If this is true...Part II


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
If this report from WJLA in Baltimore is true in which it reports that police found no evidence of substantial injury to Freddy Gray during his videotaped arrest, and it hasn't been verified as of yet, then such a finding would only further reveal another rush to judgement by those protesting police brutality. Though I can't speak for those who claim to have been targets of police scrutiny or brutality, the great deal of other people alongside them may (emphasis on "may") have rushed to judgement in this incident.

The report goes on to say that he sustained the fatal injury when his head slammed into the back of the police van, according to the Medical Examiner. Whether the injury was voluntary or not is as of yet unclear. This story is unverified and should not be construed to be accurate unless confirmed by other sources.

More to follow:

BALTIMORE, Md. (WJLA) -- An investigation into the death of Baltimore resident Freddie Gray has found no evidence that his fatal injuries were caused during his videotaped arrest and interaction with police officers, according to multiple law enforcement sources

The sources spoke to ABC7 News after being briefed on the findings of a police report turned over to prosecutors on Thursday.

Sources said the medical examiner found Gray's catastrophic injury was caused when he slammed into the back of the police transport van, apparently breaking his neck; a head injury he sustained matches a bolt in the back of the van.

Law enforcement sources say Freddie Gray suffered head injury in police transport van WJLA.com
Point is that not all the evidence has been presented. If the cops are responsible, they should be charged and face the music.

Nothing, and I mean nothing, justifies the rioting that has gone on in several cities. Many people have been injured, property destroyed and there is no excuse for those who committed these acts.

I blame the media and race baiters for going out of their way to fuel the fire when there are incidents. It seems that when the truth does come out, there are no apologies from the race baiters who went along with lies.

If our leaders can't come out and tell people to wait for facts, then allow the system to work, then they are poor leaders indeed. If the system fails, we should all stand together and protest peacefully until things change.

This rioting and looting crap is just thugs enjoying a free-for-all crime fest and it's time they were called on it instead of people excusing their behavior or trying to place blame elsewhere.

It's funny how victims or society get blamed when it's radical Muslims or radical minorities. No one else would ever get away with claiming that frustrations made them do this or that, as if peaceful people are turned into murderers over an event or series of events. People don't harm people because they are upset. You have to be a violent person to start with to do such horrible things to innocent people.
If this report from WJLA in Baltimore is true in which it reports that police found no evidence of substantial injury to Freddy Gray during his videotaped arrest, and it hasn't been verified as of yet, then such a finding would only further reveal another rush to judgement by those protesting police brutality. Though I can't speak for those who claim to have been targets of police scrutiny or brutality, the great deal of other people alongside them may (emphasis on "may") have rushed to judgement in this incident.

The report goes on to say that he sustained the fatal injury when his head slammed into the back of the police van, according to the Medical Examiner. Whether the injury was voluntary or not is as of yet unclear. This story is unverified and should not be construed to be accurate unless confirmed by other sources.

More to follow:

BALTIMORE, Md. (WJLA) -- An investigation into the death of Baltimore resident Freddie Gray has found no evidence that his fatal injuries were caused during his videotaped arrest and interaction with police officers, according to multiple law enforcement sources

The sources spoke to ABC7 News after being briefed on the findings of a police report turned over to prosecutors on Thursday.

Sources said the medical examiner found Gray's catastrophic injury was caused when he slammed into the back of the police transport van, apparently breaking his neck; a head injury he sustained matches a bolt in the back of the van.

Law enforcement sources say Freddie Gray suffered head injury in police transport van WJLA.com

If this report from WJLA in Baltimore is true in which it reports that police found no evidence of substantial injury to Freddy Gray during his videotaped arrest, and it hasn't been verified as of yet, then such a finding would only further reveal another rush to judgement by those protesting police brutality. Though I can't speak for those who claim to have been targets of police scrutiny or brutality, the great deal of other people alongside them may (emphasis on "may") have rushed to judgement in this incident.

The report goes on to say that he sustained the fatal injury when his head slammed into the back of the police van, according to the Medical Examiner. Whether the injury was voluntary or not is as of yet unclear. This story is unverified and should not be construed to be accurate unless confirmed by other sources.

More to follow:

BALTIMORE, Md. (WJLA) -- An investigation into the death of Baltimore resident Freddie Gray has found no evidence that his fatal injuries were caused during his videotaped arrest and interaction with police officers, according to multiple law enforcement sources

The sources spoke to ABC7 News after being briefed on the findings of a police report turned over to prosecutors on Thursday.

