If repubs can never come up with specific policy examples of their party helping the...

You mean like greed, selfishness and myths and fairy tales?

Weird, after 8 years of Dubya/GOP 'job creator' policies, and with the lowest sustained tax burden on the 'job creators', Dubya lost over 1 million PRIVATE sector jobs in 8 years AND 5+ million more in 2009? And the socialist Obama has had 10+ million created since hitting Bush's bottom March 2010?

DEC 2007

The Economic Consequences of Mr. Bush
The next president will have to deal with yet another crippling legacy of George W. Bush: the economy. A Nobel laureate, Joseph E. Stiglitz, sees a generation-long struggle to recoup.

The Economic Consequences of Mr. Bush Vanity Fair

lol, Yeah, GOP/conservative policies worked so well *shaking head*


Why do you insist Bush was conservative? He was not, and few, few Republicans, would ever assert such a thing. Saying so is only a device to besmirch and dismiss conservatism....it works, because most voters pay more attention to the Kardashians.

Please hound me to provide counter data to your liberal editorial on Vanity Fair....please. When I have time I'll napalm your contention. But have little time to do more than just this drive-by at the moment....I'm too busy making money and employing other so that we can pay for all the liberals on the dole. Seriously, don't let me forget....

I really like the way Republicans have the ability to completely re write history. Bush was conservative enough to appeal to the Republicans when they voted him to the office of the President. Twice. He was conservative enough to get his massive tax cuts passed. Conservative enough to get us into a stupid war in Iraq.

But he's not a conservative now? What is he? Ain't 20/20 hindsight amazing?
Bush was never a conservative. He never pretended to be. Recall he was a "compassionate conservative", i.e. a big government type. Other than the tax cuts for all Americans early on the rest of his two terms were big government intiiatives: steel tariffs, drug benefit, federal standards for schools, bailouts of the auto companies over Congressional objection. All of them big government stuff.
And amazingly the country did very well despite that. Then along came Obama and things turned to shit.

Yeah, did pretty well UNTIL Obama *shaking head*
You mean like greed, selfishness and myths and fairy tales?

Weird, after 8 years of Dubya/GOP 'job creator' policies, and with the lowest sustained tax burden on the 'job creators', Dubya lost over 1 million PRIVATE sector jobs in 8 years AND 5+ million more in 2009? And the socialist Obama has had 10+ million created since hitting Bush's bottom March 2010?

DEC 2007

The Economic Consequences of Mr. Bush
The next president will have to deal with yet another crippling legacy of George W. Bush: the economy. A Nobel laureate, Joseph E. Stiglitz, sees a generation-long struggle to recoup.

The Economic Consequences of Mr. Bush Vanity Fair

lol, Yeah, GOP/conservative policies worked so well *shaking head*


Why do you insist Bush was conservative? He was not, and few, few Republicans, would ever assert such a thing. Saying so is only a device to besmirch and dismiss conservatism....it works, because most voters pay more attention to the Kardashians.

Please hound me to provide counter data to your liberal editorial on Vanity Fair....please. When I have time I'll napalm your contention. But have little time to do more than just this drive-by at the moment....I'm too busy making money and employing other so that we can pay for all the liberals on the dole. Seriously, don't let me forget....

Weird how GOPers are NEVER conservatives AFTER cons voted for them

Red States Mostly Welfare States Dependent On Blue States But Likely Too Uninformed to Know

Red States Mostly Welfare States Dependent On Blue States But Likely Too Uninformed to Know

Among the 254 counties where food stamp recipients doubled between 2007 and 2011, Republican Mitt Romney won 213 of them in last year’s presidential election, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture data compiled by Bloomberg. Kentucky’s Owsley County, which backed Romney with 81 percent of its vote, has the largest proportion of food stamp recipients among those that he carried.

Food Stamp Cut Backed by Republicans With Voters on Rolls - Bloomberg

Blue States are from Scandinavia, Red States are from Guatemala A theory of a divided nation

In the red states, government is cheaper, which means the people who live there pay lower taxes. But they also get a lot less in return. The unemployment checks run out more quickly and the schools generally aren’t as good. Assistance with health care, child care, and housing is skimpier, if it exists at all. The result of this divergence is that one half of the country looks more and more like Scandinavia, while the other increasingly resembles a social Darwinist’s paradise.

Blue States are from Scandinavia Red States are from Guatemala New Republic
The stimulus failed by the standards the administration set for it. Period. That is fact. The economy has had its worst growth post recession ever. That is a fact. Both of those things are directly traceable to Democrat policies enacted when Dems had a lock on Congress and the WH. That is a fact.
Dems don't do well with facts.

they will never admit it is their party strangling (us the people), our country and businesses.
they just won't come into REALITY if they did they'd have to admit they support a failing strategy and policies

lol, Yeah, GOP/conservative policies worked so well *shaking head*

Name one that hasn't???

Tax cuts bringing more revenues


SELF REGULATED MARKETS (See first GOP great depression, Reagan ignoring regulator warnings that started in 1984 that would've stopped 90%+ of his S&L crisis, AND DUBYA'S SUBPRIME FAILURE)

Here's info on Dubya's failure

FACTS on Dubya s great recession US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Private H/C markets, the ONLY industrialized nation without UHC and we pay almost twice as much per capita for mostly worse results

Conservatives fought EVERYTHING that created the US. They were (mainly) the Anti Federalists, confederates, isolationists during both WW's, fought labor laws, min wage, SS, Medicare, civil rights, etc

Jesus dad you are the Isis of liberal commentators. Here's a hint don't quote an article from 2007 to support your views in 2014.

CBO Obama stimulus may have cost as much as 4.1 million a job AEIdeas

There are so many things to point out in the op I don't know where to start.

