If Romney is a "severe" conservative...who's a moderate?


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
If Governor Romney represents the epitome of a "severe" conservative governor...then what/who constitutes a moderate Governor?

Who thinks he's a conservative or a severe conservative?

He's a big gov't liberal, Obama learned everything he knows about big gov't healthcare from Romney.
there are no moderates allowed to run for anything in the republican party
If Governor Romney represents the epitome of a "severe" conservative governor...then what/who constitutes a moderate Governor?


who says he's a "severe conservative"? and what's a "severe conservative"?

Romney did...at CPAC..."I am a severely conservative..."


This may be a sarcastic kind of thread, but I'd take the random joining of letters in alphabet soup more seriously than anything a politician says.

Especially when s/he is trying to say something good about themself.
If Governor Romney represents the epitome of a "severe" conservative governor...then what/who constitutes a moderate Governor?


who says he's a "severe conservative"? and what's a "severe conservative"?

:lol: I have been praying they are pulling Santorum to the forefront only temporarily so as to clearly distinguish what is and what is not part of the Presidential platform once Romney wins... :eusa_pray: IOW to better separate Romney from the Religious zealots in the GOP so he will have better appeal to any erstwhile wary Independents and Moderates in the general election...
there are no moderates allowed to run for anything in the republican party

John McCain was a moderate. He won the nomination.

Bob Dole was a moderate. He won the nomination.

Even George H.W. Bush was a something of a moderate...he won the Presidency.

I personally am not interested in running another moderate...I think I'm entitled to have my own opinion and vote for a candidate whose positions most closely matches my own philosophy and ideals....don't you?

Isn't that what the right to vote is all about?

The problem I have with Romney is he wants to piss down your back and claim that it's raining.

Which brings me back to the original question.

If Romney isn't a moderate...who is?

Great video in my previous post to Jillian...it's Anderson Cooper's analysis, using Romney's own words and voting record.
If Governor Romney represents the epitome of a "severe" conservative governor...then what/who constitutes a moderate Governor?


who says he's a "severe conservative"? and what's a "severe conservative"?

:lol: I have been praying they are pulling Santorum to the forefront only temporarily so as to clearly distinguish what is and what is not part of the Presidential platform once Romney wins... :eusa_pray: IOW to better separate Romney from the Religious zealots in the GOP so he will have better appeal to any erstwhile wary Independents and Moderates in the general election...

Who is "they"...

Are you hoping that the republican establishment elites have enough power and iron fisted control of the party to organize a manipulation of the primary process to further their goal of thrusting their chosen candidate Romney upon us once again?

While I wouldn't put it past them...it is failing miserably.

Santorum has a double digit lead over Romney nationally.
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there are no moderates allowed to run for anything in the republican party

John McCain was a moderate. He won the nomination.

Bob Dole was a moderate. He won the nomination.

Even George H.W. Bush was a something of a moderate...he won the Presidency.

I personally am not interested in running another moderate...I think I'm entitled to have my own opinion and vote for a candidate whose positions most closely matches my own philosophy and ideals....don't you?

Isn't that what the right to vote is all about?

The problem I have with Romney is he wants to piss down your back and claim that it's raining.

Which brings me back to the original question.

If Romney isn't a moderate...who is?

Great video in my previous post to Jillian...it's Anderson Cooper's analysis, using Romney's own words and voting record.

I haven't had a chance to watch the video yet, but generally speaking, I have read most of Mitt's apparent contradictions and can find a rational explanation for them, if you delve into the context, etc... Beyond those minor (IMO) concerns, I would just much rather see a real National debate on the budget and the healthcare mandate. This country does not need more useless divisive rhetoric, demonizing women and gays, once again controlling our National dialogue...
who says he's a "severe conservative"? and what's a "severe conservative"?

:lol: I have been praying they are pulling Santorum to the forefront only temporarily so as to clearly distinguish what is and what is not part of the Presidential platform once Romney wins... :eusa_pray: IOW to better separate Romney from the Religious zealots in the GOP so he will have better appeal to any erstwhile wary Independents and Moderates in the general election...

Who is "they"...

Are you hoping that the republican establishment elites have enough power and iron fisted control of the party to organize a manipulation of the primary process to further their goal of thrusting their chosen candidate Romney upon us once again?

While I wouldn't put it past them...it is failing miserably.

Santorum has a double digit lead over Romney nationally.

I don't put much stock in those polls, AT ALL.

