If Obamacare is so great why are there no insurers backing it and

Tell ya what. Find a single republican Senator, or even Rep., who supports single payer. Then you have a little credibility that the republican party will not fight against single payer until their last breath. The only way we will ever get rid of ACA and replace it with single payer, which is the only thing that will work in the long haul, is to once again have a democratic controlled house, senate and presidency. Having said that, you must exclude Trump, who specifically said before he was elected that he supports universal coverage. Now, of course, he does not.

What? You are confused on a couple of issues. I'm not claiming the Republicans won't fight single payer. I'll fight it too. I think it's a bad idea. Single Payer is better than ACA - at least it's honest socialism - but it's still antithetical to freedom. I'll also point out, again, that Democrats don't have consensus on single payer, even in their own party - so that's going nowhere. Marxist pipe dreams aside, ACA is the insurance industry's "last stand" against single payer. It's designed to forestall it as long as possible by co-opting the regulatory state to force everyone to play along. It's the ugliest sort of corporatist government.

OK. Sounds like you would prefer that I resurrect my career, and start declining health insurance applications again. I can live with that, if that is what America wants. I made a fairly decent living off of condemning people to die for lack of insurance to pay for critical operations.
Medicare/Medicaid denies claims everyday for what they deem lack of medical necessity. There are also a ton of things they won't cover at all.

Hell...even if they do cover items it's at a minimum reinbursment. The patient is still on the hook for the remaining balance.
Tell ya what. Find a single republican Senator, or even Rep., who supports single payer. Then you have a little credibility that the republican party will not fight against single payer until their last breath. The only way we will ever get rid of ACA and replace it with single payer, which is the only thing that will work in the long haul, is to once again have a democratic controlled house, senate and presidency. Having said that, you must exclude Trump, who specifically said before he was elected that he supports universal coverage. Now, of course, he does not.

What? You are confused on a couple of issues. I'm not claiming the Republicans won't fight single payer. I'll fight it too. I think it's a bad idea. Single Payer is better than ACA - at least it's honest socialism - but it's still antithetical to freedom. I'll also point out, again, that Democrats don't have consensus on single payer, even in their own party - so that's going nowhere. Marxist pipe dreams aside, ACA is the insurance industry's "last stand" against single payer. It's designed to forestall it as long as possible by co-opting the regulatory state to force everyone to play along. It's the ugliest sort of corporatist government.

OK. Sounds like you would prefer that I resurrect my career, and start declining health insurance applications again. I can live with that, if that is what America wants. I made a fairly decent living off of condemning people to die for lack of insurance to pay for critical operations.
Medicare/Medicaid denies claims everyday for what they deem lack of medical necessity. There are also a ton of things they won't cover at all.

Hell...even if they do cover items it's at a minimum reinbursment. The patient is still on the hook for the remaining balance.

it's different when government does it.
how does Obamacare work without insurers

When you figure this out, let Obama know because he has no idea

How is it possible that RWNJs still don't understand how ObamaCares works and how their own health is forfeit by the Rs they vote for?

And why can't they find the ObamaCares forum?


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simple, because it doesn't work. insurers are leaving the markets in many states, premiums and deductibles are skyrocketing, people are without any coverage for the first 20K or so of medical costs, the Medicaid rolls have drastically increased, young people are paying the fines rather than buy a very expensive policy that they don't want or need.

Socialized medicine always fails, always has, always will. The free market is the only system that works.
Actually you can lie and say you have insurance on your tax form, pay no fine, and nobody will check.
Ah the liberal way...tell people to lie to the IRS.

You must be a government social worker.
how does Obamacare work without insurers

When you figure this out, let Obama know because he has no idea
Before Obamacare, there weren't insurers in counties where few people lived. Duh! Do you guys practice stupid?
No major piece of legislation has ever been perfect the first time. They ALWAYS take tweaks to get them right. Duh! How can you not know that?
It was because of Obamacare that millions had healthcare for the first fucking time. Duh!
If you guys really care, then do something to get insurers into rural areas. Duh!

The right wingers. Determined to be the most ignorant people in the world.

you said:

"It was because of Obamacare that millions had healthcare for the first fucking time."

that statement alone shows the magnitude of your ignorance. before ACA no one in the USA was denied medical care. NO ONE, even those here illegally. Those of us who paid covered the cost of those who could not or would not pay.

having insurance that has a monthly premium of $1000 and a deductible of $5000 means that you pay $17000 out of pocket before the insurance company pays anything. Do you somehow think that is better than what we had before?

the entire left wing argument on this is based on lies.

