If Newt Gingrich Hasn't Been Actively Engaging In Racist Dog-Whistle Rhetoric


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Then why did a Deep Southern White Female perceive Newt to have put Juan Williams "In His Place?"

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cq3UU-FyJEc]Newt employs the old Southern Strategy - YouTube[/ame]

What other than blatant racism could be derived from that statement?

Note: Newt glibly, smugly and smarmingly accepted her thanks. So he KNOWS what he's doing.

Your thoughts.
She is saying he put a news reporter in his place. You think that's racist?

No wonder our nation is messed up.
Oh and btw. I dont think he did put him in his place. He just dodged the question.
Then why did a Deep Southern White Female perceive Newt to have put Juan Williams "In His Place?"

Newt employs the old Southern Strategy - YouTube

What other than blatant racism could be derived from that statement?

Note: Newt glibly, smugly and smarmingly accepted her thanks. So he KNOWS what he's doing.

Your thoughts.

I'm shocked the crowd didn't shout "White Power!".
Then why did a Deep Southern White Female perceive Newt to have put Juan Williams "In His Place?"

Newt employs the old Southern Strategy - YouTube

What other than blatant racism could be derived from that statement?

Note: Newt glibly, smugly and smarmingly accepted her thanks. So he KNOWS what he's doing.

Your thoughts.

I'm shocked the crowd didn't shout "White Power!".

And yet, no one else is shocked. Because there wasnt anything racist about what Newt said.
Then why did a Deep Southern White Female perceive Newt to have put Juan Williams "In His Place?"

Newt employs the old Southern Strategy - YouTube

What other than blatant racism could be derived from that statement?

Note: Newt glibly, smugly and smarmingly accepted her thanks. So he KNOWS what he's doing.

Your thoughts.

I'm shocked the crowd didn't shout "White Power!".

And yet, no one else is shocked. Because there wasnt anything racist about what Newt said.

Forget the fact that he chastised blacks about food stamps even though more whites are on food stamps. Forget he called the black President the food stamp president even though more people were put on food stamps by Bush.
I'm shocked the crowd didn't shout "White Power!".

And yet, no one else is shocked. Because there wasnt anything racist about what Newt said.

Forget the fact that he chastised blacks about food stamps even though more whites are on food stamps. Forget he called the black President the food stamp president even though more people were put on food stamps by Bush.

Forget the fact that you present no facts. As of January of 2009, the number of people on food stamps was at its highest under George W. Bush at 32 million. Compare that to October 2011, where 46.2 million people are on food stamps, a 44% increase from January, 2009. -- Sources: USDA and Daily Jobs Update
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I am curious. What is this "place" the woman was referring to? Can anyone answer that?

Then why did a Deep Southern White Female perceive Newt to have put Juan Williams "In His Place?"

Newt employs the old Southern Strategy - YouTube

What other than blatant racism could be derived from that statement?

Note: Newt glibly, smugly and smarmingly accepted her thanks. So he KNOWS what he's doing.

Your thoughts.

I'm shocked the crowd didn't shout "White Power!".

And yet, no one else is shocked. Because there wasnt anything racist about what Newt said.

You miss the whole point of the thread.

Why did that Deep Southern White Female PERCEIVE it to be that Newt "Put Juan Williams in his place?"

Do you know what dog-whistle politics and rhetoric is?
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Then why did a Deep Southern White Female perceive Newt to have put Juan Williams "In His Place?"

Newt employs the old Southern Strategy - YouTube

What other than blatant racism could be derived from that statement?

Note: Newt glibly, smugly and smarmingly accepted her thanks. So he KNOWS what he's doing.

Your thoughts.

My thoughts?

Holy Shit! Chris Mathews posts here!!!

This is making my leg tingle.
I am curious. What is this "place" the woman was referring to? Can anyone answer that?

I'm shocked the crowd didn't shout "White Power!".

