"If The Public Knew About Obama's Lies And Cover Ups, Mitt Romney Might Be President"


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
LMAO. Like we didn't know this already. Obama a liar? Really?

under Hillary Clinton) one has to just throw in the flag.

Days after Seymour Hersh exposed the biggest lie of Obama's first term, a lie which we learned was also facilitated and perpetuated by the CIA as well (the topic of the latest Frontline documentary "How the CIA Helped Make “Zero Dark Thirty”"), we get yet more evidence of the administration's lies this time on a topic dear - and sensitive - for the person who may well be the next US president, Hillary Clinton, who as a reminder made up a story that the September 11, 2012 Benghazi embassy attack was a product of spontaneous protests of an obscure YouTube documentary by an American producer that lampooned Muslims.

If The Public Knew About Obama s Lies And Cover Ups Mitt Romney Might Be President - Judicial Watch Zero Hedge
How'd that Jeep move to China work out?

Sorry --- is it too soon?
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