If Obama grants millions amnesty with the swipe of his pen what will the recourse be?

I get it.

But I also get the other side. How do I know them? When I need help with heavy work such as building a deck, or putting in windows...I go to home depot and there they are....ready to work.

Yep. They work with me, for me, mow my lawn, reslate my roof......eat lunch with me.....heck, drink with me...

They are there for us.....UNTIL WE DONT NEED THEM ANYMORE?

Sorry Bro.......I get it from the other point of view.

Fix the border. Reform immigration...

And thank these people for being there for us despite us making them break our laws to help us.

The AMERICANS that call me for work would probably like to meet you in that alley in Texas.

YOU are the biggest part of the problem. Need a new roof? Hire a fucking American, jackass

I found when I hire an American to do it by calling an American roofer, he charges me $6,000 to do a job that costs $1500 in materials and he has 5 Mexicans doing it at 12 an hour.....or about $500 labor for the job....so a 300% markup for him to simply go to home depot and hire 5 guys.

So I buy the materials and hire 4 of the same Mexicans and pay them $15 an hour and I am on the roof with them.

Now, I don't know where you live....but here in NY?

You can not find a contractor who is reasonable price wise that does not use the Mexicans you find at Home Depot.

So who is the biggest problem?

The American business owners that hire Mexicans for cash and pay them crap and charge the customers top dollar.

And when you grant amnesty to all of your friends, they will start their own roofing business and charge you $6000. Think about it. You can get them for next to nothing because they hide in the shadows......because they are illegal.
Nice of you to stay on immigration. Digress much? LOL

It's been proven over and over that so long as illegal aliens think they can better their lives by coming here and getting jobs, they'll get here.

If you want to "plug the hole" do IT.

Do you not read my posts?

It seems you don't.

I read them, without much success.

I realize you aren't a hater. However, the only way to seal the border is to license the workers. You can't build a fence. You can't dig a ditch. You can't call out enough guardsmen. And there's no way on earth to deport em all. We can't deport em as fast as they're coming in.

You said something about just wanting to fix the hole before comprehensive reform. Not gonna happen. No one can "fix it first."

We've been at this since the 1980s. And the only answer is to license the number we want who are already here, and make it extremely bad news to get caught hiring anyone who isn't licensed. And, have fast track deportation for any alien caught for any reason who doesn't have a license.

If we do that, we remove the benefit that an illegal alien gets by coming here.

But the RW screams like a bleeding pig everytime someone in either party proposes it.

Voting rights? To Pelosi and Boehner maybe its important. It really is immaterial, but if people want to deny the right to vote for anyone who didn't enter legally, fine by me.

Note your words highlighted above:

We've been there and done that. Ya can't put the smoke back in the wood. The problem is far too complex and long standing for simplistic solutions now.

You may be to young to remember, but the Bracero program which predates your 1980's remark, was started back in 1942 to replace rail road workers who went into the military at the start of WWII. It was the second and greatest influence for Mexican immigration to the US, both legal and illegal. That program did essentially what you've suggested.

It expanded to other areas of the economy, but by the early '60, it fell from favor and it was discontinued. That did not stop the immigration from Mexico. The 20 odd years of migrant Mexicans entering the US as braceros, earning a wage and sending a large portion of their funds home to Mexico caused other Mexicans to see the benefits of illegally entering the US for employment. This brought about more and more activity by the Border Patrol after WWII to go after the illegal immigrants, along with rapid turn around for the illegal entrants, which came with a price and a public outcry.

This is one of the issues that help shape immigration policy back then through the present.

Both parties energize their voter bases, so stop that nonsense.

Seal the border, reform business-illegal employee sanctions, and began a normalization process for illegals here.

All in the same bill.

What, and actually solve something? Seriously Jake, this would be done now were it not for some 40 House gopers. The Senate passed a bill with a supermajority. If Boehner brought up something remotely reasonable, he'd get enough votes to get it to a conference.
Both parties energize their voter bases, so stop that nonsense.

Seal the border, reform business-illegal employee sanctions, and began a normalization process for illegals here.

All in the same bill.

What, and actually solve something? Seriously Jake, this would be done now were it not for some 40 House gopers. The Senate passed a bill with a supermajority. If Boehner brought up something remotely reasonable, he'd get enough votes to get it to a conference.

