If President Biden Is Removed From Office For Dementia/Mental Incompetence, Will His EOs Be Voided?

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Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
If Dementia-Ravaged Joe Biden is removed from office through the 25th Amendment due to mental incompetence rendering him incapable of continuing to serve as President, every single Executive Order he has signed should be immediately voided.

The fact that Joe Biden has severe and progressing dementia, that he has suffered from it since before the election, is the worst kept secret on the planet.

If he is declared mentally unfit by the US govt / his own administration there would be no greater admission / evidence that Joe Biden is and has been mentally incapable of running the country...from Day 1...to include too mentally incompetent to sign / impose the EOs he has so far.

Every day the evidence of his mental incompetence is reported...and keeps piling up.

His removal from office is only a matter of time. Until then, the extremists controlling, handling him will continue to use him as long as they can...

...but the moment they admit he is mentally unfit to be President they will have admitted every decision he has made, every EO he has signed, was made by a mentally incompetent, dementia-ravaged old man that should be immediately voided.
The republicans could certainly use them as a talking point
That only a person of diminished skills could think up such screwed up ideas.
I'm thinking Kamala Harris would be President, and she would carrying on with his EO...which means, they will stick.
Biden's EOs - not Harris' - would / could be voided due to his mental incompetence. If she wanted them back she would have to have them created again for her to sign.
If they claim mental incompetence, there is reason to believe those EO’s could be considered null and void. Mentally incompetent people can’t sign legal documents without some other person there for legal reasons.
His removal from office is only a matter of time. Until then, the extremists controlling, handling him will continue to use him as long as they can...

That was the plan all along. I do not think that anyone seriously believes that Joe Biden will last out the full four-year-term. He is, and always was, just a stepping-stone to get the corrupt whore Kamala Harris into the Presidency, after she failed so spectacularly to win the nomination directly.
Only 2% of DEMOCRATS wanted Harris as President during the Democrat primaries...and after the decision was made to put Biden in office, dementia-ravaged Biden was played, manipulated, and Harris was 'assigned to / forced on Joe.

This was the Socialist Extremists' plan to take the WH and affect the socialist transition of the US through EOs placed in front of Biden, who has no clue where he is or what's going on half the time, to sign.
If Dementia-Ravaged Joe Biden

Do you Trump cult mega-losers understand how dementia-addled you all sound now? Probably not, which is why it falls to me to tell you. You're whack. You don't understand that, because you stay hidden in a SafeSpace full of other crazy people.
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