If Obama was president when this torture took place, Fox and repubs would be singing a diff tune

Fox News and the rightwing are such douche bags. Because Bush was president during this time, they are shamelessly defending it because they suck the republican dick. It's so pathetic. Why do they have to make this so partisan?

The UN is outraged by this report for a reason.

  1. If Obama was president when this torture took place, Fox and repubs would be singing a diff tune
so would you and your good buddy Dean......
Fox News and the rightwing are such douche bags. Because Bush was president during this time, they are shamelessly defending it because they suck the republican dick. It's so pathetic. Why do they have to make this so partisan?

The UN is outraged by this report for a reason.
Yeah...Fox News righties, evangelicals, and Tea Partiers all say they hate Obama. When asked why...they'll say they just do.

Well count me as one of the ".Fox News righties, evangelicals, and Tea Partiers" that doesn't hate anyone, much less Hussein!
Hate is such a stupid word and emotion that I don't have any time for people that HATE...which by the way the ".Fox News righties, evangelicals, and Tea Partiers" don't do!
WE ..".Fox News righties, evangelicals, and Tea Partiers" don't like what Hussein is doing to our country. We find it distressing to know that
when Hussein was a senator he accused our troops of "air-raiding villages and killing civilians" and now Hussein has ordered 2,400 civilians death by drones!
We ".Fox News righties, evangelicals, and Tea Partiers" find it so damaging for a President who wants to destroy 1,300 companies. Bankrupt utilities,
wants higher gas prices and utility rates to "skyrocket"... all efforts that are destructive..not constructive.
We ".Fox News righties, evangelicals, and Tea Partiers" don't hate Hussein as much as we truly feel sorry for his HATRED of the USA. Remember
Hussein told his he pledged to "lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year….. We’ll do it by the end of my first term as President of the United States. If you like your health care plan, you can keep it. If you like the doctor you have, you can keep your doctor, too."
And none of that has happened...as he has fooled you so much so his paid advisor Gruber identifies people like you that voted for Hussein as having the "stupidity of American voters"...so that is very sad. Not hatred.
Hatred of Hussein? NO... Love of America which Hussein obviously doesn't YES we love the USA and really are saddened to see someone like Hussein has benefited so much from USA's largesse and yet Hussein wants obviously to destroy it. Remember Hussein's wife told us that ..:Hussein wants to
"We are going to have to change our conversation; we're going to have to change our traditions, our history; we're going to have to move into a different place as a nation."
Michelle Obama,
May 14, 2008.
All from Hussein who piously asks all of us to be our "brother's keeper"... while his own brother lives in this $12/year hut... pious..hypocrite..
Fox News and the rightwing are such douche bags. Because Bush was president during this time, they are shamelessly defending it because they suck the republican dick. It's so pathetic. Why do they have to make this so partisan?

The UN is outraged by this report for a reason.
Yeah...Fox News righties, evangelicals, and Tea Partiers all say they hate Obama. When asked why...they'll say they just do.

Well count me as one of the ".Fox News righties, evangelicals, and Tea Partiers" that doesn't hate anyone, much less Hussein!
Hate is such a stupid word and emotion that I don't have any time for people that HATE...which by the way the ".Fox News righties, evangelicals, and Tea Partiers" don't do!
WE ..".Fox News righties, evangelicals, and Tea Partiers" don't like what Hussein is doing to our country. We find it distressing to know that
when Hussein was a senator he accused our troops of "air-raiding villages and killing civilians" and now Hussein has ordered 2,400 civilians death by drones!
We ".Fox News righties, evangelicals, and Tea Partiers" find it so damaging for a President who wants to destroy 1,300 companies. Bankrupt utilities,
wants higher gas prices and utility rates to "skyrocket"... all efforts that are destructive..not constructive.
We ".Fox News righties, evangelicals, and Tea Partiers" don't hate Hussein as much as we truly feel sorry for his HATRED of the USA. Remember
Hussein told his he pledged to "lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year….. We’ll do it by the end of my first term as President of the United States. If you like your health care plan, you can keep it. If you like the doctor you have, you can keep your doctor, too."
And none of that has happened...as he has fooled you so much so his paid advisor Gruber identifies people like you that voted for Hussein as having the "stupidity of American voters"...so that is very sad. Not hatred.
Hatred of Hussein? NO... Love of America which Hussein obviously doesn't YES we love the USA and really are saddened to see someone like Hussein has benefited so much from USA's largesse and yet Hussein wants obviously to destroy it. Remember Hussein's wife told us that ..:Hussein wants to
"We are going to have to change our conversation; we're going to have to change our traditions, our history; we're going to have to move into a different place as a nation."
Michelle Obama,
May 14, 2008.
All from Hussein who piously asks all of us to be our "brother's keeper"... while his own brother lives in this $12/year hut... pious..hypocrite..
View attachment 34881
I stand corrected, in your case
If Obama was president when this torture took place, Fox and repubs would be singing a diff tune