First almost all the articles quoted by billy are from very left wing sources and all seem to be very dated, like 2011 and such. It is hard to find articles in 2014 about the stimulus. I believe the left is creating websites full of fiction for people like those on USMB and other media outlets to quote. FDL is definitely a left wing source. NPQ was hard to research. It seems to be headed by an uber community organizing woman who believes corp should be handing her money to hand out to her private causes. I could not dredge up her bio but she is certainly not an objective observer.

NPQ claims that the fraud in the program was something like .001 per cent(laughable for any govt program) and that since no charges were brought against Solyndra it was all on the up an up. The reason there will be no investigation of fraud is because Eric Holder is the attorney general and he will not allow any investigation into anything that might reflect poorly on Barack Obama. The congress cannot bring criminal charges against people.

Now let's take the Nancy Pelosi logic of of one dollar unemployment benefits creating a dollar sixty. If this was true we could all stop working and just receive money from the govt . What is never factored in is the debt created by paying these benefits, and the interest on these debts. The deceit is furthered by neglecting to say that if we created jobs people would be getting two grand a month instead of 300 dollars and the economy would be even more healthy. There are less people working today than before Obama came to office, at lesser jobs and less pay. As has been mentioned before this is the worst recovery in post war history.

The stimulus was a grab bag, a democratic wish list, and a slush fund to Democratic supporters like teachers unions. High speed rail boondoggles, solar energy company fronts to wash money for the party. The new governor of Virginia is the poster child of political,operatives who profited from the solar energy scam. Race to the top, internet I rural areas, ain't heard much about that. Oh yeah, even Obama said the shovel ready projects weren't shovel ready.

People like Billy, Dad, and the other rabid partisans all miss the point. They believe that progress is measured by how many govt programs there are and how many new programs are created, they believe progress is measured by how much new control the govt exerts on our lives. Conservatives believe in the opposite and apparently that is what most Americans believe too. A recent poll asked Americans what what were the biggest things they wanted govt to do and 70 per cent said get out of our lives lives and leave us alone. Wake up boys and smell the coffee.

Lastly many economists believed we were in a place where we needed some kind of Keynesian stimulus, yes there was agreement on that. The debate is about how the money could have been used to so much greater benefit than it was. The money was not efficiently utilized and on that there seems to be agreement also.
Jesus dad you are the Isis of liberal commentators. Here's a hint don't quote an article from 2007 to support your views in 2014.

CBO Obama stimulus may have cost as much as 4.1 million a job AEIdeas

There are so many things to point out in the op I don't know where to start.

First almost all the articles quoted by billy are from very left wing sources and all seem to be very dated, like 2011 and such. It is hard to find articles in 2014 about the stimulus. I believe the left is creating websites full of fiction for people like those on USMB and other media outlets to quote. FDL is definitely a left wing source. NPQ was hard to research. It seems to be headed by an uber community organizing woman who believes corp should be handing her money to hand out to her private causes. I could not dredge up her bio but she is certainly not an objective observer.

NPQ claims that the fraud in the program was something like .001 per cent(laughable for any govt program) and that since no charges were brought against Solyndra it was all on the up an up. The reason there will be no investigation of fraud is because Eric Holder is the attorney general and he will not allow any investigation into anything that might reflect poorly on Barack Obama. The congress cannot bring criminal charges against people.

Now let's take the Nancy Pelosi logic of of one dollar unemployment benefits creating a dollar sixty. If this was true we could all stop working and just receive money from the govt . What is never factored in is the debt created by paying these benefits, and the interest on these debts. The deceit is furthered by neglecting to say that if we created jobs people would be getting two grand a month instead of 300 dollars and the economy would be even more healthy. There are less people working today than before Obama came to office, at lesser jobs and less pay. As has been mentioned before this is the worst recovery in post war history.

The stimulus was a grab bag, a democratic wish list, and a slush fund to Democratic supporters like teachers unions. High speed rail boondoggles, solar energy company fronts to wash money for the party. The new governor of Virginia is the poster child of political,operatives who profited from the solar energy scam. Race to the top, internet I rural areas, ain't heard much about that. Oh yeah, even Obama said the shovel ready projects weren't shovel ready.

People like Billy, Dad, and the other rabid partisans all miss the point. They believe that progress is measured by how many govt programs there are and how many new programs are created, they believe progress is measured by how much new control the govt exerts on our lives. Conservatives believe in the opposite and apparently that is what most Americans believe too. A recent poll asked Americans what what were the biggest things they wanted govt to do and 70 per cent said get out of our lives lives and leave us alone. Wake up boys and smell the coffee.

Lastly many economists believed we were in a place where we needed some kind of Keynesian stimulus, yes there was agreement on that. The debate is about how the money could have been used to so much greater benefit than it was. The money was not efficiently utilized and on that there seems to be agreement also.

You mean the stimulus devised to keep US out of ANOTHER GOP depression? The one with 40% tax cuts to get a vote on it allowed?

Using CATO for a selective period, first quarter of calendar year 2012 and premising that was the cost per job? lol

EVERYTHING else you posit is right wing nonsense without critical thinking or honesty. Shocking. It wasn't Pelosi saying that about food stamps, BTW

January 29 2008

Food stamps offer best stimulus - study

Moody's study suggests extending unemployment benefits, increasing food stamps fastest ways to stimulate economy

The report found that "some provide a lot of bang for the buck to the economy. Others ... don't," said economist Mark Zandi. (MCCAIN'S 2008 ADVISER)

In findings echoed by other economists and studies, he said the study shows the fastest way to infuse money into the economy is through expanding the food-stamp program. For every dollar spent on that program $1.73 is generated throughout the economy, he said.

Food stamps offer best stimulus - study - Jan. 29 2008

I know, how about a study how much each job Dubya had with his $2.5+ trillion tax cuts cost? He lost 1+ million PRIVATE sector jobs in 8 years?