Before ACA, if you got a diagnosis of cancer, and you had no insurance, you probably died. ER rooms were only obligated to stabilize you, not cure you. Doctors have never been big on operating for free.

But now, with ACA, no one will ever die.
Obamacare is dead, it failed. Hopefully the GOP will come up with something better. It would be nice if the dems helped, but they wont because its all about party and they don't give a shit about the American people.
Obamacare is still alive, but failing. The GOP Senators who will not pass a replacement are going to help Obamacare kill the Democratic party

Interesting twist, Bass. I suspect that you have a diploma from Trump U!
Nope, I have no degrees at all, but I have got bushels of apples.................

Next idiot

Trump has intentionally failed to get any legislation passed by congress in 6 months. It is all part of his master plan to show America that the democratic party obstructs everything he does, so that it will kill the democratic party!!!!!!!!

the dem party is killing itself. With spokespersons like Maxine Waters, Al Franken, Pelosi, and fauxahontas, its amazing that there is anything left of it.

Say, since I left New Orleans, I haven't heard much from you most visible republican down there. how's David Duke doing?
how does Obamacare work without insurers

When you figure this out, let Obama know because he has no idea
Before Obamacare, there weren't insurers in counties where few people lived. Duh! Do you guys practice stupid?
No major piece of legislation has ever been perfect the first time. They ALWAYS take tweaks to get them right. Duh! How can you not know that?
It was because of Obamacare that millions had healthcare for the first fucking time. Duh!
If you guys really care, then do something to get insurers into rural areas. Duh!

The right wingers. Determined to be the most ignorant people in the world.

you said:

"It was because of Obamacare that millions had healthcare for the first fucking time."

that statement alone shows the magnitude of your ignorance. before ACA no one in the USA was denied medical care. NO ONE, even those here illegally. Those of us who paid covered the cost of those who could not or would not pay.

having insurance that has a monthly premium of $1000 and a deductible of $5000 means that you pay $17000 out of pocket before the insurance company pays anything. Do you somehow think that is better than what we had before?

the entire left wing argument on this is based on lies.

Before ACA, if you got a diagnosis of cancer, and you had no insurance, you probably died. ER rooms were only obligated to stabilize you, not cure you. Doctors have never been big on operating for free.

that is simply not true. The great cancer treatment centers in this country like MD Anderson, Mayo clinic, Ochsner, Cleveland Clinic, St Judes, etc have always provide treatment to those who were uninsured or could not pay.

the "people died waiting for treatment" lie is left wing propaganda to promote socialized medicine which kills millions in the countries where it is the only system available.
Obamacare is still alive, but failing. The GOP Senators who will not pass a replacement are going to help Obamacare kill the Democratic party

Interesting twist, Bass. I suspect that you have a diploma from Trump U!
Nope, I have no degrees at all, but I have got bushels of apples.................

Next idiot

Trump has intentionally failed to get any legislation passed by congress in 6 months. It is all part of his master plan to show America that the democratic party obstructs everything he does, so that it will kill the democratic party!!!!!!!!

the dem party is killing itself. With spokespersons like Maxine Waters, Al Franken, Pelosi, and fauxahontas, its amazing that there is anything left of it.

Say, since I left New Orleans, I haven't heard much from you most visible republican down there. how's David Duke doing?

don't know, don't care.
Tell ya what. Find a single republican Senator, or even Rep., who supports single payer. Then you have a little credibility that the republican party will not fight against single payer until their last breath. The only way we will ever get rid of ACA and replace it with single payer, which is the only thing that will work in the long haul, is to once again have a democratic controlled house, senate and presidency. Having said that, you must exclude Trump, who specifically said before he was elected that he supports universal coverage. Now, of course, he does not.

What? You are confused on a couple of issues. I'm not claiming the Republicans won't fight single payer. I'll fight it too. I think it's a bad idea. Single Payer is better than ACA - at least it's honest socialism - but it's still antithetical to freedom. I'll also point out, again, that Democrats don't have consensus on single payer, even in their own party - so that's going nowhere. Marxist pipe dreams aside, ACA is the insurance industry's "last stand" against single payer. It's designed to forestall it as long as possible by co-opting the regulatory state to force everyone to play along. It's the ugliest sort of corporatist government.

