learned behavior, yet others suddenly realize they are gay after 30 years of being straight, and some even turn straight after being gay. Even more confusing, some are bisexuals who enjoy both sexes equally. Should we let a trio of bisexuals marry? There has not been a "gay gene" identified yet. Where does this insanity end after the genie is let out of the bottle? It's endless in my opinion.

The "gene" is irrelevant. It's who you love and want to marry that matters. Dragging pets and barnyard animals into the conversation is nonsense.
If a person believes that a group of American citizens should not be afforded the same rights and privileges as all other citizens, then that person is a bigot. Plain and simple.

Every adult American citizen has the same right to contract a marriage, i.e. form a union with somebody from the opposite sex. All the rest is simply a hysterical fad of political correctness.

Your religion has no place in my government.

And if you believed in freedom and liberty, you would believe in it for all, not just those who hold the same beliefs as you.

As I said, those who refuse the same rights and privileges to all are bigots. Hence, you have labeled yourself thus.
Not really. Where do we draw the line? What if three men or women want to marry? How about those who love their pets? Why not legalize polygamy, aren't they deserving of the same rights if this is what they choose? Why not two minors who are willing? FYI I am pro choice but against the govt funding of it. It should not be illegal to have an abortion (with limitations such as late term), but the govt should not be involved in paying for people's mistakes.

But you are okay with government paying welfare payments to support those kids, right? Just saying, in the end, abortion cuts down on unwanted children that become a burden to the system and taxpayers. I'm not using it as an argument supporting abortion but just pointing out the fact of the situation.

As for allowing gays to marry, your other examples really are not the same thing. Polygamy involves multiple people marrying or one person marrying more than one person. Gays are not asking for this. Gays are also not wanting or asking for the right to marry their pets. What they want, is the right to marry the one person they love, which happens to be someone of the same sex, and the reason they are of the same sex is because that is how they were made. The Church may not like it, but here is the fact; with some people, God fucked up. God made these people gay, so we ought to let them marry.

Now I know everyone of the religious nutjobs is going to tell me I'm full of shit, that gays choose their lifestyle. Bottom line is if you know many gay people, then you will know that they did not choose that lifestyle; it was chosen for them.

Bottom line about gay marriage is that I do not support gay marriage. I support the right of gay people to marry. The difference being that not everyone should be forced to marry a gay person.
Polygamists want to marry the ones they love too, so do those who want to marry their pets, and those gays that love more than one person, etc. You see how your argument is filled with indefensible holes any good lawyer can exploit? Besides, the science in being gay is far from being conclusive. Some gays are born that way, while for some it is learned behavior, yet others suddenly realize they are gay after 30 years of being straight, and some even turn straight after being gay. Even more confusing, some are bisexuals who enjoy both sexes equally. Should we let a trio of bisexuals marry? There has not been a "gay gene" identified yet. Where does this insanity end after the genie is let out of the bottle? It's endless in my opinion.

Your entire argument is based on hyperbole to which the only rebuttal to your entire ridiculous post is two words:

Consenting adults.
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If a person believes that a group of American citizens should not be afforded the same rights and privileges as all other citizens, then that person is a bigot. Plain and simple.

Every adult American citizen has the same right to contract a marriage, i.e. form a union with somebody from the opposite sex. All the rest is simply a hysterical fad of political correctness.

Your religion has no place in my government.

And if you believed in freedom and liberty, you would believe in it for all, not just those who hold the same beliefs as you.

As I said, those who refuse the same rights and privileges to all are bigots. Hence, you have labeled yourself thus.

Where did I talk about religion? Thr fact that marriage as a union between a man and a woman is one of the foundations of human society is not linked to any particular religion but is a universal fact that long predates most religious rules.

Stop being so bigotted in your anti-religious mania.
Every adult American citizen has the same right to contract a marriage, i.e. form a union with somebody from the opposite sex. All the rest is simply a hysterical fad of political correctness.

Your religion has no place in my government.

And if you believed in freedom and liberty, you would believe in it for all, not just those who hold the same beliefs as you.

As I said, those who refuse the same rights and privileges to all are bigots. Hence, you have labeled yourself thus.

Where did I talk about religion? Thr fact that marriage as a union between a man and a woman is one of the foundations of human society is not linked to any particular religion but is a universal fact that long predates most religious rules.

Stop being so bigotted in your anti-religious mania.

Bullshit. Youve mistaken my distaste for your religion in my government as a condemnation of faith.

Your lack of understanding of history shows that your personal religious belief system has overrun your reason. Same sex marriage has existed long before Christianity even came to be. In ancient China and Europe same sex marriage was common. Not one but TWO Roman emporers took men as spouses, Nero and Elagabalus. Church weddings of same sex couples took place in Spain as far back as 1061.

The concept that marriage is between a single man and a single woman is a relatively new one in human history, no matter how much you may try to rewrite it to suit your present bigotry.

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