CBO Director Demolishes GOP's Stimulus Myth

Under questioning from skeptical Republicans, the director of the nonpartisan (and widely respected) Congressional Budget Office was emphatic about the value of the 2009 stimulus. And, he said, the vast majority of economists agree.
In a survey conducted by the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, 80 percent of economic experts agreed that, because of the stimulus, the U.S. unemployment rate was lower at the end of 2010 than it would have been otherwise.

"Only 4 percent disagreed or strongly disagreed," CBO Director Douglas Elmendorf told the House Budget Committee. "That," he added, "is a distinct minority."

Economists agree: Stimulus created nearly 3 million jobs

Economists agree Stimulus created nearly 3 million jobs - USATODAY.com

November 25, 2011

On this the fourth Thanksgiving weekend since the start of the Bush recession, families across America are still struggling with persistently high unemployment, underwater mortgages and stagnant wages. But as the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reminded us this week, Americans can be thankful for the 2009 stimulus. Despite Republican mythmaking that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) "created zero jobs," the CBO reported that the stimulus added up to 2.4 million jobs and boosted GDP by as much as 1.9 points in the past quarter. As it turns out, that conclusion confirms the consensus of most economists - including John McCain's 2008 brain trust- that President Obama's recovery program is continuing to deliver benefits for the American people.
CBO Says Be Thankful For The Stimulus Crooks and Liars

Jesus dad you are the Isis of liberal commentators. Here's a hint don't quote an article from 2007 to support your views in 2014.

CBO Obama stimulus may have cost as much as 4.1 million a job AEIdeas

There are so many things to point out in the op I don't know where to start.

First almost all the articles quoted by billy are from very left wing sources and all seem to be very dated, like 2011 and such. It is hard to find articles in 2014 about the stimulus. I believe the left is creating websites full of fiction for people like those on USMB and other media outlets to quote. FDL is definitely a left wing source. NPQ was hard to research. It seems to be headed by an uber community organizing woman who believes corp should be handing her money to hand out to her private causes. I could not dredge up her bio but she is certainly not an objective observer.

NPQ claims that the fraud in the program was something like .001 per cent(laughable for any govt program) and that since no charges were brought against Solyndra it was all on the up an up. The reason there will be no investigation of fraud is because Eric Holder is the attorney general and he will not allow any investigation into anything that might reflect poorly on Barack Obama. The congress cannot bring criminal charges against people.

Now let's take the Nancy Pelosi logic of of one dollar unemployment benefits creating a dollar sixty. If this was true we could all stop working and just receive money from the govt . What is never factored in is the debt created by paying these benefits, and the interest on these debts. The deceit is furthered by neglecting to say that if we created jobs people would be getting two grand a month instead of 300 dollars and the economy would be even more healthy. There are less people working today than before Obama came to office, at lesser jobs and less pay. As has been mentioned before this is the worst recovery in post war history.

The stimulus was a grab bag, a democratic wish list, and a slush fund to Democratic supporters like teachers unions. High speed rail boondoggles, solar energy company fronts to wash money for the party. The new governor of Virginia is the poster child of political,operatives who profited from the solar energy scam. Race to the top, internet I rural areas, ain't heard much about that. Oh yeah, even Obama said the shovel ready projects weren't shovel ready.

People like Billy, Dad, and the other rabid partisans all miss the point. They believe that progress is measured by how many govt programs there are and how many new programs are created, they believe progress is measured by how much new control the govt exerts on our lives. Conservatives believe in the opposite and apparently that is what most Americans believe too. A recent poll asked Americans what what were the biggest things they wanted govt to do and 70 per cent said get out of our lives lives and leave us alone. Wake up boys and smell the coffee.

Lastly many economists believed we were in a place where we needed some kind of Keynesian stimulus, yes there was agreement on that. The debate is about how the money could have been used to so much greater benefit than it was. The money was not efficiently utilized and on that there seems to be agreement also.

Solyndra? Isn't there some type of Congressional (House) that could look into that? lol

Solyndra=1% of DOE energy money

Reuters: Venture Capitalists Point To Solyndra As One Of The Top 10 Companies "Ripest" To Go Public. Reuters reported in August 2009:
Investors eye top startups as IPO market awakens - Aug. 19 2009

Market Conditions Shifted Significantly from 2009 to 2011

"advantages that were more important in 2009 when it received a $535 million U.S. loan guarantee to build a factory" than they are now, noting that the price of the silicon-based panels with which Solyndra was competing "has fallen 46 percent since then."
Obama s Solar Bets May Avoid Solyndra s Fate With Low Costs - Bloomberg

Bush Admin. Advanced16 Projects, Including Solyndra, Out Of 143 Submissions
Hearings and Votes Energy Commerce Committee

DOE Under Bush Admin. Set Out Timeline For Completing Solyndra Review
http://energy.gov/sites/prod/files/Solar Background Document 1.pdf

In March, The Same Credit Committee Of Career Civil Servants recommended Approval
Exclusive Timeline Bush Administration Advanced Solyndra Loan Guarantee for Two Years Media Blow the Story ThinkProgress

DOE Official: "It's The Same Group Of Career Professionals That Were On The First Committee."
Hearings and Votes Energy Commerce Committee
List 36 Of Obama s Taxpayer-Funded Green Energy Failures - Fox Nation

A lot more than one percent.

I guess if CBO reports something you like dad it is true, but if it reports something you don't like it is dismissed.

The other criminal act involving Solyndra is that the taxpayers were hosed when the Obama administration allowed the private(Democratic Party) investors to be made whole before the taxpayers got their money. This had previously been illegal.

Did the program that funded the Solyndra loan start under George W. Bush David Plouffe says so PolitiFact

While bush supported green energy subsidies(that ought to get dad's goat) and created the program structure for obamas green stimulus his administration did not approve the Solyndra loan, Obama did.

For good measure here is the lowdown on democratic slimeball terry M. The new governor of Virginia and his green dealings.

