If the National Anthem was so important......

Watch this idiot dale say,” It was probably fake noise pumped into the stadium by the fake media...”

President Trump wasn't booed in the stadium, dumb ass.......
Hearing problems?

Nope.....but apparently you do........I am glad that you are "butthurt" and I am going to enjoy your angst for the next 7 years.
The crowd clearly booed when the serial sex offender walked into the stadium, I even provided the video so you can hear it yourself.
But your terminal insanity always kicks in and kicks your ass.

ROTFLMAO!!!!! Nothing of the kind......why would people in Georgia be mad or disenchanted with President Trump? He killed the TPP, lowered income taxes and has cut down on the wetback invasion. Please, pray tell, why would President Trump be unwelcome in a red state that is anti-communist and anti-globalist? What has President Trump done that should draw the ire of good Americans that helped get him in office?

Barrypuppet wouldn't have dared showed his face at Jerry World In Arlington, Texas for a sporting event because the disdain for his mere presence would have been deafening.
Watch this idiot dale say,” It was probably fake noise pumped into the stadium by the fake media...”

President Trump wasn't booed in the stadium, dumb ass.......
Hearing problems?

Nope.....but apparently you do........I am glad that you are "butthurt" and I am going to enjoy your angst for the next 7 years.
The crowd clearly booed when the serial sex offender walked into the stadium, I even provided the video so you can hear it yourself.
But your terminal insanity always kicks in and kicks your ass.

ROTFLMAO!!!!! Nothing of the kind......why would people in Georgia be mad or disenchanted with President Trump? He killed the TPP, lowered income taxes and has cut down on the wetback invasion. Please, pray tell, why would President Trump be unwelcome in a red state that is anti-communist and anti-globalist? What has President Trump done that should draw the ire of good Americans that helped get him in office?

Barrypuppet wouldn't have dared showed his face at Jerry World In Arlington, Texas for a sporting event because the disdain for his mere presence would have been deafening.

sound like cheers to me....do you lefties do any research at all? do you just do what the left says.....

oh and I love the USA chant.........that's love bro
If the National Anthem was so important that Trump had a fit that players knelt during it's playing, that Trump would know the words?

He is was, going to the championship game & standing with soldiers (bone spurs & all) yet did not bother to learn the words? He didn't think anyone would be watching? Did he disrepect the Anthem by not taking a few minutes to learn the words?

He's like one of these lame bands that does a show and doesn't know what city they're in. "It's great to be in Cleveland!" "Boooo". "I mean it's great to be in Peoria!" They don't know and don't give shit, like Lying Donald. Trump uses the National Anthem as a sales prop, like one of those inflatable arm-flailing balloons.

Funny you vote for those guys.....
John Kerry praised Ohio State in Michigan.......yep those are democrats.......completely retarded

You entire belief system is based on "I know you are but what am I." Like Timmy in the 5th grade.

If the National Anthem was so important that Trump had a fit that players knelt during it's playing, that Trump would know the words?

He is was, going to the championship game & standing with soldiers (bone spurs & all) yet did not bother to learn the words? He didn't think anyone would be watching? Did he disrepect the Anthem by not taking a few minutes to learn the words?

He's like one of these lame bands that does a show and doesn't know what city they're in. "It's great to be in Cleveland!" "Boooo". "I mean it's great to be in Peoria!" They don't know and don't give shit, like Lying Donald. Trump uses the National Anthem as a sales prop, like one of those inflatable arm-flailing balloons.

Funny you vote for those guys.....
John Kerry praised Ohio State in Michigan.......yep those are democrats.......completely retarded

You entire belief system is based on "I know you are but what am I." Like Timmy in the 5th grade.

wtf are you talking about?

he made a stupid statement and i kicked his ass

he projected his sides stupidity onto mine. i gave him proof.
so go fuck yourself

Donald Trump a.k.a. Enrico Palazzo

If the National Anthem was so important that Trump had a fit that players knelt during it's playing, that Trump would know the words?

He is was, going to the championship game & standing with soldiers (bone spurs & all) yet did not bother to learn the words? He didn't think anyone would be watching? Did he disrepect the Anthem by not taking a few minutes to learn the words?

The amount of time your parents are allowing you to be on the internet is bordering on child abuse. You need to run and play outside, get some sunshine and exercise. Do they even let you out of your room?
Ahhhhhh. The poor baby. Does me pointing out what an ass you put in the White House bother you?

Funny chit.
If the National Anthem was so important that Trump had a fit that players knelt during it's playing, that Trump would know the words?

He is was, going to the championship game & standing with soldiers (bone spurs & all) yet did not bother to learn the words? He didn't think anyone would be watching? Did he disrepect the Anthem by not taking a few minutes to learn the words?

Well if you had a pair and ever served I would say , how would it make you feel if someone kneeled on your grave and either shit on it or spit on it.

I know & have seen family members kneeling by the graves of their loved ones. What the fuck is wrong with you.
If the National Anthem was so important that Trump had a fit that players knelt during it's playing, that Trump would know the words?

