If Trump signs the bill he calls a "disgrace" what does that say about his backbone?

And that's just a short list. This bill is over 5,000 pages long, and our representatives had only hours to read it to vote. To give you an idea of how many pages that actually is, the Holy Bible on average has 1,200 pages.
That's an old swamp tactic, giving people hundreds of pages of dense legislation and only a few hours
to try and comprehend it.
They just want people to sign on to a pork fest. Actual agreement with it isn't necessary.
Which is why Trump should have vetoed it and made them present the relief bill separately. He failed us. Again.
What we needed was a bill with relief that actually went to those affected. This bill is going to everyone whether they are hurt by the pandemic or not.
He had to sign it. What was he to do? Let the government shut down? Hell, he's leaving anyway he may be in an "I have nothing to lose" attitude.

How about signing it without acting like a drama queen looking for one last bit of attention.

If he really felt that $600.00 payments are inadequate (My opinion, they aren't, I really don't see sense of giving money to people who already have jobs when there's nowhere for them to spend it.) then he should have negotiated for something higher during the talks and pushed Mitch and the boys to go along with it.
Trump is gone and he knows it. He's not selling anybody out. He's just trying to make the best of what power he has to save the GOP from the clutches of an all Democrat federal government, and we all know what a disaster that will be if it happens.

Uh, guy, the disasters happen when Republicans are in Charge.

Trump will be the third Republican in a row to leave the economy in a mess on the way out.
Trump is gone and he knows it. He's not selling anybody out. He's just trying to make the best of what power he has to save the GOP from the clutches of an all Democrat federal government, and we all know what a disaster that will be if it happens.

Day late and a dollar short. He's the one who's put the GA runoffs in jeopardy in the first place. He sure as fuck hasn't helped.
Trump is gone and he knows it. He's not selling anybody out. He's just trying to make the best of what power he has to save the GOP from the clutches of an all Democrat federal government, and we all know what a disaster that will be if it happens.

Day late and a dollar short. He's the one who's put the GA runoffs in jeopardy in the first place. He sure as fuck hasn't helped.

Oh really. Now just how did he do that?
Uh, guy, the disasters happen when Republicans are in Charge.

Trump will be the third Republican in a row to leave the economy in a mess on the way out.

Right Joe, because in your mind, we live in an autocracy and not a Republic. Therefore no matter what happens, even if it's a meteor striking the US, it's the Republican Presidents fault.

Until Uncle Joe's buddies in China sent us the Wuhan flu, our economy hasn't been that good in 50 years. The economy went down not because of that, it went down in commie cities and states that shut everything down, and still have the worst cases and deaths, but that's the Presidents fault, isn't it?
What we needed was a bill with relief that actually went to those affected. This bill is going to everyone whether they are hurt by the pandemic or not.

It's not a relief bill, it's supposedly a stimulus bill. That means keeping the economy on life support whether you didn't miss a day in this pandemic or missed six months of work. We all spend money......well except the Democrats here who all seem to be independently wealthy, own their own business, work from home, early retired because they made so much. But as for the rest of us, the extra money will be circulated back into the economy.
So, Trump signed the bill and the House additionally passed a bill for $2,000 checks. Which party is going to deny you this money?
And that's just a short list. This bill is over 5,000 pages long, and our representatives had only hours to read it to vote. To give you an idea of how many pages that actually is, the Holy Bible on average has 1,200 pages.
That's an old swamp tactic, giving people hundreds of pages of dense legislation and only a few hours
to try and comprehend it.
They just want people to sign on to a pork fest. Actual agreement with it isn't necessary.
Which is why Trump should have vetoed it and made them present the relief bill separately. He failed us. Again.
What we needed was a bill with relief that actually went to those affected. This bill is going to everyone whether they are hurt by the pandemic or not.
not everyone

So, Trump signed the bill and the House additionally passed a bill for $2,000 checks. Which party is going to deny you this money?

This money or the extra money Congress passed? Likely the Republicans in the Senate won't pass the $2,000 stimulus checks. So what's your point?
So, Trump signed the bill and the House additionally passed a bill for $2,000 checks. Which party is going to deny you this money?

This money or the extra money Congress passed? Likely the Republicans in the Senate won't pass the $2,000 stimulus checks. So what's your point?

He's trying to tell you how batshit crazy your theory is that the $600 stimulus checks approved by the blob were done in part to win the Georgia Runoffs. Clearly Moscow Mitch would want the senate more than the blob does since he'll be unemployed in 22 days.
Right Joe, because in your mind, we live in an autocracy and not a Republic. Therefore no matter what happens, even if it's a meteor striking the US, it's the Republican Presidents fault.

Actually, no. A meteor is out of anyone's control.

Bad economic policy is what the GOP does. The GOP doesn't want the working class to do well. the don't want another post war period where workers could demand more rights because the government had their backs. They WANT recessions to keep everyone just a little hungry.

It's why 9 of the last 10 recessions happened when Republicans were in charge. It's not a bug, it's a design feature.

well except the Democrats here who all seem to be independently wealthy, own their own business, work from home, early retired because they made so much.

