If Trickle Down Economics doesn't work, then how do you explain the love for Stimulus?


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
The left loves stimulus, so long as it's driven by dementia instead of the orange man.

But the left hates trickle down. In their minds the more you take from employers the more likely employees are to get a raise. Let's call it what it is instead, they desire govt. entitlements, because that's the only other direction, and that starves a country under socialism. But the PROGS talk anyway, they do that a lot. In PROG, the less money you make the better car you drive, debt & bad decisions are personal too.

Trickle down economics is just a term. For those who think rationally it's really up & down, an exchange of money ongoing. If that shit don't work, then explain why economic stimulus is different, go!
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The left loves stimulus, so long as it's driven by dementia instead of the orange man.

But the left hates trickle down. In their minds the more you take from employers the more likely employees are to get a raise. Let's call it what it is instead, they desire govt. entitlements, because that's the only other direction, and that starves a country under socialism. But the PROGS talk anyway, they do that a lot. In PROG, the less money you make the better car you drive, debt & bad decisions are personal too.

Trickle down economics is just a term. For those who think rationally it's really up & down, an exchange of money ongoing. If that shit don't work, then explain why economic stimulus is different, go!
I'll give it a go.

You are conflating 2 different things.

Economic stimulis is giving money to people or businesses who qualify for it by a predetermined set of standards.

Trickle down economics is the idea that as profit increases so do wages of those employed.

The first is predictable and easily quantified in its outcome. The second is a philosophy that is neither.

As to your first paragraph.

Yes, we want more entitlements. The reason being that unlike trickledown economics the available funds are guaranteed to help the employed and... yes also the unemployed and other people in need. It doesn't "starve" a country as countless Western countries have proved. It leads to a higher standard of living and more happiness of the populace on the whole.
Seriously you can't be this ignorant. The programs they supported that directly gave people money is NOT trickle down. It's direct payments to people.

When money is pumped into the markets very little of it makes it way down. It's why the markets are at record highs. You give someone with 20 million dollars another 5 million they don't have a reason to spend that. They already have enough to buy what they want. So it just goes into the markets.

So the question really becomes, why do you support giving millionaires even more but not people struggling at the lower rungs of the economy?
The left loves stimulus, so long as it's driven by dementia instead of the orange man.

But the left hates trickle down. In their minds the more you take from employers the more likely employees are to get a raise. Let's call it what it is instead, they desire govt. entitlements, because that's the only other direction, and that starves a country under socialism. But the PROGS talk anyway, they do that a lot. In PROG, the less money you make the better car you drive, debt & bad decisions are personal too.

Trickle down economics is just a term. For those who think rationally it's really up & down, an exchange of money ongoing. If that shit don't work, then explain why economic stimulus is different, go!
Because stimulus is TRICKLE UP ECONMICS-----Billionaires/BANKERS/CHI-COMMS wind up with the lion share of the stimulus money eventually.. Hence why these groups get richer with every stimulus along with of course, the politicians pushing this nonsense.
When 10 percent of the people control most of the wealth in a nation where $20 per hour doesn't pay the bills anymore, times are getting tougher. Many say how great things were....poo poo on that this is and never has been some kind of dream for most. It's called working out a subsistence through hard work. People today work harder and are more productive than ever yet their standard of living isn't increasing.
The left loves stimulus, so long as it's driven by dementia instead of the orange man.

But the left hates trickle down. In their minds the more you take from employers the more likely employees are to get a raise. Let's call it what it is instead, they desire govt. entitlements, because that's the only other direction, and that starves a country under socialism. But the PROGS talk anyway, they do that a lot. In PROG, the less money you make the better car you drive, debt & bad decisions are personal too.

Trickle down economics is just a term. For those who think rationally it's really up & down, an exchange of money ongoing. If that shit don't work, then explain why economic stimulus is different, go!
I'll give it a go.

You are conflating 2 different things.

Economic stimulis is giving money to people or businesses who qualify for it by a predetermined set of standards.

Trickle down economics is the idea that as profit increases so do wages of those employed.

The first is predictable and easily quantified in its outcome. The second is a philosophy that is neither.

As to your first paragraph.

Yes, we want more entitlements. The reason being that unlike trickledown economics the available funds are guaranteed to help the employed and... yes also the unemployed and other people in need. It doesn't "starve" a country as countless Western countries have proved. It leads to a higher standard of living and more happiness of the populace on the whole.
I have only one question...

Isn't the Trickle Down used to justify tax cuts... Tax Cuts might increase after tax profit but not before tax..

Any business man will tell you that taxes (unless specifically targeted) have very little influence over your day to day decisions in a company... This is explained in the Laffer curve... Wealth US could be paying 10% more tax tomorrow and they wouldn't change the way they conduct business... They just think I have to make more to keep making the same.

Businesses don't say that we are taking 10% of profit so we won't do that... NO! they say we will take as much profit as possible...

Trickle Down doesn't hold in theory and is a joke in reality...

As for the OP... He has just shown us that he is too ill informed on the topic to have a worthwhile opinion...
The left loves stimulus, so long as it's driven by dementia instead of the orange man.