He is was, going to the championship game & standing with soldiers (bone spurs & all) yet did not bother to learn the words? He didn't think anyone would be watching? Did he disrepect the Anthem by not taking a few minutes to learn the words?

Once again the progressive poster boi moron of the board is trying to make a mountain out of a molehill.
How many excuses are you going to make for your hero’s deteriorating mental condition?
Are you going to wait until he’s sent to a home before you admit the truth?

No need to make excuses. you hacks will be on the next made up "attack" in a few weeks when you run out of steam on this one.

So, you have no defense?
Why would dumbass football players feel justified in disrespecting the Nation that made them rich?
Why aren't they redistributing their wealth?

They do not disrespect our country, flag, or song. They protest unjust treatment by police.

Many football players do more with their money to help people than your orange POS hero.
Unless Trump was there to sing the National Anthem his knowing the words is irrelevant.
I get it. We went to a football game & BAM, all of a sudden, there he was, on the field during the National Anthem.
If the National Anthem was so important that Trump had a fit that players knelt during it's playing, that Trump would know the words?

He is was, going to the championship game & standing with soldiers (bone spurs & all) yet did not bother to learn the words? He didn't think anyone would be watching? Did he disrepect the Anthem by not taking a few minutes to learn the words?

Well if you had a pair and ever served I would say , how would it make you feel if someone kneeled on your grave and either shit on it or spit on it.

I did serve and do not feel that way.

FACT CHECK: Did a U.S. Veteran Influence Kaepernick's 'Take a Knee' Protest of Police Brutality?

It was a vet that got Kapernick to neal.
If the National Anthem was so important that Trump had a fit that players knelt during it's playing, that Trump would know the words?

He is was, going to the championship game & standing with soldiers (bone spurs & all) yet did not bother to learn the words? He didn't think anyone would be watching? Did he disrepect the Anthem by not taking a few minutes to learn the words?

Well if you had a pair and ever served I would say , how would it make you feel if someone kneeled on your grave and either shit on it or spit on it.

I have a pair and I served for 20 years and the protest do not bother me one bit as the freedom to do so is part of what I was defending.

Oh, and I know the words by heart as should every American.
If the National Anthem was so important that Trump had a fit that players knelt during it's playing, that Trump would know the words?

He is was, going to the championship game & standing with soldiers (bone spurs & all) yet did not bother to learn the words? He didn't think anyone would be watching? Did he disrepect the Anthem by not taking a few minutes to learn the words?

Fat Donnie made a show at the game to demonstrate how the anthem should be respected and then doesn't even know the words

Sing it all or don't sing
If the National Anthem was so important that Trump had a fit that players knelt during it's playing, that Trump would know the words?

He is was, going to the championship game & standing with soldiers (bone spurs & all) yet did not bother to learn the words? He didn't think anyone would be watching? Did he disrepect the Anthem by not taking a few minutes to learn the words?

Once again the progressive poster boi moron of the board is trying to make a mountain out of a molehill.
How many excuses are you going to make for your hero’s deteriorating mental condition?
Are you going to wait until he’s sent to a home before you admit the truth?

No need to make excuses. you hacks will be on the next made up "attack" in a few weeks when you run out of steam on this one.

It’s quite hilarious you pretend to not see the giant elephant in the room and of course that being Trump is crazier than a bed bug.

If that's what your betters are telling, you, you are doing an admirable job of hacking the party line.

If the National Anthem was so important that Trump had a fit that players knelt during it's playing, that Trump would know the words?

He is was, going to the championship game & standing with soldiers (bone spurs & all) yet did not bother to learn the words? He didn't think anyone would be watching? Did he disrepect the Anthem by not taking a few minutes to learn the words?

Fat Donnie made a show at the game to demonstrate how the anthem should be respected and then doesn't even know the words

Sing it all or don't sing

This! If you do not know the words, do not try.
Prior to the game, Trump was coached on singing the National Anthem by the great Enrico Pallazzo

Hey! It's Enrico Pallazzo!
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If the National Anthem was so important that Trump had a fit that players knelt during it's playing, that Trump would know the words?

He is was, going to the championship game & standing with soldiers (bone spurs & all) yet did not bother to learn the words? He didn't think anyone would be watching? Did he disrepect the Anthem by not taking a few minutes to learn the words?

Once again the progressive poster boi moron of the board is trying to make a mountain out of a molehill.
How many excuses are you going to make for your hero’s deteriorating mental condition?
Are you going to wait until he’s sent to a home before you admit the truth?

No need to make excuses. you hacks will be on the next made up "attack" in a few weeks when you run out of steam on this one.

So, you have no defense?

No need for a defense, Reasonable sock.
Why would dumbass football players feel justified in disrespecting the Nation that made them rich?
Why aren't they redistributing their wealth?
I see you still have no idea what theyre protesting.
You HAVE to be a deplorable, amirite?
What cops killing blacks? I bet Baltimore will disagree with you. Also a black man chances are better to be killed by lightning than by cop. Actually I hope the NFL goes under because of this crap. Then the players see how it really is in the real world. I quit watching it, after they started kneeling. This is also Obama's America, which I'm sure the next presidential candidate will mention that about whoever you run.

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