Well, Ray, we all can't go on welfare like you have. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Until Uncle Joe's buddies in China sent us the Wuhan flu, our economy hasn't been that good in 50 years. The economy went down not because of that, it went down in commie cities and states that shut everything down, and still have the worst cases and deaths, but that's the Presidents fault, isn't it?

Totally his fault.

First, the economy was heading into recession before Covid Hit, largely because of Trump's unncessary trade war. The Recession started in February, before we had more than a handful of Covid Deaths.

Secondly, nobody "Sent" Trump Plague. It just happened, as you say, and Trump was inadequate to the task. As we all told you he would be when a real crisis hit.
Actually, no. A meteor is out of anyone's control.

Yes it is, much like a virus.

Bad economic policy is what the GOP does. The GOP doesn't want the working class to do well. the don't want another post war period where workers could demand more rights because the government had their backs. They WANT recessions to keep everyone just a little hungry.

It's why 9 of the last 10 recessions happened when Republicans were in charge. It's not a bug, it's a design feature.

It's Republicans who don't want people dependent on government, and Democrats who want people to be dependent. Democrats know the more people that depend on them, the more likely Democrat voters. Therefore a great economy is in the Republicans best interest because then the working class does do well. What do the Communists want? Medicare for all, paid time off, Universal Basic Income, free college.......... all designed to be dependent on the Democrat party.

Well, Ray, we all can't go on welfare like you have.

I didn't go on welfare. The government put me on disability. I know you can't do it because if you could, you would. It explains your jealousy and envy.

Totally his fault.

First, the economy was heading into recession before Covid Hit, largely because of Trump's unncessary trade war. The Recession started in February, before we had more than a handful of Covid Deaths.

Secondly, nobody "Sent" Trump Plague. It just happened, as you say, and Trump was inadequate to the task. As we all told you he would be when a real crisis hit.

There were no signs of the economy going down. You've been saying that bullshit since Trump's first day in office. You were wrong then as you are wrong now. Until we got hit by the virus, non-communist economists predicted an even better economy. Trump's policies were great. We had over 1.5 million more jobs than Americans who could do them. That never happened in my life. It wasn't until your comrades sent us the Wuhan flu when things went downhill and the Commie cities and states closed everything down, and it's still closed today.
He's trying to tell you how batshit crazy your theory is that the $600 stimulus checks approved by the blob were done in part to win the Georgia Runoffs. Clearly Moscow Mitch would want the senate more than the blob does since he'll be unemployed in 22 days.

Unemployed how? He won his next term in a landslide.
And that's just a short list. This bill is over 5,000 pages long, and our representatives had only hours to read it to vote. To give you an idea of how many pages that actually is, the Holy Bible on average has 1,200 pages.
That's an old swamp tactic, giving people hundreds of pages of dense legislation and only a few hours
to try and comprehend it.
They just want people to sign on to a pork fest. Actual agreement with it isn't necessary.
Which is why Trump should have vetoed it and made them present the relief bill separately. He failed us. Again.
What we needed was a bill with relief that actually went to those affected. This bill is going to everyone whether they are hurt by the pandemic or not.
Hammer meet Nail

It is going to take an uprising of INFORMED people at the polls to change this shit. We're all too busy pointing fingers at each other to notice all of DC laughing at our short sighted nature.
So, Trump signed the bill and the House additionally passed a bill for $2,000 checks. Which party is going to deny you this money?

This money or the extra money Congress passed? Likely the Republicans in the Senate won't pass the $2,000 stimulus checks. So what's your point?

There you go, you got it. The Republicans aren't going to pass the $2000, they hate you.
There you go, you got it. The Republicans aren't going to pass the $2000, they hate you.

They hate me because they are concerned about our 26 trillion of debt while the Democrats go on their pork spending spree? I wish more representatives hated me that way for the sake of our grandchildren and great grandchildren.
I will be really disappointed if he signs it. He went into great detail at great length to highlight why this bill is bad for America.
He damn well better make good on that with a veto.

If not it's just bloviating bullshit.
Did not threaten veto, as far as I know. Bloviating bullshit is kind of a stock in trade thing for him. Still cannot figure out his true motivation on this one. Put him back in the news though. Maybe that is something, at least in his mind.
He makes sure that we pay attention to what is in the bills passed. All the Pork and everything else for the favored.
There you go, you got it. The Republicans aren't going to pass the $2000, they hate you.

They hate me because they are concerned about our 26 trillion of debt while the Democrats go on their pork spending spree? I wish more representatives hated me that way for the sake of our grandchildren and great grandchildren.

The Republicans are concerned about the debt? When did that happen? :auiqs.jpg:

There you go, you got it. The Republicans aren't going to pass the $2000, they hate you.

They hate me because they are concerned about our 26 trillion of debt while the Democrats go on their pork spending spree? I wish more representatives hated me that way for the sake of our grandchildren and great grandchildren.

The Republicans are concerned about the debt? When did that happen? :auiqs.jpg:

Republicans increased spending to restore our military that Obama allowed to go to hell. The protection of our country is outlined in the US Constitution, gender studies in Pakistan, giving 40 million dollars to the Kennedy Center, and teaching people how to store flammable materials properly is not.

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