Sources said the medical examiner found Gray's catastrophic injury was caused when he slammed into the back of the police transport van, apparently breaking his neck; a head injury he sustained matches a bolt in the back of the van.

Law enforcement sources say Freddie Gray suffered head injury in police transport van WJLA.com

I'm still seeing his feet and legs dragging limp while he was picked up by police.

I just know if the citizens in a community know their police on a first name basis,
and the police know the citizens in their community on a first name basis,
these types of incidents are less likely to happen -- most likely any abusive people would get screened out in advance.

By the time we work on prevention, we will find the SAME measures
will prevent crime and abuses in the first place. So might as well work on that level,
and solve several issues at once. Both respect for law enforcement by citizens as well as officers.

On that level, everyone's issues and fears can be addressed. Why not work on the level we all agree prevention
can and should take place? Why not focus there, and unite with citizens and police to end crime, abuse, and violence.
"The Post cited an unidentified prisoner, who was also in the wagon but was separated from Gray by a metal partition and could not see him. The prisoner reportedly said he heard Gray "banging himself against the walls" and believed he "was intentionally trying to injure himself.""
Yeah, very plausible...
I'm still seeing his feet and legs dragging limp while he was picked up by police.

He was moving his legs as he was getting into the back of the van. And his head was fully upright when he was being dragged.

Bullshit. I saw the video. His legs were dragging the ground, he could not longer control them.

Righties are terrible liars.
If this report from WJLA in Baltimore is true in which it reports that police found no evidence of substantial injury to Freddy Gray during his videotaped arrest, and it hasn't been verified as of yet, then such a finding would only further reveal another rush to judgement by those protesting police brutality. Though I can't speak for those who claim to have been targets of police scrutiny or brutality, the great deal of other people alongside them may (emphasis on "may") have rushed to judgement in this incident.
Irrelevant. Liberals MUST use this incident to destroy conservatives and other law-enforcement advocates before the facts come out.
If this report from WJLA in Baltimore is true in which it reports that police found no evidence of substantial injury to Freddy Gray during his videotaped arrest, and it hasn't been verified as of yet, then such a finding would only further reveal another rush to judgement by those protesting police brutality. Though I can't speak for those who claim to have been targets of police scrutiny or brutality, the great deal of other people alongside them may (emphasis on "may") have rushed to judgement in this incident.
Irrelevant. Liberals MUST use this incident to destroy conservatives and other law-enforcement advocates before the facts come out.

Maybe, but facts are there whether liberals are there or not.
The effort to demonize this black man is bordering on the surreal.

Not just bordering: it is absolutely surreal.

A great many people are just untethered from reality.

Remember that freaky nutz did to people who suffered through the Newtown tragedy? Called mourning family members up and cussed them out, saying it was all a false-flag operation?

What in the fuck is wrong with people these days?
If this report from WJLA in Baltimore is true in which it reports that police found no evidence of substantial injury to Freddy Gray during his videotaped arrest, and it hasn't been verified as of yet, then such a finding would only further reveal another rush to judgement by those protesting police brutality. Though I can't speak for those who claim to have been targets of police scrutiny or brutality, the great deal of other people alongside them may (emphasis on "may") have rushed to judgement in this incident.
Irrelevant. Liberals MUST use this incident to destroy conservatives and other law-enforcement advocates before the facts come out.

Maybe, but facts are there whether liberals are there or not.

Sez one of the most fact-free turds to ever roll across the floor of USMB.

It's not been verified at all, but that doesn't keep you from posting the rot.
If this report from WJLA in Baltimore is true in which it reports that police found no evidence of substantial injury to Freddy Gray during his videotaped arrest, and it hasn't been verified as of yet, then such a finding would only further reveal another rush to judgement by those protesting police brutality. Though I can't speak for those who claim to have been targets of police scrutiny or brutality, the great deal of other people alongside them may (emphasis on "may") have rushed to judgement in this incident.
Irrelevant. Liberals MUST use this incident to destroy conservatives and other law-enforcement advocates before the facts come out.

Why did the rightwing media run with the other guy in the van story when there was NOTHING to support it?
fact: gray attracts police attention by looking a cop in the eyes....what a criminal act...

fact: tk is an idiot who fears to adventure out of his grandmothers basement

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