Fox News poll Voters want government to leave them alone as midterm elections near Fox News

I Can t Believe Terry McAuliffe Is Going to Be Governor of Virginia Mother Jones

I guess no facts I post will soften your viewpoint dad so I guess we will just have to let the folks decide.

Heritage Foundation? The same one that said Dubya's tax cuts would create more revenues AND pay off the debt? lol

Apr 27, 2001

The Economic Impact of President Bush s Tax Relief Plan



Last edited:
List 36 Of Obama s Taxpayer-Funded Green Energy Failures - Fox Nation

A lot more than one percent.

I guess if CBO reports something you like dad it is true, but if it reports something you don't like it is dismissed.

The other criminal act involving Solyndra is that the taxpayers were hosed when the Obama administration allowed the private(Democratic Party) investors to be made whole before the taxpayers got their money. This had previously been illegal.

Did the program that funded the Solyndra loan start under George W. Bush David Plouffe says so PolitiFact

While bush supported green energy subsidies(that ought to get dad's goat) and created the program structure for obamas green stimulus his administration did not approve the Solyndra loan, Obama did.

For good measure here is the lowdown on democratic slimeball terry M. The new governor of Virginia and his green dealings.

Fox News poll Voters want government to leave them alone as midterm elections near Fox News

I Can t Believe Terry McAuliffe Is Going to Be Governor of Virginia Mother Jones

I guess no facts I post will soften your viewpoint dad so I guess we will just have to let the folks decide.


Bush Admin. Advanced16 Projects, Including Solyndra, Out Of 143 Submissions
Hearings and Votes Energy Commerce Committee

An independent review of the loan guarantee program by a former Bush administration official concluded that the risk to taxpayers is far lower than the Department of Energy had planned for. The report echoed a Bloomberg Government analysis which found that 87 percent of the loans are low-risk, and that even if all 10 of the higher risk projects defaulted, DOE would still have nearly half a billion dollars left in the fund set aside by Congress to cover losses.

y contrast, CleanTechnica noted in October that private venture capitalists take far greater risks when investing in clean energy:
With just 1.4% of its Recovery Act clean tech investments in "losers", it looks like the Obama administration is batting a much better average in "picking winners and losers" than the private Venture Capital (VC) market itself.

The US government guarantee of a private loan to Solyndra, at $535 million, represented a minuscule 1.4% of the Department of Energy investment in all renewable technologies. By contrast - VCs (who were out $1 billion to Solyndra, for example) expect much higher failure rates. Richard Stuebi, who advises VCs on expected green energy failure rates, says that just 3 in 10 successes represents a successful VC investment strategy. That is 70% losers - not 1.4%.

Marc Thiessen Distorts Success Rate Of Clean Energy Investments Blog Media Matters for America

A recent article from the National Journal quoted Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz discussing the successes of the loan guarantee program, noting that the overall loan portfolio is performing well and "has been a major success" at advancing technology:

He noted that in the main, the $30 billion loan portfolio--which includes a number of green power-generation projects and loans to automakers for green-car development--is performing well.

"Any rational view of that portfolio is that it has been a major success in doing exactly what it ... is designed to do in terms of first-movers of technologies at commercial scale," Moniz said.

Jonathan Silver, the former executive director of the DOE's loan program, explained the success of the program:

While not every investment will succeed, the portfolio is in good shape. The funds represented by investments that have failed represent less than 3% of the total portfolio. This is a record the private sector would consider remarkable, but is particularly impressive for a portfolio of technologically innovative projects being built at a commercial scale for the first time anywhere.

Fox s Bolling Falsely Claims DOE Loan Guarantee Programs Are A Failure Blog Media Matters for America
List 36 Of Obama s Taxpayer-Funded Green Energy Failures - Fox Nation

A lot more than one percent.

I guess if CBO reports something you like dad it is true, but if it reports something you don't like it is dismissed.

The other criminal act involving Solyndra is that the taxpayers were hosed when the Obama administration allowed the private(Democratic Party) investors to be made whole before the taxpayers got their money. This had previously been illegal.

Did the program that funded the Solyndra loan start under George W. Bush David Plouffe says so PolitiFact

While bush supported green energy subsidies(that ought to get dad's goat) and created the program structure for obamas green stimulus his administration did not approve the Solyndra loan, Obama did.

For good measure here is the lowdown on democratic slimeball terry M. The new governor of Virginia and his green dealings.

Fox News poll Voters want government to leave them alone as midterm elections near Fox News

I Can t Believe Terry McAuliffe Is Going to Be Governor of Virginia Mother Jones

I guess no facts I post will soften your viewpoint dad so I guess we will just have to let the folks decide.


While not every investment will succeed, the portfolio is in good shape. The funds represented by investments that have failed represent less than 3% of the total portfolio. This is a record the private sector would consider remarkable, but is particularly impressive for a portfolio of technologically innovative projects being built at a commercial scale for the first time anywhere.

List 36 Of Obama s Taxpayer-Funded Green Energy Failures - Fox Nation

A lot more than one percent.

I guess if CBO reports something you like dad it is true, but if it reports something you don't like it is dismissed.

The other criminal act involving Solyndra is that the taxpayers were hosed when the Obama administration allowed the private(Democratic Party) investors to be made whole before the taxpayers got their money. This had previously been illegal.

Did the program that funded the Solyndra loan start under George W. Bush David Plouffe says so PolitiFact

While bush supported green energy subsidies(that ought to get dad's goat) and created the program structure for obamas green stimulus his administration did not approve the Solyndra loan, Obama did.

For good measure here is the lowdown on democratic slimeball terry M. The new governor of Virginia and his green dealings.

Fox News poll Voters want government to leave them alone as midterm elections near Fox News

I Can t Believe Terry McAuliffe Is Going to Be Governor of Virginia Mother Jones

I guess no facts I post will soften your viewpoint dad so I guess we will just have to let the folks decide.

