If Obama won't prosecute CIA torture, can the ICC?

Obama protects the Bush mobsters.

You have to understand that if Obama takes action against those who "tortured" he and his administration are in for a whole lotta hurt for assassinating suspected terrorists and their innocent families with his drone program.

Over 2,500 innocents that we know of. Obama has taken "war criminal" to a whole new level.
They have no authority over the US. And any attempt by a State to detain or hold Americans to try in that Court would be an act of war.

Any attempt to try an American citizen in an international kangaroo court should be stopped by any means necessary up to and including the use of nuclear weapons.
Ohhh please don't be so rude. It's so american to disrepect foreign culture, language, policy, ambitions, rights and laws. Only americans are always right. Lyndon Johnoson was right, Bush was right, Obamba is right. Let's be proud to be American! Bomb everybody!
Obama is getting my animus every day, I hate this guy. He never should have let this CIA interrogation stuff come out, and then he goes and does something like normalize relations with Cuba. HE (Obama) does NOT understand the country he is president of...He wants to legalize illegal aliens (immigration reform), this boy is out of touch, on top of it. I lost my job because of the health care debacle, it hurt good productive people more than it helped....Obama is the worst thing that happened to this country in my lifetime, period. He is a jerk. I wish him the worst. Because he's done that much harm.
Obama is getting my animus every day, I hate this guy. He never should have let this CIA interrogation stuff come out, and then he goes and does something like normalize relations with Cuba. HE (Obama) does NOT understand the country he is president of...He wants to legalize illegal aliens (immigration reform), this boy is out of touch, on top of it. I lost my job because of the health care debacle, it hurt good productive people more than it helped....Obama is the worst thing that happened to this country in my lifetime, period. He is a jerk. I wish him the worst. Because he's done that much harm.
Wow! Yeh buddy I can understand you. I believe that the majority of american population supports you. But what can we change? Nothing! Revolution is impossible in the US because there are too many militarised cops.

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