If The Crooks In Congress Truly Want To Help‭ ‬Reverse‭ ‬The Economic Damage Caused By COVID-19...


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
If The Crooks In Congress Truly Want To Help‭ ‬Reverse‭ ‬The Economic Damage Caused By COVID-19...

All but a small percentage of the trillions-of-dollars borrowed by Congress for COVID relief,‭ ‬so far,‭ ‬have been given to the ruling billionaire class and Big Business.‭ ‬The COVID stimulus legislation was intentionally designed so this would happen,‭ ‬which should surprise no one.

Moscow Mitch said he,‭ ‬he‭ “‬thinks Congress can do it this month,‭” ‬but,‭ ‬given the fact he only gets off his fat a$$‭ ‬to confirm crooked conservatives to the Federal Bench,‭ ‬passing a COVID-19‭ ‬relief bill during the short thirty days left in December will certainly be an overwhelming task for the old f@rt.

But,‭ ‬setting impossible expectations for congressional achievement aside,‭ ‬if the crooks on both sides of the aisle in both chambers are truly interested in helping re-energize the COVID-damaged economy,‭ ‬don’t borrow another‭ ‬$2.2‭ ‬trillion dollars.

Instead,‭ ‬borrow only‭ ‬$1‭ ‬trillion,‭ ‬and then,‭ ‬put it into the hands of the people that really power the economy.‭ ‬Divvy it up among the U.S.‭ ‬families who earn‭ ‬$100K per year or LESS.‭ ‬That‭ ‬$1‭ ‬trillion will inevitably end up in the pockets of the ruling billionaire class,‭ ‬right where the crooks in Congress are supposed to send it.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬the route it must take to get there will keep millions of unemployed Americans afloat until the COVID crisis ends,‭ ‬create jobs,‭ ‬prevent tens-of-thousands of home foreclosures‭ (‬and family evictions from rentals‭)‬,‭ ‬save countless mom‭ & ‬pop businesses,‭ ‬keep retail sales strong,‭ ‬and much more.

Naturally,‭ ‬the crooks in Congress cannot do anything so bold.‭ ‬Their obligations to the ruling billionaire class demand they borrow another‭ ‬$2.2‭ ‬trillion,‭ ‬and assure the legislation’s singular proviso guarantees the lion’s share is given to the same ruling billionaires as usual.

Yes,‭ ‬the ruling billionaire class spent millions-of-dollars buying the Democrats and Republicans in the House and Senate.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬it’s been money well spent,‭ ‬and has paid the ruling billionaire class dividends far in excess of their initial investments.‭ ‬The return on Moscow Mitch,‭ ‬alone,‭ ‬has reached into the fourteen figure level.


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