It noted Solyndra's project "appears to have merit." But the clock had run out.

That didn't keep Bush from touting the loan guarantee program on his way out of office. On Jan. 6, 2009, in remarks on conservation and the environment from the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, he said, "We dedicated more than $18 billion to developing clean and efficient technologies like biofuels, advanced batteries and hydrogen fuel cells, solar and wind power, and clean, safe nuclear power. We're providing more than $40 billion in loan guarantees to put these technologies to use."

Did the program that funded the Solyndra loan start under George W. Bush David Plouffe says so PolitiFact
List 36 Of Obama s Taxpayer-Funded Green Energy Failures - Fox Nation

A lot more than one percent.

I guess if CBO reports something you like dad it is true, but if it reports something you don't like it is dismissed.

The other criminal act involving Solyndra is that the taxpayers were hosed when the Obama administration allowed the private(Democratic Party) investors to be made whole before the taxpayers got their money. This had previously been illegal.

Did the program that funded the Solyndra loan start under George W. Bush David Plouffe says so PolitiFact

While bush supported green energy subsidies(that ought to get dad's goat) and created the program structure for obamas green stimulus his administration did not approve the Solyndra loan, Obama did.

For good measure here is the lowdown on democratic slimeball terry M. The new governor of Virginia and his green dealings.

Fox News poll Voters want government to leave them alone as midterm elections near Fox News

I Can t Believe Terry McAuliffe Is Going to Be Governor of Virginia Mother Jones

I guess no facts I post will soften your viewpoint dad so I guess we will just have to let the folks decide.

It noted Solyndra's project "appears to have merit." But the clock had run out.

That didn't keep Bush from touting the loan guarantee program on his way out of office. On Jan. 6, 2009, in remarks on conservation and the environment from the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, he said, "We dedicated more than $18 billion to developing clean and efficient technologies like biofuels, advanced batteries and hydrogen fuel cells, solar and wind power, and clean, safe nuclear power. We're providing more than $40 billion in loan guarantees to put these technologies to use."

Did the program that funded the Solyndra loan start under George W. Bush David Plouffe says so PolitiFact

You're just one vast river of already discredited libturd propaganda.
List 36 Of Obama s Taxpayer-Funded Green Energy Failures - Fox Nation

A lot more than one percent.

I guess if CBO reports something you like dad it is true, but if it reports something you don't like it is dismissed.

The other criminal act involving Solyndra is that the taxpayers were hosed when the Obama administration allowed the private(Democratic Party) investors to be made whole before the taxpayers got their money. This had previously been illegal.

Did the program that funded the Solyndra loan start under George W. Bush David Plouffe says so PolitiFact

While bush supported green energy subsidies(that ought to get dad's goat) and created the program structure for obamas green stimulus his administration did not approve the Solyndra loan, Obama did.

For good measure here is the lowdown on democratic slimeball terry M. The new governor of Virginia and his green dealings.

Fox News poll Voters want government to leave them alone as midterm elections near Fox News

I Can t Believe Terry McAuliffe Is Going to Be Governor of Virginia Mother Jones

I guess no facts I post will soften your viewpoint dad so I guess we will just have to let the folks decide.

It noted Solyndra's project "appears to have merit." But the clock had run out.

That didn't keep Bush from touting the loan guarantee program on his way out of office. On Jan. 6, 2009, in remarks on conservation and the environment from the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, he said, "We dedicated more than $18 billion to developing clean and efficient technologies like biofuels, advanced batteries and hydrogen fuel cells, solar and wind power, and clean, safe nuclear power. We're providing more than $40 billion in loan guarantees to put these technologies to use."

Did the program that funded the Solyndra loan start under George W. Bush David Plouffe says so PolitiFact

You're just one vast river of already discredited libturd propaganda.

But but but, you've got nothing to dispute his posts now do ya?

Aren't you the guy who admitted that there is NO information that is contrary to your beliefs that you would consider as fact?

Liberal says to briar patty; the sky's a beautiful blue today. Briar patty; no it fucking is not. It's some other color but it is not blue. I don't know what color it is but it is not blue.

That's what its like trying to communicate with you briar patty.
Jesus dad you are the Isis of liberal commentators. Here's a hint don't quote an article from 2007 to support your views in 2014.

CBO Obama stimulus may have cost as much as 4.1 million a job AEIdeas

There are so many things to point out in the op I don't know where to start.

First almost all the articles quoted by billy are from very left wing sources and all seem to be very dated, like 2011 and such. It is hard to find articles in 2014 about the stimulus. I believe the left is creating websites full of fiction for people like those on USMB and other media outlets to quote. FDL is definitely a left wing source. NPQ was hard to research. It seems to be headed by an uber community organizing woman who believes corp should be handing her money to hand out to her private causes. I could not dredge up her bio but she is certainly not an objective observer.

NPQ claims that the fraud in the program was something like .001 per cent(laughable for any govt program) and that since no charges were brought against Solyndra it was all on the up an up. The reason there will be no investigation of fraud is because Eric Holder is the attorney general and he will not allow any investigation into anything that might reflect poorly on Barack Obama. The congress cannot bring criminal charges against people.

Now let's take the Nancy Pelosi logic of of one dollar unemployment benefits creating a dollar sixty. If this was true we could all stop working and just receive money from the govt . What is never factored in is the debt created by paying these benefits, and the interest on these debts. The deceit is furthered by neglecting to say that if we created jobs people would be getting two grand a month instead of 300 dollars and the economy would be even more healthy. There are less people working today than before Obama came to office, at lesser jobs and less pay. As has been mentioned before this is the worst recovery in post war history.