But the left hates trickle down. In their minds the more you take from employers the more likely employees are to get a raise. Let's call it what it is instead, they desire govt. entitlements, because that's the only other direction, and that starves a country under socialism. But the PROGS talk anyway, they do that a lot. In PROG, the less money you make the better car you drive, debt & bad decisions are personal too.

Trickle down economics is just a term. For those who think rationally it's really up & down, an exchange of money ongoing. If that shit don't work, then explain why economic stimulus is different, go!

Stimulus is the opposite of "Trickle Down". Stimulus is taking money from the rich and giving it to working class people. (Which is only sensible, since the rich stole it from them to start with). Trickle down is not taxing the rich and hoping they share some of the wealth with poor people.

They don't.

The left loves stimulus, so long as it's driven by dementia instead of the orange man.

But the left hates trickle down. In their minds the more you take from employers the more likely employees are to get a raise. Let's call it what it is instead, they desire govt. entitlements, because that's the only other direction, and that starves a country under socialism. But the PROGS talk anyway, they do that a lot. In PROG, the less money you make the better car you drive, debt & bad decisions are personal too.

Trickle down economics is just a term. For those who think rationally it's really up & down, an exchange of money ongoing. If that shit don't work, then explain why economic stimulus is different, go!
I'll give it a go.

You are conflating 2 different things.

Economic stimulis is giving money to people or businesses who qualify for it by a predetermined set of standards.

Trickle down economics is the idea that as profit increases so do wages of those employed.

The first is predictable and easily quantified in its outcome. The second is a philosophy that is neither.

As to your first paragraph.

Yes, we want more entitlements. The reason being that unlike trickledown economics the available funds are guaranteed to help the employed and... yes also the unemployed and other people in need. It doesn't "starve" a country as countless Western countries have proved. It leads to a higher standard of living and more happiness of the populace on the whole.
I have only one question...

Isn't the Trickle Down used to justify tax cuts... Tax Cuts might increase after tax profit but not before tax..

Any business man will tell you that taxes (unless specifically targeted) have very little influence over your day to day decisions in a company... This is explained in the Laffer curve... Wealth US could be paying 10% more tax tomorrow and they wouldn't change the way they conduct business... They just think I have to make more to keep making the same.

Businesses don't say that we are taking 10% of profit so we won't do that... NO! they say we will take as much profit as possible...

Trickle Down doesn't hold in theory and is a joke in reality...

As for the OP... He has just shown us that he is too ill informed on the topic to have a worthwhile opinion...
Yes it is used as a justification for tax cuts. My reply was simply a direct answer to the premise of the OP. Since the OP apparently figured this was a difficult question to answer.
The left has done a great job of equating taking less money from someone with giving them money. The right has failed miserably in calling bullshit on that. That frames up a lot of ridiculous arguments about tax policy.
When 10 percent of the people control most of the wealth in a nation where $20 per hour doesn't pay the bills anymore, times are getting tougher. Many say how great things were....poo poo on that this is and never has been some kind of dream for most. It's called working out a subsistence through hard work. People today work harder and are more productive than ever yet their standard of living isn't increasing.
Then make more money, get more housemates, or live with parents and grandparents like the 3rd worlders do. What do you think the adorable illegal aliens do?
The left has done a great job of equating taking less money from someone with giving them money. The right has failed miserably in calling bullshit on that. That frames up a lot of ridiculous arguments about tax policy.

Actually, the right wing has been brilliant. They've gotten stupid white people to see giving money to poor people as bad while taking money themselves as brilliant.

We spend less than 500 Billion a year on poverty relief and 2 TRILLION a year on middle class entitlements.
When 10 percent of the people control most of the wealth in a nation where $20 per hour doesn't pay the bills anymore, times are getting tougher. Many say how great things were....poo poo on that this is and never has been some kind of dream for most. It's called working out a subsistence through hard work. People today work harder and are more productive than ever yet their standard of living isn't increasing.
People work harder? You honestly say this with so many refusing jobs because the government is paying them more not to work?
In our system some people have to be poor. So we help them. It's the biggest reason for our exceptionalism. We are founded on judeo Christian values and Christ was about helping the poor first and foremost.

Right, because Jesus wants poor people to starve...

Jesus commands all Christians to feed and clothe the poor yet says nothing about having the State being involved so they can pay off their cronies, unions, and bureaucrats and then feed and clothe the poor on what is left over.
In our system some people have to be poor. So we help them. It's the biggest reason for our exceptionalism. We are founded on judeo Christian values and Christ was about helping the poor first and foremost.

We now mostly pretend we are a Christian nation. A nation that elects serial adulterers as president and tell the poor to screw off.
When 10 percent of the people control most of the wealth in a nation where $20 per hour doesn't pay the bills anymore, times are getting tougher. Many say how great things were....poo poo on that this is and never has been some kind of dream for most. It's called working out a subsistence through hard work. People today work harder and are more productive than ever yet their standard of living isn't increasing.
People work harder? You honestly say this with so many refusing jobs because the government is paying them more not to work?

Those who are benefitting the most from the trillions of dollars that is being pumped into the markets are not working for that money.
because Jesus wants poor people to starve...
But Jesus DID NOT say:

If you meet a hungry man on the road to Damascus, form a lib political action committee and petition Caesar to give him bread

Jesus taught everyone to give to the poor directly not through government

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