If No One Today Owned Slaves...

Not really. Right wingers tend to try making every conversation about the racism they practice today into a discussion of slavery as if slavery was the end of white racism.
The war on drugs is also racist and was and still is mostly supported by right-wing Republicans:

Milton Friedman the icon of modern capitalism, was against the war on drugs.

I'm against drugs (hard narcotics), and I'm for forcing people who abuse hard drugs, into rehab or mental institutions, in order to prevent this:

But I'm against the so-called "war on drugs", which is really just a war on the poor and minorities, by the white ruling class.
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The End of Black Tulsa, burned down by jealous, racist whites:

The final results of the Tulsa massacre were "age-restricted" on YouTube:

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The war on drugs is also racist and was and still is mostly supported by right-wing Republicans:

Milton Friedman the icon of modern capitalism, was against the war on drugs.

I'm against drugs (hard narcotics), and I'm for forcing people who abuse hard drugs, into rehab or mental institutions, in order to prevent this:

But I'm against the so-called "war on drugs", which is really just a war on the poor and minorities, by the white ruling class.

No, 'This is' NOT 'Americans' 'This is illegal fence jumpers.
The End of Black Tulsa, burned down by jealous, racist whites:

No, 'This is' NOT 'Americans' 'This is illegal fence jumpers.

What do you mean, the war on drugs is illegal fence jumpers"? Speak clearly.
The End of Black Tulsa, burned down by jealous, racist whites:

What do you mean, the war on drugs is illegal fence jumpers"? Speak clearly.

Build the fucking wall!!! Guard the border. Send illegals BACK. No more asylum. Mexico's not at war, South America is not a war zone. Democrats are playing fast and loose with the definition of Asylum.
Build the fucking wall!!! Guard the border. Send illegals BACK. No more asylum. Mexico's not at war, South America is not a war zone. Democrats are playing fast and loose with the definition of Asylum.

What the heck does that have to do with what I said about the war on drugs? Nothing. If you want to stop or at least greatly reduce illegal immigration into this country from Latin America, then stop orchestrating coups and exploiting those countries for their cheap labor and raw materials. The US imposes sanctions on several Latin American countries, it prohibits them from adopting any policies that undermine American control over their cheap labor markets and national resources. Whenever one of those Central and South American countries decides to nationalize any part of its economy or industries, be it mining or its utilities, the US government starts to threaten them with economic sanctions and war.

In the latest manifestation of American "manifest destiny", we have Bukele the president of El Salvador, who recently began a major campaign to purge his country of murderous street gangs:

Oh no, other Central American Countries are getting the bug for establishing law and order, we can't have that..

President Manuel Zelaya in Honduras was ousted by an American-orchestrated coup in 2009, under Obama (Zelaya's wife is now president of Honduras, and she's a democratic socialist, like her husband). Even Hillary Clinton admitted in her book that the US supported the coup, backing it completely. Replacing a populist leader, that cares for his country, for a right-wing puppet, that serves the interests of American and European corporations (populism can be both leftist or of the right, but nonetheless, populism, whether of the left or right, is often better than a non-populist government that doesn't give a crap about the populace/public they're supposed to serve). Trump ran as a right-wing populist in 2016 and even convinced a communist like me to vote for him.
Since certain financial interests in America don't want El Salvador to become more stable and develop a middle class that demands higher wages, more rights, and benefits, they're threatening to use their cronies in the US Congress, to impose economic sanctions. They're accusing Bukele of being inhumane or violating the rights of these murderous street thugs. All of this resistance from certain elements within the American ruling class against Latin Americans having control over their own government policies and doing what they have to do to improve their conditions, creates cheap labor and more illegal immigration into the US.

If you fail to realize this, then you deserve more illegal immigration from Latin America.


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It's easy for whites to pretend they aren't a race, but that's what psychiatrists call psychosis. Apparently, you have it. You don't even know what CRT is and what you think it is ain't going anywhere. Curried Goats opinion is a lot more prevalent than idiots like you think. You live in a right-wing bubble. This is the reality of Robert E. Lee:

“The blacks are immeasurably better off here than in Africa, morally, socially & physically. The painful discipline they are undergoing, is necessary for their instruction as a race, & I hope will prepare & lead them to better things. How long their subjugation may be necessary is known &ordered by a wise Merciful Providence.” -Robert E. Lee
Sux to have been you guys back in the 1700s and 1800s, I guess, eh? Bobby Lee was a product of his environment and times.

He was a loyal Union Man for most of his life and was a fierce, cunning and honorable adversary during the Civil War.

That's what counts the most - by far-and-way - for vast numbers of Americans - then and now - North and South.
Dixiecrats became Republicans after 1965.
Haha no they didn’t…there was no Dixiecrats in 1965.

It was found in 1948 and dissolved in 1948…they were dems and returned to the demaklan

your post is why we need to continue to discuss history, why the OP is wrong, we need to continue to educate the public on the oppressive tactics of the demaklan party so people will know

And won’t get fooled by liars like you
Both parties of the duopoly deserve to be replaced. Both exist only for the perpetuation of the duopoly and those who control it. They oppose or support whatever issue only in relation to that reality. If slavery or anything else were viewed as advantageous to the agenda, it would be promoted.
Not really. Right wingers tend to try making every conversation about the racism they practice today into a discussion of slavery as if slavery was the end of white racism.
/------/ "Right wingers tend to try making every conversation about the racism "
And here you are making a conversation about racism. When did you become conservative?
Affirmative Action overall has been used to favor blacks and Latinos at the expense of whites and Asians, particularly in college. Asians are less negatively affected in the workplace, however. As far as whether blacks enforced or enacted these policies, you could say some were involved, but since blacks aren't the majority, it would be hard for them to enact or enforce things without white help.