The stimulus was a grab bag, a democratic wish list, and a slush fund to Democratic supporters like teachers unions. High speed rail boondoggles, solar energy company fronts to wash money for the party. The new governor of Virginia is the poster child of political,operatives who profited from the solar energy scam. Race to the top, internet I rural areas, ain't heard much about that. Oh yeah, even Obama said the shovel ready projects weren't shovel ready.

People like Billy, Dad, and the other rabid partisans all miss the point. They believe that progress is measured by how many govt programs there are and how many new programs are created, they believe progress is measured by how much new control the govt exerts on our lives. Conservatives believe in the opposite and apparently that is what most Americans believe too. A recent poll asked Americans what what were the biggest things they wanted govt to do and 70 per cent said get out of our lives lives and leave us alone. Wake up boys and smell the coffee.

Lastly many economists believed we were in a place where we needed some kind of Keynesian stimulus, yes there was agreement on that. The debate is about how the money could have been used to so much greater benefit than it was. The money was not efficiently utilized and on that there seems to be agreement also.


lol I find it interesting you make accusations about the bias of my sources yet you post a source with blatant conservative bias. I will admit one of my sources had a liberal bias, but all of them cited non partisan data.

What your source and you cant seem to grasp is that no liberal or economist is suggesting that the stimulus package saved the economy. Yes, the overall effect of the stimulus was short lived and miminal in improving the economy. However, that does not mean it didn't do a world of good at the time. The economy lost a staggering 8 million private jobs. The stimulus created 2 million jobs. Those 2 million jobs stopped a terrifying free fall of jobs being lost. If you look at the timeline of events, you will see that shortly after the stimulus passed that massive job loss rate began to level off and the market soon began to CREATE jobs. If you read my article, you will see that economists say its biggest flaw was that it was too small. It had to be bigger.

I find it laughable you do not back up any of the other information you provided. You have no idea what was in the stimulus. The stimulus was largely extending Bush's tax cuts as well as extending unemployment benefits. The extra demand that was created from this in turn created jobs. The facts are all there.

And yes, some of the stimulus money was poorly used. Obama should not have extended Bush's tax cuts. That proved to be a failure the first time.
Jesus dad you are the Isis of liberal commentators. Here's a hint don't quote an article from 2007 to support your views in 2014.

CBO Obama stimulus may have cost as much as 4.1 million a job AEIdeas

There are so many things to point out in the op I don't know where to start.

First almost all the articles quoted by billy are from very left wing sources and all seem to be very dated, like 2011 and such. It is hard to find articles in 2014 about the stimulus. I believe the left is creating websites full of fiction for people like those on USMB and other media outlets to quote. FDL is definitely a left wing source. NPQ was hard to research. It seems to be headed by an uber community organizing woman who believes corp should be handing her money to hand out to her private causes. I could not dredge up her bio but she is certainly not an objective observer.

NPQ claims that the fraud in the program was something like .001 per cent(laughable for any govt program) and that since no charges were brought against Solyndra it was all on the up an up. The reason there will be no investigation of fraud is because Eric Holder is the attorney general and he will not allow any investigation into anything that might reflect poorly on Barack Obama. The congress cannot bring criminal charges against people.

Now let's take the Nancy Pelosi logic of of one dollar unemployment benefits creating a dollar sixty. If this was true we could all stop working and just receive money from the govt . What is never factored in is the debt created by paying these benefits, and the interest on these debts. The deceit is furthered by neglecting to say that if we created jobs people would be getting two grand a month instead of 300 dollars and the economy would be even more healthy. There are less people working today than before Obama came to office, at lesser jobs and less pay. As has been mentioned before this is the worst recovery in post war history.

The stimulus was a grab bag, a democratic wish list, and a slush fund to Democratic supporters like teachers unions. High speed rail boondoggles, solar energy company fronts to wash money for the party. The new governor of Virginia is the poster child of political,operatives who profited from the solar energy scam. Race to the top, internet I rural areas, ain't heard much about that. Oh yeah, even Obama said the shovel ready projects weren't shovel ready.

People like Billy, Dad, and the other rabid partisans all miss the point. They believe that progress is measured by how many govt programs there are and how many new programs are created, they believe progress is measured by how much new control the govt exerts on our lives. Conservatives believe in the opposite and apparently that is what most Americans believe too. A recent poll asked Americans what what were the biggest things they wanted govt to do and 70 per cent said get out of our lives lives and leave us alone. Wake up boys and smell the coffee.

Lastly many economists believed we were in a place where we needed some kind of Keynesian stimulus, yes there was agreement on that. The debate is about how the money could have been used to so much greater benefit than it was. The money was not efficiently utilized and on that there seems to be agreement also.


lol I find it interesting you make accusations about the bias of my sources yet you post a source with blatant conservative bias. I will admit one of my sources had a liberal bias, but all of them cited non partisan data.

What your source and you cant seem to grasp is that no liberal or economist is suggesting that the stimulus package saved the economy. Yes, the overall effect of the stimulus was short lived and miminal in improving the economy. However, that does not mean it didn't do a world of good at the time. The economy lost a staggering 8 million private jobs. The stimulus created 2 million jobs. Those 2 million jobs stopped a terrifying free fall of jobs being lost. If you look at the timeline of events, you will see that shortly after the stimulus passed that massive job loss rate began to level off and the market soon began to CREATE jobs. If you read my article, you will see that economists say its biggest flaw was that it was too small. It had to be bigger.

I find it laughable you do not back up any of the other information you provided. You have no idea what was in the stimulus. The stimulus was largely extending Bush's tax cuts as well as extending unemployment benefits. The extra demand that was created from this in turn created jobs. The facts are all there.

And yes, some of the stimulus money was poorly used. Obama should not have extended Bush's tax cuts. That proved to be a failure the first time.
Billy, dont take this personalluy but you'r a low information shithead. ARRA never extended the Bush tax cuts.
Jesus dad you are the Isis of liberal commentators. Here's a hint don't quote an article from 2007 to support your views in 2014.