It's inevitable.

When the liberals get caught lying, and their lies get refuted, they always fall back onto announcing that if circumstances were different the Republicans WOULD do different things, and those things would be "bad".

No proof needed, nor even evidence. Just the accusation by a disgruntled liberal, and poof, the Republicans are guilty of something that's never even happened. It's the perfect liberal-fanatic CYA dodge.


You people really need some new material. This is SO old and tired.
Obama's drone program has killed hundreds of innocents, including children. But thats just fine with you libtards. But squirting water up the nose of a known murdering terrorist, well, that just terrible.

you libs are such butt sucking hypocrites.
Republicans are way ahead. Over 3,000 Americans dead from Iraq, over 40,000 maimed for life. There is no terrorists group in the world that has done more to harm America than Republicans.

And those wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were signed onto by Democrats. All on record.

Stop your disgusting revisionist lies rdean. And in current terms under Obama 73% of American casualties have occured in Afghanistan.
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Sure the dems probably made the report for political reasons, but that doesn't change what's in the report now is it? Do you notice how not even Bush is disputing the facts themselves? He just says it "doesn't matter"
Good news: Bush leaves office in January of 2009 - you don't even have to run someone against him.
Obama's drone program has killed hundreds of innocents, including children. But thats just fine with you libtards. But squirting water up the nose of a known murdering terrorist, well, that just terrible.

you libs are such butt sucking hypocrites.
Republicans are way ahead. Over 3,000 Americans dead from Iraq, over 40,000 maimed for life. There is no terrorists group in the world that has done more to harm America than Republicans.
Says the mindless, partisan bigot.
If Obama was president when this torture took place, Fox and repubs would be singing a diff tune

It's inevitable.

When the liberals get caught lying, and their lies get refuted, they always fall back onto announcing that if circumstances were different the Republicans WOULD do different things, and those things would be "bad".

No proof needed, nor even evidence. Just the accusation by a disgruntled liberal, and poof, the Republicans are guilty of something that's never even happened. It's the perfect liberal-fanatic CYA dodge.


You people really need some new material. This is SO old and tired.
Um who is lying? Are you listening to yourself?
Fox News and the rightwing are so transparent. Because Bush was president during this time, they are shamelessly defending it because they suck the republican dick. It's so pathetic. Why do they have to make this so partisan?

The UN is outraged by this report for a reason.

LOL. The UN being "outraged" is hilarious. The report is a dangerous, reckless political stunt by the outgoing Democrat majority--reminding us why they are being kicked to the curb. You liberals are outraged enough to produce a self-damaging and meaningless report ( no one is being charged with any crimes as none were committed).

Where is you moral cowards' shame? Since when and under what moral code, are non lethal, interrogation techniques-- dished out to our own special forces agents and soldiers in training--more morally unacceptable than the innocent victims ( " collateral damage") KILLED by drone strikes? A figure said to include HUNDREDS of children.

Do you all have 9/11 amnesia? We were mean to scum who had intell to be gleaned re the murderers who attacked us on 9/11 And you wonder why the dems were kicked to the curb?

Oh Otis.

And I guess Bill Clinton was getting an enhanced penis cleaning from Monica.... and not just a blow job.