I'm not saying racism doesn't exist here. I'm just saying fixating on it just leaves you weakened by it. Victimhood is only profitable if you're specifically in the race hustle industry, which has a limited number of jobs.

And when Latinos become the majority or at least the single largest group here, they're not going to be sympathetic to your screeds.

It's a dog eat dog world. Nobody is going to move you ahead in life out of sympathy, so get over it.
Whites benefitted the most from AA. But before that whites exclusively got what you call Affirmative action from 1776 until at least 1964. So again, you lack the knowledge to try debating me on this matter.
Both parties of the duopoly deserve to be replaced. Both exist only for the perpetuation of the duopoly and those who control it. They oppose or support whatever issue only in relation to that reality. If slavery or anything else were viewed as advantageous to the agenda, it would be promoted.
There is no duopoly. Look at your ballot the next time you vote. What is needed is to take private money out of politics, make political campaigns publicly funded so that all parties have equal ability to put out their ideas.
/------/ "Right wingers tend to try making every conversation about the racism "
And here you are making a conversation about racism. When did you become conservative?
Try using the whole statement next time moron.

Not really. Right wingers tend to try making every conversation about the racism they practice today into a discussion of slavery as if slavery was the end of white racism.
Try using the whole statement next time moron.

Not really. Right wingers tend to try making every conversation about the racism they practice today into a discussion of slavery as if slavery was the end of white racism.
Racism is part of the Human Condition... every human being is "racist" to some extent or another... much of that innocent.

It is only "human" to want to live and interact with those who look like us... White, Black, AmerIndian, Asian, whatever.

What distinguishes us from the animal kingdom is that we are capable of rising above that instinct to peacefully co-exist.

When a minority-group... even an aggrieved one - pushes too far or takes-up too much oxygen - the majority stops listening.

That, too, is part of the human condition, and something that The Race-Baiting Left never seems to make allowance for.
And then they're oh-so-surprised when White-Lash occurs, as we saw in November 2016... a blind man could see it coming.

There comes a time when the majority wants the minority to just shut-the-fuck-up and stand on their own two feet.

And to stop making excuses about why they can't... because they can... if they're not riding the Race-Baiting Leftist Wagon.
IM2 if you stray from the democratic party you will be labeled a race traitor , uncle Tom, and worse ! the left has no tolerance for blacks that think for themselves and dont fall into line with their doctrine and agenda . below is just one of the many examples .

You tell 'em, Ofay.

Larry Elder is a dick.
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This mornings lesson:

Because they have!

Statistics regarding white wealth from the initial time of policy implementation show that this program has benefitted white families more than anyone else by creating more high earning double-wage families. Yes, that’s right, Affirmative Action has helped whites more than anyone else.

“Hoping to create in white men and women a shared sense of victimization at the hands of people of color, conservatives have made sure to ignore whatever gains have come to women through affirmative action and have sought to “racialize” the debate and its attendant imagery.” -Tim Wise

On June 17, 2013, Sally Kohn wrote an article in Time titled, “Affirmative Action Has Helped White Women More Than Anyone.”

“While people of color, individually and as groups, have been helped by affirmative action in the subsequent years, data and studies suggest women — white women in particular — have benefited disproportionately. According to one study, in 1995, 6 million women, the majority of whom were white, had jobs they wouldn’t have otherwise held but for affirmative action.”
The National Womens Law Center did a study on Affirmative Action

“Women of color have lagged particularly far behind in both employment and education. For example, in 1998, the median weekly salary for Black women was $400 compared to $468 for white women and $615 for white men. Hispanic women earned a median weekly income of only $337.Even in sectors where women have made inroads into management, minority women continue to be underrepresented. In the banking industry, only 2.6%of executive, managerial and administrative jobs were held by Black women, and 5% by Hispanic women, compared to 37.6% by white women. In the hospital industry, Black and Hispanic women each held 4.6% of these jobs, while white women held 50.2%.

Whites benefitted the most from Affirmative action.
Racism is part of the Human Condition... every human being is "racist" to some extent or another... much of that innocent.

It is only "human" to want to live and interact with those who look like us... White, Black, AmerIndian, Asian, whatever.

What distinguishes us from the animal kingdom is that we are capable of rising above that instinct to peacefully co-exist.

When a minority-group... even an aggrieved one - pushes too far or takes-up too much oxygen - the majority stops listening.

That, too, is part of the human condition, and something that The Race-Baiting Left never seems to make allowance for.
And then they're oh-so-surprised when White-Lash occurs, as we saw in November 2016... a blind man could see it coming.

There comes a time when the majority wants the minority to just shut-the-fuck-up and stand on their own two feet.

And to stop making excuses about why they can't... because they can... if they're not riding the Race-Baiting Leftist Wagon.
That, too, is part of the human condition, and something that The Race-Baiting Left never seems to make allowance for.
And then they're oh-so-surprised when White-Lash occurs, as we saw in November 2016... a blind man could see it coming

The "White-Lash" has been going on since 1980..

Thankfully it is in its death throes.

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