CBO Obama stimulus may have cost as much as 4.1 million a job AEIdeas

There are so many things to point out in the op I don't know where to start.

First almost all the articles quoted by billy are from very left wing sources and all seem to be very dated, like 2011 and such. It is hard to find articles in 2014 about the stimulus. I believe the left is creating websites full of fiction for people like those on USMB and other media outlets to quote. FDL is definitely a left wing source. NPQ was hard to research. It seems to be headed by an uber community organizing woman who believes corp should be handing her money to hand out to her private causes. I could not dredge up her bio but she is certainly not an objective observer.

NPQ claims that the fraud in the program was something like .001 per cent(laughable for any govt program) and that since no charges were brought against Solyndra it was all on the up an up. The reason there will be no investigation of fraud is because Eric Holder is the attorney general and he will not allow any investigation into anything that might reflect poorly on Barack Obama. The congress cannot bring criminal charges against people.

Now let's take the Nancy Pelosi logic of of one dollar unemployment benefits creating a dollar sixty. If this was true we could all stop working and just receive money from the govt . What is never factored in is the debt created by paying these benefits, and the interest on these debts. The deceit is furthered by neglecting to say that if we created jobs people would be getting two grand a month instead of 300 dollars and the economy would be even more healthy. There are less people working today than before Obama came to office, at lesser jobs and less pay. As has been mentioned before this is the worst recovery in post war history.

The stimulus was a grab bag, a democratic wish list, and a slush fund to Democratic supporters like teachers unions. High speed rail boondoggles, solar energy company fronts to wash money for the party. The new governor of Virginia is the poster child of political,operatives who profited from the solar energy scam. Race to the top, internet I rural areas, ain't heard much about that. Oh yeah, even Obama said the shovel ready projects weren't shovel ready.

People like Billy, Dad, and the other rabid partisans all miss the point. They believe that progress is measured by how many govt programs there are and how many new programs are created, they believe progress is measured by how much new control the govt exerts on our lives. Conservatives believe in the opposite and apparently that is what most Americans believe too. A recent poll asked Americans what what were the biggest things they wanted govt to do and 70 per cent said get out of our lives lives and leave us alone. Wake up boys and smell the coffee.

Lastly many economists believed we were in a place where we needed some kind of Keynesian stimulus, yes there was agreement on that. The debate is about how the money could have been used to so much greater benefit than it was. The money was not efficiently utilized and on that there seems to be agreement also.


lol I find it interesting you make accusations about the bias of my sources yet you post a source with blatant conservative bias. I will admit one of my sources had a liberal bias, but all of them cited non partisan data.

What your source and you cant seem to grasp is that no liberal or economist is suggesting that the stimulus package saved the economy. Yes, the overall effect of the stimulus was short lived and miminal in improving the economy. However, that does not mean it didn't do a world of good at the time. The economy lost a staggering 8 million private jobs. The stimulus created 2 million jobs. Those 2 million jobs stopped a terrifying free fall of jobs being lost. If you look at the timeline of events, you will see that shortly after the stimulus passed that massive job loss rate began to level off and the market soon began to CREATE jobs. If you read my article, you will see that economists say its biggest flaw was that it was too small. It had to be bigger.

I find it laughable you do not back up any of the other information you provided. You have no idea what was in the stimulus. The stimulus was largely extending Bush's tax cuts as well as extending unemployment benefits. The extra demand that was created from this in turn created jobs. The facts are all there.

And yes, some of the stimulus money was poorly used. Obama should not have extended Bush's tax cuts. That proved to be a failure the first time.
Billy, dont take this personalluy but you'r a low information shithead. ARRA never extended the Bush tax cuts.

Yes he did. However he made a bigger tax cut for the middle class.
Jesus dad you are the Isis of liberal commentators. Here's a hint don't quote an article from 2007 to support your views in 2014.

CBO Obama stimulus may have cost as much as 4.1 million a job AEIdeas

There are so many things to point out in the op I don't know where to start.

First almost all the articles quoted by billy are from very left wing sources and all seem to be very dated, like 2011 and such. It is hard to find articles in 2014 about the stimulus. I believe the left is creating websites full of fiction for people like those on USMB and other media outlets to quote. FDL is definitely a left wing source. NPQ was hard to research. It seems to be headed by an uber community organizing woman who believes corp should be handing her money to hand out to her private causes. I could not dredge up her bio but she is certainly not an objective observer.

NPQ claims that the fraud in the program was something like .001 per cent(laughable for any govt program) and that since no charges were brought against Solyndra it was all on the up an up. The reason there will be no investigation of fraud is because Eric Holder is the attorney general and he will not allow any investigation into anything that might reflect poorly on Barack Obama. The congress cannot bring criminal charges against people.

Now let's take the Nancy Pelosi logic of of one dollar unemployment benefits creating a dollar sixty. If this was true we could all stop working and just receive money from the govt . What is never factored in is the debt created by paying these benefits, and the interest on these debts. The deceit is furthered by neglecting to say that if we created jobs people would be getting two grand a month instead of 300 dollars and the economy would be even more healthy. There are less people working today than before Obama came to office, at lesser jobs and less pay. As has been mentioned before this is the worst recovery in post war history.

The stimulus was a grab bag, a democratic wish list, and a slush fund to Democratic supporters like teachers unions. High speed rail boondoggles, solar energy company fronts to wash money for the party. The new governor of Virginia is the poster child of political,operatives who profited from the solar energy scam. Race to the top, internet I rural areas, ain't heard much about that. Oh yeah, even Obama said the shovel ready projects weren't shovel ready.

People like Billy, Dad, and the other rabid partisans all miss the point. They believe that progress is measured by how many govt programs there are and how many new programs are created, they believe progress is measured by how much new control the govt exerts on our lives. Conservatives believe in the opposite and apparently that is what most Americans believe too. A recent poll asked Americans what what were the biggest things they wanted govt to do and 70 per cent said get out of our lives lives and leave us alone. Wake up boys and smell the coffee.