Democrats would love to go against Santorum because it is an absolute slam-dunk for Obama.
It doesn't matter what they label themselves as.
As soon as they implement their flawed agenda and they fail, they're not a "real" conservative.
Take deficits for instance. Hear anything about deficits when Bush was running them up? Nope. Not a problem for 8 years. 1 YEAR later when Obama's in office...BIGGEST PROBLEM EVER!

Take Bush for example. I was told that he wasn't a "real" conservative numerous times after his Presidency proved a disaster, but NEVER before. Certainly not when he cut taxes on the rich or when he implemented the failed CON agenda.

If Romney gets the nomination and he loses, the lesson CONZ will take away from it is that he wasn't a "real" conservative, not that their agenda was overwhelmingly rejected by the vast majority of Americans.

Which is fine with me. The longer CONZ stay delusional as to the source of their failures, the weaker they become.
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I don't put much stock in those polls, AT ALL.

Democrats would love to go against Santorum because it is an absolute slam-dunk for Obama.

the problem is romney's a terrible candidate. i mean, i've seen his schtick. and i don't hate him. i just find him weird as hell...

and really, the one thing about him that resonates with most voters is that he put his dog on the roof of his car and drove 60 mph.

that just shows horrible judgment.
Romney grasps one basic concept.... that to be President, one should be President for ALL Americans which means one must be moderate in one's actions, even when one is personally conservative. Americans seem to have forgotten that concept... mainly because we've elected a couple of total fucking morons in past decade.
who says he's a "severe conservative"? and what's a "severe conservative"?

Romney did...at CPAC..."I am a severely conservative..."


ohhhhhhhhhhh... romney's a putz

:funnyface: He is a good man and a proven leader who knows how to reach across the aisle and balance a budget... He has demonstrated that he knows how to separate his religion from his duties as President, and if there is ANYone who can sift through all the minutia and come up with a more agreeable health care plan for America, it is Mitt.
there are no moderates allowed to run for anything in the republican party

John McCain was a moderate. He won the nomination.

Bob Dole was a moderate. He won the nomination.

Even George H.W. Bush was a something of a moderate...he won the Presidency.

I personally am not interested in running another moderate...I think I'm entitled to have my own opinion and vote for a candidate whose positions most closely matches my own philosophy and ideals....don't you?

Isn't that what the right to vote is all about?

The problem I have with Romney is he wants to piss down your back and claim that it's raining.

Which brings me back to the original question.

If Romney isn't a moderate...who is?

Great video in my previous post to Jillian...it's Anderson Cooper's analysis, using Romney's own words and voting record.

I haven't had a chance to watch the video yet, but generally speaking, I have read most of Mitt's apparent contradictions and can find a rational explanation for them, if you delve into the context, etc... Beyond those minor (IMO) concerns, I would just much rather see a real National debate on the budget and the healthcare mandate. This country does not need more useless divisive rhetoric, demonizing women and gays, once again controlling our National dialogue...

Romney doesn't have a leg to stand on either of those topics.

When Romney faced a government shortfall, he didn't exclusively cut spending...he raised fees.

How is that different from Obama?

Romney has Romneycare mandates...Obama has Obamacare mandates.

What difference does it make whether one is state and one is federal?

I can answer that with authority...a mandate is a mandate...the only difference between the federal mandate and the state mandate is the geographical distance of the mandator from the mandatee.
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:lol: I have been praying they are pulling Santorum to the forefront only temporarily so as to clearly distinguish what is and what is not part of the Presidential platform once Romney wins... :eusa_pray: IOW to better separate Romney from the Religious zealots in the GOP so he will have better appeal to any erstwhile wary Independents and Moderates in the general election...

Who is "they"...

Are you hoping that the republican establishment elites have enough power and iron fisted control of the party to organize a manipulation of the primary process to further their goal of thrusting their chosen candidate Romney upon us once again?

While I wouldn't put it past them...it is failing miserably.

Santorum has a double digit lead over Romney nationally.

I don't put much stock in those polls, AT ALL.

Democrats would love to go against Santorum because it is an absolute slam-dunk for Obama.

Riiiiight...because all the socially conservative republicans in the last 30 years like Reagan and Bush have been soundly defeated and the moderates, like Dole and McCain have won the presidency.

Well, except for the fact it has been exactly the opposite, that's a terrific theory.
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Romney grasps one basic concept.... that to be President, one should be President for ALL Americans which means one must be moderate in one's actions, even when one is personally conservative. Americans seem to have forgotten that concept... mainly because we've elected a couple of total fucking morons in past decade.

What does "moderate in ones actions" mean exactly?

We can elect a monkey to go with the flow.

Just dress him in a suit, find out what the general consensus is and have him point to it and nod.

We can call it the Romney method.

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