JB is thrilled that nearly 2/3ds of those Tea Potty turds will not be in Congress next January. If he is smart, he will pass a bill by October 10 so that the TP can't hurt him in the election, his enemies on the right are seriously injured in the electons, that the Hispanics may give us GOP some of the votes, and then begin in the lame duck session do some real consensus.

The flushing of the tea potty is only two months away, thank America.
Both parties energize their voter bases, so stop that nonsense.

Seal the border, reform business-illegal employee sanctions, and began a normalization process for illegals here.

All in the same bill.

What, and actually solve something? Seriously Jake, this would be done now were it not for some 40 House gopers. The Senate passed a bill with a supermajority. If Boehner brought up something remotely reasonable, he'd get enough votes to get it to a conference.

JB is thrilled that nearly 2/3ds of those Tea Potty turds will not be in Congress next January. If he is smart, he will pass a bill by October 10 so that the TP can't hurt him in the election, his enemies on the right are seriously injured in the electons, that the Hispanics may give us GOP some of the votes, and then begin in the lame duck session do some real consensus.

The flushing of the tea potty is only two months away, thank America.

Too bad we can't "flush" the fakes from this website....
What, and actually solve something? Seriously Jake, this would be done now were it not for some 40 House gopers. The Senate passed a bill with a supermajority. If Boehner brought up something remotely reasonable, he'd get enough votes to get it to a conference.

JB is thrilled that nearly 2/3ds of those Tea Potty turds will not be in Congress next January. If he is smart, he will pass a bill by October 10 so that the TP can't hurt him in the election, his enemies on the right are seriously injured in the electons, that the Hispanics may give us GOP some of the votes, and then begin in the lame duck session do some real consensus.

The flushing of the tea potty is only two months away, thank America.

Too bad we can't "flush" the fakes from this website....

You would be the first one down the bowl.

The fact is that the day of the tea potty power is almost over.

I predicted this back in 2009 on the Board with the NY by-electon that you folks would overstep your common sense.
Both legally & the future impact of more illegals. I'm confident that upon that action our border will be flooded like never before but what will the legal recourse in Washington be?

Well, in order to have legal recourse, someone would have to have standing to sue.
I know many of them.

The only thing that separates me and them from being American is I can get a US passport and they cant.

Sure, they broke the law. TO COME HERE. Its a compliment.

Heck....I drive 80 in a 65.

Fix the border THEN make them legal.

No, what separates you and me from them is that we are legal citizens who were either born here or LEGALLY immigrated here. We should not ignore our laws for anyone, no matter how much empathy we may have for them.

If we ignore some laws, why not ignore all of them? Continue driving 80 in a 65 and eventually you will get a ticket and pay a fine.

I get it.

But I also get the other side. How do I know them? When I need help with heavy work such as building a deck, or putting in windows...I go to home depot and there they are....ready to work.

Yep. They work with me, for me, mow my lawn, reslate my roof......eat lunch with me.....heck, drink with me...

They are there for us.....UNTIL WE DONT NEED THEM ANYMORE?

Sorry Bro.......I get it from the other point of view.

Fix the border. Reform immigration...

And thank these people for being there for us despite us making them break our laws to help us.

I also know some good hard working illegals. The majority of them are good responsible people looking for a better life-and thats great.

BUT, we have immigration and naturalization laws. The people who came in via Ellis Island followed the rules, assimilated, and became american citizens.

I understand the empathy and sympathy, but I also expect everyone to obey our laws and I expect our government to enforce them.
JB is thrilled that nearly 2/3ds of those Tea Potty turds will not be in Congress next January. If he is smart, he will pass a bill by October 10 so that the TP can't hurt him in the election, his enemies on the right are seriously injured in the electons, that the Hispanics may give us GOP some of the votes, and then begin in the lame duck session do some real consensus.

The flushing of the tea potty is only two months away, thank America.

Too bad we can't "flush" the fakes from this website....

You would be the first one down the bowl.

The fact is that the day of the tea potty power is almost over.

I predicted this back in 2009 on the Board with the NY by-electon that you folks would overstep your common sense.

Like all of your predictions, that one is wrong. The tea party movement is stronger than ever.

what you fools don't understand is that it is not a formally organized party or group. Its a grass roots movement of real america that is fed up with corruption, greed, and incompetence in DC. It is not anti democrat or anti republican, it is pro constitution and pro freedom.