And yet, no one else is shocked. Because there wasnt anything racist about what Newt said.

You miss the whole point of the thread.

Why did that Deep Southern White Female PERCEIVE it to be that New "Put Juan Williams in his place?"

Do you know what dog-whistle politics and rhetoric is?

And why did a former DNC Spokeswoman, Karen Finney refer to Herman Cain as a black man who knows his place?

"I think he makes that white Republican base of the party feel okay, feel that they're not racist because they can like this guy,I think they like him because he’s a black man who knows his place."

Ahh, wait...Karen is a Democrat, so she is misunderstood and gets a free pass. Nevermind.

Joe Biden - you can not go into a 7-11 or a Dunkin Donuts unless you have an Indian accent

Harry Reid about Barack Obama: - "a 'light-skinned' African American 'with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one"

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I am curious. What is this "place" the woman was referring to? Can anyone answer that?

And yet, no one else is shocked. Because there wasnt anything racist about what Newt said.

You miss the whole point of the thread.

Why did that Deep Southern White Female PERCEIVE it to be that New "Put Juan Williams in his place?"

Do you know what dog-whistle politics and rhetoric is?

And why did a former DNC Spokeswoman, Karen Finney refer to Herman Cain as a black man who knows his place?

"I think he makes that white Republican base of the party feel okay, feel that they're not racist because they can like this guy,I think they like him because he’s a black man who knows his place."

Ahh, wait...Karen is a Democrat, so she is misunderstood and gets a free pass. Nevermind.

Joe Biden - you can not go into a 7-11 or a Dunkin Donuts unless you have an Indian accent

Harry Reid about Barack Obama: - "a 'light-skinned' African American 'with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one"

You are free to create your own thread discussing the merits of each of those SEPARATE cases. I note your inability to answer the question.
When Newt says things like "foodstamp president", it's a dog whistle to racist Republicans.

And they eat that shit up....
Then why did a Deep Southern White Female perceive Newt to have put Juan Williams "In His Place?"

Newt employs the old Southern Strategy - YouTube

What other than blatant racism could be derived from that statement?

Note: Newt glibly, smugly and smarmingly accepted her thanks. So he KNOWS what he's doing.

Your thoughts.

Oh if a SOUTHERNER says someone was put in their place it is "racist" because obviously everyone who lives in the south is automatically a bigot? But if anyone else in the country says someone was put in their place it means "to let someone know that they are not as important as they think they are." http://idioms.thefreedictionary.com

But hey, a liberal being ignorant about American idioms is always an excuse to play the race card, isn't it? Again.