Lastly many economists believed we were in a place where we needed some kind of Keynesian stimulus, yes there was agreement on that. The debate is about how the money could have been used to so much greater benefit than it was. The money was not efficiently utilized and on that there seems to be agreement also.


lol I find it interesting you make accusations about the bias of my sources yet you post a source with blatant conservative bias. I will admit one of my sources had a liberal bias, but all of them cited non partisan data.

What your source and you cant seem to grasp is that no liberal or economist is suggesting that the stimulus package saved the economy. Yes, the overall effect of the stimulus was short lived and miminal in improving the economy. However, that does not mean it didn't do a world of good at the time. The economy lost a staggering 8 million private jobs. The stimulus created 2 million jobs. Those 2 million jobs stopped a terrifying free fall of jobs being lost. If you look at the timeline of events, you will see that shortly after the stimulus passed that massive job loss rate began to level off and the market soon began to CREATE jobs. If you read my article, you will see that economists say its biggest flaw was that it was too small. It had to be bigger.

I find it laughable you do not back up any of the other information you provided. You have no idea what was in the stimulus. The stimulus was largely extending Bush's tax cuts as well as extending unemployment benefits. The extra demand that was created from this in turn created jobs. The facts are all there.

And yes, some of the stimulus money was poorly used. Obama should not have extended Bush's tax cuts. That proved to be a failure the first time.
Billy, dont take this personalluy but you'r a low information shithead. ARRA never extended the Bush tax cuts.

Yes he did. However he made a bigger tax cut for the middle class.

Obama cut middle class taxes more than Bush?
Can you prove it?
Jesus dad you are the Isis of liberal commentators. Here's a hint don't quote an article from 2007 to support your views in 2014.

CBO Obama stimulus may have cost as much as 4.1 million a job AEIdeas

There are so many things to point out in the op I don't know where to start.

First almost all the articles quoted by billy are from very left wing sources and all seem to be very dated, like 2011 and such. It is hard to find articles in 2014 about the stimulus. I believe the left is creating websites full of fiction for people like those on USMB and other media outlets to quote. FDL is definitely a left wing source. NPQ was hard to research. It seems to be headed by an uber community organizing woman who believes corp should be handing her money to hand out to her private causes. I could not dredge up her bio but she is certainly not an objective observer.

NPQ claims that the fraud in the program was something like .001 per cent(laughable for any govt program) and that since no charges were brought against Solyndra it was all on the up an up. The reason there will be no investigation of fraud is because Eric Holder is the attorney general and he will not allow any investigation into anything that might reflect poorly on Barack Obama. The congress cannot bring criminal charges against people.

Now let's take the Nancy Pelosi logic of of one dollar unemployment benefits creating a dollar sixty. If this was true we could all stop working and just receive money from the govt . What is never factored in is the debt created by paying these benefits, and the interest on these debts. The deceit is furthered by neglecting to say that if we created jobs people would be getting two grand a month instead of 300 dollars and the economy would be even more healthy. There are less people working today than before Obama came to office, at lesser jobs and less pay. As has been mentioned before this is the worst recovery in post war history.

The stimulus was a grab bag, a democratic wish list, and a slush fund to Democratic supporters like teachers unions. High speed rail boondoggles, solar energy company fronts to wash money for the party. The new governor of Virginia is the poster child of political,operatives who profited from the solar energy scam. Race to the top, internet I rural areas, ain't heard much about that. Oh yeah, even Obama said the shovel ready projects weren't shovel ready.

People like Billy, Dad, and the other rabid partisans all miss the point. They believe that progress is measured by how many govt programs there are and how many new programs are created, they believe progress is measured by how much new control the govt exerts on our lives. Conservatives believe in the opposite and apparently that is what most Americans believe too. A recent poll asked Americans what what were the biggest things they wanted govt to do and 70 per cent said get out of our lives lives and leave us alone. Wake up boys and smell the coffee.

Lastly many economists believed we were in a place where we needed some kind of Keynesian stimulus, yes there was agreement on that. The debate is about how the money could have been used to so much greater benefit than it was. The money was not efficiently utilized and on that there seems to be agreement also.


lol I find it interesting you make accusations about the bias of my sources yet you post a source with blatant conservative bias. I will admit one of my sources had a liberal bias, but all of them cited non partisan data.

What your source and you cant seem to grasp is that no liberal or economist is suggesting that the stimulus package saved the economy. Yes, the overall effect of the stimulus was short lived and miminal in improving the economy. However, that does not mean it didn't do a world of good at the time. The economy lost a staggering 8 million private jobs. The stimulus created 2 million jobs. Those 2 million jobs stopped a terrifying free fall of jobs being lost. If you look at the timeline of events, you will see that shortly after the stimulus passed that massive job loss rate began to level off and the market soon began to CREATE jobs. If you read my article, you will see that economists say its biggest flaw was that it was too small. It had to be bigger.

I find it laughable you do not back up any of the other information you provided. You have no idea what was in the stimulus. The stimulus was largely extending Bush's tax cuts as well as extending unemployment benefits. The extra demand that was created from this in turn created jobs. The facts are all there.

And yes, some of the stimulus money was poorly used. Obama should not have extended Bush's tax cuts. That proved to be a failure the first time.
Billy, dont take this personalluy but you'r a low information shithead. ARRA never extended the Bush tax cuts.

Yes he did. However he made a bigger tax cut for the middle class.
See, Billy here's the problem: You're dumb as shit so two different things look the same to you. ARRA did not extend the Bush tax cuts. ARRA threw on some targeted tax cuts to induce people to buy houses and cars and shit. They were grossly ineffective, as targeted tax cuts always are. That's partly why the stimulus failed by the very standards the administratin set.

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