You and your marxist collectivist friends had your chance with obozo, and you blew it. Its over, the US is returning to freedom and sanity.
The TP movement is failing quickly because it is anti-freedom and anti-constitution.

All the smoke and mirrors change nothing.

You have no idea what collectivism or marxism mean, and you are simply pissed the GOP turned its back of you guys.

You brought your demise on yourselves.
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And now for some common sense: Blacks vote overwhelmingly LIB. Everyone knows that. What does your average Black who is barely surviving working in a 'McJob' think of BOBO allowing millions of Latinos (who Blacks HATE BTW and visa versa not to mention the endemic hatred between different Latino groups depending on which country they are from) to compete for the 'McJobs'?
What do you think the average Latino working making up beds and cleaning toilets or mowing someone's lawn for minimum wage thinks of BOBO allowing millions more Latinos to compete for their 'McJobs'?
The hilarious part is as usual the LIBs have got the wrong end of the stick. They really believe by allowing millions of people to flood the already scarce job market these people will vote LIB when the opposite is true.
Here's the proof: Just ask a hundred illegals now that they are in
the Land of Milk and Honey if they think BOBO should allow anyone else in. Remind them that the chances of them ever finding a good paying full time job needed to actually live a decent life in the US (X2) given their level of education is already pretty slim. "Do you want another ten million illegals coming in after you to compete for the few McJobs available? Right now dozens of Latinos like you gather every morning at 5:00 AM on hundreds of street corners hoping to get a days work working like a slave for minimum wage. How about instead of the usual thirty men on that street corner there is sixty men?".
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And now for some common sense: Blacks vote overwhelmingly LIB. Everyone knows that. What does your average Black who is barely surviving working in a 'McJob' think of BOBO allowing millions of Latinos (who Blacks HATE BTW and visa versa not to mention the endemic hatred between different Latino groups depending on which country they are from) to compete for the 'McJobs'?
What do you think the average Latino working making up beds and cleaning toilets or mowing someone's lawn for minimum wage thinks of BOBO allowing millions more Latinos to compete for their 'McJobs'?
The hilarious part is as usual the LIBs have got the wrong end of the stick. They really believe by allowing millions of people to flood the already scarce job market these people will vote LIB when the opposite is true.
Here's the proof: Just ask a hundred illegals now that they are in
the Land of Milk and Honey if they think BOBO should allow anyone else in. Remind them that the chances of them ever finding a good paying full time job needed to actually live a decent life in the US (X2) given their level of education is already pretty slim. "Do you want another ten million illegals coming in after you to compete for the few McJobs available? Right now dozens of Latinos like you gather every morning at 5:00 AM on hundreds of street corners hoping to get a days work working like a slave for minimum wage. How about instead of the usual thirty men on that street corner there is sixty men?".

Your ethnocentrism and racism are noted.

Step along with blowfish, nothing for either of you here.
Both parties energize their voter bases, so stop that nonsense.

Seal the border, reform business-illegal employee sanctions, and began a normalization process for illegals here.

All in the same bill.

What, and actually solve something? Seriously Jake, this would be done now were it not for some 40 House gopers. The Senate passed a bill with a supermajority. If Boehner brought up something remotely reasonable, he'd get enough votes to get it to a conference.

JB is thrilled that nearly 2/3ds of those Tea Potty turds will not be in Congress next January. If he is smart, he will pass a bill by October 10 so that the TP can't hurt him in the election, his enemies on the right are seriously injured in the electons, that the Hispanics may give us GOP some of the votes, and then begin in the lame duck session do some real consensus.

The flushing of the tea potty is only two months away, thank America.

Interesting article on how the right's oft claimed demise never quite pans out for those hoping it will happen.

The right?s horrifying edge: History shows surprising pattern about its demise - Salon.com

"But liberals like me have waited for that great rising up day many times in history, and just as it seems ready to arrive, the right rises up again, instead. People like me thought Goldwater, Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan were too extreme and divisive to lead their parties, let alone the nation, and Perlstein lives to show us in cringe-making detail how wrong we were........"
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The TP movement is failing quickly because it is anti-freedom and anti-constitution.

All the smoke and mirrors change nothing.

You have no idea what collectivism or marxism mean, and you are simply pissed the GOP turned its back of you guys.