You crazies might well argue there was no torture, slapping each other on the ass and high fiveing one another, standing for your "morality" (more like stupidity)...... but then we're going to get the spectacle of Jeb Bush, if he's the republican presidential nominee.... defending rectal rehydration his brother ordered in a presidential debate before.... well.... not just before the country, but the world.

And you know what Otis. Just a wild ass guess here. But I don't think the American people are going to hold the same views towards "non lethal, interrogation techniques" that resulted in some POW"s death that you crazies do.

And watching y'alls presidential contenders defend the use of.... rectal rehydration i.e, RAPE....... while espousing the christian values your party holds too? Well.......



And we all know how this goes. None of us are strangers to how political news memes work.

The more conservatives presidential nominees try to defend the use of torture.... the bigger that story is going to become until it comes to dominate the news cycle, preventing the presidential contender defending the sue of torture from getting "his message out."

And you saying no crimes were committed is a farce unto it's own Otis. If we can prosecute soldiers and convict them for what they did at Abu Ghraib..... then you better believe those CIA field agents who did the torturing and those who gave the orders to torture can be prosecuted too.

It's why we're seeing DARK DICK spring out from under his rock to vociferously defend the use of torture.

Because he know's it's his ass that's going to prison when his ass goes to trial for war crimes. :cool:
Obama's drone program has killed hundreds of innocents, including children. But thats just fine with you libtards. But squirting water up the nose of a known murdering terrorist, well, that just terrible.

Well first of all, how about you prove that the terrorists are innocent. Seeing as how the woman of a terrorist raises the boys to become terrorists and the women with terrorists support the men who are terrorists. And in some cases the women become terrorists themselves.

Where is the innocence in raising and supporting terrorists?
Think about it crazies cause you know it's coming.

Your conservative presidential nominee's...... defending the use of rectal rehydration, i.e., torture.

And in a presidential campaign and on live T.V. during a presidential debate.

Yeah boy.


Fox News and the rightwing are such douche bags. Because Bush was president during this time, they are shamelessly defending it because they suck the republican dick. It's so pathetic. Why do they have to make this so partisan?

The UN is outraged by this report for a reason.
You're full of crap. I don't see us bitChing about drone strikes. Of course the MinC has little to do with that.
Obama's drone program has killed hundreds of innocents, including children. But thats just fine with you libtards. But squirting water up the nose of a known murdering terrorist, well, that just terrible.

Well first of all, how about you prove that the terrorists are innocent. Seeing as how the woman of a terrorist raises the boys to become terrorists and the women with terrorists support the men who are terrorists. And in some cases the women become terrorists themselves.

Where is the innocence in raising and supporting terrorists?

I guess you are right. We need to nuke the entire middle east and machine gun all of the Muslims in the entire world. Don't you agree?
And you would be wrong, as usual.

How do you support drones strikes that kill innocents but cry at sleep deprivation for suspected terrorists? Oh, you're an idiot. Nevermind.
You people are so feeble minded. Why do you assume I defend everything Obama has done? Yeah Obama's drone program killed civilians. It's bad. It shoudnt have happened.

It doesn't cancel this out huh?

No, it doesn't cancel this out. There is no "whataboutism" on this issue.

And watch all the drone haters suddenly love them under a Republican president.

Personally, if they save American lives, I'm for them under any President.
Obama's drone program has killed hundreds of innocents, including children. But thats just fine with you libtards. But squirting water up the nose of a known murdering terrorist, well, that just terrible.

you libs are such butt sucking hypocrites.

No Fishy, it's not "fine", but it is still better than "shock and awe". Remember that? That initial invasion left almost 7,000 innocent civilians dead.

Are you going to try to tell me you oppose the drone program, Fishy?
I can hardly wait! It's going to be AWWWWESOME!

LIBTARDS love everything rectal.

Yessss. I just love these moments when you crazies grasp the implications of defending such horrendous, criminal actions your presidential contenders now must defend.

Hey deltex.... you think the American people are going to buy rectal rehydration was a..... "medical necessity" as DARK DICK was arguing on MTP?


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