BTW -I'm always amazed by the blinders on the left. No one is as big of a racist as the average liberal. The left in general OBSESSES about race in a way the right never does. The left are blatant racists and merely substituted their open racist policies with paternalistic racism because it plays better. And then insisted unless the right joined them in that soul destroying paternalistic racism, it meant they were the real racists. Wrong. Democrats are the same racists they always were -they just figured out how to package it better. But that they believe blacks are inferior than whites? Oh yes. That they believe blacks can't be expected to succeed if competing against whites anywhere but on a basketball court? Oh yes. Same message and same thing they believed when they openly said blacks had the mentality of a child and couldn't be expected to take care of themselves and were better off if their white massa took care of them instead. That blacks don't have the drive, ambition, creativity and intelligence to succeed unless their white massa lowers expectations for them and gives them handouts? Hardcore leftist belief and one they insist is so true government policy must take that into account and treat citizens UNEQUALLY based on nothing but their skin color. People, no matter their color or ethnicity, will live up or DOWN to expectations -but only Democrats use that human trait against blacks after they first lower expectations for them. It's a vicious circle designed to guarantee the failure of as many blacks as possible in order to keep them on the Democrat plantation where white massa remains in charge. No black American alive was a slave and no white American alive has ever owned one either -but blacks have yet to shed the truly devastating effect of slavery that is still passed down generation to generation. To the point to this very day the former slave owners are STILL insisting blacks can't possibly be expected to succeed if competing with the people of the other two races. Democrats haven't changed on drop of their vicious racism. They merely gave it pretty window dressing to make it more palatable even though it is more soul destroying than blatant racism -and now call it "progressive". Didn't take them long at all before figuring out how to once again manipulate and exploit blacks for their own advantage. And do. But sure, the real racists are conservatives who refuse to budge from their belief that it is our shared birth alone that gives us all identical individual rights. The part that sticks in the craw of liberals is when conservatives remind them if we all have identical individual rights, then all members of any group also have identical rights and no need for special "group rights". Group rights are not based on some groups having fewer rights than others -it is based on the liberal belief that by advocating for "group rights" instead of identical individual rights, certain groups can then be given more power than non-group members and those groups manipulated and exploited for the power and benefit of the left who shamelessly exploits them. And since the left OBSESSES about race -as usual they figure their enemies are guilty of their own worst sins and insist conservatives are the real racists because they already know THEY are. But since they like to pretend they are all so ...noble-y and all, conservatives can't possibly be using their racism for the all the noble-y things the left does with it - like firming up the power base of the left. It is how they sleep at night and still pretend they are the "friends" of blacks and minorities -even as they deliberately seek policies guaranteed to keep as many as possible dependent and poor. All while pretending their opponents must be guilty of their own worst sins -and guilty of doing it even MORE than they are. Which is why blacks have fared dramatically WORSE under this President -than they did under that "evil" George Bush and their rate of poverty has skyrocketed, their rate of unemployment nearly tripled under Obama -but will still swallow that paternalistic racism even Obama peddles and vote Democrat yet again. In spite of the fact their lot in life measurably worsens under Democrat Presidents. Bloc voting by any group is a sign of exploitation and a lack of independent thinking -and it is no surprise that it is blacks who fell into the trap of Democrats. They have yet to really break the chains of slavery and the damage it has done to their own self image as capable, intelligent, independent human beings. I could never be a liberal and in fact would rather be thrown in prison for refusing to be one.
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I am curious. What is this "place" the woman was referring to? Can anyone answer that?

And yet, no one else is shocked. Because there wasnt anything racist about what Newt said.

You miss the whole point of the thread.

Why did that Deep Southern White Female PERCEIVE it to be that New "Put Juan Williams in his place?"

Do you know what dog-whistle politics and rhetoric is?

And why did a former DNC Spokeswoman, Karen Finney refer to Herman Cain as a black man who knows his place?

"I think he makes that white Republican base of the party feel okay, feel that they're not racist because they can like this guy,I think they like him because he’s a black man who knows his place."

Ahh, wait...Karen is a Democrat, so she is misunderstood and gets a free pass. Nevermind.

Joe Biden - you can not go into a 7-11 or a Dunkin Donuts unless you have an Indian accent

Harry Reid about Barack Obama: - "a 'light-skinned' African American 'with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one"


Which is just as bad a thing to say....absolutely. So, by presenting those examples (which I consider semi-subtle racism), you are conceding that that woman's comment was semi-subtle racism.
Having spent some time in the South and knowing the history of the Civil Rights movement, it is pretty ignorant for someone to forget the history of how words became synonymous with degrading black people there.

Words and phrases like:


Boy (when used to refer to ADULT men)

know your place

It was what it was, people.
Then why did a Deep Southern White Female perceive Newt to have put Juan Williams "In His Place?"

Newt employs the old Southern Strategy - YouTube

What other than blatant racism could be derived from that statement?

Note: Newt glibly, smugly and smarmingly accepted her thanks. So he KNOWS what he's doing.

Your thoughts.

better call out the new justice league, they have finished investigating the duke boys, Right?
Newt's South Carolina strategy consisted of attacking the media and attacking blacks. Might work well in SC, but I think he finds it falls flat with the rest of the country.

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