You brought your demise on yourselves.

anti-freedom, eh? Are the following anti-freedom concepts: constitutional government, fiscal sanity, lower taxes for everyone, personal responsibility, sane foreign policy, sound currency, balanced budgets, limits on lobbying, workfare instead of welfare, accountability, enforcement of immigration laws, and sound borders?

which of those do you consider anti-freedom and anti-constitution?

as to "demise", :lol: dream on, the demise is yours----and I do very well understand what marxism and collectivism are all about.
And now for some common sense: Blacks vote overwhelmingly LIB. Everyone knows that. What does your average Black who is barely surviving working in a 'McJob' think of BOBO allowing millions of Latinos (who Blacks HATE BTW and visa versa not to mention the endemic hatred between different Latino groups depending on which country they are from) to compete for the 'McJobs'?
What do you think the average Latino working making up beds and cleaning toilets or mowing someone's lawn for minimum wage thinks of BOBO allowing millions more Latinos to compete for their 'McJobs'?
The hilarious part is as usual the LIBs have got the wrong end of the stick. They really believe by allowing millions of people to flood the already scarce job market these people will vote LIB when the opposite is true.
Here's the proof: Just ask a hundred illegals now that they are in
the Land of Milk and Honey if they think BOBO should allow anyone else in. Remind them that the chances of them ever finding a good paying full time job needed to actually live a decent life in the US (X2) given their level of education is already pretty slim. "Do you want another ten million illegals coming in after you to compete for the few McJobs available? Right now dozens of Latinos like you gather every morning at 5:00 AM on hundreds of street corners hoping to get a days work working like a slave for minimum wage. How about instead of the usual thirty men on that street corner there is sixty men?".

Your ethnocentrism and racism are noted.

Step along with blowfish, nothing for either of you here.

right, jake. try to dismiss those who destroy your ideology with facts. Sorry, it won't work.
And now for some common sense: Blacks vote overwhelmingly LIB. Everyone knows that. What does your average Black who is barely surviving working in a 'McJob' think of BOBO allowing millions of Latinos (who Blacks HATE BTW and visa versa not to mention the endemic hatred between different Latino groups depending on which country they are from) to compete for the 'McJobs'?
What do you think the average Latino working making up beds and cleaning toilets or mowing someone's lawn for minimum wage thinks of BOBO allowing millions more Latinos to compete for their 'McJobs'?
The hilarious part is as usual the LIBs have got the wrong end of the stick. They really believe by allowing millions of people to flood the already scarce job market these people will vote LIB when the opposite is true.
Here's the proof: Just ask a hundred illegals now that they are in
the Land of Milk and Honey if they think BOBO should allow anyone else in. Remind them that the chances of them ever finding a good paying full time job needed to actually live a decent life in the US (X2) given their level of education is already pretty slim. "Do you want another ten million illegals coming in after you to compete for the few McJobs available? Right now dozens of Latinos like you gather every morning at 5:00 AM on hundreds of street corners hoping to get a days work working like a slave for minimum wage. How about instead of the usual thirty men on that street corner there is sixty men?".

Your ethnocentrism and racism are noted.

Step along with blowfish, nothing for either of you here.

right, jake. try to dismiss those who destroy your ideology with facts. Sorry, it won't work.

You have no ideology other than hate, and you don't deal in facts.

The TPM as a force is spent, as witness Justin Amash's rejection of those who helped him get to Congress in 2012. As he said, "those folks [the teapers] are effing weirdoes"
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Guys, I have found some interesting video. About the migration chaos. The situation in America is so uncontrolled, that Obama looks pathetic. Just look
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Your ethnocentrism and racism are noted.

Step along with blowfish, nothing for either of you here.

right, jake. try to dismiss those who destroy your ideology with facts. Sorry, it won't work.

You have no ideology other than hate, and you don't deal in facts.

The TPM as a force is spent, as witness Justin Amash's rejection of those who helped him get to Congress in 2012. As he said, "those folks [the teapers] are effing weirdoes"

wrong again, the hate is coming from you intolerant assholes on the left. I personally don't hate anyone. I may hate what a person believes but not the person himself/herself.

and some TP people are weirdoes, so are many on the far left-------Pelosi, Reid, Sharpton, Jackson, Whoopi, Sarandon, Baldwin. Whats your point?

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