If not Obama. Who would you like to see leading the DNC

IF Hillary wants it, I have no doubt that she'll be the superstar in 2016. I'd love to see Hillary and Bill spend their golden years in the White House. Hillary would be younger than Reagan when he became president.
Hillary Clinton - and she probably will be in 2016 after Obama leaves the White House. I look forward to Bill roaming the halls once again.

She'll be 69, which is an age dis qualifier for liberals.

Anyone else?

Nope, just Hillary. She was cheated in 2008. I want her in the White House even if she's in a wheelchair.

Probably the Junkyard Dog's fondest wish too. Hillary as Roosevelt and he with all those halls full of babes to roam. Jesus and amen...heaven on earth!
She'll be 69, which is an age dis qualifier for liberals.

Anyone else?

Nope, just Hillary. She was cheated in 2008. I want her in the White House even if she's in a wheelchair.

It worked for our greatest President.


This is funny...
Willard could make a try as a democratic candidate after he loses.

I tell ya...I think you're on to something (not 2016) but if Hillary hadn't run in 08 as a Democrat, I think Romney would have. You have to remember, few gave Obama a chance to win the nod on the Democratic side and I think the Governor decided it was an easier path on the GOP side.
Lieberman, Zell, someone like them.

Lieberman maybe, lots of baggage.


It has nothing to do with the convention or anything and it's a wild idea but lets look at it from outside of the box:

In 2016, there is a guy who will be turning 60 during that July. Prime time to be running for President. He hasn't been a politician before but has become more and more political as he has aged. He has solid liberal credentials; has broad popularity both in red as well as blue states. He would have no problem raising millions upon millions of dollars to finance the bid.

We'll be coming out of 8 years of Obama that followed 8 years of Bush. I support President Obama's re-election four square however I think we'll be $20 Trillion in Debt at that time with no end in sight; both parties have over spent incredible amounts of money; Presidents of both parties have signed every spending bill. It's a total sham so thinking outside the box would probably be not rejected out of hand.

For some reason, I don't see the downside of someone like Tom Hanks making a bid.


For some reason, I don't see the downside of someone like Tom Hanks making a bid.

How much do you know about Tom Hanks' politics? I know absolutely nothing about him. He doesn't seem like the activist type but more like the Obama let's-get-along type, which is exactly what the left needs no more of.

I think Woody Harrelson is more like what is needed -- someone who is not afraid to toss a metaphorical brick. In order to get the right-wing power structure to budge we need to make trouble for them, so it stands to reason what we need are some radical troublemakers in high political office. Obama is the diametric opposite of that.

And Hanks just doesn't seem to have that kind of pepper in him.
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I think Woody Harrelson is more like what is needed -- someone who is not afraid to toss a metaphorical brick. In order to get the right-wing power structure to budge we need to make trouble for them, so it stands to reason what we need are some radical troublemakers in high political office. Obama is the diametric opposite of that.

Woody smokes the "evil" pot. I heard he does at least 4 marijuana's a day. :lol:

I can see the right just painting him unfit to lead over some damn pot (LOL), while completely ignoring all of the past presidents that did use cannabis.
Hillary Clinton - and she probably will be in 2016 after Obama leaves the White House. I look forward to Bill roaming the halls once again.

Yeah, she "should" be ready by then and with Barack's approval. :badgrin:

Lieberman, Zell, someone like them.

Lieberman maybe, lots of baggage.


It has nothing to do with the convention or anything and it's a wild idea but lets look at it from outside of the box:

In 2016, there is a guy who will be turning 60 during that July. Prime time to be running for President. He hasn't been a politician before but has become more and more political as he has aged. He has solid liberal credentials; has broad popularity both in red as well as blue states. He would have no problem raising millions upon millions of dollars to finance the bid.

We'll be coming out of 8 years of Obama that followed 8 years of Bush. I support President Obama's re-election four square however I think we'll be $20 Trillion in Debt at that time with no end in sight; both parties have over spent incredible amounts of money; Presidents of both parties have signed every spending bill. It's a total sham so thinking outside the box would probably be not rejected out of hand.

For some reason, I don't see the downside of someone like Tom Hanks making a bid.


Tom? More on him later

That $20 trillion debt is just a tad off 2016 will be about $22 Trillions. How odd is being $2 trillion off just a tad now?

Someone has to stop spending and we both know the liberals have no intention, and I have doubts that the gop is all that serious about it themselves.

Tom Hanks could pull a Reagan, 'cept he's a true believer in leftist nonsense. But since he's an actor, he would take direction well and be able to give very stirring speeches.

If he hasn't run anything except his own career, it would just be more of the same.

For some reason, I don't see the downside of someone like Tom Hanks making a bid.

How much do you know about Tom Hanks' politics? I know absolutely nothing about him. He doesn't seem like the activist type but more like the Obama let's-get-along type, which is exactly what the left needs no more of.

I think Woody Harrelson is more like what is needed -- someone who is not afraid to toss a metaphorical brick. In order to get the right-wing power structure to budge we need to make trouble for them, so it stands to reason what we need are some radical troublemakers in high political office. Obama is the diametric opposite of that.

And Hanks just doesn't seem to have that kind of pepper in him.

Obama and team constantly lay blame and throw insults at us.

And that's you're idea of getting along?

god I hope you still have me on ignore.

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