OK. Sounds like you would prefer that I resurrect my career, and start declining health insurance applications again. I can live with that, if that is what America wants. I made a fairly decent living off of condemning people to die for lack of insurance to pay for critical operations.
Medicare/Medicaid denies claims everyday for what they deem lack of medical necessity. There are also a ton of things they won't cover at all.

Hell...even if they do cover items it's at a minimum reinbursment. The patient is still on the hook for the remaining balance.

...and so does private insurance. In fact, it was the reason that when I had my cataracts removed, Caremore would not pay to put in corrective lens implants.
how does Obamacare work without insurers

When you figure this out, let Obama know because he has no idea
Before Obamacare, there weren't insurers in counties where few people lived. Duh! Do you guys practice stupid?
No major piece of legislation has ever been perfect the first time. They ALWAYS take tweaks to get them right. Duh! How can you not know that?
It was because of Obamacare that millions had healthcare for the first fucking time. Duh!
If you guys really care, then do something to get insurers into rural areas. Duh!

The right wingers. Determined to be the most ignorant people in the world.

you said:

"It was because of Obamacare that millions had healthcare for the first fucking time."

that statement alone shows the magnitude of your ignorance. before ACA no one in the USA was denied medical care. NO ONE, even those here illegally. Those of us who paid covered the cost of those who could not or would not pay.

having insurance that has a monthly premium of $1000 and a deductible of $5000 means that you pay $17000 out of pocket before the insurance company pays anything. Do you somehow think that is better than what we had before?

the entire left wing argument on this is based on lies.

Before ACA, if you got a diagnosis of cancer, and you had no insurance, you probably died. ER rooms were only obligated to stabilize you, not cure you. Doctors have never been big on operating for free.

that is simply not true. The great cancer treatment centers in this country like MD Anderson, Mayo clinic, Ochsner, Cleveland Clinic, St Judes, etc have always provide treatment to those who were uninsured or could not pay.

the "people died waiting for treatment" lie is left wing propaganda to promote socialized medicine which kills millions in the countries where it is the only system available.

Red, you should write an encyclopedia on misinformation. My daughter is a nurse at Mayo Clinic hospital, and they routinely discharge no paying patients rather than cure them. I have been a health insurance executive for 50 years, and I also worked for Charity hospital before Katrina. You had no insurance, they had some other options. You did not qualify for other options? Make your final arrangements and get out of the bed. We need it for another patient.
Tell ya what. Find a single republican Senator, or even Rep., who supports single payer. Then you have a little credibility that the republican party will not fight against single payer until their last breath. The only way we will ever get rid of ACA and replace it with single payer, which is the only thing that will work in the long haul, is to once again have a democratic controlled house, senate and presidency. Having said that, you must exclude Trump, who specifically said before he was elected that he supports universal coverage. Now, of course, he does not.

What? You are confused on a couple of issues. I'm not claiming the Republicans won't fight single payer. I'll fight it too. I think it's a bad idea. Single Payer is better than ACA - at least it's honest socialism - but it's still antithetical to freedom. I'll also point out, again, that Democrats don't have consensus on single payer, even in their own party - so that's going nowhere. Marxist pipe dreams aside, ACA is the insurance industry's "last stand" against single payer. It's designed to forestall it as long as possible by co-opting the regulatory state to force everyone to play along. It's the ugliest sort of corporatist government.

OK. Sounds like you would prefer that I resurrect my career, and start declining health insurance applications again. I can live with that, if that is what America wants. I made a fairly decent living off of condemning people to die for lack of insurance to pay for critical operations.
Medicare/Medicaid denies claims everyday for what they deem lack of medical necessity. There are also a ton of things they won't cover at all.

Hell...even if they do cover items it's at a minimum reinbursment. The patient is still on the hook for the remaining balance.

...and so does private insurance. In fact, it was the reason that when I had my cataracts removed, Caremore would not pay to put in corrective lens implants.

But you can fire a private insurance company. With government, you have to take whatever they dish out.
I live in a age restricted community. You can't buy a house here unless you are at least 55 years old. Consequently, I see a lot of people growing old and infirm. About half of them eventually move into an assisted living facility, which they used to call nursing homes. About 2/3 of them rely on Medicaid for that, because Medicare does not pay for nursing homes. Trump is trying to do away with Medicaid, which means elderly infirm, like my cousin who is bedridden for life, is SOL.
Tell ya what. Find a single republican Senator, or even Rep., who supports single payer. Then you have a little credibility that the republican party will not fight against single payer until their last breath. The only way we will ever get rid of ACA and replace it with single payer, which is the only thing that will work in the long haul, is to once again have a democratic controlled house, senate and presidency. Having said that, you must exclude Trump, who specifically said before he was elected that he supports universal coverage. Now, of course, he does not.

What? You are confused on a couple of issues. I'm not claiming the Republicans won't fight single payer. I'll fight it too. I think it's a bad idea. Single Payer is better than ACA - at least it's honest socialism - but it's still antithetical to freedom. I'll also point out, again, that Democrats don't have consensus on single payer, even in their own party - so that's going nowhere. Marxist pipe dreams aside, ACA is the insurance industry's "last stand" against single payer. It's designed to forestall it as long as possible by co-opting the regulatory state to force everyone to play along. It's the ugliest sort of corporatist government.

OK. Sounds like you would prefer that I resurrect my career, and start declining health insurance applications again. I can live with that, if that is what America wants. I made a fairly decent living off of condemning people to die for lack of insurance to pay for critical operations.
Medicare/Medicaid denies claims everyday for what they deem lack of medical necessity. There are also a ton of things they won't cover at all.

Hell...even if they do cover items it's at a minimum reinbursment. The patient is still on the hook for the remaining balance.

...and so does private insurance. In fact, it was the reason that when I had my cataracts removed, Caremore would not pay to put in corrective lens implants.

But you can fire a private insurance company. With government, you have to take whatever they dish out.
I am with Caremore Advantage health plan. I can switch to United Health or Humana Health Advantage plan any time I want to. If I don't like them,, I can just get my Medicare from the government, instead.
I am with Caremore Advantage health plan. I can switch to United Health or Humana Health Advantage plan any time I want to. If I don't like them,, I can just get my Medicare from the government, instead.

Jukin' and jivin'

If we go single payer, everyone will pay "premiums" (taxes) for government health insurance. Not one private insurance company can force you to buy their product. How do you blind yourself to that difference?
I am with Caremore Advantage health plan. I can switch to United Health or Humana Health Advantage plan any time I want to. If I don't like them,, I can just get my Medicare from the government, instead.

Jukin' and jivin'

If we go single payer, everyone will pay "premiums" (taxes) for government health insurance. Not one private insurance company can force you to buy their product. How do you blind yourself to that difference?

I have paid Medicare taxes all my life, and as I said, in my zip code I have a choice of three insurance companies, or the government for my Medicare.
I am with Caremore Advantage health plan. I can switch to United Health or Humana Health Advantage plan any time I want to. If I don't like them,, I can just get my Medicare from the government, instead.

Jukin' and jivin'

If we go single payer, everyone will pay "premiums" (taxes) for government health insurance. Not one private insurance company can force you to buy their product. How do you blind yourself to that difference?

I have paid Medicare taxes all my life, and as I said, in my zip code I have a choice of three insurance companies, or the government for my Medicare.

What does that have to do with my question?
I am with Caremore Advantage health plan. I can switch to United Health or Humana Health Advantage plan any time I want to. If I don't like them,, I can just get my Medicare from the government, instead.

Jukin' and jivin'

If we go single payer, everyone will pay "premiums" (taxes) for government health insurance. Not one private insurance company can force you to buy their product. How do you blind yourself to that difference?

I have paid Medicare taxes all my life, and as I said, in my zip code I have a choice of three insurance companies, or the government for my Medicare.

What does that have to do with my question?

Frankly, I don't understand what your question is.
I am with Caremore Advantage health plan. I can switch to United Health or Humana Health Advantage plan any time I want to. If I don't like them,, I can just get my Medicare from the government, instead.

Jukin' and jivin'

If we go single payer, everyone will pay "premiums" (taxes) for government health insurance. Not one private insurance company can force you to buy their product. How do you blind yourself to that difference?

I have paid Medicare taxes all my life, and as I said, in my zip code I have a choice of three insurance companies, or the government for my Medicare.

What does that have to do with my question?

Frankly, I don't understand what your question is.

Do you understand the difference between a private business and government? Namely that government coerces compliance - whereas dealing with a private company is voluntary.

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